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Trends in Food Science & Technology 94 (2019) 98–104

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Are all ‘ultra-processed’ foods nutritional demons? A commentary and T

nutritional profiling analysis.
E. Derbyshire
Nutritional Insight, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 2AA, UK


Keywords: Background: There has been a growing body of literature published on ultra-processed foods (UPF). This has
Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) been driven by an ambiguous definition that can be easily applied to observational work. Nutritionally, UPF
Classification systems have been given the umbrella label of being “energy-dense, high in unhealthy types of fat, free sugars and salt, and
Nutritional profiling poor sources of protein, dietary fibre and micronutrients” (Monteiro et al., 2018). Unfortunately, such overarching
statements are imprecise and not necessarily reflective of all modern food products.
Scope and approach: This commentary evaluates the NOVA classification system and includes an analysis of 50
foods falling under its definition of being ‘ultra-processed’ yet classified as ‘healthy’ according to the UK Nutrient
Profiling Model. Nutritional profiles were also compared against European Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006
Nutrition Claims.
Key findings and conclusions: No statistically significant correlations were found between the number of in-
gredients and energy, saturated fat, total sugar, sodium, AOAC fibre and protein. The majority of UPFs identified
were low in saturated fat (84 percent), low in sugar (80 percent) and a source of fibre (60 percent). Thirty eight
percent were low salt and 30 percent a source of protein.
Based on the findings of this commentary it is suggested that rigorous nutritional analyses should be con-
ducted alongside ‘processing loads’. Overarching and tautological definitions could lead to the public avoiding
all UPFs and have unintended consequences such as fibre and micronutrient shortfalls.

1. Introduction fat, refined starches, free sugars and salt, and poor sources of protein,
dietary fibre and micronutrients” (Monteiro et al., 2018).
Interest in ultra-processed foods (UPF) has been mounting with di- This classification is rapidly being embedded within observational
chotomy between viewpoints becoming increasingly evident. Most re- research, partly due to its ease of application. However, concerns about
cently it has been concluded that food processing has reached a the application of such definitions are now being raised. For example,
‘crossroads’ – historically it has been important from a preservation, there are no specified cut –offs for food components e.g. energy, fat,
palatability, stability and convenience perspective (Knorr & Watzke, sugar and salt (per gram or portion) making conclusions about the
2019) yet a stronger emphasis on health and classifications systems nutritional profile of UPFs rather cumbersome (Gibney, Forde, Mullally,
now grading ‘levels’ of food processing appear to be placing processed & Gibney, 2017). It has also been pointed out that consumer confusions
foods under closer inspection. about UPF and the avoidance of foods deemed to fall within this cate-
In particular the NOVA system classifies foods into four distinct gory such as cereals and wholegrain/enriched breads could even have
categories: Group 1 – Unprocessed or minimally processed; Group 2 – inadvertent consequences and reduce folate, calcium and fibre intakes
Processed culinary ingredients; Group 3 – Processed foods and Group 4 (Jones, 2018).
– Ultra-processed foods (Monteiro, 2016). UPF (and drinks) forming Food Standards Australia and New Zealand have recently high-
Group 4 are defined as: “Industrial formulations typically with five or more lighted the need to develop nutrient profiling knowledge to enable the
and usually many ingredients.“ (Monteiro, 2016) (full definition; application of more reliable and rigorous health claims (Pivk Kupirovic
Table 1). Such a system, however, does not consider the nutritional et al., 2019). The French have recently developed the simplified nu-
profile of foods nor does it account for methods used in the culinary trition labelling system (SENS) algorithm which has been adapted from
preparation of food (Monteiro, 2016). NOVA authors also conclude the SAIN, LIM system (Tharrey, Maillot, Azais-Braesco, & Darmon,
that: “All together, they (UPF) are energy-dense, high in unhealthy types of 2017). In the UK an updated Nutritional Profiling Model has recently

E-mail address:
Received 14 March 2019; Received in revised form 1 August 2019; Accepted 29 August 2019
Available online 05 September 2019
0924-2244/ Crown Copyright © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Derbyshire Trends in Food Science & Technology 94 (2019) 98–104

