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Policy No. and Title 5.6 Work Health and Safety Policy
Procedure 5.6.9 Confined Spaces Entry
Version 1
Date Adopted 21 March 2013


To manage the risks associated with confined spaces and confined space entries in
accordance with an approved code of practice under section 274 of the Work Health
and Safety Act (WHS Act).


This procedure is applicable to all buildings, plant owned or controlled and

surrounding grounds at the Kempsey Shire Council.

All personnel employed by the Kempsey Shire Council and any contractor who carries
out work at any Kempsey Shire Council facility shall strictly comply with this

The requirements stipulated in this document are minimum requirements. Other

activities may require additional control measures. Such measures shall be additional
to, and not in place of the requirements stipulated in this document.


a) Work Health & Safety Act 2011

b) Work Health & Safety Regulations 2011
c) Confined Spaces Code of Practice


a) Asphyxiant – Any chemical, gas or contaminant that has the capability to

suffocate any living thing by way of displacing the available oxygen with a toxic

b) Check list - a component of the Confined space entry permit.

c) Confined Space – a confined space means an enclosed or partially enclosed

space that:

i) Is not designed or intended primarily to be occupied by a person;

ii) Is, or is not designed or intended to be, at normal atmospheric pressure

while any person is in the space;

iii) Is or is likely to be a risk to health and safety from: an atmosphere that

does not have a safe oxygen level due to harmful concentrations of any
airborne contaminant including airborne gases, vapor’s and dusts, and that
may cause injury from fire or explosion or engulfment.

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d) Confined Space Emergency Flowchart - a flow chart that details the steps to
take and the order in which they are taken should an emergency occur with
working in a confined space.

e) Confined Spaces Entry Log – a log used to record the worker entries to and
exits from a confined space and is used in association with a Confined Space
entry permit.

f) Confined space Entry Permit - an authority to open and enter a confined space
to undertake work as detail on the entry permit. It contains a check list to ensure
safety controls have been implemented.

g) Continuous Communication – a continuous voice communication between the

standby worker and workers within the confined space.

h) Responsible Person – a competent person who has been assigned the task of
controlling the work in identified confined spaces. This person will be required to
identify, assess and control risks associated with working in confined spaces.

This individual must as a minimum have been trained and deemed competent to
identify, assess and control risks, enter and work in a confined space. The
responsible person can be the team leader or nominee. The responsible person is
not part of the team entering the confined space.

i) Safe Oxygen Level – the required level of oxygen on the atmosphere to sustain
normal unassisted breathing. The minimum level is 19.5% by volume and the
maximum is 23.5% by volume at normal atmospheric pressure.

j) Standby Person – a competent person assigned to remain outside and in close

proximity to the confined space and be able to communicate with and observe
where possible the person/s inside. He/she may also be required to initiate rescue
procedures and use and monitor equipment that is to ensure safety during entry
and work in the confined space.

This individual must as a minimum have been trained and deemed competent to
enter and work in a confined space.

k) SWMS - a safe work method statement detailing a risk assessment of

requirements of risk control to safely enter a confined space and undertake works
as detailed.


5.1 Director/Manager

The Director/Manager shall:

a) Ensure resources are available to implement the requirement of this


b) Monitor and ensure confined space controls are being implemented as per
safe work procedures under the due diligence requirement of officers.

c) Ensure staff required to enter confined spaces have been trained and are
competent to undertake the work.

d) Ensure training /refresh training is undertaken when required.

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5.2 Team Leader/ Responsible Person

The Team Leader/Responsible Person shall:

a) Identify confined space circumstance and instigate this procedure.

b) Check the completion and effectiveness of the Safe Work Procedures

associated with entry to a confined space.

c) Confirm controls are in place and monitor compliance.

d) Ensure all input to the confined space have been isolated and signed off.

e) Complete control checks and approve entry permits when appropriate.

f) Confirm hazard for hot works listed on the confined space entry permit are
in place and authorise hot works when required.

g) Induct workers and standby people to the safe work procedure for entry to
the confined space.

h) Close out the entry permit at the completion of works in the confined space.

i) Confirm confined space has been closed and is secure before leaving site.

j) Develop and maintain confined space entry records.

k) Ensure entry to confined space is sign posted and barricaded to prevent

unauthorised access.

l) Sign off to confirm all workers have left the confined space and it is safe to
be returned to service.

