UnleashYourBest SellingBook

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Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook


Experts agree that writing a book is one of the best things you can do to boost your credibility
and name recognition for your business. Many people will put their trust in published authors
simply because the art of writing is not easy for everyone and the process of publishing a book
seems like a mystery. Only the most well-known experts can publish, right? Not at all!

Have you ever thought about the process of actually writing a book? You can approach it in one
of two ways: Just sit down at your computer and start writing OR map out the flow of your book
so you’re not going off on tangents or including irrelevant stories or facts. Why spend so much
time writing if the end result might be discombobulated and confusing?

With this workbook, we’re focusing on the pre-writing process. We’ll walk through the steps
methodically so you’ll know exactly WHAT you’re writing about and how your chapters will
flow seamlessly. You’ll also brainstorm some title ideas and identify if this topic is of interest to
your target audience.

Consider your book outline your roadmap to a final destination: Getting published. If you want
to reach that final destination in a reasonable amount of time, you’ll need to follow your map. An
outline will remind you of what topics to write about, which case studies to include, and how
each chapter ties into the next.

If you choose to work without an outline – by just sitting down at the computer and typing – you
may find yourself writing chapters that aren’t completely relevant to your overall title. Or you
may find the writing process slow going because you’re winging it without a map. Consider
these your potholes.

While this may seem like a lot of prep work, it’s not so difficult that you can’t get it done this
weekend. Set aside some quiet time each day to really focus on the exercises. I’m sure you’ve
got dozens of book titles in your head right now, so you’re ahead of the game. Even if you get
started with your outline, that’s more progress than you had yesterday.

Don’t let your dream of becoming a published author simmer away. Let’s get started unleashing
your best-seller!

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook



Congratulations, you have a book idea! Or maybe you have three or ten ideas floating around in
your head; don’t worry, that’s normal. However, before you open your laptop and start typing
out your chapters, spend some time whittling down those ideas into a single, cohesive core idea.
Once you have this core in place, the chapters will come easily.

Writing a book should be an enjoyable process. If you’re driven simply by the desire to make
money, chances are high that you’ll produce a subpar book that will harm your credibility and
stunt your business growth. So, instead of just plucking the first book topic that comes to mind,
let’s think about it methodically so you KNOW this is a subject your audience needs at this time.

The first exercise below is called a brain dump. Every single idea you have swirling in your head
about what you want your book to be about needs to get from your brain onto paper. Don’t edit
yourself; just start writing down your ideas and save the editing for later on. Why is this exercise
important, you ask? Quite simply, putting all that info onto paper helps clear your mind. You can
gain some focus once you brain dump, knowing that you’ll revisit any good ideas.

Your next exercise involves narrowing your focus to five topics. Which topics do you truly enjoy
talking or writing about? Think of your past coaching experience; what topic relates most to your
experience and expertise? Circle those topics that are contenders while crossing off others that
you don’t enjoy or don’t mesh with your professional experience.

Now, consider which topic(s) relate best to your Zone of Genius. This term is from the book The
Big Leap by Gay Hendrick and refers to the zone of experience where you excel the most AND
that you enjoy the most. Why write a book if it’s not an enjoyable process, right? You may have
a ton of knowledge about many different topics, but which topic(s) make you feel most excited
about writing for multiple hours?

Remember, just because you CAN write a book about a certain topic doesn’t mean you
SHOULD, unless it falls into your Zone of Genius.

We’re talking a lot about feelings because to be successful in the book-writing process, you need
to FEEL confident that you can portray your knowledge about your chosen topic clearly to your
audience. You need to FEEL confident that your topic is aligned with your primary business
message so you attract more soulmate clients into your circle. You need to FEEL excited when
the process is over so you will actively market your book to make sales. Feelings are a sensible
place to begin choosing your book topic.

Remember, at this point, you’re just narrowing your topics to the top five. In the next steps, we’ll
talk more about how to choose the perfect one that will bring in sales and make you a bestselling

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Exercise: Cultivate Your Core Book Concept

Use this space for a brain dump and write down ALL the book ideas swirling in your head.

