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1869 False Exchange Mixed 10

Regulation Act

Mumbai to
1881 Total Population 7 218

3 1793 25 1851

Inward looking
Prime Minister 2012 - 2017 M. Visvesvaraya Volume of trade
trade strategy

1907 1757 True Quota
Indian Economic Development - BINGO

1. First railway train was started here _____________. B

2. He is the Grand old man of India.
3. Zamindari system was introduced by Lord Cornwallis in the year _______.
4. Tata Iron and steel Industry was established in year _______. I
5. Female literacy rate during on eve of independence was _____%.
6. Suez Canal was opened in year ______.
____________________ was the father of Indian statistics.
In 1934 ,Planned Economy of India was written by _______________________________.
9. Duration of M.N. Roy’s ‘People’s Plan’ was of _____ years.
Last 5-year plan was between _________________.
After Independence, India opted for _____________ type of economy.
12. NITI Ayog is headed by _______________________.
13. ____________ refers to quantity on value of exports and imports of a country.
14. Import substitution policy is commonly called ________________________________________________.
15. In 1990-91, share of USSR and East Europe in India’s Foreign trade was_____%.
16. ____________ refers to fixing the maximum limit on the import of a commodity by domestic product.
17. Industries Development and Regulation Act was passed in __________.
18. Full form of FERA _____________________________________________________________________.
19. Industrial Policy Resolution of 1956 classified industries into _____parts.
20. Industrial development is important for agricultural development. [True/False]
21. Infant mortality rate during the time of independence was _________.
22. Battle of Plassey was fought in _________.
23. Small scale industry is defined on the basis of size of employment. [True/False]
24. First census was undertaken in _______.
National Income
25. Per capita Income =

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