Magnetic Field of A Circular Loop

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Experiment 10

Magnetic Field of a Circular Loop


 Circular Multiturn Loop

 Power Supply
 Multimeter
 Teslameter
 Connecting leads

Reading Assignment

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The Biot-Savart Law states that a current I flowing in a circuit element of length d ⃗l at a
distance r⃗ from a point would generate a magnetic field at the point given by

µ0 d l⃗ x r^
B= I 2 (1)
4π r

Where μ o is a universal constant, called the permeability of free space.

Figure 1.

For a closed circuit, the Biot-Savart law becomes

µ0 d l⃗ x r^

B= I∮ 2 (2)
4π r

It can be shown that for a circular N turns loop of radius R, the magnetic field along the axis
of the loop is given by
μ o NIR
2(Z 2 + R 2 )3 /2 (3)

Where Z is the distance from the center of the loop to point P along the axis of the loop.

At the center of the loop, Z = 0 and

μ o NI
2R (4)

In this experiment, the magnetic field strength B along the axis of the loop, carrying a current
I will be measured using a Teslameter.


Part 1.

1. Set up the apparatus as shown in the Figure below. The coil terminals are connected to the
power supply via an ammeter, which is used to measure the current flowing in the coil.

2. Switch the power supply on and adjust the current control for a current of 1.0 A.

3. Place the probe in the center of the loop.

Hint: Move the probe along the axis of the loop, the Teslameter will read maximum at the
center of the loop.

Move the probe in the plane of the loop, the Teslameter will read minimum at the center
of the loop.

4. Reduce the current to zero. Observe the reading of the Teslameter. If the reading is not
zero, adjust the Teslameter to zero by using the auto control.
5. Set the current to 1.0 A. Read the Teslameter. Record the reading in Table 1.
6. Repeat step (5) above for currents of 1.2, 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8A. Record the values of the
magnetic field B in Table 1.

7. Calculate the value of μ o . Compare your result with the theoretical value of μ o .

Part 2.

8. Set the current in the loop to 1.2 A.

9. Set the loop at the 10 cm mark of the base and place the probe at the center of the loop.
This configuration produces z = 0. Read the value of the magnetic field. Record the
reading in Table 2.

10. Move the loop a distance of 1.0 cm from the probe making sure it stays along the axis of
the probe to the right side of the coil. Read and record the value of the magnetic field in
Table 2.

11. Repeat step (10) for distances of 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 cm. Record the values of
Bmeasured in Table 2.

12. Repeat step (10) for distances of -1.0 -2.0, -3.0, -4.0, -5.0 and -6.0 cm to the left side of
the coil. Record the values in Table 2.

13. Plot Bmeasured versus Z, the distance from the center of the loop.

14. Discuss the results and the major sources of errors in this experiment.

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