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Teenage Brain

1.-According to the video, which are some of the abilities we humans have more
enhanced in our brains when we are at this stage in our lives?

we can get to take more risks because of the satisfaction that it gives our brain along with
said satisfaction to be able to become more interested in something and focus on it

2.-What do you think are the usual limitations for risk-taking when humans are teens?
And who usually sets those limitations in general?

The biggest limitation we have is if something could happen to us physically or

emotionally, but there comes a point where it doesn't matter and things are done to
get a dopamine and adrenaline hit, the ones who put limitations on us are our parents
although the best thing would be ourselves

3.-The video mentions adults should provide opportunities for healthy risks; to you,
what should those opportunities for healthy risks be?

It could be facing reality how to speak in public in front of many people and have good
communication with them or the world of work to have some learning

4.-Dr. Adriana Galván says: "Adolescence is a really special time and I think we don't
appreciate enough their energy and their ability to lead and motivate and how excitable
they find life in a way that maybe we don't later in life". What do you think you can or
should do as part of this demographic to change that appreciation?

Well, it is a time of high learning and great speed which can be used very well but it
comes along with the desire for fun, which most adolescents only seek and appreciate
at this stage.

5.-Do you think the brains of teens have changed throughout the years, that is, does
the brain from a teen in the 50s have the same characteristics and abilities from the
brain of a teen from now? Or is it maybe that the behaviors are the ones that have
changed? Why do you think this?
The mentality and what adolescents are looking for has changed a lot over time, for
example, in the Middle Ages they could already get married and have children, in the 90s,
for example, in Aretina they wanted to go to the Malvinas to fight for their country and
Now they only think about partying, alcohol, drugs and having relationships, which is fine
for me but not the main thing.

Mention 5 aspects you can do now at this stage in your life that your parents or
grandparents couldn't do when they were teens themselves and why.

1.- the opportunities to get knowledge due to technology and everything it contains

2.-the luxury of being able to buy things and treat myself from time to time

3.-to be able to meet people more easily through social networks

4.-do a sport because of the great variety that exists and because there are more places to

5.-the new knowledge that has been obtained in all these years

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