Munch2020 Article ResolvingThe11HboxBPAlpha011BP

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Eur. Phys. J.

A (2020) 56:17

Regular Article - Experimental Physics

Resolving the 11 B( p, α0 ) cross-section discrepancies between 0.5

and 3.5 MeV
Michael Munch1,a , Oliver Sølund Kirsebom1,2 , Jacobus Andreas Swartz1,3 , Hans Otto Uldall Fynbo1,b
1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 120, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
2 Present address: Institute for Big Data Analytics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada
3 Present address: Center for Nuclear Technologies, Technical University of Denmark, Frederiksborgvej 399, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark

Received: 12 August 2019 / Accepted: 10 November 2019 / Published online: 21 January 2020
© Società Italiana di Fisica (SIF) and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020
Communicated by P. Woods

Abstract Although the reaction 11 B( p, 3α) has been widely plasma mixing phenomena inside the stars at a rate which
studied for its relevance in material science, nuclear struc- depends on fundamental nuclear cross-sections.
ture, nuclear astrophysics, and fusion science, significant The 11 B( p, 3α) reaction is considered a candidate for
discrepancies exist in the data. For the channel proceed- fusion energy generators as an alternative to e.g. the most
ing via the ground state of 8 Be, the available cross-section favored t (d, n)α reaction [4]. In order to evaluate the feasi-
data shows large discrepancies of both normalization and bility of the 11 B( p, 3α) reaction accurate cross-sections are
energy scale. The present paper reports on a measurement required [5].
of the 11 B( p, α0 ) cross-section using an array of large area Finally, the cross-section of the 11 B( p, 3α) reaction pro-
segmented silicon detectors and low beam current on an vides a direct probe for resonances in 12 C above the 11 B+ p
enriched thin target with the aim of resolving the discrep- threshold. For proton energies up to 2 MeV the excitation
ancies amongst previous measurements. spectrum exhibits resonances due to three isospin T = 1
states at 16.11, 16.62 and 17.76 MeV, which have spin and
parities of 2+ , 2− and 0+ , respectively, and whose properties
1 Introduction are well established. Additionally, a very broad 1− , T = 1
resonance and sub-threshold resonances of unknown spin and
The reaction 11 B( p, 3α) is relevant for fields as diverse as parity are believed to contribute to the excitation spectrum
material science, nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, and in the region between the 2− and 0+ resonances [7,8,13].
fusion science. In a sequential picture, this reaction can pro- Symons et al. interprets this as ghosts of resonances below
ceed via the ground state of 8 Be, 11 B( p, α0 )8 Be, or via the the proton threshold with spin and parity 2+ or 3− [7], while

first excited state, 11 B( p, α1 )8 Be . Barker interprets this region as a broad 1− resonance in addi-
Boron depth profiling in bulk matter can be studied using tion to the high energy tail of a broad 0+ resonance below
the technique of nuclear reaction analysis (NRA) where a the proton threshold in 12 C [13].
nuclear reaction on the element of interest produces a parti- A handful of measurements over extended ranges of beam
cle with high enough energy to escape the material, and the energies and/or emission angles of the final state particles
energy distribution of the emitted particles can be used to have been published, but these measurements differ signifi-
deduce the depth profile. Boron depth profiling using NRA cantly both in the energy scale and in the absolute normal-
requires an accurate cross-section of the 11 B( p, α0 ) reaction ization of the cross-sections. Figure 1 shows cross-section
in the energy range up to 3–4 MeV [1]. data from a set of measurements of the 11 B( p, α0 ) reaction
The rate of the 11 B( p, 3α) reaction is also relevant for which is the focus of the present paper. As is evident, there are
understanding the astrophysical abundances of the light ele- significant deviations of the order of 100 keV in the energy
ments Li, Be, and B [2,3]. Specifically, the abundances of scale and up to a factor of two in the magnitude of the cross-
these elements in stellar atmospheres can be depleted due to section between different measurements. Likely sources of
such deviations can be accelerator energy calibrations and
a e-mail: inaccurate evaluations of target thicknesses.
b e-mail:

