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Mr. Jawad Hussain – Mechanical Engineer, Employee No. 821

(Sleeping carelessly)

In terms of Enquiry Notice dated May 12, 2022, I was appointed as Enquiry Officer to
conduct an enquiry into the allegations leveled against Mr. Jawad Hussain, Mechanical
Engineer, Employee No. 821, as contained in the Charge Sheet dated May 5, 2022. Mr.
Jawad Hussain submitted bogus reply which is unacceptable to the said Charge Sheet,
thereupon, an enquiry was ordered.
Enquiry was scheduled on May 30, 2022. Mr. Jawad Hussain (Accused), and Shayan
Rehman (Complainant) were present in the enquiry proceedings, whereas, Mr. Jawad
hussain submit an application to extend the enquiry proceedings for two days as he is not
feeling well. The enquiry was adjourned to 1/06/2022.
On June 1, 2022 Mr. Jawad Hussain attended the enquiry proceedings. The Charge Sheet was
read in Urdu language to him and the contents of the Charge Sheet were explained to him as
well. He refused to accept the allegations of the charge sheet dated May 5, 2022. He was also
offered to bring his co-worker but he refused to bring any co-worker. The Statement of
Shayan Rehman (Complainant) was recorded in presence of accused.
I Shayan Rehman s/o Mr. Lutfur Rehman Emp. No. 226 is working with Ismail Industries
since last 5 years as a security officer. I am responsible to maintain the law and order for
company security. On the night of May 1 2022, in C shift around 4:20 am I was on my
routine round where I saw Mr. Jawad Hussain Employee No.821 mechanical engineer of
maintenance department was sleeping carelessly on a chair leaving the machine operative
which shows his irresponsibility which could be dangerous for others and for himself as well.
We stood there for more than 10 minutes but he didn’t wake up so for an evidence we just
took his picture and then I asked security guard to wake him up and send him back to work,
hence multiple times the same act has been done by him earlier. Therefore, an inquiry was
ordered. I am submitting the picture copy and previous warning letters and I end my
I asked Mr. Jawad Hussain to cross examine the statement of Mr. Shayan Rehman for which
he said yes, he wants to cross examine the statement but he need some time to sort things.
Time was provided to him till next date i.e. 03/06/2022.
On 03/06/2022 in the enquiry proceeding Mr. Jawad Hussain cross examined the statement of
Mr. Shayan Rehman (Complainant)


Mr. Jawad Hussain (accused) raise question and Mr. Shayan Rehman (Complainant)


Q3. Does keeping tools in the bag proves that I stole it?
Ans: No, but it is not allowed to take company property along with your belongings with
official letter/ permission.
Q4. Do I need to show the signed letter to you or should I keep the permission letter with
me any time?
Ans: Yes, As per company policy! If one is taking company equipment he or she must
have letter of permission which one has to show upon asking.

Mr. Wasi ended his cross examination and did not ask any further questions.
I asked Mr. Zubair Lodhi (Complainant) to produce his witness. He produced his witness No.
The statement of Complainant witness has been recorded in presence of Accused.

I, Midhat Ayesha d/o Wizaratullah Emp. No 440, working in security department as security
guard for last 3 years. I am responsible to maintain the law and order for company. When
administration department received complaint against Mr. Wasi Ur Rehman Emp. No 1122
who is working at production department as general worker for stealing office tools. With the
orders of HR and Admin Manger I checked all the CCTV footages of production department
till gate. In footage it clearly shows that Mr Wasi Ur Rehman was stealing the tools when no
one was present at the department while going home he hid the tools in the bag. And later at
the main gate footage you can also see that guard was inquiring about the tools and took it
back from him. I end my statement.
I asked Mr, Wasi Ur Rehman would he like to cross examine the statement of Miss. Hina.
On 28/5/2022 Wasi Ur Rehman cross examined the statement of Miss. Hina Aziz
Wasi UR Rehman raised questions and Hina Aziz responded.
Q1. Can it be proved by CCTV footage that I stole it?
Ans: Yes, as previously I stated that the production department footage clearly shows you
are keeping the tools in the bag while everyone was away.
Q2. If I take anything from department should I ask your permission to keep it?
Ans: No, but you have to take permission from your supervisor with signed letter of
issuance for the tools.
Wasi Ur Rehman ends his cross examination and didn’t ask any further questions.
Zubair Lodhi (Complainant) produced his 2nd witness on 28/5/2022.


I Aqsa Javed d/o Javed Qamar Emp. No. 1178 is working in compliance department as a
compliance manager. I am working here since last 3 years and responsible to look after the
compliance of all the departments. On the night of May 14 2022, when I was going home I
saw an employee who was hurriedly going to his home and continuously looking here and
there while looking at his bag. I called him he hurriedly went towards gate and when I
reached the gate for check out after him, guard stopped him and ask for checking upon which
he denied and unable to provide letter not only he denies the fact about stealing but also, he
was abusive with his words to the guards. I end my statement.
I asked Mr. Wasi would he like to cross examine the statement of Aqsa Javed (Complainant
witness 2). He said yes but he sort some time.

After a short break Mr. Wasi Ur Rehman cross examined the statement of Aqsa Javed.
Mr.Wasi raised questions and Miss Aqsa Javed responded.


Q1. If you have some urgency at home, will you listen to your surroundings calling you?
Ans. No, I won’t if the urgency is serious
Q2. If you are having some issues personally, will you be aggressive on the same situation.

Ans. No, I will not be aggressive as I am in an organization and being a part of it I have to
deal every situation calmly as security guard was asking nicely and I don’t think I
have to act aggressively.

