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Saya orang indonesia (Adj, present)

I am ...
A. Indonesian
B. Indonesia
C. Indonesion
2. Jeffrey menyukai ayam goreng (Adjective), present
Jeffrey likes ... Chickens
A. Fry
B. Frying
C. Fried
3. Orang yang berjalan itu adalah teman saya (Adjective)
The ... Person is my friend
A. Walk
B. Walking
C. Walked
4. Anita akan menari besok pagi (Verb, Future tense)
Anita will ... next morning.
A. dance
B. dancing
C. danced
5. Menari adalah hobbinya Anita (Gerund, present)
... Is Anita's hobby
A. Dance
B. Dancing
C. Danced
6. Saya sedang mengerjakan pretest sekarang (Present continuous)
I am ... a pretest right now
A. Do
B. Doing
C. Done
Once upon a time, in a jungle lived four cows. The cows were very close friends who always
stood by each other in good and bad times. Whenever a wild animal tried to attack them, all four
cows used to fight together and chase them away. Therefore, no animal in the dense jungle dared
to attack the four cows.
But, there also lived a big lion in that jungle who wished to kill and eat the four cows. He tried
several times to attack and kill them, but as always, all four cows chased him away. The lion
understood that it was not possible for him to kill even one cow till they were united.
So, the lion started thinking of different ways to separate them. Finally, he came up with a
devious plan. He started spreading rumours and telling false tales in the jungle about the cows.
With the help of other animals in the jungle, the lion was soon able to pitch the cows against one
another. A huge rift was created between the four cows, and they started detesting each other. The
lion was happy to see his plan working.
After some days, the lion attacked one of the four cows. The other three cows did not come to
help their former friend, even after watching that she was being attacked by the big lion. After a
few a days, the lion killed another cow. And then, the two cows that were left also had to face the
same fate and were killed by the lion.
7. Who is the character of the story above?
8. Who is the Protagonist of the story?
9. What is the climax of the story?
10. What is the moral of the story about?
Speaking question :
1. What do/did you study?
2. Why do/did you want to study that?
3. What subject do you enjoy studying most?
4. Do you prefer to study alone or with other people?
5. What was your worst subject at school?
6. Do/Did you have a favourite teacher?
7. Are you planning to take any courses soon?
8. How long have you been studying English?
9. Do you think English will be important for you in the future?
10. Would you like to learn any other languages?

1. How often do you use a computer?

2. What do you use computers for?
3. Do you use a mobile phone a lot?
4. Is it OK for children to have mobile phones?
5. Do you like modern technology?
6. What modern technology don’t you like?
7. How often do you use the Internet?
8. Do you use social media sites?
9. What is your favourite website?
10. Is it bad to use the Internet too much?

1. What is your favourite food?

2. Do you normally eat healthy food?
3. Do you enjoy cooking?
4. What meals can you cook?
5. What is a traditional meal in your country?
6. Do you eat fast food?
7. What foods do you like from other countries?
8. What fruit and vegetables do you like?
9. Do you think you are a healthy person?
10. Have you ever been on a diet?

Aspect of Assestment :
Vocabulary range

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