Just start writing…no editing allowed!

Exercise: Tap into Your Idea Zone

Prioritize your brain dump topics into these different categories. Nothing is set in stone and you may discover after a good night’s
sleep that some topics will change categories. Consider this a fluid exercise but you’ll likely notice quickly which topics keep
showing up high on your category list.

Which topics are you most passionate about? Which topics fall into your Zone of Genius?
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.
Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Which topics sound like FUN? Which topics require more research?
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

Narrowing Down Your “Sweet Spot”

Which topics show up under multiple categories? Think about the writing process; do these topics excite you? Why or why not?

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Exercise: Craft Your Positioning Statement

A positioning statement is a single sentence that identifies your target market and how your book will help them. Knowing your
positioning statement will keep you focused on the book’s theme and will help distinguish your book from others in your field.

Use these formulas to help craft your positioning statement. When complete, post it in your office to stay focused and motivated.

Formulas Fill in the Blanks

My book helps [target market] who [identify problem] get

[specific results].

My book teaches [target market] how to [problem you’re


Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

My book helps [target audience] who [problem] achieve

[specific results].

Who is your customer? ________________________________

What problem are you solving? __________________________
What is your solution to the problem? ____________________

To [target audience], my book is the only one that [points of

differentiation/benefits delivered] because [reasons to


The easiest way to start writing your first book is to choose a topic you’re comfortable with. You
can literally write a book about anything, so go with what you know. If you’re passionate and
knowledgeable about a topic, then you are 100% qualified to write a book about it.

However, to avoid the hassle of writer’s block or the risk of writing random chapters that don’t
flow together, let’s get into more detail with your book outline.

Take your top 5 ideas from the last section and start breaking each topic down into subtopics. Be
sure the subtopics are relevant to your overall theme of the book. How many subtopics can you
come up with for each idea? That may be a clear hint as to which topic you should take on.

Let’s also remember your primary audience, or target market. Which of your top 5 ideas will
appeal to them? Are these topics that your social followers, clients, or email subscribers have
asked you about? Are these topics related to ideas you’ve written about in the past? Do these
ideas complement your overall message to your customers?

It’s OK if you diverge your interests and write about something completely different; but unless
you’re diverging into writing fiction, the topic should still be related to your overall business
message and mission.

Be aware of what’s being published in your industry by investigating the marketplace. Look at
Amazon and Good Reads to see how many other books on this topic exist. How will YOUR
book be different from the competitors’ books? What gaps can you fill that other books seem to
have missed? Look at book reviews for this answer.

Lastly, analyze your data and choose your laser-focused topic. When you find that sweet spot,
you’ll feel excited to get writing because you know you’re passionate about the topic, there’s
room in the industry for your point of view, and your audience is interested in this topic.

Exercise: Pinpoint Your Winning Idea

Use your 5 ideas from the previous exercise and jot down your first thoughts on each topic.
Don’t overthink it…these can be adjectives about how you feel about each topic, sample
chapter titles, or simply a list of subtopics that would support the main subject of your book.
Idea #1 Idea #2 Idea #3 Idea #4 Idea #5

• • • • •

• • • • •

• • • • •

• • • • •

• • • • •

More Brainstorming Ideas

Exercise: Verify Your Audience

Reach out to your audience by various methods to verify whether there’s a demand for your
possible book topics. Use these tools in the first chart to reach out to your target audience. If
you find other resources, add them to the list.

Tools for Conducting Validation Research

• Evaluate search volume (see more details below in the Investigate Market Exercise)
o Try Moz’ Keyword Explorer

• Pay attention to online conversations

o Read social media posts, especially complaints
o Join forums or groups where your target audience visits
o Read online book reviews

• Talk to your target audience and ask questions

o Ask questions via social media
o Email marketing
o Polls (try SurveyMonkey)

• Personal reach out via email, messenger, or phone call

• Advertising
o Direct your ad link to an opt-in landing page
o Ask visitors to get on the advance notice mailing list
o Gauge the conversion rate of number of clicks and number of opt-ins

• Other Ideas:
Validation Research Results/Feedback
Idea #1: Idea #2: Idea #3: Idea #4: Idea #5:
_______________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
Record feedback as you
receive it about each of
your topic choices.
Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Exercise: Investigate the Market

Research if people are actually interested in these topics with keyword research. Follow the instructions on each chart and fill in
the results for each of your 5 topic ideas. Keywords are words people would use in the search engines to find your book.

