Exam 1

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Рівень вищої освіти – перший (бакалаврський)

Освітня компонента Іноземна мова

Екзаменаційна робота
Прізвище та ім’я студент ____________________________ Група __________

1 Write down the type of the film.

drama thriller horror comedy documentary
1 ___________ a film with a very exciting story that often involves a crime
2 ___________ a film with lots of funny scenes.
3 ___________ a film that's about real people, events or issues.
4 ___________ a movie about realistic characters in dramatic situations.
5 ___________ a movie that frightens and shocks people.

2 Write opposite word using prefixes: un-, dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-.
responsible _____________ happy _________________
possible ________________ logical _________________
active __________________ honest _________________

3 Match phrases:
1 come up with a) the environment
2 close down b) the cars
3 use up c) petrol
4 look after d) the rainforests
5 give off e) all the nuclear power stations
6 cut down f) the solution
7 give up g) fossil fuels
8 run out of h) greenhouse gases

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4 Choose the correct alternatives.

I live in a place called North Leyton. It’s a quiet town. There are 1) a few / a
little restaurants and cafés in the centre, but there aren’t 2) any / much nightclubs. There
aren’t 3) a few / many shops in North Leyton, so most people go to the shopping centre out
of town. It’s easy to get to because there are 4) a little / lots of buses.
There are 5) lots of / much good things about living in a quiet town. There isn’t 6)
some / much pollution. And there’s 7) any / some beautiful scenery just outside the town.
At weekends, I spend 8) a few / a lot of time riding mountain bike through the countryside.
5 Fill in the correct form of the (comparative or superlative).

1 My house is (big)_______________ than yours.

2 This flower is (beautiful) _________________ than that one.
3 This is (interesting) ____________________ book I have ever read.
4 Non-smokers usually live (long) ______________ than smokers.
5 Which is the (dangerous) ___________________ animal in the world?
6 A holiday by the sea is (good) ____________ than a holiday in the mountains.

6 Fill in the blanks using HAS TO, MUST, MUSTN’T or DON’T HAVE TO!

1 You _______________ cross the street if the lights are red!

2 A doctor sometimes _______________ work on Sunday.
3 You _________________ come to the party if you don’t feel well.
4 The book I gave you is very valuable. You ________________ be careful and take good
care of it.
5 She ____________________ work this evening. I can do the tasks for you.
6 I _________________ take my medicine three times a day.

1 Talk about the film.
- How often do you go to the cinema?
- What was the last film you saw?
- What type of film was it?
2 Describe your favorite type of weather.
- Do you trust the weather forecast? Which weather forecast is the most accurate?
- Do you feel different because of weather?
- How do different types of weather affect your emotions?

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов

Протокол № 7 від 14 лютого 2023 року

Завідувач кафедри _________________ Наталія Городецька

(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)
Екзаменатор _________________ Мар’яна Лісевич-Залуцька
(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)
Рівень вищої освіти – перший (бакалаврський)
Освітня компонента Іноземна мова

Екзаменаційна робота
Прізвище та ім’я студент ____________________________ Група __________

1 Write down the type of the film.

documentary animation science fiction horror action

1 ____________ a genre with stories set in the future or in outer space.

2 ____________ a film with a very exciting story involving car chases, shooting, explosions.
3 ____________ a film in which the characters are drawn, made by computer.
4 ____________ a film that's about real people, events or issues.
5 ____________ a movie that frightens and shocks people.

2 Write opposite word using prefixes: un-, dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-.
respectful _______________ reasonable _______________
legal ___________________ practical _________________
active __________________ relevant __________________

3 Match phrases:
1 Global a) change
2 Sea b) gases
3 Fossil c) caps
4 Renewable d) warming
5 Animal e) level
6 Climate f) fuels
7 Polar ice g) energy
8 Greenhouse h) species

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4 Choose the correct alternatives.

1) Come on! Our bus leaves in five minutes. We haven’t got a little / much time.
2) We’re going to spend a few / many days in Rome next week.
3) Mum’s job is boring, but she earns a lot of / much money.
4) There aren’t a few / many houses in the city centre.
5) Dad always adds a little / many chilli sauce to his food.
6) I couldn’t find a seat on the train because there were lots of / a few people on it.
7) The fridge is nearly empty, but there are a few / many eggs.
8) Is there much / a little pollution in your city?
5 Fill in the correct form of the (comparative or superlative).

1 It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) ___________________ than a beer.

2 Who is the (rich) __________________ woman on earth?
3 The weather this summer is even (good) _______________ than last summer.
4 Which is the (large) __________________ city in the world?
5 A holiday by the sea is (bad)_____________ than a holiday in the mountains.
6 Smokers usually live (short) ________________ than non-smokers.

6 Fill in the blanks using HAS TO, MUST, MUSTN’T or DON’T HAVE TO!

1 Nowadays pupils ________________ learn Latin at school.

2 A Soldier ____________________ obey orders.
3 Small children __________________ play with matches.
4 You ____________________ come to the party if you don’t feel well.
5 You ___________________ pay to use the library. It’s free.
6 You ___________________ work hard in order to succeed.


1 In your opinion, which season is the most beautiful?

- Which season is the most comfortable for you?
- Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?

2 Describe a TV programme that you often watch. You should say:

- What kind of programme it is
- Why you watch it
- When and why you first started watching it.

