Romanticism Contacts

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He thought that true imagination anyone

can see into reality, thus leading to a more

specific definition of this supreme gift
which is intuition. This great power
Wordsworth combined with that of memory could lead
to the creation of new worlds, only
possible in the recollection in tranquility of
good emotions. This abilities exalt man’s

He devided imagination into two different

forms, the primary imagination is the
abilty of man to perceive images and re-
create them in his own mind and store
Coleridge them in his memory; while the secondary
imagination is the power to create new
worlds using the information collected
with the primary imagination. Thus
imagination is the tool each man uses to
confirm is individualism, elevating each
one of us to a divine creature.
Byronic hero is a man full of constant
contrasting qualities therefore each one of
Byron them exalts him to the unique being he is,
underlining the importance of
Through imagination poetry is able to
Shelley express revolutionary creativity thus
becoming a tool able to change the world.

He defines two forms of imagination: the

Keats first one leads to an artificial world created
by his own imagination, while the second
one is a simulated world made of his ideals
and his experiences.

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