Keyword Research
Idea #1: Idea #2: Idea #3: Idea #4: Idea #5:
_______________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
List keywords that
describe each of your

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Exercise: Take the top keywords for each idea and enter them into the free tool at Wordtracker. Take note of the VOLUME
numbers in this chart. The VOLUME indicates how many people search that keyword phrase each month. The higher the number,
the more searches (and the more interest in your book topic).

Keyword Search Results

Idea #1: _______________

List your top keywords here: Write the search VOLUME results here:

Preliminary Search Volume Total:

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Keyword Search Results

Idea #2: _______________

List your top keywords here: Write the search VOLUME results here:

Preliminary Search Volume Total:

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Keyword Search Results

Idea #3: _______________

List your top keywords here: Write the search VOLUME results here:

Preliminary Search Volume Total:

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Keyword Search Results

Idea #4: _______________

List your top keywords here: Write the search VOLUME results here:

Preliminary Search Volume Total:

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Keyword Search Results

Idea #5: _______________

List your top keywords here: Write the search VOLUME results here:

Preliminary Search Volume Total:

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Exercise: Stalk Your Competitors

Search Amazon and Good Reads to scope out your competition. Who is in the same genre or category? Are reviewers mentioning
gaps in their books? What did reviewers like or dislike?

Competitor Analysis
Idea #1: _______________

List your top competitors for this What is some of the feedback left in
What did reviewers like/dislike?
topic/genre here (Author + Title): reviews?

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Competitor Analysis
Idea #2: _______________

List your top competitors for this What is some of the feedback left in
What did reviewers like/dislike?
topic/genre here (Author + Title): reviews?

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Competitor Analysis
Idea #3: _______________

List your top competitors for this What is some of the feedback left in
What did reviewers like/dislike?
topic/genre here (Author + Title): reviews?

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Competitor Analysis
Idea #4: _______________

List your top competitors for this What is some of the feedback left in
What did reviewers like/dislike?
topic/genre here (Author + Title): reviews?

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Competitor Analysis
Idea #5: _______________

List your top competitors for this What is some of the feedback left in
What did reviewers like/dislike?
topic/genre here (Author + Title): reviews?

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Exercise: Laser-focused Book Topic

It’s time to pick the ONE topic or concept that you are going to begin writing about!

Which 3 topics resonated most with your target audience? And the winning topic is…
o ________________________________
o ________________________________ ____________________________________________
o ________________________________
Which 3 topics have the highest search volume?
o ________________________________
o ________________________________
o ________________________________
Which 3 topics have the least number of competitors OR
more gaps you can fill in?
o ________________________________
o ________________________________
o ________________________________
Of these 3 topics, which ONE do you feel most comfortable
and excited to write about?
o ________________________________
Of these 3 topics, which ONE are you most excited to
o ____________________________________


The most important words of your book are the ones that appear on the outside cover: the title of
your book. While you aren’t deciding on your finalized title just yet, your title is so important
that it’s worth thinking about up-front. Identifying your book by giving it a name can help set the

Titling a business book is a bit different than titling a fiction book. With fiction, you can be a
little more creative but with a business book, keywords play an important role. After all, you
want YOUR book to pop up in search results when people search for their problem online, right?

Start off with a brainstorming list again, or a brain dump. Just start writing down titles that
appeal to you. Don’t worry if they’re boring; start with basic titles that describe what your book
is about. You’ll get to fancy it up as you go through the exercises.

Now, go through your list and switch out some adjectives or find a way to make your title more
memorable. For example, Dale Carnegie wrote “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in
1936 and it’s still in publication today. Do you think if his book were titled, “How to be a
Leader” it would have been as successful? Possibly not.

