Othello Menu Assignment - Zeina 1

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Congratulations, you have been awarded 100 KD as a gift voucher which you can
spend on this yummy menu! You have to select 1 item from each category. The starters
and desserts are Formative Assessments, the main courses are Summative assessments.
You can spend all your money or if you have any money left over this is your chance to
do a bonus activity!

Main courses
Do a story map for one of the acts in the play-
Choose a scene from the play and do a plot
write it in modern day English... 25 KD
twist to it... 10 KD
Write a new script for the scene between Othello
Choose a character from the play and and Brabantio in which Brabantio confronts
change their role, write about their new Othello about him eloping with his daughter ...
role and what changes you have made... 10 25KD
KD Create a collage of at least 8-12 images that
Choose a quote from the play and write a represent Othello's journey. Then write an essay
response to it... 15 KD of 5 paragraphs explaining why you chose each
image and what it represents... 35 KD
Create 4 MEMES that you think describe
Iago is running for president, your are his
Othello and below each meme write a
personal advisor. Write a political campaign for
caption describing each MEME of 70-100 social media and include a post that could go
words each ... 15 KD online, write according to his personality... 40 KD
Do a drawing of the character and write an essay
Any starter that you choose must be written in explaining your drawing... 40 KD
no less than 400-500 words. Create an aesthetic of one of the characters
using different visuals and write an essay
explaining it... 40 KD

Each of these tasks should have some writing of

about 600-700 words
Write a song that describes Othello and
Additional Information:
Desdemona's love story, **wink wink, you can
also perform it if you like... 15 KD
The items must be submitted on
Create an Instagram account for one of the
assignments unless it is a video or
characters in the play and write a bio, add a DP,
Instagram account. Only submit on
post 8-10 posts with captions... 10 KD
Recreate a scene as though it is in modern days
assignments when you have completed
and film the scene, can be a 2-3 minutes film. everything.
Write your thoughts in the form of a journal from For each category make sure you put the
one of the character's perspective for one of the heading of your choice of items.
events... 15 KD
You may work alone or in pairs. (No
**(If you choose the Instagram tell me the account groups, just pairs and it is unnegotiable.)
name so I can follow you on it.)
You have until November the 5th to
complete this menu.

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