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The healing vibrations of my village

The healing vibrations of my village.

A study on the traditional
therapeutic practices in rural India
Fayar Ramalingam
Biological Sciences Department, Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi

Vibrational healing, a concept that has gained significant attention in recent years, refers to the use of specific vibrational
frequencies to promote healing and balance in the body. While much of the existing research on vibrational healing has
focused on the use of crystals, essences, and other materials, this study aims to explore the traditional vibrational healing
practices of a rural Indian village. Specifically, this study seeks to examine the use of wooden cylinders, known as "tavil"
in Tamil, as a means of generating healing vibrations. The results show the existence of a type of waves whose therapeutic
qualities have not been scientifically analysed so far and which we will call Hatz waves.

undergo standard critical appraisal for risk of bias,

graded per outcome using the Grading of
Recommendations Assessment, Development and
Sound-based healing therapies have garnered Evaluation (GRADE) approach to establish quality and
increasing scientific interest, given growing consumer
confidence levels.
demand for natural, evidence-informed wellness
modalities. Techniques employed widely across
cultural traditions, like chanting, singing bowls and The Present Study
percussion, reflect sound's applicability across eras
(Li, 2015). Controlled experimentation now confirms The current study aims to contribute novel empirical
beneficial physiological impacts, though mechanisms data on rotating hammers sounds by investigating
remain elusive (Jones & Smith, 2017). Reconciling their immediate impact on key physiological indices. A
ancient wisdoms with modern rigorism drives controlled device will be used to generate precisely
expanding knowledge frontiers. modulated low-frequency waves. Changes in heart
Among approaches meriting updated inquiry rate, blood pressure, and electrical brain activity pre-
stands rotating hammers sounds. Certain
and post-exposure will be examined using
communities credibly documented therapeutic
standardized monitoring equipment.
utilization over millennia, materialized through
portable sound-generating implements (Smith, 2014). It is hypothesized that rotating hammers sounds will
Healthful claims reference balanced bodily energies, elicit relaxation responses, specifically: a reduction in
though physiological impacts lack comprehensive heart rate and blood pressure indicative of lowered
documentation. Bridging experiential claims and sympathetic tone and increased parasympathetic
quantitative literatures motivates this analysis. influence. EEG analysis may also show resonance
Despite proliferating lifestyle sound applications, effects on brain regions involved in stress, emotion
few synthesize evidence graded per modality. Most regulation, and autonomic functioning. Given
resources aggregate modalities qualitatively lacking traditional claims that such sounds balance the body’s
specificity. While meta-analyses increasingly energy flow, measurable changes across these objective
substantiate sound therapies holistically, discerning
parameters would offer plausible physiological bases.
singular techniques necessitates targeted appraisal
This novel investigation may provide the first
coordinated with traditional methodologies. This
systematic review thus develops a rigorous, systematic evidence to guide further exploration of
culturally-nuanced evidence base concerning rotating rotating hammers sounds’ therapeutic potentials and
hammers sounds unique capability profile, to guide optimal integration within holistic healthcare models.
future clinical implementations. By rigorously documenting physiological effects, it
Adopting Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic seeks to empower rotating hammers sound therapy’s
Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology, practical development and clinical validation.
pertinent research databases will undergo keyword
search stratified by study design. Extracted findings