17 Page 2 of 7 Eur. Phys. J. A (2020) 56:17

2 Experiment

The experiment was conducted at the Aarhus University 5

MeV accelerator which provided a beam of protons with an
energy between 0.5 and 3.5 MeV. The beam impinged on a
thin boron target, which was oriented 45◦ with respect to the
beam axis. The beam current was measured 1 m downstream
of the target position with a Faraday cup which was calibrated
using a Fluke 341A Voltage Calibrator and a precision resis-
tor measured with a HP High Resistor Meter 4339A. The
beam spot was collimated to be 1 mm × 1 mm by a set of
horizontal and vertical slits.
The boron target was manufactured by evaporating 99%
enriched 11 B onto a thin ∼4 µg cm−2 natural carbon backing.
In order to determine the target thickness the target was ori-
Fig. 1 Angle-integrated α0 cross-section as reported by Refs. [5–11]
(tabulated data available via EXFOR [12]). Deviations both in the abso-
ented at angles of 0◦ and 180◦ with respect to the beam axis
lute normalization and energy calibration are evident and bombarded with 2 MeV α particles. The 11 B thickness
could then be deduced from the energy shift of the carbon
peak by correcting for the stopping power. This is done using
the procedure described in Ref. [14], which expands on the
work of [15]. The result was 12.6(12) µg cm−2 .
Charged particles were detected using an array of four
double sided silicon strip detectors (DSSD) in close geome-
try. These provided a simultaneous detection of energy and
position of emitted charged particles. The array consisted
of two annular DSSDs (S3 from Micron Semiconductors)
placed 42 mm up- and downstream of the target. Addition-
ally, two quadratic DSSDs (W1 from Micron Semiconduc-
tors) were placed approximately 36 mm from the target center
at an angle of 85◦ and 95◦ with respect to the beam axis.
The trigger logic was handled by a GSI Vulom4b module
[16] running the TRLO II firmware [17]. The trigger logic
was configured as a logical OR between all four detectors,
with the downstream detector downscaled by a factor of eight.
The firmware maintains scaler values for the accepted and
total number of triggers for each detector. The deadtime for
each run was determined from these.
The energy scan was performed in steps of 100 keV with
smaller steps near well-known resonances—see Table 1. Data
Fig. 2 Detection setup. Two annular detectors were placed 42 mm up- were acquired at each energy for approximately 1 h with a
and downstream of the target, while two quadratic detectors were placed beam current of 0.3–1 nA. Longer measurements were per-
at 85◦ and 95◦ . The target was oriented 45◦ with respect to the beam formed for the 0+ state at 17.76 MeV and the 3− state at
axis, which is indicated by the arrow
18.35 MeV. The results of these longer measurements will
be reported separately [18].

Some of us have recently published a re-measurement of 3 Data reduction

the 11 B( p, 3α) reaction at a proton energy corresponding to
the 16.11 MeV 2+ T = 1 resonance, which produced a more The analysis was performed event by event on list-mode type
precise and accurate determination of the cross-section at that data. The energy of the detected particles was corrected for
energy [14]. Here we use the same experimental approach to losses in the target foil and the dead layers of the detectors,
study the 11 B( p, α0 ) reaction for proton energies in the range which are ∼500 nm thick for the annular design and ∼100 nm
0.5–3.5 MeV (Fig. 2).

Eur. Phys. J. A (2020) 56:17 Page 3 of 7 17

Table 1 Tabulated angle-integrated cross-sections. The uncertainty is

approximately 10% for all data points except the lowest two where it is
E p (keV) σα0 (mb) E p (keV) σα0 (mb)

500 2.6 (3) 2150 9.0 (9)

