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Drafting is the stage of writing process where you develop a complete first version
of a piece of writing. Sometimes professional writers admit that an empty page scare them
because every time they want to create something new fresh and original.
Types of drafting:
There are different types of drafting as are follows:

 Rough Drafts:

Rough drafts are the first segment of the drafting process where you are
placing information on the page. Writers write whatever come in their rough
drafting they don’t follow any rule of grammar tenses and sentence structure. Just they write.

 Final draft:

 a final version of something (such as a document) usually after a lot of

editing and rewriting.
Strategies for drafting:
There are some strategies that will be helpful during the writing.

 Start with some kernel of an idea

 Organize
 Give your language editor the day off
 Take advantage of word processing capabilities
 Benefit from incubation

 Start with some kernel of an idea:

Begin with some form of a preliminary
writing/thesis or any theory. An initial theory will act as a compass for your writing to
keep your focus on the will be helpful to write your idea from start.
 Organize:
Examine the generated from your invention exercise and begin to group
your ideas. A formal outline isn’t necessary but some idea of what’s going first, second and
third etc.
 Give your language editor the day off:
Don’t worry about how beautiful the sentence
will sound. Just focus on your content not on the form. Just get the idea and write down on
the paper whatever comes in your mind.
 Take advantage of word processing capabilities:
Spilt screen allows you to place
your outline, introduction, freewriting notes etc…the comments features under track changes
will unable you to write words in margins for future reference
 Benefit from incubation:
When you stop writing, let your ideas develop naturally in
your head, sometimes you get the idea about your topic when you walking, talking to
classmates or waking up. When the comes in your mind just write it down before you forget

Lecture no 2

Writing process for drafting:

 Begin writing, with the part you know

 Write one paragraph at a time
 Take short breaks to refresh
 Be reasonable with your goals
 Keep your audience and purpose in mind

 Begin writing, with the part you know:

You can start with the third paragraph in you outline if ideas come quickly to mind. You can
start with the second paragraph too. You should keep in mind that paragraph must be in
length because short paragraph may create some disturbance. The other thing is that long
paragraph may be wordy and may lose your reader’s interest. A guideline must be in your
mind that try to write paragraphs longer than one sentence but shorter than the length of an
entire double-shaped page.
 Write one paragraph at a time:

Write one paragraph at a many paragraphs write at a time may create
problems. That will not be helpful in at a time just focus on one paragraph.
 Take short breaks to refresh:
If you spend too much time away from your essay. You may will get trouble. You may forget
critical points or lose momentum. Try setting the alarm to limit your break, and when the time
is up, return to your desk and write.
 Be reasonable with your goal:
If you decide to take ten-minute breaks. Try to stick to that goal. If you tell yourself that you
need more facts, commit to finding them. Holding yourself to your own goals will create
successful writing assignments.
 Keep your audience and purpose in mind:
To keep consideration and also keep your purpose and audience at the front of your mind is
the essential key to writing success. Your purpose will guide your mind as you compose your
sentences. Keep asking yourself what your readers, with their background and experience,
need to be told to understand your ideas.
Basic Elements of a draft:
There are some basic elements of draft that you have to follow step by step:

 An introduction
 A thesis statements
 A topic sentences
 Supporting sentences
 A conclusion

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