1 Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (2018) 17 (3):256-261

The healing vibrations of my village

Methodologies sinusoids, generating high-resolution spectrograms

visually mapping dominant frequencies over time.
Preliminary evaluation of spectrograms revealed
Data Collection
unique vibrational signatures across conditions
involving peak oscillations between 5-50 Hz. More
This study employed a mixed-methods approach
specialized cepstral analysis further discerned
utilizing quantitative measurements as well as
harmonic resonances and formant distributions below
qualitative interviews and observations to
500 Hz.
comprehensively explore the effects of vibrational
Continuous waveform data underwent
healing techniques centered around rotating hammers
autocorrelation to objectively quantify rhythmic
sounds. Participants consisted of 40 individuals from
pulsations associated with hammers beats per minute
Tamil, a small village in northern India, well-versed
(bpm). Intriguingly, bpm aligned with human resting
in their cultural traditions involving sound-based
heart and respiratory rhythms, supporting notions of
entraining endogenous oscillations. Additionally,
To quantitatively assess physiological impacts,
spectral flux measures quantified dynamics of
biometric monitoring equipment was employed
fluctuating overtones sustained across rotations vs
before and after vibrational exposures. Pre- and post-
more transient patterns, implicating neural coding
intervention assessments involved continuous
recording of heart rate, heart rate variability, blood
By applying digital signal processing techniques,
pressure and skin conductance using a wearable
this study provided the first quantitative
multi-sensor biofeedback device. Quantitative EEG
characterization of healing frequencies traditionally
was also used to objectively analyze changes in brain
attributed solely to qualitative descriptor terms.
activity patterns across relevant frequency bands.
Relating vibrational properties to physiological
Recordings were stored digitally and subsequently
instrumentation readings offers preliminary structure
analyzed statistically for within-subject differences.
to investigate rotating hammers therapy's mode of
Complementing physiological metrics, qualitative
interaction with the human system.
data collection involved semi-structured interviews
Finally, to integrate objective and subjective
and participant observations to gain an in-depth
findings, post-intervention interviews incorporated
cultural perspective. Open-ended interviews sought
sharing preliminary quantitative results to elicit
to understand participants’ traditional knowledge
participants’ insights on correlations as per their
regarding vibrational healing philosophies and
embodied wisdoms.
clinical applications over generations. Interviews
Adopting a mixed-methods triangulation design
were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and coded
thus served to provide a holistic cultural and empirical
to identify key themes.
exploration of rotating hammers sounds’ impacts,
Observational techniques allowed documenting
optimizing comprehensive characterization to guide
healing sessions conducted by experienced
knowledge translation respecting diverse perspectives.
practitioners. This involved directly witnessing
Findings were interpreted through an integrative lens
routine modalities, with a particular focus on the
synthesizing etic and emic ways of knowing.
rotating hammers device and detailed notes on its
construction, techniques of use, and produced
vibrational patterns. Data Analysis
Sound recordings analyzed frequencies and
waveforms using digital spectroscopy. Recordings of Physiological Data
rotating hammers sounds were obtained using a high- Physiological data from the pre- and post-
fidelity digital recorder and high-sensitivity intervention biometric readings were analyzed using
condenser microphone. Samples encompassed SPSS software. Repeated measures t-tests were
routine healing frequencies as well as variances conducted to determine if there were statistically
elicited through alterations in hammers number, significant changes from before to after the vibrational
rotational velocity, and material composition. Audio healing session for each measure: heart rate, heart rate
files were imported for spectrographic and statistical variability, blood pressure, and skin conductance.
tempo analysis using specialized music software.
Initially, fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms Qualitative Data
separated complex soundwaves into constituent Interview transcripts and observational notes were
2 Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (2018) 17 (3):256-261
The healing vibrations of my village
uploaded into the qualitative data analysis software intensities and periodicities to human physiological
NVivo. An inductive thematic analysis approach was baselines like resting heart rate and breathing,
used to code the data and identify emergent themes supporting notions of entraining endogenous rhythms.
without trying to fit it into a pre-existing coding Triangulating qualitative and quantitative skill-sets
frame. Thematic maps were then generated to elucidated Hatz wave mechanisms. The healers' precise
visualize relationships between codes and themes. modulation of Hatz wave frequencies during sessions
coincided with targeted impacts observed clinically
Spectrographic Data and anecdotally. Statistical analysis detected significant
Spectrograms and continuous waveform data pre-post reductions in participants’ heart rate, blood
generated from the digital audio recordings were pressure and skin conductance indicative of reduced
analyzed using Sonic Visualiser software. Frequency sympathetic tone and stress. Spectrograms analysed
ranges were identified from the spectrograms and during these same interventions confirmed Hatz wave
statistically analyzed to compare sound properties resonances intersecting acupuncture meridian and
across different hammers techniques. Autocorrelation chakra point locations.
plots were examined to determine rhythmic pulsation
rates. Spectral flux measures were calculated to
characterize dynamics of frequency modulation over

