Conversions, Adventure Charts

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The elder elemental evil Tharizdun was banished by the efforts of all gods early in creation. A
dark prophecy foretelling his return vanished by consensus of the gods. However, Vecna, upon
assuming immortality and the persona of god of dark secrets, has uncovered this prophecy. The
return of this primeval power capable of spreading insanity to the gods themselves will spell the
end to all deities, for any that attempt to intervene will become mad. The powerful witch
Iggwilv, in her mountain fortress, unraveled the barriers between this world and other
dimensions, incidentally allowing Tharizdun to grant powers to his cancerous followers. Over a
period of centuries, they have begun to ensure the prophecy comes true by retrieving his 333
Gems and presenting them to his herald, Shothragot, so that they can be consumed and unlock
Tharizdun’s shackles.

The very threads of existence must be torn asunder, then burned, then the ashes
scattered, until all is nothing and no one exists to remember existence. (Tharizdun

"The Ender, the Elder Elemental Eye, the Dark God, the Patient One, He Who
Waits, the Anathema, the Father of Elder Evils, the Author of Wickedness, He of
Eternal Darkness, the Eater of Worlds, the Despised, the Undoer -- these are but
a few of the many names for our glorious master. One thousand years, the Dark
God has waited, lurking beyond the bounds of reality, contained in a vault
constructed by jealous hands, his rightful throne held by usurpers. In these last
centuries, our efforts have found destruction, decay, and loss, as these lesser
powers have sought to confuse us, mislead us, and turn us against one another,
for you see, Tharizdun's release spells their end. They fear him. Yes, mighty
Mystra, Tyr, even death itself all quail before his imminent arrival. The time is at
hand, the end has come, and it is our sacred duty to usher in the last age of our
world and bring the constructs of the false gods to rightful ruin. Only then will we
understand the perfect nature of all that is possible with the Eternal Darkness."

Meanwhile, Vecna, jealous of his knowledge but protective of his existence, has ordered his
followers to plunder Iggwilv’s mountain, plumb her secrets, and possibly seal the rift by freeing
Tsojcanth, which may be the only being capable of doing so and was the being that defeated
Tharizdun’s last avatar nearly 1000 years ago. To his most powerful follower, Acecerak, creator
of the Tomb of Horrors and former apprentice, he has given the ultimate contingency: achieve a
power near god-hood and assault the mad god if it enters this world as foretold. Acecerak has a
two-fold plot in place: lure those with powerful souls to his base in the Negative Plane to steal
their essences and also to find a way to seize the power of the Bastion of Unborn Souls to fuel
his own ascendancy to godhood once Tharizdun is defeated.

Adventure Synopsis:

The party intercepts cultists stealing a book that allows the Vecnans to create a compendium
maleficarum to create an undead army to invade Iggwilv’s fortress and take on the madness of
Tharizdun, using faux humans created at Ossington. The cultists also send an agent to penetrate
Greymalkin magical academy and steal a Tapestry that can create incorporeal undead. Finally,
the cult has completed a ritual to bring back their general to lead the army, the Horned Lord
Moagim, defeated centuries ago.
Enter the party. The Vecnans steal the bones of a dwarf hero as a component for their
compendium. Though the Vecnans secret the bones away in time to their agent at Iggwilv’s
mountains, the plot is revealed and Ossington possibly compromised. The invasion at Iggwilv’s
fails, though the party may plunder it to get to her items first and also discover the Vecnan’s
were seeking something called the Demonomicon to prevent the end times.

Tsojcanth is the master deceiver, even to the gods. He has always posed as a good wizard and
indeed was responsible for imprisoning Tharizdun’s avatar nearly 1,000 years ago. However, in
doing so, he was terribly weakened, even with god-power in him, and Iggwilv soon came calling.

Tsojcanth seeks to escape his prison (even knowing it might weaken the rift more). He may
refrain from fighting the party if he believes they can be talked into thwarting Tharizdun. He
cites the prophecy (Essence of Evil), indicates his role 1,000 years ago as a vessel of the gods to
stop Tharizdun’s avatar, and indicates there are two works ever penned that concern the
prophecy and how it may be stopped. It took deities, a circle of the world’s most powerful
archmagi, and him acting as a vessel of the gods to defeat just an avatar. This time, if the
prophecy holds, the god will break free from his prison. One book is the Demonomicon, the
other the Tome of the Black Heart (in Maure Castle).

The Demonomicon contains Iggwilv’s revelation that Tharizdun’s (the Black Sun, the Ender)
insatiable need to ruin and destroy the universe led to all gods, some dead and forgotten, to
unite to imprison him, so great he was that he could not be destroyed. She speculates that his
entropic nature created the Abyss, explaining the tie. Every 1000 years, despite the prison,
Tharizdun exerts influence on the world. She managed to seal the rift’s major effects with
Tsojcanth. She indicates because he cannot grant direct clerical power, his followers rely on
artifacts. Destruction of them could divert his plans. She cites the following powerful artifacts in
his service: Wailer of Tharizdun, a horn which can be used to activate his dormant magical
shrines and the Claw of Tharizdun, a sword wreathed in ebon flames that corrupts the wielder to
service of Tharizdun.