5.3 Stand by Person/s

The stand by person/s shall:

a) Comply with the requirements of the safe work procedure.

b) Maintain line of sight with workers within the confined space whenever

c) Maintain continuous communication with worker in the confined space as

per the SWMS.

d) Monitor safety equipment and advise workers within the confined space.

e) Sign workers into an out of the confined space.

f) Practice the implementation of the emergency plan.

g) Instigate emergency plan should an incident occur while workers are within
the confined space.

h) Provide first aid should it be required.

i) Operate recovery equipment provided on site.

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5.4 Workers

Workers shall:

a) Comply with the requirements of the safe work procedure.

b) Isolate all inputs to the confined space and tag out.

c) Develop a confined space entry permit and provide to the responsible

person for sign off when required.

d) Undertake gas testing when required and record results on the entry

e) Sign into and out of confined spaces.

f) Only enter the confined space when the entry permit has been approved.

g) Practice the implementation of the emergency plan.

h) Inspect for fit for use prior to entry and use all PPE proposed as control in
the Safe Work procedure.

i) Undertake the work and only the work detailed on the entry permit/Safe
Work Procedure.

j) If situations change exit the space and reassess the risk involved and
reorganise the entry arrangements.


6.1 Determination

6.1.1 What determined space is a confined space?

a) A confined space is determined by the hazards associated with a set of

specific circumstances and not just because work is performed in a
small space.

b) Confined spaces are commonly found in vats, tanks, pits, pipes, ducts,
flues, chimneys, silos, containers, pressure vessels, underground
sewers, wet or dry wells, shafts, trenches, tunnels or other similar
enclosed or partially enclosed structures, when these examples meet
the definition of a confined space in the WHS Regulations refer to
definitions below.

6.1.2 Definitions

a) An entry permit will be required for each entry to a confined space.

b) Site specific SWMS will be developed for each entry to a confined

space, or

c) Generic SWMS will be available for the entry supported by a Site

specific inspection/ Risk assessment.

d) The entry permit and supporting documents will be approved by the

responsible person prior to entry.

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e) The entry permit will be available on site during the confined space
entry and works.

f) Emergency arrangements will be in place for recovery/rescue prior to

entry to the space.

g) Only confined space trained staff will enter or act as standby person in
regards entry to confined spaces.

h) Workers will sign into and out of the confined space as part of the
entry permit.

i) The Confined space SWMS will be complied with under all


j) While open the confined space with be sign posted to warn of the
restricted nature of entry and the hazard involved.

k) Continuous Communication will be available between the workers in

the confined space and the standby person at the entry.

6.1.3 Is this space a Confined Space?

a) Firstly, has the site been identified and sign posted as a confined

b) If yes, you need to consider it to be a confined space and follow this


c) Secondly, by answering the following questions you will be able to

determine if the space is a confined space or not in the specific

d) If in doubt contact Work Health and Safety Support Officer

Question Yes No
1. Is the space enclosed or partially enclosed? The If Yes go to If no not a
risks of confined spaces are associated with question 2 confined
how much of the space is enclosed, rather than space
the size of the space
2. Is the space not designed or intended to be If yes go to If no not a
occupied by a person? Spaces with poor question 3 confined
ventilation, inadequate lighting and restricted space
means of entry or exit are generally not
designed for human occupancy. The entry or
exit to the space could be restricted if the size
of the opening and/or its location makes it
physically difficult to get in and out of and
difficult to remove an injured or unconscious
person from the space.
3. Is the space designed or intended to be at If Yes go to If no not a
normal atmospheric pressure while a person is question 4 confined
in the space? Where a space is not normally at space
atmospheric pressure (for example a boiler) it
must be brought to atmospheric pressure
before a person enters the space, as part of the
risk control process

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4. Is the space likely to pose a risk to health and If yes the If no the
safety from one or more of the following: space is a space is not
confined a confined
• an atmosphere that does not have a safe space space
oxygen level (a safe oxygen level means
oxygen content in air of between 19.5% –

• contaminants, for example airborne gases,

vapors and dusts, that may cause injury
from fire or explosion

• harmful concentrations of any airborne

contaminants (if the contaminants are
present at a concentration above the
relevant exposure standard or if they are
likely to cause impairment, loss of
consciousness or asphyxiation)

• engulfment, for example: any liquid

including oil or water in which a person can
drown, or any solid including fly ash, grain,
sawdust and sand that can flow and form a
temporary cavity or bridge, which may
collapse and surround a person, cutting off
their air supply.