Table 1 screening labels the use of fortificants or other functional components

NOVA definition of Group 4 ultra-processed products. was also recorded.
Group 4 – Ultra-processed food and drink products A total of 77 foods were excluded as they: 1) did not meet the de-
finition of being UPF according to the NOVA criteria [7] or 2) obtained
The fourth NOVA group is of ultra-processed food and drink products. These are an overall nutrient profile score of 4 points or more [13] when the
industrial formulations typically with five or more and usually many ingredients.
Nutrient Profile Model was applied as explained below. Suggestions
Ingredients often include: sugar, oils, fats, salt, anti-oxidants, stabilisers, and
preservatives. Ingredients only found in ultra-processed products include
that were created based on our searches were also screened. This gave
substances not commonly used in culinary preparations, and additives whose the final 50 foods for analysis. When using the 2018 scoring system 12
purpose is to imitate sensory qualities of group 1 foods or of culinary of the identified foods became ‘unhealthy’ which were then excluded.
preparations of these foods, or to disguise undesirable sensory qualities of the
final product. Group 1 foods are a small proportion of or are even absent from
ultra-processed products.
Substances only found in ultra-processed products include some directly 3. Nutrient profiling
extracted from foods, such as casein, lactose, whey, and gluten, and some derived
from further processing of food constituents, such as hydrogenated or In the UK the Department of Health has established a set of guide-
interesterified oils, hydrolysed proteins, soy protein isolate, maltodextrin, invert
lines to assist food manufacturers, retailers and advertisers with the
sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Classes of additive only found in ultra-
processed products include dyes and other colours, colour stabilisers, flavours,
calculation of nutrient profiling scores. The model allocates points
flavour enhancers, non-sugar sweeteners, and processing aids such as based on the nutritional profile of a food or drink (per 100 g) and
carbonating, firming, bulking and anti-bulking, de-foaming, anti-caking and provides a scoring system. Points are given for ‘A’ group nutrients
glazing agents, emulsifiers, sequestrants and humectants. which include: energy, saturated fat, total sugar and sodium along with
Several industrial processes with no domestic equivalents are used in the
‘C’ group nutrients which include: fruit, vegetables and nut content,
manufacture of ultra-processed products, such as extrusion and moulding, and
pre-processing for frying. fibre and protein. The ‘C’ score is then subtracted from the ‘A’ score to
Purpose: The main purpose of industrial ultra-processing is to create products that are provide a final overall nutrient profile score. From this score, foods with
ready to eat, to drink or to heat, liable to replace both unprocessed or minimally 4 points or more and drinks scoring 1 points or more are classed as ‘less
processed foods that are naturally ready to consume, such as fruits and nuts, milk healthy’ (DOH, 2011). Subsequently, products with scores less than 4
and water, and freshly prepared drinks, dishes, desserts and meals. Common
attributes of ultra-processed products are hyper-palatability, sophisticated and
were taken as being ‘healthy’ in the present publication.
attractive packaging, multi-media and other aggressive marketing to children The UK Nutrient Profiling Model underwent consultation in 2018
and adolescents, health claims, high profitability, and branding and ownership (PHE, 2018b). This was undertaken to better reflect and account for
by transnational corporations. updated UK dietary recommendations, particularly those for free sugars
Examples: Carbonated drinks; sweet or savoury packaged snacks; ice-cream,
and dietary fibre (PHE, 2018b). Rather than develop a new model the
chocolate, candies (confectionery); mass-produced packaged breads and buns;
margarines and spreads; cookies (biscuits), pastries, cakes, and cake mixes; original model was adapted to: 1) adjust the energy criterion to align
