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Synthesis of vitamin B12 occurs in the:

a. Stomach
b. Duodenum
c. Jejunum
d. Ileum
e. Colon

2. The vitamins synthesized by intestinal bacteria include:

a. Thiamin and riboflavin
b. Biotin and vitamin K
c. Folic acid and cobalamin
d. Niacin and vitamin C
e. Vitamin D and pantothenic acid

3. The following vitamins are involved in hemopoiesis:

a. Ascorbic acid and thiamin
b. Folic acid and cobalamin
c. Riboflavin and biotin
d. Pyridoxine and thiamin
e. Niacin and pantothenic acid

4. The following vitamins act as coenzymes with dehydrogenases:

a. Thiamin and pantothenic acid
b. Biotin and pyridoxine
c. Cobalamin and folic acid
d. Ascorbic acid and biotin
e. Niacin and riboflavin

5. Vitamin B12
a. Is a potent anti-oxidant
b. Defiency causes night blindness
c. Cannot be stored in the body
d. is synthesized by intestinal flora
e. is involved in transamination reactions

6. Deviancies of water soluble vitamins can cause all of the following except
a. Rickets
b. Pellagra
c. Beriberi
d. Alopecia
e. Scurvy
7. Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of
a. Bile acids from cholesterol
b. Bile salts from bile acids
c. Vitamin d from cholesterol
d. All of the above

8. Deficiency of vitamin C causes all of the following except

a. Swollen gums
b. Loose teeth
c. Nerve degeneration
d. Subcutaneous hemorrhages

9. An early indication of vitamin A deficiency Is

a. Xerophthalmia
b. Keratomalacia
c. Defective Night Vision
d. Blindness

10. A provitamin D synthesized in human beings is

a. Ergosterol
b. 7-dehydrocholosterol
c. Cholecalciferol
d. 25-hydroxycholecalciferol

11. A patient has had a series of blood clots, and has been placed on warfarin to reduce such incidents.
Warfarin exerts its effect by blocking which of the following?
a. Platelet biogenesis
b. Phospholipid synthesis
c. Clotting factor synthesis
d. Vitamin E activity
e. Formation of γ-carboxyglutamate

12. Considering the patient in the previous question, which food should be avoided in large quantities
while the patient is on warfarin?
a. Trout
b. Milk products
c. Green leafy vegetables
d. Orange-yellow vegetables
e. Steak
13. A deficiency in which of the following vitamins will lead to a functional folate deficiency?
a. Thiamine
b. Niacin
c. Riboflavin
d. B12
e. Vitamin C

14. Vitamin D:
a. Requires parathyroid hormones for activation
b. Is water-soluble
c. Lowers calcium level in the blood
d. Deficiency from overexposure to the sun
e. Is not required in the diet

15. Vitamin K:
a. Is derived from cholesterol
b. Is synthesized by intestinal flora
c. Deficiency causes night blindness
d. Cannot be stored in the body
e. Is involved in transamination reactions

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