Poetry Supplement

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POE-TS Poetry

1 Best Poems.
2 Exquisite
Vocabulary. 3 Deep morals.

Harkness Institute, Friday Editor Team:

Av. Cocoteros, April 28th, 2023. Arturo, Herman, Allfredy,
Nuevo Vallarta -Journal Writing- Mateo, Mauricio.
Friday, 12 May 2023

By: Arturo Camacho Monday 08 May 2023

Rosario Castellanos was born on
May 25, 1925 in Mexico City. Works
However, when she was still very
young, she went to live with her Stories:
family in Comitán, Chiapas. The Ciudad Real
death of her younger brother and Family album
the environment of inequality due Novels:
to the Porfiriato were her From the sterile vigil
inspiration to start to write at the The rescue of the world
age of 15 years ago. Balún-Canán
Rosario was orphaned in 1948. However, the memory of his Poetry:
mother remained engraved in his being. This caused our Dust trajectory
writer to wonder about women's work and whether being a The rescue of the world
housewife was an insurmountable, obligatory destiny. With 25 Presentation at the temple
years Rosario decided to return to Mexico City and enter the Poems: 1953-1955
Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. But in 1973 Rosario will
Salome and Judith
died in Tel Aviv for a domestic accident, although other
Livid Light
versions affirms that she was killed thanks to her feminist
statements and writings in defense of indigenous peoples,

Main Quotes “No soy de los que

exprimen su corazón en
un lugar violento. Soy de
los que atestiguan la
“Matamos lo que amamos. Lo
belleza y la muerte de la
demás no ha estado vivo nunca.”

LÍMITE by Rosario C.
Lo supe de repente:
hay otro.
Y desde entonces duermo sólo a medias
y ya casi no como.

No es posible vivir
con este rostro
que es el mío verdadero
y que aún no conozco.

(Cisneros, 2018) (Redacción El Universal, 2018)

Friday, 12 May 2023

By: Mauricio Ríos Monday 08 May 2023

Sylvia Plath was born on October
27, 1932. Parents Otto Plath and Works
Aurelia Schober, and brother
Warren. As a child she was a Poems:
perfectionist, she would paint, play The Applicant
piano, and had perfect grades. At Ariel
the age of 8, she published her Blackberrying
first poem, which provoked in her The Colossus
a love for writing and started her Balún-Canán
ability to create and inspiration. Edge
Sylvia suffered depression after her father's death. It was very Elm
complicated for her to let go of the death. She started writing a Daddy
diary throughout her whole life where she questioned her Tulips
role in society as she didn't want to become a mother as You're
society would dictate. Sylvia had a rough life, tried several Widow
times to suicide, recovered, and went down again. She is
recognized by 'Ariel', a compilation of his most famous poems
before her death. Considered an extraordinary poetry author
of the 20th century. Unfortunately, she killed herself in 1963
by entering her head in an oven and turning it on.

Main Quotes “If you expect

nothing from
anybody, you're
“My great tragedy is being born a never
woman.” disappointed.”

ARIEL by Sylvia Plath

Stasis in darkness.
Then the substanceless blue
Pour of tor and distances.

God’s lioness,
How one we grow,
Pivot of heels and knees!—The furrow

Splits and passes, sister to

The brown arc
Of the neck I cannot catch,

Berries cast dark
(BrainyQuote, 2023) (Plath, 2023)
(Sylvia Plath | Poetry Foundation, 2016) (Aitana Palomar S, 2023)
Tuesday, 02 May 2023

Writing to Know Yourself

by the- Po-ets

We humans, tend to think, think, think again, and keep thinking.

Overthink things to be clear. Through our lives, we spend a big
part of the time by ourselves, and sometimes, loneliness can
affect our feelings, thoughts, or emotions. These circumstances
may sometimes drive us to fall in a big hole of existential and
nihilistic thinking, that may dye our ideas and thoughts of
miserable colors. Always remember that our soul is dyed with
the color of our thoughts, and taking care of them is important.

Writing what you think, and what you want, may help you
understand yourself way better than before. Putting things down
on a piece of paper will make you release all the emotions and
feelings you have been keeping in your mind for a long time. It
is like talking to someone who isn't you, as if someone is
listening to you.
By just writing, you can immerse yourself in a sea full of things
that you didn't know about, and with these learning to listen to
your feelings and act according to what your heart wants.

Tuesday, 02 May 2023

William Wordsworth

Born on April, 7 of 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England.

Was an English poet who helped launch the English Romantic
movement. Most of his poems are very detailed in explaining
most of his adventures and his self-discovery in the way he
manages to get new ideas for inspiration.

Tintern Abbey
Five years have past; five summers, with the length
Of five long winters! and again I hear
These waters, rolling from their mountain-springs
With a soft inland murmur.--Once again
Do I behold these steep and lofty cliffs,
That on a wild secluded scene impress
Thoughts of more deep seclusion; and connect
The landscape with the quiet of the sky.

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