breakfast ‘cereals’, ‘cereal’ and ‘energy’ bars; ‘energy’ drinks; milk drinks, ‘fruit’ with food labelling regulation intakes of 8,400kJ (2,000kcal), 2) adjust
yoghurts and ‘fruit’ drinks; cocoa drinks; meat and chicken extracts and ‘instant’ saturated fat and sugar cut-offs and recalculate as a proportion of food/
sauces; infant formulas, follow-on milks, other baby products; ‘health’ and total dietary energy, 3) replace total sugar with 5 percent of total
‘slimming’ products such as powdered or ‘fortified’ meal and dish substitutes; and
many ready to heat products including pre-prepared pies and pasta and pizza
dietary energy for free sugars, 4) adjust the fibre criterion to account for
dishes; poultry and fish ‘nuggets’ and ‘sticks’, sausages, burgers, hot dogs, and new guidelines and 5) replace the sodium criterion with salt (PHE,
other reconstituted meat products, and powdered and packaged ‘instant’ soups, 2018b). This model uses similar food scoring systems to its previous
noodles and desserts. 2011 versions with foods scoring 4 points or more and drinks scoring 1
When products made solely of group 1 or group 3 foods also contain cosmetic or
points or more being classed as ‘less healthy’ (PHE, 2018a). Given these
sensory intensifying additives, such as plain yoghurt with added artificial
sweeteners, and breads with added emulsifiers, they are classified here in group adjustments the 50 foods identified were also applied to this newly
4. When alcoholic drinks are identified as foods, those produced by fermentation proposed modelling system (PHE, 2018a).
of group 1 foods followed by distillation of the resulting alcohol, such as whisky, The following data was extracted from food manufacturers’ labels:
gin, rum, vodka, are classified in group 4. 1) Number of ingredients, 2) Energy kJ/100g, 3) Saturated fat g/100g,
4) Total sugar g/100g, 5) Free sugars g/100g, 6) 7) Sodium mg/100g,
8) Salt g/100g, 9) Percentage of fruit, vegetables and nuts per 100g, 10)
undergone consultation (PHE, 2018b). These publications highlight the
AOAC fibre g/100g, 11) Protein g/100g and 12) any fortificants or
need to better address the nutritional profile of foods including UPFs.
functional ingredients was applied to the identified 50 foods using both
As a result of such conjecture, the present commentary evaluates
the 2011 and 2018 Nutritional Profiling Model systems and adjusted
and discusses the nutritional profile of fifty UPF that were graded as
being ‘healthy’ according to the UK Nutritional Profiling Model and
aligned with current food trends.
4. Nutrition claims
2. Approaches
The European Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 Nutrition Claims
2.1. UPF identification were also applied and used to classify the nutritional profile of the
products identified (EFSA, 2006). A summary of these are shown in
Products were identified though an online supermarket search Table 2. The percentage of foods that were categorised as healthy under
(; Groceries search). A search list was created within the the EFSA nutrition claims i.e. were: 1) low in energy, 2) low in fat, 3)
supermarket database using terms that were reflective of current low in sugars, 4) low or very low in sodium/salt, 5) a source or high in
dietary guidelines and environmentally-driven consumer trends protein and 6) a source of high in fibre was then calculated for each
(Gulland, 2017; PHE, 2016; SACN, 2015; Willett et al., 2019). Subse- component.
quently, the following were used as a basis for search terms: ‘reduced Further analysis was conducted focusing on six and three core nu-
sugar’, ‘reduced salt’, ‘cereals low sugar’, ‘wholegrain’, ‘plant-based’, trient components in relation to claims. Spearman rank correlations
‘meat alternatives’, ‘probiotic’. A comma and new line was added be- were used to establish whether there were any associations between the
tween each item. This produced a total of 127 items which were number of ingredients, energy, saturated fat, total sugar, sodium, AOAC
screened (reduced sugar, n = 5; reduced salt, n = 21; low sugar cereals, fibre, protein and overall nutritional profile scores.
n = 40, whole-grain, n = 40; meal alternatives, n = 21). When