As you go through this title process, you’ll need to check if your title is already taken. Instead of
feeling defeated if this happens, consider it a chance to make your book title even better. The last
thing you want is confusion between your book and another with a similar title.

Here’s an example: Go to Amazon and search for “girl on a train”. You’ll discover a book, “Girl
on a Train” by AJ Waines as well as the best seller and major motion picture title, “The Girl on
the Train” by Paula Hawkins. Both stories are different (although both are mysteries) but I
wonder how many people purchased the book by AJ Waines by mistake, thinking they were
getting the Paula Hawkins book.

Your credibility is tied to this book so don’t risk giving it away by choosing a title similar to that
of another author.

Another tip for choosing a book title is to make it clear who will benefit the most from the
information in this book. Are you aiming at beginners or those more advanced? Think of the
book in the For Dummies series. While you may or may not like the use of the word “dummies”,
it’s clear that this series of books is for beginners with zero experience.

If you’re still not loving any of your own title creations, consider using an online title generator.
I’ve included some in the next set of exercises that you can try. Or ask your VA to use the title
generator while you’re being creative and compare notes.
Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Exercise: Magnetic Word Builder

From your research write down the ideas that come to mind to serve as a starting point.

Brainstorm Title Ideas

Exercise: Title Generator

Brainstorm some book titles using these tips. For extra help, check out the online title generator list.

Tip #1: Your title should be attention grabbing.

What attention-grabbing words describe your book?

Tip #2: Your title should be memorable.

What makes your book memorable?

Tip #3: Your title should be informative.

How is your book informative?
Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Tip #4: Your title should be easy to say…and NOT embarrassing.

Is there anything in the title that will make readers stumble or blush?

Tip #5: Your title should be short.

How can you edit your title choices to make them shorter while still describing your book accurately?

Online Title Generators

https://blog.reedsy.com/book-title-generator/ https://www.adazing.com/book-title-generator/

https://www.portent.com/tools/title-maker/ https://kopywritingkourse.com/book-title-generator/

https://www.title-generator.com/ https://selfpublishing.com/tools/nonfiction-book-title-generator


By now you are pumped up and ready to ramp up the writing process, but before you can move
onto the meat of your book, keep fleshing out a solid outline. While you may get flashbacks of
your younger school days, outlining is a tried and true practice for keeping your message on

How often have you sat down to write a simple blog post about one theme, then by the end you
realize you’ve gone off on a rant or you’ve added some of your pet peeves into the post, which
need the “six degrees of separation” game to see a connection to the original topic.

The point of your book is to show yourself as the expert, to teach your readers something
valuable, and to guide them toward their next steps with your programs. Confusing them with
unrelated subjects is not a wise way to win them over. So, it’s time to craft the smaller lessons
your readers need in order to achieve their desired outcome.

Now that you’ve chosen your book topic, let’s hash out the overall talking points of the book.
These will become your chapters. Mind mapping is a visual way of organizing your thoughts
digitally so you can see each chapter heading and all the talking points to include underneath
each heading. Most mind mapping software offers a free trial but don’t let the learning curve
hold up this process. A large wall-mounted white board works just as well, as does old-fashioned
notebooks. Or ask your VA to research your options and find training videos to watch. This way
you can bring your mind map with you for those instances when inspiration strikes.

Trello is another way to organize your book outline, especially when it comes to outlining your
chapters. Create a board for the entire book project, then create separate lists for each chapter.
Inside each list is space for individual cards (think index cards) where you can write out your
talking points, then move them around into an order that makes complete sense. Trello is also
web-based, so you can make changes while at the gym or making dinner.

I know you’re well-versed on your subject but to make your book more interesting, consider
adding real-life stories, case studies, or other anecdotes throughout to further prove your points.
In his bestselling book, Wheat Belly 10-Day Grain Detox, Dr. William Davis is certainly an
expert in living a grain-free life and its benefits. But his book is made much more interesting
with the scattered testimonials and real-life stories of people who achieved wonderful results as a
direct result of following his advice. Not only does this help build Dr. Davis’ credibility but it
makes the average reader think they can also achieve the same success.

