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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga City

Division of Zamboanga City Schools
Landang Gua National High School
SY. 2023-2022

Daily Lesson Plan in Personal Development

School LANDANG GUA NATIONAL NHS Grade Level & Section


Learning Personal Development Teaching Dates & Duration 50 mins. /08-30-2023



Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of… himself/herself during middle
and late adolescence

Performance Standards the learners shall be able to.. conduct self-exploration and simple

Learning Competencies/Code Compare and contrast how the elements are used in the different genres

Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners would be able to:

● Knowledge Recall the elements of the basic literary genres

● Skills Apply the acquire knowledge upon learning or group discussion in the class.

● Attitude Develop critical thinking skills towards reading articles, stories, and journals
into meaningful learning experiences.

II. CONTENT Understanding Conventions of Traditional Genres; Poetry, Fiction and Drama


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages None

2. Learner’s Materials pages None

3. Textbook pages None

4. Additional Materials from Learning 479011875-CREATIVE-NONFICTION-MODULE1-docx.pdf

Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources Visual aides, pictures, and articles, laptop and speaker.

C. Supplies, Equipment, Tools, etc.


Teacher’s Activity Students activity

A. Review/ Good morning/ afternoon class! How is your day so far? Good morning/ afternoon Ma’am. We
Introductory are fine
And, how about your vacation? Did you go for a travel,
Visiting your relatives, families, and friends?

Ok, I’m glad that we are here again, learning another lessons
and especially, meeting new friends, teachers, as well as the Yes Ma’am

Before we begin the class this morning/afternoon, let us ask
(One student lead the prayer)
the guidance of almighty God and let us enlighten our mind
to completely understand the lesson this morning. Would
you please lead the prayer?

Checking of attendance I would like to request everyone to arrange your chair

properly and make sure there are no trashes around you.

(Students will arrange their chairs

I think everyone is present. I’m so glad that everyone and will pick up the trashes)
understands the reasons of coming to school regularly.

(Students starts the self -introduction

in by saying a short intro)

B. Activity/ Motivation “Spelling bee”

Before we are going through the next topic let’s first check
your vocabulary and see how better you are in spelling the
words as you learned it from the previous lesson. Answer:
Direction: the ff. words are scramble; make it 1.literature
1. retulierare
2. tryoep
3. azntsa

5. rygemai

How many you got class? Nice, it means that you were
observing and listening to the class yesterday. Great job!

Let’s get started! Take a good look

at these pictures. What are your
thoughts on the picture? What
feelings does it invite?

Don’t limit your imagination.

Students are gaining notion upon
describing the pictures. Analyze
the pictures to come up the
whole meaning of the diagram.

C. Analysis/Presenting
examples of the
“Correcting Mistakes”
new lesson where
the concepts are
clarified In your group, I will be sending a piece of reading The groupings are the same as
material regarding the topic yesterday. All you have to yesterday. Every members are
do is to read the text word by word and find some participated to find the mistakes
corrections and change it to make the in the text, then they have to
sentence/statement correct. report it to the class.

Is it class clear class? I’ll give you 15 minutes to finish

the task. Good luck class.

D. Abstraction Discussion:

Yesterday, we learned that Literature is any body of written

works and is writing considered to be an art form, or any
single writing deemed to have artistic or intellectual value,
often due to deploying language in ways that differ from
ordinary usage. Whereas, poetry is a form of literature that
uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language—such as
phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metre—to evoke
meanings in addition to, or in place of, the prosaic ostensible
meaning. It is made up of lines and stanzas.

This morning we will tackle about the differences and

similarity of elements and its usage in different genres.

A poem may or may not have a specific number of lines,

rhyme scheme and/or metrical pattern, but it can still be
labeled according to its form or style. Here are the three
most common types of poems according to form: 1. Lyric
Poetry - It is any poem with one speaker (not necessarily the
poet) who expresses strong thoughts and feelings. Most
poems, especially modern ones, are lyric poems. 2. Narrative
Poem: It is a poem that tells a story; its structure resembles
the plot line of a story [i.e. the introduction of conflict and
characters, rising action, climax and the denouement]. 3.
Descriptive Poem: It is a poem that describes the world that
surrounds the speaker. It uses elaborate imagery and
adjectives. While emotional, it is more "outward-focused"
than lyric poetry, which is more personal and introspective.

! Here are some more types of poems that are subtypes of

the three styles above: Ode: It is usually a lyric poem of
moderate length, with a serious subject, an elevated style,
and an elaborate stanza pattern. Elegy: It is a lyric poem that
mourns the dead. [It's not to be confused with a eulogy.] It
has no set metric or stanzaic pattern, but it usually begins by
reminiscing about the dead person, then laments the reason
for the death, and then resolves the grief by concluding that
death leads to immortality. It often uses "apostrophe"
(calling out to the dead person) as a literary technique. It can
have a formal style, and sound similar to an ode Sonnet: It is
a lyric poem consisting of 14 lines and, in the English version,
is usually written in iambic pentameter. There are two basic
kinds of sonnets: the Italian (or Petrarchan) sonnet and the
Shakespearean (or Elizabethan/English) sonnet. The
Italian/Petrarchan sonnet is named after Petrarch, an Italian
Renaissance poet. The Petrarchan sonnet consists of an
octave (eight lines) and a sestet (six lines). The
Shakespearean sonnet consists of three quatrains (four lines
each) and a concluding couplet (two lines). The Petrarchan
sonnet tends to divide the thought into two parts (argument
and conclusion); the Shakespearean, into four (the final
couplet is the summary). Ballad: It is a narrative poem that
has a musical rhythm and can be sung. A ballad is usually
organized into quatrains or cinquains, has a simple rhythm
structure, and tells the tales of ordinary people. Epic: It is a
long narrative poem in elevated style recounting the deeds
of a legendary or historical hero

E. Valuing: Finding
Applications of
Concepts and Skills
in Daily Living

Direction: there are so many good books, sometimes it is

hard to know which to read. Can you find the title of a book
from each of the following genres? Try not to go straight to
the internet some good places to look first are your home
bookshelves, your classroom, your library or a bookstore.

F. Generalization
Directions: Review the lesson on biases opinions and
unbiases opinions. Then write your reflection
in your English journal notebook by
completing the statements below.

I have learned that._________________________

I have realized that

I will apply

G. Assessment

Assess what you have learned!

Now that you are equipped with knowledge and skills in recalling two types of literature: the pose and
the poetry and you grasped some important key words in describing the two types. Let’s checked how
much you’d learned from the lesson.

Direction: Identification: Identify what is being ask in the following statement below.

A. Give at least 3 types of genres in literature




B. Give at least 2 kinds of elements involve in literature



B. Additional Activities ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY:

for Application or Awesome! You have done a great job! Finally, you have improved how to stress a single
remediation if word when reading a sentences and be able to apply all your learnings not only in your
Needed English classes but also to other subject areas that are necessary for you to use. You have also
increased your vocabulary and have developed your reading comprehension skills. To achieve
your full potential, keep on reading, and practice these skills always.
Direction: You are tasked to search a piece of literature on an internet or in books then write down
what elements and genres does the author implied. Write your answer in a ¼ sheet of paper.



A.No.of learners who

learned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No.of learners who

require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No.of
learners who have
caught up with the

D.No.of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G.What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:

Nelyn Grace V. Lebita Winelson P. Buenaflor
English Teacher OIC

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