600 3.9 (5) 2250 12.8 (13)
683 4.6 (5) 2300 16.6 (17)
800 5.9 (6) 2350 21 (2)
850 5.7 (6) 2400 26 (3)
900 6.2 (6) 2450 37 (4)
950 6.5 (7) 2500 47 (5)
1000 6.7 (7) 2550 55 (6)
1100 6.7 (7) 2600 62 (6)
1300 6.6 (7) 2640 58 (6)
1500 6.4 (7) 2650 57 (6) Fig. 3 Center-of-mass energy distribution for a proton energy of 800
keV. At high energy, one sees a sharp peak corresponding to α0 . Below
1600 6.3 (6) 2700 48 (5) this peak is a broad distribution corresponding to reactions proceeding
1700 6.5 (7) 2750 35 (4) via the α1 channel. Around 1 MeV there are various peaks corresponding
1800 7.4 (8) 2800 26 (3) to elastic proton scattering. Note, the energy displayed is corrected for
energy loss, as if all hits were α particles. This artificially shifts the
1900 8.4 (9) 2850 16.3 (17) elastic protons to higher energy
1900 9.7 (10) 2900 9.2 (9)
1935 11.6 (12) 2950 5.8 (6)
1970 15.6 (16) 3000 4.6 (5)
boron layer. At this location, an α0 was generated and emitted
2000 15.9 (16) 3100 5.1 (5)
isotropically in the CM system. The α0 was propagated out
2030 9.4 (10) 3300 6.4 (7)
of the target and into the detectors in a straight-line trajectory.
2060 6.6 (7) 3400 7.2 (7)
Energy losses were calculated using the SRIM tables which
2100 6.7 (7) 3500 8.6 (9)
approximately account for straggling [21]. In addition, the
simulation was cross checked by simulating an α source at
the target position, and comparing the computed solid angle
with that obtained with an absolutely calibrated α source.1
for the quadratic design. All energies were corrected as if the
Furthermore, the sensitivity of the simulation to systematic
particle was an α particle.
errors in both detector and beam position was investigated.
The corrected energies and the angles were transformed to
This was done by computing the Hessian and Jacobian matrix
the beam-target center-of-mass (CM) system. An example of
using finite difference. The off-diagonal elements of the Hes-
the resulting CM energy spectrum can be seen in Fig. 3 with
sian were found to be negligible and the systematic error was
a clear peak at high energy corresponding to the α0 channel.
thus computed using linearized error propagation. A conser-
At lower energies the broad distribution corresponding to α1
vative estimate of 1mm uncertainty on all parameters yields
and its secondary particles is present. Peaks from the elastic
2% systematic uncertainty.
scattering of the proton beam off boron, carbon, and small
The structure of the simulation output was identical to the
impurities of an element close to iron can also be seen at
real data and the simulated data was subjected to the same
low energies. To select the α0 channel, a cut is placed on the
analysis as the real data. The solid angle for a given CM angle
α0 peak and the CM angles projected out. A selection of the
can then be calculated as the ratio between the number of
resulting angular distributions can be seen in Fig. 4. The dis-
detected hits to the number of simulated events. The angular
tributions evolve slowly from forward focussed to approx-
distribution is then given by the ratio of the data and simula-
imately symmetric to strongly backward focussed. During
tion for each CM angle. The differential cross-section was in
the analysis, it was observed that some pixels in the forward
this way determined by scaling the angular distribution with
detectors were partially shadowed by the target ladder. Con-
the integrated current and acquisition deadtime. The result-
servatively these pixels were excluded from the analysis and
ing angular resolved cross-sections were then fitted with the
five lowest-order Legendre polynomials.
In order to determine the solid angle of the detection
system, a Monte Carlo simulation was performed with the
SimX tool [20]. A beam of protons with a 1 mm × 1 mm pro- 1 Eckert and Ziegler source no. 1652-45. Total uncertainty on the activ-
file was generated and propagated to a random depth in the ity 3.1%.

17 Page 4 of 7 Eur. Phys. J. A (2020) 56:17

Fig. 4 Selection of angular distributions from 900 to 3500 keV. The mately symmetric around 2.4 MeV to strongly backward focussed above
solid line is the best fit to the lowest five Legendre polynomials. A 3 MeV is observed
slow evolution from slightly forward focussed below 2 MeV to approxi-

