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Bullying is a form of intentional violence, abuse, and mistreatment shown by an imbalance in

strength or power between people. It is a pattern of behavior that might be physical, verbal, or
personal in nature. Bullying happens in almost all places including at work, on social media, and
most commonly in schools. In this essay, I will talk about the causes of bullying, the effects, and
why bullies at school needs to be suspended.

Many factors contribute to student bullying such as differences in race, sexual orientation,
religion, weight, height, or anything else that makes one child different from another. However,
most of the time this is not merely the case. There are deeper reasons or root causes on why
some children likes to bully. This can be traced back in their homes where they may be
experiencing family problems such as parents who are constantly bickering and fighting or
being abused and scolded at for unnecessary things. These negative experiences can mold a
child’s personality and can make them aggressive towards others.

The point is, bullying is not just a problem that can be fixed easily, it needs a solution that will
permanently heal the emotional wounds of people who are doing it. I believe that imposing a
suspension in schools will not only give justice to the victims of bullying but also serve as a
lesson to other students of the consequences to their actions. It is also important for an
educational institution to emphasize that any form of violence such as bullying is not tolerated
and taken lightly. This will also help in creating a safe zone and secured environment where
students will feel safe. At the same time, the school should also provide guidance counselling to
bullies to identify the root cause of their behavior.

Whether you are a student, teacher, parent, or a member of the community, everyone plays an
important role in preventing bullying. We can all make a difference if we choose to take action.
Take a stand against bullying.

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