What personal stories can you include in your book? Who can you ask for a testimonial? Have
you ever asked current clients to be a part of a case study? All of these can be accomplished with
pseudonyms or anonymously, but asking permission first is a must to retain that coach-client
trust that you’ve built up.
Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

In addition to these stories, what other research or statistics can you add? Are there any gaps in
your chapters that need to be filled? Are there new advances in your industry or specifically
about your topic that can be included? Other experts you can interview to reinforce your point of

Depending on your topic, you may want to include research about opposing points of view,
especially if you’re debunking methods or opinions that have been long held in your industry.
Ultimately, this research should add credibility to your book and support your knowledge about
your chosen subject.

Exercise: Mindmap Your Inspiration

Now that you’re focused on ONE topic, it’s time to mindmap the talking points for the overall
book concept that will lead into chapters for the book. NOTE: It doesn’t need to make perfect
sense from the get-go—the goal is free-form thinking to get all of your ideas out of your head
and onto the page.

Here’s a sample mindmap:

Book Title


Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3

Supporting Supporting Supporting

Info Info Info

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Your Book Topic/Title: ____________________________

What talking points need to be in your book?

Exercise: Outline Your Chapters

Organize your talking points into preliminary chapters. It will help you identify how the
chapters all fit together into the big picture.

Chapter Outlines
Working Title Summary Talking Points
Chapter #1:

Chapter #2:

Chapter #3:

Chapter #4:
Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Chapter Outlines
Working Title Summary Talking Points
Chapter #5:

Chapter #6:

Chapter #7:

Chapter #8:

Chapter #9:

Exercise: The Book Framework

Outline each chapter with the substance of your book. Include each of the stories, lessons, ideas, case studies, and perspectives that
each chapter will include.

Book Framework
Chapter Titles Specifics to Include: Sources or Locations of this Info:

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Book Framework
Chapter Titles Specifics to Include: Sources or Locations of this Info:



Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Book Framework
Chapter Titles Specifics to Include: Sources or Locations of this Info:



Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Book Framework
Chapter Titles Specifics to Include: Sources or Locations of this Info:

Exercise: Weave in Corresponding Research

Fill in the gaps of your current outline. Include additional topic-specific research so you can fill in any areas that were missed or
forgotten in the original outline.

Fill in the Gaps

Chapter Titles Other Ideas to Research Who to Contact Resources + Location

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook



Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Fill in the Gaps

Chapter Titles Other Ideas to Research Who to Contact Resources + Location



Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Fill in the Gaps

Chapter Titles Other Ideas to Research Who to Contact Resources + Location




Now you have a chapter-by-chapter guide to writing your best-seller. The only thing left to do is
to actually sit down and write it! There’s no right or wrong way to weave your words together
seamlessly, but there is only one way to guarantee a finished product, and that’s by scheduling
time to work on your masterpiece.

All too often entrepreneurs who work with clients find themselves putting their clients’ work
ahead of their own. Don’t let this happen to your book! You need to adopt the mindset that YOU
are your number one client and YOUR work should be prioritized above other tasks.

That’s not to say clear your calendar of coaching clients or not prepare for your coaching
sessions. It’s about finding a balance between your book project and your clients – plus the
marketing and other administrative tasks it takes to run your business. But adopting a positive
mindset about your work will give you motivation every morning to get it done.

Set your intention clearly about why you want to write this book. This is similar to the question
of why did you become a coach. Let this “why” for your book be the driving force behind getting
this book written.

Look at your calendar and set a deadline for yourself. Work backwards, starting with when you
want the final book published. Allow time for at least two drafts plus time with an editor and
proofreader, plus production time, of course.

If your release date is flexible, consider how much time each day you want to spend writing. Is it
an hour in the morning after coffee or 5 hours once a week when you don’t have any clients?
There’s no right or wrong answer, just be realistic, especially if you find writing a challenge.

Also take note of any vacations, conferences, holidays, or other large event that will limit your
writing time. Do you really want to spend time writing when on a Caribbean vacation with your
family? Be realistic.