Eur. Phys. J. A (2020) 56:17 Page 5 of 7 17

4 Results and discussion

The Legendre coefficients as a function of beam energy are

shown in the lower four panels of Fig. 5 together with the
coefficients obtained by Refs. [7,8,11]. In addition, the posi-
tion of the natural parity states, listed in the latest compilation
[19], are also indicated. For the two lowest-order terms, there
is generally good agreement between all four datasets in the
regions of overlap. For the third-order term, there is excellent
agreement between the present data and Symons et al. (SY)
while the agreement with Segel et al. (SE) is good above
∼ 1.5MeV, and a systematic deviation is observed below
that energy. This deviation might be due to the experimen-
tal difficulties noted by SE for measurements below 1 MeV
beam energy. For the fourth-order term, there is again good
agreement with SY, but a systematic shift is seen at all ener-
gies when comparing to SE. We speculate that this is due
to the latter only measuring at six different angles whereas
SY measured either 8 or 13 angles. From the data, it appears
that the 0+ , 3− and 2+ levels have an appreciable effect on
the Legendre coefficients, while the effect of the 1− levels
appear negligible. This might simply be due to their width
being as large as ∼1MeV. With the present agreement with
previous datasets, we are unable to discern between the two
differing interpretations presented in Refs. [7,8,13] for the
region below 2 MeV. The reader is thus referred to them for a
detailed discussion of the interpretation of the angular coeffi-
cients. The angle-integrated cross-section can be seen in the
first panel of Fig. 5 and in tabular form in Table 1. It shows
the same behavior as observed in the previous measurements.
In the recent high-resolution differential cross-section
measurement by Kokkoris et al. (KO) [1], they claimed an Fig. 5 Angle-integrated cross-section and Legendre coefficients
energy scale discrepancy of several hundred keV compared shown as a function of beam energy together with the coefficients
with the measurement performed by SY [7]. To resolve this obtained by Refs. [5,7,8,11]. The dashed vertical lines indicate the
position of natural parity states in 12 C as listed in Ref. [19]
issue Fig. 6 shows the present dataset, the KO dataset at
θ = 155◦ [1], and the SY dataset at θ = 154◦ as presented by
KO and by SY. The two curves for the SY dataset are clearly
different. While a small energy shift is visible, we speculate
that an error occured during the digitization by KO. In addi-
tion, the energy scale agreement between the present dataset
and the KO dataset is better than 5 keV which validates the
overall energy calibration of the present dataset. It should
also be noted that the agreement between the present dataset
and those of SE requires the energy of SE to be shifted down
by approximately 38 keV.
As discussed in the introduction, there are several normal-
ization issues between the different datasets [5–11]. In order
to shed light on this, the ratios between the cross sections of Fig. 6 Comparison of the present data, the recent high-resolution
other datasets and the present have been computed. This can dataset by Kokkoris et al. (KO) for θ = 155◦ [1] and the dataset of
be seen in Fig. 7 where the median ratio and the 25–75 inter Symons et al. [7] as presented by KO and SY. Each dataset has been
quartile ratio are written in the legend. Note that the spec- normalized so the maximum value is 1. The energy scale of the two
dataset agrees better than 5 keV

17 Page 6 of 7 Eur. Phys. J. A (2020) 56:17

Fig. 8 Adjusted α0 cross-section (tabulated data available via

EXFOR [12]). All datasets except BE and BO have been scaled by
their median ratio to the present dataset

in this manuscript, could be performed for the full energy

range, as the issues related to extrapolation to zero energy
presented by SI only applies to the α1 channel. This would
allow one to make a comparison over the full energy range.
Scaling all datasets except BE, BO and SI with constant
factors given in Fig. 7 yields the cross-sections seen in Fig. 8,
which confirms visually that the different datasets can be
Fig. 7 Ratio of datasets [5–11] to a linear interpolation of the present brought into agreement by a constant scaling. Considering
dataset. The dashed line indicates the median, while the two dotted lines the agreement between our measurement and the three most
indicate the 25 and 75 quartiles. See the text for details
recent experiments by BE, BO and SI, we argue that the
overall normalization is now better than 14%.

trum of SE has been shifted in energy as discussed above.

The first conclusion is that there is an excellent agreement 5 Conclusion
with the measurement of Becker et al. (BE), while the differ-
ence compared to Davidson et al. is a constant scaling factor. We have measured the 11 B( p, α0 ) reaction for proton ener-
There also seems to be simple scaling relations for the data gies in the range 0.5–3.5 MeV. From an analysis of the angu-
of Beckman et al. below ∼1.3MeV and the data of SE and lar distributions, total cross-sections and energy dependent
SY in the range 1.5–2.75 MeV, while larger deviations occur Legendre polynomial coefficients have been extracted from
outside these ranges. The present data only overlaps with the the data. Disagreement between previous measurements [5–
energy range measured by Börchers et al. (BO) in a limited 11] on both the magnitude and the energy dependence of the
range. However, within that range, the agreement is better cross-section has been resolved to a 14% level from a 100%
than 2σ . level.
The recent dataset by Sikora et al. (SI) excellently agrees There is disagreement in the literature on the interpretation
with the present dataset on the form of the 2.6 MeV reso- of the cross-section and Legendre coefficients below 2 MeV
nance. The normalization is within 2σ of this measurement, in terms of resonances in 12 C. Symons et al. interprets this
however, SI claim only 3.4% systematic uncertainty, which as ghosts of resonances below the proton threshold with spin
might hint at a small discrepancy. The dataset published by and parity 2+ or 3− [7], while Barker interprets this region as
SI is obtained by analyzing the data obtained by Spraker et a broad 1− resonance in addition to the high energy tail of a
al. [22], which measured from 0.15 to 3.8 MeV, using a model broad 0+ resonance below the proton threshold in 12 C [13].
of  = 3 α emission from the 3− resonance. To ensure the We were unable to resolve this issue with a measurement
validity of the model, SI restricted the analysis to above 2.1 of the α0 channel. Instead this issue requires a measure-
MeV. However, an analysis, analogous to the one presented ment of the α1 channel and probably also of the phase-space

Eur. Phys. J. A (2020) 56:17 Page 7 of 7 17

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