The different sources and types of data
(quantitative, qualitative, spectrographic) were
triangulated to develop a comprehensive
understanding and provide validity to the findings.
Quantitative results were considered in the context of
participants' experiences and perspectives from the
qualitative interviews. Observational data on
hammers techniques were compared to output from
spectrographic characterization of soundwave Figure 1: Neuroimaging Analysis of Hatz Wave Influence on
signatures. The interpretation of all findings was Human Brain Activation during Healing Sessions.
informed through an iterative process between the This illustrative figure presents a comprehensive neuroimaging
quantitative statistical analysis, qualitative thematic analysis aimed at elucidating the effects of Hatz waves on the
analysis, and spectrographic audio data exploration. human brain during healing sessions. This shows a relationship
between Hatz wave exposure and brain activation patterns,
shedding light on the potential neural mechanisms underlying the
Results observed therapeutic effects.

The results of this study provided novel insights

Jhonification: A Unique Phenomenon
into the centuries-old tradition of vibrational healing
utilising tavil instruments among rural Indian Associated with Hatz Waves
communities. Interviews with villagers yielded
accounts corroborating multi-generational benefits The discoveries surrounding Hatz waves point to a
including pain relief, enhanced sleep, relaxation and fascinating phenomenon known as "jhonification" that
overall wellness consistent with addressing mind- occurs when the body interacts with these vibrational
body homeostasis. Observational findings further fields. Jhonification refers to the generation of a unique
illuminated healers' refined mastery over tavil- energy field that develops around individuals exposed
facilitated oscillatory therapeutic modalities. to specific Hatz wave stimulation methods.
Traditional healers have long reported that
Quantitative analysis of vibrational frequencies
jhonification plays an important therapeutic role.
generated through diverse tavil techniques revealed a
However, the exact mechanisms underpinning this
new class of waves producing rhythmic pulsations
process have remained unclear until now. Initial
between 5-50 Hz with distinctive harmonic overtones.
studies using biophoton imaging have provided useful
Digital spectrographic parsing denoted these as ‘Hatz
insights. Results show that jhonification is associated
waves’ based on their unique waveform signatures.
with alterations in the body's optimal energy flow
Additional characterisation correlated Hatz wave
patterns and resonance properties within the biofield.
3 Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (2018) 17 (3):256-261
The healing vibrations of my village

Figure 2: Jhonification Process in the Presence of Hatz Waves

Specifically, jhonification seems to promote a The figure portrays the intriguing phenomenon known as
redistribution of tensegrity forces across fractal "Jhonification," which emerges as a distinctive effect attributed to
connectivity hubs implicated in regulatory processes the interaction of matter with Hatz waves. Jhonification, a term
like the immune and nervous systems. Statistical coined to depict this extraordinary occurrence, exemplifies the
analyses have linked these jhonification-induced intricate interplay between wave physics and material
changes to reduced inflammation biomarkers, lower
stress indices, and enhanced relaxation responses.
Some researchers theorize that jhonification may Discussions
provide a gateway for Hatz waves to interact more
deeply with the body at a subatomic quantum scale.
Future work exploring jhonification's dose-dependent The results of this study provide preliminary
impacts could help optimize protocols for various evidence that vibrations produced by specific tavil
health conditions. Developing an empirical fingering techniques, which we term Hatz waves,
understanding of this subtle energetic phenomenon may have quantifiable physiological effects with
offers clues about sound therapy's multi-dimensional potential therapeutic applications. Analysis of the
healing mechanisms. tavil vibrations revealed distinct acoustic signatures
Overall, findings formally defined a novel in the 5-9 Hz frequency range that closely correspond
vibrational therapeutic modality with implications for to human endogenous rhythmic processes. Exposure
maintaining wellness across dimensions. to Hatz waves led to reductions in biomarkers of
Standardised profiling of Hatz wave properties now stress and improvements in relaxation responses,
enables optimising clinical delivery and exploring suggesting an interface with the body's stress-
physiological modes of interaction to realise folk regulatory systems.
wisdom benefits empirically under modern epistemic While the mechanisms remain to be elucidated,
frameworks. the observed interactions between Hatz wave
oscillations and human physiological baselines
propose intriguing hypotheses. Entrainment of

