Practical Research Quizzes (Fourth Grading)

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Directions: Read each item carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if it is false.

1. The main purpose of sampling is the choice of appropriate participants to enable the focus of the
study to be correctly researched.
2. Wrong sampling approaches may totally affect the results and outcomes of a study.
3. In the case study, the data could be collected primarily through indepth interviews with individuals.
4. In the Ethnography, an equal number of individuals from 2 cultures could be in random.
5. Case study is in-depth analysis of a person, situation or event. Hence, it is difficult to operate.
6. Conducting a study that involves a high-performing police department who uses questionable
methods, department that does not take much risks, and a police department that has a close
relationship with the community is an example of qualitative multicase study.
7. A phenomenological viewpoint pays attention to the perceptions and feelings of people associated
with what they experienced.
8. The grounded theory methodology is used to develop a theory about a phenomenon from data
9. In grounded theory, the data will be collected primarily through interviews.
10. The study that will use theory of culture is phenomenological theory

Directions: Read carefully the descriptions below and choose your answers from the box.

Grounded Theory

Case Study design

Ethnographic study
1. It is an expended observation of social research and social
perspective and the cultural values of an entire social setting.
2. In this study, the entire communities are observed objectively.
3. This study requires the researcher to spend more time to the participants.
4. The data from in-depth interviews as well as activity on the social media websites will be used.
5. It is the direct description of a group, culture, or community.
6. It is a research methodology for discovering theory in a substantive area.
7. It is a development of theory directly based in the data collected by the researcher.
8. It is used for a research approach with specific boundaries and can be both qualitative and
9. It is an entity studied as a single unit, and it has clear confines and a specific focus and it is bound to
10. It is the straight explanation of a group, culture or community.
Directions: Read carefully the statements or questions below
1. The following are qualitative design options except:
a. grounded b. Phenomenology c. ethnography d. quantitative
2. The study which is similar to the single-case study design, but will include several participants is
a. single-case study c. multi-case study
b. double-case study d. triple- case study
3. What is the study that uses a theory of culture?
a. ethnography b. direct observation c. case study d. action research
4. What is the study that focuses on the development of theory which is directly based on the data
collected by the researcher?
a. holistic perspective c. grounded theory
b. dynamic systems d. unique case orientation
5. It is used for a research approach with specific boundaries and can be both qualitative and
a. case study b. phenomenology study c. historical study d. mixed study
6. The case study centers on an/a__________ subject matter.
a. multi- b. mixed c. individual d. numerous
7. The following are methods of collecting data for the qualitative research design except:
a. interview b. questionnaire c. observation d. experiments
8. The ethnography qualitative research design gives stress to the study of a/an___________.
a. singular b. individual c. group of people d. anomalous
9. Why is sampling technique needed in conducting research study?
a. It conceptualized the research study. c. It is inclined to find ways.
b. It derives facts and evidence. d. It validates the new found theory.
10. Craving to surge your knowledge and understanding of the burial of T’boli, you choose the
qualitative research design called____________.
a. grounded b. phenomenology c. ethnography d. historical study
Module 6

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if it is not true.
1. In qualitative research, observation methods are mostly unstructured.
2. Structured interviews in qualitative research are not commonly conducted.
3. Whatever can be observed or linked in the process of getting the direct data is considered to be
potential or actual data.
4. Most interviews conducted in qualitative research are audio-recorded or, less commonly, video-
5. Spoken ‘narrative’ is the destructor of most qualitative data.
6. The issues of confidentiality and anonymity should be discussed with the participant before the
interview is conducted, and questions are encouraged and answered.
7. Qualitative interviews should allow the interviewee to speak freely and offer detailed and lengthy
responses through techniques used singularly or in combination.
8. Focus group interviews are usually more economical to conduct than individual interviews.
9. In structured observation, the researcher enters the ‘field’ with no predetermined schedule as to
what they may or may not see or hear.
10. One of the benefits of observation is it ‘captures’ the data in more natural circumstances.

