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Submitted To:

Rahima Begum Lecturer, Premier University Chittagong

Submitted By:
Robiul Hoque 0613111455] Shahana Khatun [ID#0613111419] Tuhin Kanti Barua [ID#0613111401] Siddartha Chowdhury [ID#06131114] Mohammad Zunayed [ID#0613111471] Section: HRM A Semester : 8th [ID #

Date of Submission: 15th MAY, 2011

15th MAY, 2011 To Ms. Rahima Begum Lecturer, Department of Business Administration Premier University Chittagong Subject: SUBMISSION OF GROUP ASSIGNMENT. Dear Madam, It is our pleasure to submit our assignment on Safety as a part of our Labor Law assignment. Though it is a new experience for us, we tried our best to gather relevant information for preparing a complete paper on this subject. Without the sincere co-operation and proper guidance of you, it was not possible for us to prepare the assignment. For this act of kindness we are grateful to you. This paper is not totally free from mistake due to some unavoidable limitations. We hope you accept it with gracious consideration. Thank you Yours sincerely Robiul Hoque Shahana Khatun Tuhin Kanti Barua Siddartha Chowdhury Mohammad Zunayed [ID # 0613111455] [ID#0613111419] [ID#0613111401] [ID#0613111446] [ID#0613111471] 2

Section : HRM A Semester : 8th


We are hereby the student of Premier University presenting the assignment of Safety. While we were doing this assignment we got a lot of help from book . We thank from the core of our heart to our course instructor Ms. Rahima Begum, Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Premier University, Chittagong, for her sincere supervision. Her valuable advice, guidelines and continuous monitoring have made this task possible. Finally we want to express our gratitude to Mr. Debashish Sen,HR Executive, and Mr. Shumon Dey, Supervisor, for their massive support and enthusiasm about this assignment. They have supplied to us the total information about this . They appreciated us for doing this assignment and also promised to help us in future.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Numbe r 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Particular Page No

Introduction Section: 61- Safety of Building and Machinery Section: 62- Precautions in case of fire Section: 64- Work on near machinery in motion Section: 68- Cranes and other lifting machinery Section: 71- Pressure Plant Section: 72- Floors, stairs and means of access Section: 75- Protection of eyes Conclusion Reference

4-6 7 7-8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12

KDS is one of the largest and most diversified groups in Bangladesh. This group started its journey in 1983. The owner of this group is Khalilur Rahman.

KDS expanded its business in most of the countries of the world such as USA, UK, Canada, Dubai, Malaysia, Hong Kong and India and etc.

Head offices of KDS: Chittagong Office:

255 Nasirabad I/A, Chittagong 4211, Bangladesh.

Dhaka Office:
Rd 4, Hs 63, Blk C, Banani, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh.

Hong Kong Office:

Unit B 15th Floor, Heng Shan Centre, 145 145 Queens Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong.

Core values of KDS:

1. 2. 3. 4. Lead through service excellences. Maximum resource utilization. Maintain global presence and standards economically. Nature intelligence for growth of human capital.

The industry under this group includes:

Garments Textile manufacturing Banking and Insurance Sugar referring plants Information and communication technology Shares and securities brokerage Packaging manufacturing plans Garments accessories manufacturing plans Container terminal and steel plant

KDS employs more than 19500 workforces in Bangladesh. It is one of the largest private sector employers. Moreover this has been recognized of the largest employments and thereby marking its contribution in the socio economic structure of the country. KDS group is a renowned group in the worlds Fashion market. To keep place with world fashion, it is keen to adjust itself to the changing requirements. KDS garments Industries

Ltd, established its washing plant in 1983. With worlds renowned washing machine, good term of techniques guided by a foreign technological manager. KDS has made its mark in the readymade garments manufacturing in Bangladesh being the pioneer and one of the largest garments in the country. Since 1983 KDS has been growing of significant pace in the garments sector and to ornament that, it has 11 national awards for highest exports each year to be proud of.

The quality standards set by KDS has basically enabled them to be the benchmark in the industry.