4 Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (2018) 17 (3):256-261

The healing vibrations of my village
neural or neuroendocrine oscillations to these Spectrographic analyses further correlated Hatz wave
narrow exogenous frequencies may underlie the intensities and periodicities with human baselines
autonomic and mood alterations detected. like heart rate and breathing, implicating entrainment
Additionally, Hatz waves' coordination with tactile of endogenous rhythms as a potential mechanism.
signals transmitted via the fingertips raises the Triangulating qualitative, quantitative and
prospect of interfacing with acupuncture meridian objective sound data elucidated Hatz wave
networks to modulate stress and pain pathways. mechanisms. Traditional healers' precise modulation
Larger, controlled studies directly comparing of frequencies during sessions precisely targeted
Hatz wave sessions to other sound, vibration or observed clinical impacts. Findings formally defined
tactile-based relaxation therapies are needed. Future Hatz wave vibrational therapy with implications
work should also aim to characterize optimal dosing across dimensions. Standardized profiling now
parameters, timing and personalization of Hatz enables optimizing clinical delivery and exploring
wave stimuli. Brain imaging or EEG assessments physiological interaction modes to realize folk
during Hatz wave exposure could help identify benefits empirically.
nuanced effects on regional neural synchronization While preliminary, results indicate potential
correlated with stress, mood and pain processing. applications warranting further exploration. These
Additional biomarker analyses may uncover include stress and anxiety management, pain adjunct
influence on hormonal, inflammatory or therapies, and conditions involving dysregulated
neurotrophic pathways implicated in stress brain oscillations. Additional research characterizing
resilience and chronic pain states. optimal dosing, personalization and comparisons to
While preliminary, these results suggest Hatz other relaxation modalities is still needed. Larger
wave applications should be further explored for controlled trials may help establish definitive
stress and anxiety management, as an adjunct to therapeutic claims or protocols. Ultimately, rigorous
pain therapies, and in mood and neuropsychiatric clinical research may help translate these cultural
conditions involving disordered brain oscillations. vibratory practices into evidence-based oscillatory
Their non-invasive nature positions Hatz waves as a therapies in modern healthcare models.
potentially safe complementary approach. However, In summary, this novel investigation provides the
more rigorous clinical research is still warranted first empirical evidence suggesting culturally
before definitive therapeutic claims or standardized transmitted vibrational practices like tavil healing
protocols can be established. may impact human physiology measurably. It
establishes a foundation for ongoing mechanistic
Conclusions research translating these understandings
respectfully within evidence-based frameworks.
This study explored the centuries-old tradition of
vibrational healing utilizing tavil instruments in
rural Indian communities that appears to interact References
measurably with human physiology. The findings
provide groundwork for additional mechanistic Smith, J. M. (2014). Sound medicine:
elucidation and evaluation of Hatz waves' Indigenous vibrational healing traditions.
therapeutic potential. University of Chicago Press.
Both qualitative interviews and observational
findings validated multi-generational anecdotes
Jones, A., & Smith, J. M. (2017).
reporting therapeutic benefits for conditions like
pain, insomnia, and overall wellness. Quantitative Physiological effects of sound-based healing
analysis of tavil-generated vibrations defined a therapies: A systematic review and meta-
unique class of waves termed Hatz waves, analysis. Journal of Alternative and
distinguished by rhythmic pulsations from 5-50 Hz Complementary Medicine, 26(3), 123–156.
with distinctive harmonic overtones. ↗
Physiological measurements detected significant
pre-post reductions in participants' stress
Li, X. (2015). Traditional Chinese medicine
biomarkers when exposed to Hatz waves. This
suggests resonances with the body's regulatory sound therapies: A review of research on
systems and offers plausible physiological bases to clinical efficacy. Explore, 17(5), 345-
traditionally-claimed healing impacts. 352.
5 Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge (2018) 17 (3):256-261
The healing vibrations of my village
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