Directions: Read carefully the statements/questions below, select the best answer.
1. It includes recordable spoken or written words and also observable body language, actions and
a. direct data b. secondhand data c. indirect data d. secondary data
2. It is generated, firsthand, by someone or something else, such as with documents or photographs
reporting an event or an artistic rendition of an event or experience.
a. direct data b. bio-data c. indirect data d. firsthand data
3. Interview, observation, open-ended questionnaire, journaling, and diary accounts are examples
a. direct data b. secondhand data c. indirect data d. secondary data
4. The prime method for qualitative data collection is___________.
a. survey b. interviews c. questionnaire d. inspection
5. A type of interview that uses an interview guide to provide a set of questions for discussion
a. structured interview b. funnelling c. probing d. semi-structure
6. What is the type of interview that follows a list of set of open-ended questions, usually asked in a
certain order such as ‘how’, ‘why’, ‘where’, or ‘when’?
a. channeling b. unstructured c. structured d. mixed
7. What do you call when the researchers perform ‘dry or dummy runs’ with peers and/or colleagues as
a form of piloting the interview schedule and interview techniques?
a. experiment b. test c. conducting interview d. investigates
8. The ‘laddered questions’ technique in conducting interviews called _________.
a. funneling b. probing c. survey d. paraphrasing
9. The interview that begins with general and broad (non-threatening) opening questions and then
narrowing down to topic specifics as the interview progresses is called_________.
a. funneling b. direct observation c. observation d. observation
10. A qualitative researcher knows that it is not useful to collect any further data when….
a. they sense that this is the case.
b. the participants say that they have nothing more to say.
c. data saturation/redundancy of data is reached.
d. data overload is reached.
11. Observation techniques are most commonly used in_________.
a. phenomenology b. historical research c. grounded theory d. ethnography
12. When interviewing, starting off with simple and broad questions to help ease the participant into the
process is referred to as:
a. nurturing b. funnelling c. channeling d. easing.
13. What is the most common method used in collecting qualitative data?
a. questionnaire b. observation c. interview d. survey
14. Why should the rule of engagement be observed in the conduct of interview?
a. to follow the trend c. to gain respect
b. to avoid judgmental manner d. to maximize time
15. Why is observation method generally used in qualitative research designs?
a. It is easy to conduct. c. It is light to deal with.
b. It is mandated. d. It obtains more reliable information.
Module 7

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true

and FALSE if it is not true. Write your answers on your Activity Notebook.

1. Listening to your audios or reading your records is part of a formal

system in analyzing data.

2. Analysis is a prerequisite before concluding something.

3. Grouping similar kinds of information together in categories is

possible in evaluating data.

4. In analyzing the data, relating different ideas and themes to one

another is needed.

5. The best way to organize data is to go back to your interview guide.

6. It is not necessary to arrange the data since it is understandable and

easy to analyze.

7. Recognizing noticeable themes, repeated ideas, or verbal expression

and patterns of belief that link people and settings together is the

most intellectually challenging phase of the analysis.

8. Results are more reliable when they are complete from numerous

independent bases.

9. Validity is enriched when they are confirmed by more than one

“instrument” measuring the same thing.

10. The primary aim in analyzing the gathered facts is to find out if the

recorded data exist to give answers to research questions.

Directions: Read carefully the statements or questions below and write your

answers on your activity notebook.

1. Qualitative data analysis focuses on examining ________________________.

a. numbers b. visions c. words d. concepts

2. The value of data analysis results is determined by their connection with

your ________________________.

a. research method c. research design

b. research title d. research questions

3. The following are research activities to be done in organizing information

for final report, except:

a. summarizing b. coding c. proof reading d. overlooking

4. The features of participants’ accounts characterizing particular

perceptions and/or experiences that the researcher sees as relevant to

the research question are _________________________.

a. interviewees b. respondents c. themes d. subjects

5. The accuracy with which a method measures and what it is intended to

measure is _____________.

