Fitness Challenge 2023

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Respected Seniors & Dear Friends, this year We the Indians are celebrating 76 years
of Indian Independence. So lets explore this opportunity to participate in our IMA Akola
“MISSION SLIMPOSSIBLE SEASON 3” A unique 76 days fitness challenge. Lets use
this opportunity to get AZADI from Stress, Physical inactivity, explore our own strength,
companionship and Sportmanship along with it to bring our BMI less than 24 by 2024
(Participating for BMI calculation is optional).

Dr.Sandeep Chandak – IMA President
Dr.Nitin Upadhye – IMA Secretary
Dr.Bhupesh Paradkar – IMA Secretary
Dr.Kishor Pachkor
Dr.Anand Chhangani
Dr.Umesh Kawalkar
Dr.Rajesh Gadhiya (App development & Technical Support)


Dates – Inauguration – 24th Sept.

Weight and Height measurement who wish to join BMI Challenge.
Challenge Begins from 25th Sept to 21st December (Total 88 days).
( It includes 12 weeks till 17th December and last 4 days from18th to 21st December)
This year Participants are expected to do activities on 6 days and take 1 day rest
in a week for recovery of muscles. Hence 12 week make 72 days and last week
4 days will make Total 76 days challenge.

Eligibility Criteria –

1. All IMA members of Akola branch including Non medico Spouses.

2. Annual IMA fees to be cleared before registration for the event .
Categories –
Age on 31st August 2023 will be taken into consideration.
1. OPEN – 25 years to 45 years – Male/Female
2. YOUNG – 46 years to 60 Years – Male/ Female
3. SUPER YOUNG –61 years and above – Male/ Female
4. ULTRA GROUP – Male/ Female (No age category )
5. TEAM OF 2 – Male/Female (No Age category)
This year we have introduced a new Category that is TEAM OF 2. This is just to
promote member to join challenge with their partner (Partner can be anyone not
necessarily spouse only)if they feel that it would be difficult for alone to finish the
challenge. Also it will give both participants flexibility to divide their activities along with
some strength training or Gym along with Cardio.

Registration Fees – Rs. 1200 for each member.

Events Details –
App used – ONLY STRAVA
( In setting of strava all members need to keep setting as activity visible to all)

For participant who use werable device for tracking their activities they need to
connect their devices with STRAVA.

This decision being taken just to keep uniformity in the

challenge for all Participants.
ACTIVITY – Cycling, Running, Walking, Swimming (Only outdoor activities
would be considered)
Pace less than 9 min 30 sec/km (< 9.5 min/km) will be considered in Running.
Means if u complete ur run or walk of 1 km in 9 min 30 sec or less then it would be
counted as RUN else WALK. Kindly note that ELAPSED PACE would be considered
for differentiation of Walk and Run and also for Awarding Bonus points.
Points System –
# Running 1 km. = 1.5 points

# Walking 1km = 1 points

# Cycling 3 km. = 1 points

# Swimming 200 meter. = 1 point

Capping – There would be a capping of Maximum 15 points to be earned

in a Day. Means maximum of 10 km Run, 15 km Walk, 45 km Cycling, 3 km of
swimming would be considered for awarding points.

Exemption - Ultra group there is no capping of points and km.

Minimum Activity – For eligibility of points in a day for any activity there is
minimum km you need to do


# Running – Minimum 2 km

# Walking – Minimum 3 km

# Cycling – Minimum 9 km
# Swimming – Minimum 600 meters

# Running – Minimum 4 km
# Walking – Minimum 6 km
# Cycling - Minimum 18 km
# Swimming – Minimum 1200 meters

Multiple Activity – You can earn the maximum 15 points in a day by doing your activity
in 2 slots, that means 2 activity in a day are allowed but each activity must be above
minimum set standard.
Exemption – Super Young group is exempted from Minimum km criteria , they can
free to any distance with maximum of 15 points in a day.

Time frame – Activities posted till 12 midnight only would be considered for the
same day. Else it would be in next day.
Duration – Challenge is for 76 days , but to get eligible for medal or any prize
member need to be active for atleast 50 days in total. (Its 50 days and not 50 activities,
means if u do 2 activity in a day still your active day would be 1).

Azadi ke 5 Din (For Regular and TEAM of 2)-

Considering our Professional & Family liability this year we have decided to give liberty
to participants to choose their AZADI KE 5 DIN. In which members will be free to select
their free any 5 days from 76 days challenge( May it be Sunday or week day).

Bonus Points-
To appreciate the extraordinary efforts of our members and athlets we would give 1
Bonus point over and above capping limit for activity with good pace. Following pace
would help you to earn extra point
# Running – Pace < 7.5 min/km

# Walking – Pace < 11 min/km

# Cycling - Speed > 22 km/ hr.

Registration date –
Registration to open from 25th August till 20th sept.
Registration would be online. We would share the Google form with the member along
with the QR code for online payment. First make the payment, note the Transaction ID
and enter that in the Google form and then Submit.

EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION- First 25 registartion stands a chance to win Surprise

Participation certificate to all paricipants


150 to 350 points - BRONZE MEDAL

351 to 750 points - SILVER MEDAL

>751 points - GOLD MEDAL

>1001 points - GOLD MEDAL with Special Appreciation Prize

100 to 200 - BRONZE MEDAL
201 to 350 - SILVER MEDAL
351 to 500 - GOLD MEDAL
> 501 - GOLD MEDAL with Special Appreciation Prize

350 to 550 - BRONZE MEDAL
551 to 1000 - SILVER MEDAL
1001 to 1200 - GOLD MEDAL
>1201 - GOLD MEDAL with Special Appreciation Prize


Each Category Would have 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prizes for top 3 athletes.

This trophy would be awarded to the Broad Speciality branch who collects maximum
points of all their participants members at the end of challenge. For this trophy we
would consider broad speciality like MEDICINE, OBST& GYNAEC, SURGERY,
While registering kindly mention your broad speciality for inclusion.

You have to send screen shot of your activity daily to coordinators according to your
Category( Which will be informed in due course of time). If member found doing
any manipulation or malpractice while doing activities they would be disqualified
from the challenge and no further consideration would be given.

Based on whole week activities a leader board would be published on each Monday
throughout the event.


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