E. Derbyshire Trends in Food Science & Technology 94 (2019) 98–104

Table 2
EFSA Nutrition Claims applied to UPF identified.
Low Energy A claim that a food is low in energy, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product does not
contain more than 40 kcal (170 kJ)/100 g for solids or more than 20 kcal (80 kJ)/100 ml for liquids. For table-top sweeteners the limit of 4 kcal (17 kJ)/
portion, with equivalent sweetening properties to 6 g of sucrose (approximately 1 teaspoon of sucrose), applies.

Low in Fat A claim that a food is low in fat, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product contains no more
than 3 g of fat per 100 g for solids or 1.5 g of fat per 100 ml for liquids (1.8 g of fat per 100 ml for semi-skimmed milk).
Low Sugars A claim that a food is low in sugars, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product contains no
more than 5 g of sugars per 100 g for solids or 2,5 g of sugars per 100 ml for liquids.
Low Sodium/Salt A claim that a food is low in sodium/salt, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product contains
no more than 0,12 g of sodium, or the equivalent value for salt, per 100 g or per 100 ml. For waters, other than natural mineral waters falling within the
scope of Directive 80/777/EEC, this value should not exceed 2 mg of sodium per 100 ml.
Very Low Sodium/Salt A claim that a food is very low in sodium/salt, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product
contains no more than 0,04 g of sodium, or the equivalent value for salt, per 100 g or per 100 ml. This claim shall not be used for natural mineral waters
and other waters.
Source of fibre A claim that a food is a source of fibre, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product contains at
least 3 g of fibre per 100 g or at least 1,5 g of fibre per 100 kcal.
High fibre A claim that a food is high in fibre, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product contains at
least 6 g of fibre per 100 g or at least 3 g of fibre per 100 kcal.
Source of Protein A claim that a food is a source of protein, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where at least 12 percent of
the energy value of the food is provided by protein.
High Protein A claim that a food is high in protein, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where at least 20 percent of the
energy value of the food is provided by protein.