Wasi Ur Rehman ends his cross examination and didn’t ask any further questions. I asked
Mr. Zubair Lodhi (Complainant) that would he like to produce any more witness. He said no.
I closed the complainant side.
On 28/5/2022 after lunch I asked Mr. Wasi to record his statement.

Respected enquiry officer I have been issued charge sheet on stealing tools. I Muhammad
Wasi Ur Rehman s/o Muhammad Zia Ur Rehman Emp. No. 1122 working as a general
worker in production department for 4 years performing duties diligently. On night of May
14, 2022 when I was going home from office. I was forcefully stopped by security guard for
checking. Which I denied as he does not check people on daily basis. He accused me that I
must be hiding something that’s why I was not showing the bag. As I was going home due to
some urgency things got heated from my side and I showed my bag. He asked me about the
tools I clearly told him that the tools are for repairing purpose and I had asked my supervisor
about this issue. He already gave me a permission but did not gave me a written letter. I was
unaware about the fact that one must get the permission letter as well. I don’t know why my
supervisor told otherwise to administration. Tools were rusty and of no use, me and colleague
both reported this issue to our supervisor he said it will take time to get new one’s so, I
suggested for repairing the tools as market is very near to my house hence supervisor agreed
to this. I end my statement.

I asked Zubair Lodhi (complainant) will he cross examine the statement of Wasi Ur Rehman
(Accused). He said yes.

Mr. Zubair Lodhi (complainant) raised question and Mr. Wasi Ur Rehman (accused)
1. At the time of joining did company give you the joining letter/ contract letter along
With company rules?
Ans: Yes they did
2. For how long have you been working with this company?
Ans: I am working for 4 years
3. What were your working hours and how many hours were you on the floor?
Ans: My shift timing is 10 to 6 and I was there on my timing
4. Why were you sleeping? Do you know that your sleeping could have caused a very bad
Ans: No I was not sleeping.
5. You were sleeping and we have evidence
Ans: I felt pain in my kidney, so i was not sleeping I was just lying there with my eyes

Zubair Lodhi (Complainant) ends his cross examination and didn’t ask any further questions.
I Asked Wasi Ur Rehman (Accused) to produce his witness. He said he sort some time to
produce his witness.
On 28/5/2022 evening Mr. Wasi (accused) produced Miss Uzma Ikram as witness.


My name is Uzma Ikram Emp No. 1134 and I am working in production department as a
production officer from last 6 years. I lead Mr. Wasi Ur Rehman under supervisor orders. On
May 14, 2022 morning when we were working Mr. Wasi had complained about the tool
issue. He had addressed me previously as well and I highlighted this issue to supervisor also.
Mr. Wasi further said he took permission from supervisor for repairing these tools. He will
take it today and return in two days.
I asked Mr. Zubair Lodhi (Complainant) will he like to cross examine the statement of Miss.
Uzma Ikram (Complainant witness 1). He said yes, he wants to cross examine the statement.
Zubair Lodhi Cross Examine the statement of Uzma Ikram
Zubair Lodhi (Complainant) raised the questions and Uzma Ikram (accused witness 1)

Q1. During you career did you see anyone taking tools with them for repairing
Ans No.
Q2. If you want to take anything who do you ask for?
Ans Supervisor
Q3. Did Mr. Wasi take permission from supervisor in front of you?

Ans. No, He just told me about it

Q4. Did he show you any letter of permission?
Ans. No.

Q5. Did you face any issue while taking permission for supervisor in signing your
leaves/ any type of permission or did he take back any of his decisions?
Ans. No, he is very lenient to every employee

Zubair Lodhi ends his cross examination and didn’t ask any further questions.
I asked Mr. Wasi would he like to produce more witness. He said No.
Then I asked Mr. Wasi would he like to say something else in the enquiry.
He said I was unaware of the situation about permission letter, I never did anything bad in my
entire career you can ask any of my subordinates. This is some sort of misunderstanding
please be considerate for my situation as I have family at home as well. I cannot afford to
lose this job due to this misunderstanding. Please give me a chance I will never repeat this
again. I will be thankful to the Management and company. Yours’ faithfully Wasi Ur
Rehman Emp. No. 1122.


It is an admitted fact that the accused was taking tools with him on May 14, 2022 without
permission or prior approval.

The statements of complainant & his witnesses and documents produced therein also
confirmed that the accused took tools without information or prior approval from his
supervisor. The accused in his statement has not accepted the charges leveled against him in
the charge sheet dated 17/05/2022 and however, requested Management to forgive him for his
actions because he was unaware of getting written permission.
Whereas, it has also been revealed after recording of statement of accused & his witness with
CCTV footage that: -
• He lied about the fact that, he took permission supervisor. Upon asking his witness
about supervisor and statement of administration. Supervisor will not allow to take
tools for repairing purpose. As he knows the fact that new tools can be given prior to
any damage related to old tools
• In the CCTV footage and complainant witness statement it clearly shows that Mr.
Wasi did use abusive language on security guard.
• Accused statement and his witness statement differ to each other as one says they
both reported this to supervisor while his witness reported this first.
• Doubt arises on the fact that Mr. Wasi Ur Rehman took the tools when no one was
around in the department that CCTV camera shows very clearly

I have gone through the statement of complainant, his witnesses and documents produced by
complainant during the course of enquiry and also the statement of accused, his witnesses
and documents produced by accused and am of the firm view that the accused is guilty of the
charges leveled against him in the Charge Sheet dated May 17, 2022.
Enquiry Officer.

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