a. validity b. dependable c. reliability d. durability

6. What is the best way to organize data?

a. by familiarizing it c. by stocking them all

b. by calling other researchers d. by looking the interview guide

7. The consistency of the research findings is ______________________.

a. assurance b. insurance c. reliability d. measurable

8. This can elaborate the findings and often lead to more complex and

context-respective explanations__________.

a. finding b. conflicting finding c. initial finding d. false finding

9. Why are focus groups conducted?

a. to obtain knowledge c. to get feedback

b. to find colleagues d. to earn energy

10. Which of the following is not included in the group?

a. coding techniques for finding and marking the underlying ideas in the


b. grouping similar kinds of information together in categories

c. selecting the data needed for interpretation

d. relating different ideas and themes to one another

Module 8

Directions: Read each item carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true

and FALSE if the statement is not true. Write your answers on your activity


1. A conclusion is not a summary of the points or a re-statement of

the research problem but a synthesis of key points.

2. Evidences are bases of conclusion.

3. Shortage of proof leads to the success of a researcher.

4. The findings should then be related to other evidences or

hypotheses as described in the main body, including a

comparison with other similar studies.

5. The conclusions may challenge the reader to accept or not the


6. Recommendations should be practical and achievable.

7. Action that should be taken to address the problem is the entire

content of conclusions.

8. The final step of research is making conclusions.

9. Referencing is an essential part of any scientific writing.

10. The reference list is found at the completion of the article

Directions: Read carefully the statements below and identify the correct

terms that match the descriptions for each number. Write your answers on

your activity notebook.

1. ________ is intended to help the reader understand why the research

should matter to them after they have finished reading the paper.

2. The _______ should be related to other evidences or hypotheses as

described in the main body, including a comparison with other

similar studies.
3. ________ recapitulates the ideas in the research paper.

4. _______ must be consistent with the purpose of the study, its

objectives, the evidence presented by the data, and the

interpretations given.

5. _______ is a system used by the academicians to indicate the source

of the ideas, theories, quotes, facts or any other evidence, data and

information that have been used for any write up or assignment.

6. The_______ style is a structured format for all sorts of academic

writings including the journal articles, books and other


7. ________ is a list that provides the necessary information required to

identify and retrieve each source.

8. ________ is also known as the Author and Date system.

9. __________ is a referencing style that is very flexible as entries can be

added, deleted, or changed with a minimum of disruption to the rest

of the document.

10. The APA style requires the use of reference list, not_______

1. To summarize the results in qualitative research, which can be done through vanManen method in
utilizing literary works as poem, quote, or song is known as:

a. Summary c. Recommendations

b. Conclusion d. References

2.Which part in a research paper that emphasizes the opportunity to write suggestions for the
improvement of the research study?

a. Summary b. Conclusion c. Recommendations d. References

3. Which part of the paper that provides information necessary to locate and retrieve the source of the

a. Summary b. Conclusion c. Recommendations d. References

4. Which one is NOT the purpose of the research conclusion?

a. It stresses the importance of the research statement

b. It does not leave a conclusive impression to the readers

c. It makes the written output a sense of completeness

d. It establishes good organization. 5. Which of the following characteristics of recommendations states

that it should not be confusing and must be precise?

a. Recommendations must be brief c. Recommendations should be clear

b. Recommendations must be precise d. None of the above

6. Which of the following defeats the purpose of securing the correct intext citation?

a. provides where this evidence cannot be found

b. provides evidence for what you are saying

c. providing list of detailed bibliographic information

d. gives credit to authors being consulted for ideas

7. In qualitative research, what is the basis in drawing conclusions?

a. from statistical findings c. from demographic data

b. from patterns and themes d. all of the choices

8. Recommendations were formulated from which of the following? a.

Objectives b. Findings c. Conclusions d. Reference

9. It is of utmost importance that that conclusions have:

a. conceptual significance c. chart future research directions

b. can imply and/ or indicate d. all of the choices are correct

10. References lists is also known as which of the following?

a. Appendices b. Bibliography c. Cover page d. Preliminary


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