5. Findings and discussion percent were low in sugar, 60 percent were a source of fibre, 38 percent
were low salt, 32 percent high in fibre, 30 percent a source of protein,
The fifty foods identified and number of ingredients are shown in 18 percent very low sodium and 12 percent low energy (Fig. 4a). Under
Fig. 1. The number of ingredients listed was, on average 13.6 but the updated 2018 model 38 of the original 50 UPFs remained healthy
ranged from 5 to 33. Forty percent of the UPFs contained ten in- (nutrient profile score < 4) and these tended to be healthier for the
gredients or less. Just under half (44 percent) had 5 to 10 ingredients EFSA categories than the original 50 (Fig. 4b). So, overall, 38 of the 50
listed. These findings demonstrate a large degree in variability in the were still healthy under the 2018 model and these tended to be heal-
number ingredients used between products. Quite often some of the thier for the EFSA categories than the original 50.
ingredients used were herbs and spices, preservative or fortificants. This When focusing on six of nutrient claims (low energy, low in satu-
yields the question about whether it is fair to judge products based on rated fat, low sugar, low salt and a source of fibre and energy) and using
‘ingredient numbers’ when some ingredients listed have a functional the 2011 model 4 percent of UPFs met EFSA nutrient claims for one
role to play by improving safety, shelf-life and nutritional profile. It is component, 20 percent met nutrition claims for two components and 50
also unclear why a cut-off of 5 ingredients or more has been used for the percent met EFSA benchmarks for three components. 1 in 5 (20 per-
NOVA definition of UPFs (Monteiro, 2016). cent) aligned with four EFSA nutrient claims and 6 percent for five of
Spearman Rank correlations between the number of ingredients and these. So all foods met EFSA nutrient claims for at least one component
individual nutritional components were also not statistically significant: and 76 percent of these UPFs had 3 or more healthy components and
Energy kJ/100g (rho = 0.15, p = 0.30), Saturated fat g/100g aligned with EFSA benchmarks (Fig. 5). This indicates that there are a
(rho = 0.10, p = 0.51), Total Sugar g/100g (rho = 0.15, p = 0.28), number of areas in which certain UPFs can meet nutritional bench-
Sodium mg/100g (rho = 0.20, p = 0.16), Dietary Fibre g/100g marks.
(rho = 0.06, p = 0.68) nor Protein g/100g (rho = −0.004, p = 0.98). Of the 50 UPFs identified 28 percent provided fortificants or other
Previously it has been reported that UPFs consumption has a ‘protein- functional components. One in five (20 percent) were fortified with
diluting effect’ – displacing protein from diets whilst driving up energy riboflavin, vitamin B6 or calcium, 18 percent with vitamin D, 14 per-
intakes (Martinez Steele, Raubenheimer, Simpson, Baraldi, & Monteiro, cent add vitamin B12 added, 12 percent were fortified with thiamine,
2018). The present commentary refutes this as 30 cent of the identified niacin or iron, 10 percent were fortified with folic acid, 6 percent
UPFs were a ‘source’ of protein according to European Nutrition Claims. provided vitamin E, 4 percent were fortified with iodine or pantothenic
Other work using mycoprotein (a component of Quorn™ - classified as acid and 2 percent had zinc or magnesium added. Omega-3 fatty acids
UPF by NOVA standards) has found its consumption to be associated were added in 6 percent of UPFs and plant stanols in 4 percent of UPF
with reduced energy intake and insulin release in overweight subjects products.
suggesting that it has satiety and appetite regulatory properties (Bottin It should be recognised that food fortification can be an important
et al., 2016). delivery vehicle for certain nutrients. For example, in one randomised
Nutritional profile scores of the 50 ‘healthy’ UPF are shown in controlled trial fortified breakfast cereal consumption over 12 weeks
Fig. 2. These ranged between −8 and 3. Lower values were generated was found to significantly improve the micronutrient intakes and status
when products were lower in energy, fat and sugar and had a higher of teenage girls, particularly in the case of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12,
fibre and protein profile. Higher sugar and salt profiles tended to in- folate, iron (p < 0.001) and of vitamin D (p = 0.007) (Powers,
crease nutrient profile scores most frequently, particularly in the 2018 Stephens, Russell, & Hill, 2016). In another randomised controlled trial
model. There were no statistically significant correlations between the bread fortified with vitamin D eaten by healthy adults (n = 90) was
overall nutrient profile score and the number of ingredients listed effective at raising serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels to nearly ade-
(rho = 0.10, p = 0.49) (Fig. 3a) using the 2011 Department of Health quate levels (Nikooyeh et al., 2016). Given such findings it should be
model. The correlation between the nutrient profile score and the questioned whether fortificants should be excluded when classifying
number ingredients listed was increased using the 2018 cut-offs but the UPF using ingredients lists.
association remained non significant (rho = 0.24, p = 0.09) (Fig. 3b). Subsequently, the present commentary and analysis provides evi-
Regarding nutrient claims using the 2011 Department of Health dence contradicting the statement that: “All together, they (UPF) are
model 84 percent of the identified UPFs were low in saturated fat, 80 energy-dense, high in unhealthy types of fat, free sugars and salt, and poor

E. Derbyshire Trends in Food Science & Technology 94 (2019) 98–104

Fig. 1. 50 UPFs identified and number of ingredients listed.

sources of protein, dietary fibre and micronutrients” (Monteiro et al., sodium, fibre or protein) nor nutrient profiling scores.
2018). In the present paper the number of ingredients did not correlate
against nutrition components (energy, saturated fat, total sugar,

E. Derbyshire Trends in Food Science & Technology 94 (2019) 98–104

Fig. 2. Nutrient profile scores for identified UPFs.