6.2 Requirements for entry to a Confined Space

a) You are considered to have entered a confined space when you head and
upper body is within the space.

b) The worker is to have a site specific SWMS for the entry and work to be
undertaken, or;

c) Has a generic SWMS and undertakes a site inspection covering the entry
and works to be completed to ensure all hazards have been identified and

d) All workers on site and involved in the entry will be inducted to the safe
work system in place.

e) The Worker has completed Council’s Entry permit and has the entry permit
approved by the responsible person. The entry permit is to contain all
relevant details such as:

i) Location;
ii) The type of work to be performed;
iii) The equipment and chemicals that will be used;
iv) The times and dates that the Permit will be required;
v) The name of the Workers involved in the entry and works, and
vi) Detail who will entry

f) The Responsible Person is to obtain a copy of the SWMS and site inspection
with the partially completed entry permit and retained for the period of the

g) Prior to approval the Responsible Person will check on the hazards

identification and control.

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h) The checks should cover the Safe Work Method Statement for the specific
confined space entry or the generic SWMS and site inspection together with
the completed entry permit. In particular consider the following:

i) Isolation;
ii) Ventilation;
iii) Atmospheric tests;
iv) Personal protective equipment;
v) Additional safety precautions;
vi) Standby Person;
vii) Emergency planning, and
viii) Communication is available between workers in the space and the
standby person/s.

i) The worker is to follow the check lists on the Permit as a guide undertaking
the following activities and marking as completed on the entry permit:

i) Isolation of all inputs into the confined space;

ii) Ventilation of the space as per the SWMS. This may be passive or
mechanical ventilation depending upon the controls listed in the

iii) Atmospheric tests in the space as detailed on the entry permit and/or
within the SWMS;

iv) Personal protective equipment is available and in a fit conditions for

use. The SWMS will detail the PPE required;

v) Additional safety precautions will be detailed within the SWMS and will
be dependent on the confined space that is being entered and the
tasks to be completed once in the space, and

vi) A Standby Person/s is available and in place.

j) The worker is to indicate that they have completed the checklist by ticking
the relevant checkbox and signing off.

k) The worker is to then submit the Entry Permit for Confined Spaces
(Appendix 1) to the Responsible Person for approval. Entry is only to occur
when there is a signed/ approved entry permit in place.

l) The Responsible Person on site at the time is to inspect the work site and
verify all relevant checks and safety precautions indicated on the Permit
have been performed and marked off.

m) The Responsible Person is to authorise entry to the confined space by

completing the Approval to Enter Confined Space section of the Permit with
his name and signature as the Responsible Person.

n) Persons entering the Confined Space are required to complete the Confined
Spaces Entry Log (Appendix 2) for every occurrence they are required to
enter and exit the confined space.

o) The Entry Permit for Confined Spaces (Appendix 1) and the associated
Confined Spaces Entry Log (Appendix 2) are to be displayed at the entrance
to the Confined Space at all times while the work is being carried out.

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p) While work is being carried out in the confined space the standby person is
to remain in close proximity to the confined space and where possible to
maintain line of sight contact and communications with any person working
in the space.

q) The standby person is to monitor any equipment, if necessary, to ensure

the safety of those inside during the work.

