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Mark Anthony Cayanan Ode to boy „Your true nature was The fact that our emotions
something that could‟ve come will be put to the test at this
later” time allowed me to relate. I
Mark Anthony Cayanan is often make irrational
from the Philippines and decisions without giving them
works as a professor in the much thought. When we are
English department at the irrationally angry or
Ateneo de Manila, where he something, it somehow
teaches literature and creative exposes our true nature. That
writing. Both the Kritika experience taught me to
Kultura Anthology of New embrace my flaws as a person
Philippine Writing in English because, at the end of the day,
and the literary part of the I‟m still a person who is
academic journal Kritika capable of experiencing
various emotions.
Kultura are edited by him. He
earned a Ph.B. from the
University of Adelaide, where
he was awarded the 2021 -Mary Rose Ann Valencia
Doctoral research medal, and
an MFA in creative writing
from the University of
Wisconsin in Madison.

Danilo Francisco M. Reyes Telling Time “The cranes Marjorie taught In the poem by D.M Reyes, I
me to fold, gathered in a box; am able to relate it to my life
gold and blue wings rustling in view of the fact that despite
Danilo Francisco M. Reyes in the time of healing.” the difficulties and trials come
also known as D.M Reyes our way that gives us
was born on 11th of May, excruciating pain and wounds,
1968 in Manila and growing there is always a process to
up in Nueva Ecija. He heal just like a paper crane.
enrolled in philosophy on a
scholarship at Ateneo De
Manila University, upon -Shaira Leign Vitacion
discovering the poems of
Gerard Manley Hopkins,
Rainer Maria Rilke, and Edith
L. Tiempo, he decided on a
literary career. He was editor
of Heights; took his AB, 1989
and MA, 1995 both in English
at Ateneo. He was a writing
fellow at the Silliman Writers
Workshop in 1989; that same
year, he began teaching
Filipino language and
literature in Ateneo.

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