Mathematics Worksheet - Tessellations

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Mathematics 1/09/22

Grade 7 – Term 3 Geometry

Worksheet Activity – Tessellations

Exploring Tessellations

A tessellation is any pattern made of repeating shapes that covers a surface

completely without overlapping or leaving any gaps.

For example: A checkerboard is a tessellation made of squares. The squares

meet edge to edge with no gaps and no overlapping areas.

Another example: The pattern of bricks on a wall is a tessellation made of

Tessellating shapes
We can also make a tessellating shape by combining two or more polygons.
For example: this shape is made using 3 different polygons, a triangle, a
hexagon and a rhombus.

After we make a tessellating shape (as seen above), we can then use it to
create a jigsaw puzzle.
For example: this jigsaw puzzle is created by tessellating the shape we made
1. Add eight more of the repeated shape to each tessellation.

2) Complete the following:
a) Make a tessellating shape by combining two or more polygons. Colour
each type of polygon the same colour. Draw your tessellating shape

b) Create your jigsaw puzzle by tessellating the shape you created in a)

across the grid below. Use the same colours for your tessellating shape as
you did above.

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