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов

Протокол № 7 від 14 лютого 2023 року

Завідувач кафедри _________________ Наталія Городецька

(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)
Екзаменатор _________________ Мар’яна Лісевич-Залуцька
(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)
Рівень вищої освіти – перший (бакалаврський)
Освітня компонента Іноземна мова

Екзаменаційна робота
Прізвище та ім’я студент ____________________________ Група __________

1 Write down the type of the film.

horror comedy documentary drama thriller
1 ___________ a film that's about real people, events or issues.
2  ___________ a movie about realistic characters in dramatic situations.
3 ___________ a movie that frightens and shocks people.
4 ___________ a film with a very exciting story that often involves a crime
5 ___________ a film with lots of funny scenes.
2 Write opposite word using prefixes: un-, dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-.
efficient ________________ educated ______________
connected _______________ regular ________________
legible __________________ patient ________________

3 Match phrases:
1 cut down a) the environment
2 run out of b) the cars
3 use up c) petrol
4 look after d) the rainforests
5 give off e) all the nuclear power stations
6 come up with f) the solution
7 give up g) fossil fuels
8 close down h) greenhouse gases

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4 Choose the correct alternatives.

I live in a place called North Leyton. It’s a quiet town. There are 1) a few / a
little restaurants and cafés in the centre, but there aren’t 2) any / much nightclubs. There
aren’t 3) a few / many shops in North Leyton, so most people go to the shopping centre out
of town. It’s easy to get to because there are 4) a little / lots of buses.
There are 5) lots of / much good things about living in a quiet town. There isn’t 6)
some / much pollution. And there’s 7) any / some beautiful scenery just outside the town.
At weekends, I spend 8) a few / a lot of time riding mountain bike through the countryside.
5 Fill in the correct form of the (comparative or superlative).

1 This is (interesting) ________________ book I have ever read.

2 Non-smokers usually live (long) _________________ than smokers.
3 Which is the (dangerous) ___________________ animal in the world?
4 A holiday by the sea is (good) _______________ than a holiday in the mountains.
5 Her house is (big)__________________ than yours.
6 This flower is (beautiful) _________________ than that one.

6 Fill in the blanks using HAS TO, MUST, MUSTN’T or DON’T HAVE TO!

1 You _________________ pay to use the library. It’s free.

2 You _________________ work hard in order to succeed.
3 Nowadays pupils ____________________ learn Latin at school.
4 A Soldier ____________________ obey orders.
5 Small children ___________________ play with matches.
6 You ___________________ cross the street if the lights are red!


1 Describe a book or a film that had a strong impact on you. You should say:
- What was it
- When you read or saw it
- How it influenced you
- Say if you liked it and why. 
2 Do you worry about climate change?
- Has your country ever experienced a weather-related disaster?
- What happened and how much damage was caused?

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов

Протокол № 7 від 14 лютого 2023 року

Завідувач кафедри _________________ Наталія Городецька

(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)
Екзаменатор _________________ Мар’яна Лісевич-Залуцька
(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)
Рівень вищої освіти – перший (бакалаврський)
Освітня компонента Іноземна мова

Екзаменаційна робота
Прізвище та ім’я студент ____________________________ Група __________

1 Write down the type of the film.

science fiction horror action documentary animation

1 ____________ a film that's about real people, events or issues.

2 ____________ a movie that frightens and shocks people.
3 ____________ a genre with stories set in the future or in outer space.
4 ____________ a film with a very exciting story involving car chases, shooting, explosions.
5 ____________ a film in which the characters are drawn, made by computer.

2 Write opposite word using prefixes: un-, dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-.
perfect _______________ necessary _________________
agree ________________ capable ___________________
literate _______________ responsible ________________

3 Match phrases:
1 Climate a) change
2 Greenhouse b) gases
3 Fossil c) caps
4 Renewable d) warming
5 Animal e) level
6 Global f) fuels
7 Polar ice g) energy
8 Sea h) species

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

4 Choose the correct alternatives.

1) Dad always adds a little / much chilli sauce to his food.

2) The fridge is nearly empty, but there are a few / many eggs.
3) Mum’s job is boring, but she earns a lot of / much money.
4) There aren’t a few / many houses in the city centre.
5) Come on! Our bus leaves in five minutes. We haven’t got a little / much time.
6) I couldn’t find a seat on the train because there were lots of / a few people on it.
7)  We’re going to spend a few / many days in Rome next week.
8) Is there much / a little pollution in your city?
5 Fill in the correct form of the (comparative or superlative).

1 The weather this summer is even (bad) ______________ than last summer.

2 Which is the (large) __________________ city in the world?
3 A holiday by the sea is (good) _______________ than a holiday in the mountains.
4 Smokers usually live (short) ___________________ than non-smokers.
5 It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) ______________________ than a beer.
6 Who is the (rich) _____________________ woman on earth?

6 Fill in the blanks using HAS TO, MUST, MUSTN’T or DON’T HAVE TO!

1 You ____________________ come to the party if you don’t feel well.

2 The book I gave you is very valuable. You ___________________ be careful and take
good care of it.
3 You ___________________ work this evening. I can do the tasks for you.
4 I ____________________ take my medicine three times a day.
5 You ____________________ cross the street if the lights are red!
6 A doctor sometimes ____________________ work on Sunday.


1 What genre of movies do you like?

- Do you like to watch movies at home or at the movie theater?
- How do the films influence you?
2 How serious are the earth's environmental problems?
- Which region of your country has the best weather? What is it like there?
- What does it mean to say, 'I feel under the weather'? When did you last feel this way?

Затверджено на засіданні кафедри іноземних мов

Протокол № 7 від 14 лютого 2023 року

Завідувач кафедри _________________ Наталія Городецька

(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)
Екзаменатор _________________ Мар’яна Лісевич-Залуцька
(підпис) (прізвище та ініціали)

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