According to the Bangladesh Labor Code 2006.
Section: 61- Safety of Building and Machinery:1. If it appears to the inspector that any building or part of a building or any part of the ways, machinery or plant in an establishment is in such a condition that it is dangerous to human life or safety, he may serve on the employer a written order in writing specifying the measures which, in his opinion, should be adopted, and requiring them to be carried out within the time specified in the order. 2. If it appears to the Inspector that the use of any building or part of a building or any part of the ways, machinery or plant in an establishment involves imminent danger to human life or safety, he may serve on the employer an order in writing prohibiting its use until it has been property repaired or altered.

In the perspective of KDS Garments:

KDS has their own inspector to inspect the building and machinery of the establishment, besides this sometimes outside inspector also visit for inspection who is recognized as buyers. They visit the establishment frequently to ensure the safety of the workers.

Section: 62- Precautions in case of fire:1. Every establishment shall be provided with such means of escape, including an alternative stair connected to every floor, in case of fire and fire fighting apparatus, as may be prescribed. 2. If it appears to the inspector that any establishment is not provided with the means of escape prescribed under sub section (1), he may serve on the employer of the establishment an order in writing specifying the means which, in his opinion, should be adopted within the time specified in the order. 3. In every establishment the doors affording exit from any room, shall not be locked or fastened so that they can be easily and immediately opened from inside while any person is within the room, and all such doors, unless they are of the sliding type, shall be constructed to open outwards or where the door is between two rooms, in the direction of the nearest exit from the building and no such door shall be locked or obstructed while work is being carried on in the room. 4. In every establishment every window, door, or other exit affording means of escape in case of fire, other than the means of exit in ordinary use, shall be distinctively marked in red in bangle a language or by some other effective and clearly understood sign.

5. In every establishment there shall be provided effective and clearly audible means of giving warning in case of fire to every person employed therein. 6. A free passage way giving access to each means of escape in case of fire shall be maintained for the use of all workers in every room of the establishment. 7. In every establishment wherein more than ten workers are ordinarily employed in any place above the ground floor, or explosive or highly inflammable materials are used or stored, effective measures shall be taken to ensure that all workers are familiar with the means of escape in case of fire and have been adequately trained in the routine to be followed in such case. 8. In every establishment or factory wherein fifty or more workers are employed, a fire fighting demonstration must be held at least once in a year and record book shall be maintained for this purpose in the manner prescribed by the employer.

In the perspective of KDS Garments:

KDS has no alternative stair but they have three stairs in every floor.

All the stairs is always opened. These stairs is used in case of fire as well as ordinary use. Every floor has fire extinguisher. They also have fire fighting water hose. It uses when the fire brigades can not get access to enter the floor. This water hose pipe is connected with their personal water tank. Smoke detector is available, when in case of fume the alarm bells.
In KDS Garments, they do not keep locked or fastened any doors in

case of fire, so that the worker can exit easily and immediately from the room.

In KDS garments, every doors, windows or other exit affording means of escape in case of fire is distinctively marked in red in Bangla. switch on the alarm and the alarm bells, and while escaping the last person will switch off the alarm.

In KDS, each floor contains two alarms. In case of fire, a person

Every floor contains a free passage way for escape in case of fire. This

passage way is colored in a yellow color.

In KDS, there held fire fighting demonstration in every three months

in every year.

Section: 64- Work on near machinery in motion:In an Establishment when it becomes necessary to examine any part of machinery which is in motion, for the purpose of such examination and experienced person must be appointed where tight fitting clothing and the name such person shall be recorded in the registered for that purpose in this circumstances the person engaged in such examination shall not have any belt or puller unless the belt is less than 15 centimeters in width and less the belt is connected to the laced.

According to KDS Garments:

In KDS Garments where work is going on near machinery in motion, in such circumstances such machinery is examined by an experienced person, who wears a prescribed dress and the name of such person is recorded in register for that purpose. In this case he is not allowed to more any belt or pullee, unless the belt is less than 15 centimeters in weight and unless the belt connected to the lace during the examination.

