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through all these years more things change to improve and bring facilities to the humans there

are three main reasons why life is better now than in the past…

the first reason is the health of humans that it improves a lot it´ s for the recommendations
that doctors said to people about how they need to do to lengthen their lives. The specialists
give some tips for example: what foods are better to the organism, also that they should do
gymnastic 1 hour per day and another of the many how Techniques to avoid taking
medications using other methods.

The second reason is about the entertainment, the technology is in constant progress since last
forty years and new forms have been appearing to entertain the people for example: platforms
that one of the best know is Netflix where people paid some money and they can see more
films and series from anywhere in the world only with their telephones or at home in tv. Also,
the people can upload apps to play video games or to chat to other humans to anywhere part
of the world.

The third reason is the automobile industry, this is another thing that are in constant progress
to help the people in the conduction and the environment for example: the cars are starting to
date with autopilots or some assistances in driving the car, another reason is the security that
the cars have as the number of airbags, the control of traction, the system abs among some of
the many that bring. And also, the new cars are more friendly with the environments because
have electrics engines or are hybrid and these bring fuel and electrics engines.

All in all, these are some qualities that make life better than one hundred years ago, because
help to the humans to improve over time and allows people to use the technology, how they
need to do to feel better and the progress of the cars.

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