212 F23 Annotations and Responses

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Annotations and Responses

ENGL 212 – Fall 2023

What are Annotations and Responses?

Almost every week, you will be responsible for either annotations or responses. I have divided the class
into four groups, and these will remain the same through the semester. Each week you will swap roles,
so do be aware of these weekly changes.

There are three kinds of annotations:

Evidence-Based Stance: Create annotations that clearly states your stance regarding the central idea for
three different texts from week’s reading/viewing. Your annotation should be attached to a specific
piece of evidence from the text that supports your stance and include a brief argument connected to
that evidence, and if applicable, to other parts of the text.

Consider formulating your evidence-based stance like this (you’ll do this three times—once for
each source you select):
Source #1: Full name of article/video
Piece of evidence from Source #1: This could be a copy/pasted quote or a paraphrase
Evidence-based stance: What is your stance on the piece of evidence?

Claim Annotation: Identify at least one topic sentence or claim from three different readings/viewings
from the week. Create one annotation that clearly states your stance regarding the central idea for
three different texts from week’s reading/viewing. Your annotation should be attached to a specific
claim from the text. You should also explain why you think this is a topic sentence and how well (or not!)
the author explains the claim.

Consider formulating your claim annotation like this (you’ll do this three times—once for each
source you select):
Source #1: Full name of article/video
Claim from Source #1: This could be a copy/pasted quote or a paraphrase
Claim explanation: How well or not does the author explain the claim?

Textual Questions: Pose a minimum of 3 questions regarding the text. These questions can be about
anything that might clarify your understanding, challenge a claim, or delve more deeply into the themes
of the play. These questions will serve as conversation starters for the group.

Consider formulating your textual questions like this (you’ll do this three times—once for each
source you select):
Source #1: Full name of article/video
Textual question from #1:

There is one kind of response:

Responses: You must respond to three of the annotations—one of each kind (evidence-based, claim,
textual question). Please note, you should not respond to all three of their examples! Please only
respond to one!

Your responses should examine deeply what they post:

For your response to an evidence-based annotations: Why do you agree or disagree with their evidence-
based stance?
For your response to a claim annotation: How does the claim accurately represent what’s discussed in
the article/video?
For your response to a textual question: Be sure to reference the text in your response.

Consider formulating your responses like this (you’ll do this three times—once for each
annotation you select):
Name of classmate who posted evidence-based annotation:
Your response:

Name of classmate who posted claim annotation:

Your response:

Name of classmate who posted textual question:

Your response:

Group Info
Although your groups will remain the same all semester, each week you'll be required to do something
different. Your weekly Group Task will be posted in each week's Annotations and Responses module.

Your responses should demonstrate engagement with the texts and spark conversation from your
classmates. Your work should demonstrate you’ve read/viewed the text. You must use specific details.

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