Section: 68- Cranes and other lifting machinery:The following provisions shall apply in respect of cranes and all other lifting machinery, other than hoists lifts, in any establishment(a) Every part thereof, including the working gear, whether fixed or movable, ropes and chains and anchoring and fixing appliances shall be (i) (ii) (iii) of good construction, sound material and adequate strength, properly maintained, Thoroughly examined by a competent person at lest once in every period of twenty months, and a register shall be kept containing the prescribed particulars of every such examination.

(b) No such machinery shall be loaded beyond the safe working load which shall be plainly marked thereon, (c) While any person is employed or working on or near the wheel-tract of a traveling crane in any place where he would be liable to be struck by the crane effectively measures shall be taken to ensure that the crane does not approach within 6 meter of that place.

In the perspective of KDS Garments:

Except cranes, they use only lifts for loading and unloading. Loading and unloading is also done by the worker or labor. The lifts are constructed by sound materials, have adequate strength and maintained properly. It is examined by a competent person at least once in every period of twenty months. The maximum safe working load is 1000kg which is plainly marked thereon. 10

Section: 71- Pressure Plant:If in any establishment any part of the plant or machinery used in manufacturing process is operated at a pressure above atmospheric pressure, effective measures shall be taken to ensure that the safe working pressure of such part is not exceeded.

In the perspective of KDS:

KDS uses some equipments for maintaining safe working pressure in the manufacturing zone. The equipments are: Exhaust fan Ceiling fan Air cooler

Section: 72- Floors, stairs and means of access:In ever establishment(a) all floors, stairs, passages and gangways shall be of sound construction and properly maintained and where it is necessary to ensure safety, steps, stairs, passages and gangways shall be provided with substantial handrails; (b) there shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, be provided and maintained safe means of access to every place at which any person is, at any time, required to work; and (d) all floors, stairs and gangways shall be wide and obstacle free.

In the perspective of KDS Garments:

They provide sound construction of all floors, stairs, passages and gangways and they also provide steps, stair, passages and gangways with substantial handrails to ensure safety. KDS maintain safe means of access to every place at which any worker is at any time when they work. All floors, stairs, passages and gangways of KDS garments are wide and free from obstacle.


Section: 75- Protection of eyes:The government may, in respect of any manufacturing process carried on in any establishment, by rules, require that effective screens of suitable goggles shall be provided for the protection of persons employed on, or in the immediate vicinity of a process which involves(a) Risk of injury to the eyes from particles or fragments thrown off in the course of the process, or (b) Risk to the eyes by reason of exposure to excessive light or heat.

In the perspective of KDS Garments:

In respect of protection of eyes according to this section the government may ordered any manufacturing process carried on in any establishment shall be provide goggles to ensure safety of eyes. But KDS garments is not direct manufacturing company so thats way they has not require to any use of goggles. But when spray on the cloth to coloring, on that time their worker only use the goggles and also use mask to ensure safety from such toxic chemicals.

Regarding Safety, KDS provides some extra facilities which are given bellow:
When they use PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) machine, the operator must wear gloves to prevent any accident. KDS provides adequate training to their workers in respect of explosives or highly inflammable materials. In every floor of KDS Garments, they have first aid box for 150 workers and one registered doctor for 300 workers. KDS Garments have one medical inspection room where always remaining one doctor and nurse. If any worker injured arising from any accident, he / she has transferred to the medical with the cost of KDS Garments and one person is always ready to serve the injured person. They provide training to their worker on HIV/AIDS.

KDS group is the largest and diversified group in Bangladesh. It is still continuing on the journey of growth, diversity and achievement. Regarding safety, KDS garments maintain all the criteria prescribed under the Bangladesh Labor Code 2006 not only that but also extra high quality facility regarding the safety.


1. The Bangladesh Labor Code 2006.
2. Web Site:

3. Debashis Sen, (HR Executive). 4. Shumon Dey (Supervisor)


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