Blockchain in Agriculture Is Revolutionizing The Entire Sector

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Blockchain in agriculture is revolutionizing the entire sector.

Agriculture sector consists of 40 percent

of the total global work force; hence it is generating a large amount of jobs worldwide. The
distributed ledger technology of blockchain tracks all the transactions done by the members in a
decentralised log data which is kept on a network of computers rather than on single databases or a
physical ledger. There was a lot of fraud in supply chains, so things could get changed with the help
of Blockchain.

Applications of Blockchain in agriculture

 Improved Quality Control and Food Safety using Blockchain: One of the primary

applications of blockchain is bringing increased transparency to the supply chain. One of the

primary applications of Blockchain is bringing increased transparency to the supply chain.

This can help us to remove ineffective processes and guarantee optimal quality control

conditions. For example, crop failure is a widespread issue faced by farmers around the globe.

There are various companies already investing millions into precision agriculture, creating

IoT devices that allow farmers to monitor several factors such as the soil quality, pests, and

irrigation that could affect their crops. By connecting these devices to a blockchain ledger, the

results can be updated continuously and viewed in real time by just looking at an application

on their smartphone..

 Fairer Payment for Farmers: Blockchain’s Smart Contracts work by triggering payments

automatically as soon as a specific, previously-specified condition has been fulfilled by the

buyer. As a result, farmers would be able to receive a fairer price for their goods. Traditional

payment mechanisms, usually wire transfers often take a significant amount of the farmer's

earning as a brokerage. Smart contracts would completely eliminate the need for these

middlemen, as it would allow farmers to connect directly with retailers. It often takes weeks

for farmers to receive the full payment for their goods. Transaction tracking: It helps

farmers to sell their commodities at fair prices and lowering transaction fees thereby

supporting smaller farmers to enter the market.

 Food Supply Chain Optimization using Blockchain: The time it takes to trace a product's

source is crucial as it empowers retailers to isolate this product more quickly. Taking Walmart

as an example, it took nearly a week to trace the origin of their mangoes. Through the

blockchain, this time is cut to a mere 2 seconds. With traditional supply chains, food retailers

do not have an effective way of ensuring that all products were grown under conditions

specified by a given supplier. That's the reason, retail giants like Walmart, Unilever, and

Carrefour already resort to blockchain for tracing food product's places of origin. Moreover,

the time it takes to track the origin of food is also massively cut down.
 Crop Insurance using Blockchain: Smart contracts have unique implementations in the

form of supporting farmers insure their crops and claim damages with insurance companies

Usually, it is hurting slow and worrisome process, both on the side of the grower and the

company that insures them. Unpredictable weather conditions make it difficult to correctly

estimate and quickly report the exact losses they cause. Through setting up tailored smart

contracts, the damage claim can be triggered through changes to weather conditions that meet

certain criteria, easing the process for farmers and insurers

 Traceability using Blockchain: Blockchain enables consumers to verify the journey of their

product and tracing it from farm field to food table. Moreover, it also gives information on

when a product was harvested and produces as well as who produced it. As the information

recorded on the blockchain is immutable, it can provide reliable information and is forgery-

proof. Below is the data that shows the percentage of people that demand for information

about food.

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