If you find writing difficult, consider hiring a ghostwriter. You supply the ghostwriter with your
outline, research, testimonials, etc. and they will craft your notes into a masterpiece. However, be
prepared for a few meetings and lots of questions. Sometimes having the objective eye of a
ghostwriter reveals more gaps in your book than you realized, and their job is to fill those gaps.
Plus, their only access to your expertise is through you directly.

Another technique for those who don’t care for writing is to record your chapters using your
smartphone voice recorder or via Zoom. This option works best for those who are natural born
speakers. Keep your chapter notes nearby so you don’t go off topic and then hire a
transcriptionist to put the recorded words onto paper. Then you can hire an editor to fine tune
your manuscript.
Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

If you’re overwhelmed with the idea of writing a book and you’re stuck in a state of paralysis,
break this project down into much smaller pieces. Instead of thinking about “writing a book,”
think instead about writing half of the first chapter; or giving yourself three weeks to write the
first chapter. Break it down even further by word count; consider 1,000 or 2,000 words a day’s
work. Once you start reaching those smaller milestones, you’ll gain more momentum and
excitement about continuing the work.

You know that taking action is the only thing that will get work finished, and that includes
getting your book from your head onto a printed page. Take action by finishing this planner,
setting deadlines, and deciding how you’ll proceed with the writing.

PLANNER: Map Out Your Monthly Email Content Calendar in a Weekend!

Exercise: Set Your Intentions

Use this exercise to set your intentions about how you’ll create your own writing schedule so you’ll complete your book.

Tip #1: Create your optimal writing environment.

I intend to create an optimal writing environment by: I promise myself that:

Tip #2: Create a writing routine.

I intend to create a writing routine by: I promise myself that:

Tip #3: Set daily or weekly goals.

My daily or weekly goals are: I promise myself that:
Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Tip #4: Eliminate distractions.

I intend to eliminate distractions by: I promise myself that:

Tip #5: Use time management techniques to remain focused on writing.

I intend to remain focused on my writing by: I promise myself that:

Tip #6: Schedule your writing time on a calendar.

I intend to schedule my writing time by: I promise myself that:

Tip #7: Determine your most creative/productive time of day.

My most creative time of day is: I promise myself that:

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Exercise: Establish A Writing Schedule

Use this writing log to establish a regular schedule. Once you start tracking your progress, you’ll be more motivated to continue
writing until your book is complete. Copy/print more writing log pages as needed.

Date Time Started & Word Count Today How do you feel? Other Thoughts…

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Date Time Started & Word Count Today How do you feel? Other Thoughts…

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Exercise: Elevate Your Content with a Ghostwriter

If you prefer outsourcing the actual writing, it’s time to hire a ghostwriter. Use these exercises to prepare for interviewing writers
and gathering referrals from trusted business friends.

Hiring a Ghostwriter
Ask for Referrals Google Search Use a Service or Agency

1. Ask trusted business peers or partners • Use keywords in your search, such as: • Upwork.com

2. Ask your VA, graphic designer, or o Romance novel ghostwriter • Guru.com

other independent contractors in your
circle o Business coaching ghostwriter • Reedsy.com

3. Ask your social media followers o Recipe book ghostwriter • Ghostwriting LLC

4. Ask those in your networking or • Use location keywords if you want to • The Writers for Hire Inc.
mastermind circles hire locally

5. Check out writing groups on LinkedIn o Akron OH ghostwriter

and/or Facebook
o Queens County NY
6. Writing coaches, editors ghostwriter

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Preparing to Hire a Ghostwriter

What are the specs of the project?

• Number of chapters/pages, type of content/genre, etc.
• Describe your target market

What’s your budget?

• Is there any room to increase?

How often do you want or expect to talk about the project?

• Weekly status updates?
• As needed?
• Initial meeting, status update halfway through,
concluding meeting?

What’s your desired release date?

• Create a publication calendar that also includes your
launch date.

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Ghostwriter Contact Log

Name Referred by: Contact Info Date Contacted Next Steps

Unleash Your Best-Selling Book!
5 Steps Workbook

Ghostwriter Contact Log

Name Referred by: Contact Info Date Contacted Next Steps


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