Note: A confined space must never be left unattended. If work is

temporarily suspended, the confined space must be sealed to ensure
against inadvertent entry by unauthorised personnel.

r) While work in the space is underway the entry to the confined space will be
sign posted to advise and warn of the existence of the confined space

s) When the work is completed the Worker is to complete the Permit returned
section and return the permit to the Responsible Person on site.

t) The Responsible Person is to inspect the site with the Worker/s to verify the
work has been completed to the appropriate standards, the site has been
cleaned and all tools and safety equipment have been returned to storage.

u) The employee or contractor is to secure the confined space accordingly.

v) The Responsible Person is to cancel the Permit by completing the Confined

Space Secured section of the Permit with his name and signature on the
“Person in Charge of Work” line and the date of cancellation.

w) The permit is to be held until the entry is completed plus 28 days. In the
event that an incident occurs requiring notification to Work Cover then the
permit will be held for a period of two years.


a) In the event of an incident occurring that would require an emergency/rescue

response, the Standby Person is to assess the extent of the emergency and
proceed in accordance with the Confined Space Emergency Flowchart (Appendix
4) The steps are:

i) Summon help from the appropriate resource:

• Telephone 000 for Fire Brigade or Ambulance attendance

• Telephone Manager
• Telephone Supervisor/Team Leader
• Telephone the Work Health and Safety Advisor

ii) Retrieve the injured person using the lifeline or harness technique if

If not

iii) Gas test the confined space.

iv) If required commence forced air ventilation to purge the confined space.
Never increase the oxygen levels in a confined space.

b) The Standby Person should not attempt, under any circumstances, to enter the
confined space unless:

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i) They have been trained in the emergency response, are fit to undertake the
activity and are equipped to deal with the emergency circumstances that
are occurring;

ii) There is an additional person/s to take over as a standby person who is

trained and competent in the tasks likely to be involved;

iii) There are other personnel outside the confined space to assist, and

iv) The hazards causing the emergency have been identified and can be

c) When the confined space is deemed safe a member of the rescue team is to enter
the space and retrieve the injured person.

d) When the injured person is retrieved, emergency life support first aid is to be
administered until the arrival of emergency services personnel.

e) Brief emergency personnel regarding the conditions in the confined space upon
their arrival and before they enter the confined space should they need to enter.

f) Provide emergency personnel with the risk assessment for the confined space.


a) Council requires the completion of training for all staff involved in works in and
associated with the entry to confined spaces.

b) The training will cover as a minimum the following topic area Refer to WHS
Regulation clause 76:

i) The nature of all hazards associated with confined space works;

ii) The need for appropriate use of risk controls for the hazards identified;

iii) The selection, use, fit, testing and storage of any personal protective

iv) The contents of any relevant confined space entry permit, SWMS, Risk
Assessment and Site inspection, and

v) The emergency procedure in place for the entry. Which will include the
operation of any rescues equipment to be deployed and the first aid skill
necessary to maintain life should an emergency occur until support arrives

8.1 Who will be Trained?

a) The Regulation requires the following workers to be trained in regards

Confined space entry: A Worker who:

i) Enters or work in confined spaces;

ii) Undertakes hazard identification or risk assessment in relation to a

confined space;

iii) Implements risk control measures;

iv) Issues entry permits;

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v) Acts as a standby person or communicate with workers in a confined

vi) Monitors conditions while work is being carried out;

vii) Purchases equipment for confined space work, or

viii) Designs or lays out a work area that includes a confined space.

8.2 Training Refresher

a) Re-training or refresher training should be provided as appropriate for a

particular workplace.

b) The frequency of this training should depend on how often workers are
required to carry out tasks associated with entry to or work in confined

c) Those that enter less frequently will require more frequent refresh training
to maintain competency standards.

d) Council will undertake refresh training at a maximum interval of two years.


a) The responsible person will maintain a copy of the Entry Permit and Safe System
of work that is (SWMS, Risk Assessment site inspection) for 28 days after the
completion or works in the Confined Space.

b) In the event that an incident occurs records will be held for two years and form
part of the material required to complete the incident investigation.

c) Records of all training provided to workers in relation to confined space work

must be kept for 2 years.


Attachment 1 – WHSF0052 Confined Space Entry Permit

Attachment 2 – WHSF0053 Confined Space Log
Attachment 3 – WHSF0054 Confined Space Flowchart
Attachment 4 – WHSF0055 Confined Space Emergency Flowchart

The forms referred to in this procedure can be obtained from Human Resources or
from Council’s Intranet.


Council reserves the right to review, vary or revoke this procedure which will be reviewed
periodically to ensure it is relevant and appropriate.

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Attachment 1

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Attachment 2

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Attachment 3

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Attachment 4

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