6. Progressive trends diets and even pose a risk nutritionally. Elsewhere concerns have al-
ready been addressed, particularly in relation to fortified foods such as
From a food processing perspective nutrition is expected to remain wholegrain bread, fortified enriched bread and cereals that could im-
an important issue in coming years, especially as inter-relationships pact on dietary fibre, folate and calcium intakes (Jones, 2018) if these
between food and health continue to strengthen (Fardet et al., 2015). It were to be further restricted by being demonised as being ‘ultra-pro-
should be considered that food systems are changing rapidly - this in- cessed’.
cludes growing interest in plant-based approaches for economic, health As well as the nutritional profile of UPFs other defamatory remarks
and environmental motives (Kevany KM et al., 2018). have also been made. For example, it has been stated that: “Ultra-pro-
Interestingly, 42 percent of the identified ‘UPFs’ were either plant- cessed products are also troublesome from social, cultural, economic, poli-
based, meat or dairy alternatives. Twenty-eight percent were also for- tical and environmental points of view” (Monteiro et al., 2018). Yet many
tified or contained functional components. Given changing markets and progressions are also being made. For example, innovative package
movements away from traditional meat and dairy sources the exclusion schemes are evolving such as eco-friendly sugar palm starch-based films
of some of these foods deemed to be ‘ultra-processed’ could restrict as an effective biopackaging material (Ilyas, Sapuan, Ishak, & Zainudin,

E. Derbyshire Trends in Food Science & Technology 94 (2019) 98–104

Fig. 4. a: Percentage meeting EC nutrition claims (pink bar).2011 model

n = 50 UPFs.
Fig. 4b: Percentage meeting EC nutrition claims (pink bar). 2018 model n = 38
UPFs. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

Fig. 3. a: Spearman rank correlations (non-significant) between the numbers of.

ingredients listed and nutrient profile score using the 2011 model.
Fig. 3b: Spearman rank correlations (non-significant) between the numbers of
ingredients listed and nutrient profile score using the 2018 model.

2018; Sanyang, 2017). Microbial biodegradable polymers produced

from agro-food waste residues are another promising approach to re-
ducing food losses and plastic accumulation (Guillard et al., 2018).
Ongoing work is now needed to test a range of validated profiling
systems, such as the French SENS algorithm (Tharrey et al., 2017). We
also need to better understand the way that the different classification
frameworks define the degrees of food processing and the extent to
which these frameworks differ in their definitions (Crino, Barakat,
Trevena, & Neal, 2017). Finally, large assumptions are being made that
un/minimally processed foods i.e. those prepared at home and with Fig. 5. Percentage meeting EC nutrition claims. across a number of nutrition
fewer ingredients are healthier. In reality this can depend of recipe
formulation, financial costs, time, culinary skills and knowledge
(Gibney et al., 2017). model of being ‘healthy’ and have a functional role to play in the diet,
Moving forward we now need to consider the nutritional profiles of such as providing protein, fibre and fortificants. Given this, the present
food alongside levels of processing. Without this overarching assump- publication recommends a number of future actions:
tions that UPFs are all “energy-dense, high in unhealthy types of fat, free
sugars and salt, and poor sources of protein, dietary fibre and micro- • Food classification systems should not judge processed foods un-
nutrients” (Monteiro et al., 2018) cannot be made. fairly and should encompass other core aspects such as nutritional
profiling into methodologies so that fair and robust judgements can
7. Conclusions be made.
• The human body does not respond to ‘processing’ but the nutrients
The present commentary and analysis has shown that UPFs are not in a food, hence, this signifies the importance of evaluating this too.
necessarily all ‘nutritional demons’. As with most things there are al- • Terms like “ultra-processed” can be misleading to consumers and do
ways exceptions and some UPFs can meet the UK nutritional profiling not accurately represent all products.

E. Derbyshire Trends in Food Science & Technology 94 (2019) 98–104

• Processing when the right approaches are taken may be beneficial Guillard, V., Gaucel, S., Fornaciari, C., Angellier-Coussy, H., Buche, P., & Gontard, N.
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fortified with folic acid, fortified cereals, meat alternatives, pro- Gulland, A. (2017). Dietary guidelines should encourage a healthy planet. BMJ, 356,
biotic food products or gluten-free food products. j1254.
• Overall, food manufacturers should produce products that have the Ilyas, R. A., Sapuan, S. M., Ishak, M. R., & Zainudin, E. S. (2018). Development and
characterization of sugar palm nanocrystalline cellulose reinforced sugar palm starch
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This review was supported by Marlow foods. The views expressed 6, 85.
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