The Tome of the Black Heart contains ancient lore. The Dagger leads to the Lost City of Elders, a
place where the shades of slain gods reside. Most drift in dreams, though one, Karsus (who tried
to steal Mystryl’s powers), manifests to assist. He can reveal that the 333 Gems of Tharizdun are
the keys to the destroyer primordial’s prison, created even as the gods were imprisoning
Tharizdun. Once Tharizdun’s followers have all 333, his mightiest servant will have no barriers to
setting the entropic god free, and the gods will have no power to stop him.

Maure Castle is revealed, and there has been a major battle between his cultists and another
unknown cult. Both want something in the castle’s impenetrable depths and are willing to spill
blood to retrieve it. Meanwhile, Moagim is brought back, and likely the party puts him to rest

The party may take Maure Castle’s secrets only to find that a battle is ensuing over the
descendant of Dydd. This leads to Ashardalon’s takeover of the Bastion. (some modifications).
Acecerak, seeks the descendant’s blood through his best agent, the Cathezar, while Obox-Od’s
agent, Nurn, seeks to thwart whatever efforts Acecerak wants. Acecerak, and his reputation,
along with summoning adventurers to die, should be enough to convince the party not to trust

The party may overcome Ashardalon, stop the takeover of the Bastion, and then finish Acecerak,
only to find out the truth: his power, as horrifically dark as it was, might have been the only
thing that could stop Tharizdun. It will lie upon the party to confront this elder god inside his
physical form (modify adventure to journey through a humanoid body, culminating in the heart).
4-6th: Gesti’s bones stolen by mercenary assassin for Vecna cult. Cult, using pages from book
taken in Mad God’s Key, is reconstructing a Compendium Maleficarum to manifest undead to lead
an incursion into Iggwilv’s home. Party may intercept but the bones will have been sent onto
another agent for transport. Party comes across first gem of Tharizdun.

6-7th: Ossington. An agent in place for the Cult is already using Dydd’s secretive spell to
populate an entire region for use in creating undead and having a base of operations. Only the
elves and a pesky paladin stand in the way. The party may uncover the plot. Whether they do,
the bones are not here, but reference to another plot to retrieve an item to create incorporeal
undead is underway.

8th: Challenge of Champions VI? #138

9th: Greymalkin Academy. Drow Aldevein is working for Vecna, and aboleth has obtained a

10th+: Iggwilv’s, to stop the enemy from gaining the Demonomicon. Tsojcanth reveals greater
plots afoot: Acecerak’s attempt to become a god (all true but belying the true goal, the return of
the mad god).

12th: Maure Castle. If the party is to be equipped, they should plunder this ancient repository of

14th: In between, Moagim, Vecna’s general, has returned.

16th: Bastion of Unborn Souls

18th: Acecerak, Castle Perilous

20th: Finale, Essence of Evil


- Azugel (a half-orc beserker in Essence of Evil), part of a trio of templars, carries a

greatsword with ease and is bloodthirsty as they get
- Lareth the Beautiful (human high priest of Tharizdun), tall blonde man, half face is
beautiful and other half a mass of scars.
- Vadaeth Bloodseeker (a goliath half-fiend blackguard), hulking humanoid that looks like
some ogre blood inside, carries impossibly large greataxe
Gems of Tharizdun encounters:

Sinister Spire, Room S33. The player characters come upon a vault bearing
the bas-relief carvings of numerous holy and unholy symbols, representing nearly
every known god and quite a few unknown ones as well. Beyond the door, the
player characters find a freezing cold room with walls, floor, and ceiling
blackened and cracked. Hovering in the center of the room is a black gem the
size of a fist. The stone is surrounded by a wall of force, preventing the PCs from
acquiring it through normal means. If the PCs free the stone, they find
themselves constantly harassed by agents of Tharizdun until they rid themselves
of the cursed object.

Gem of Tharizdun: fist sized rock, like obsidian but queerly translucent. Bearers
cast evil and chaos spells at +1 caster level and can unlock Tharizdun’s wisdom,
gaining a +20 insight bonus on any one attack, save, skill, or ability check as an
immediate action (usable 1/day, restores at midnight). Those who carry it will
face Tharizdun’s corruption and must make a Will Save DC 20 each day at
midnight or take 1 point of Wisdom drain, and a DC 20 Fort save or take 1 point
Con drain as well. Gems have Hardness 20 and 5 hp.

Greymalkin Academy (following attacks, Ossington, challenge). A few

months later, a powerful earthquake ripples through the lands, causing terrible
destruction for hundreds of miles around. The epicenter seems to have been the
Greymalkin Academy of Magic. While traveling to the ruins, the player characters
come upon a community buried in a landslide. While little remains other than
rubble and debris, one structure stands intact: the academy, sealed in a magical
ice. It appears as if the tumbling boulders veered around the tower. Investigating
the place reveals a number of traps, magical guardians, and more, but worse, the
PCs aren't the only ones exploring the site.

When the party finds the aboleth, it has just found a gem and is using its
followers to spirit it away by water. The party can see it.
EL 9 (Faint Sign): After weeks of quiet, when life just starts to return to normal, a queer fiery
glyph appears in the sky. Attempts to reach it through magic utterly fail; it always seems to move
just out of reach. No one seems to know what it signifies, but certain types of spells are becoming
harder to cast.

Tharizdun, peering into the future, senses the PCs are a dire threat, and so it dispatches a dream
to Shothragot, who in turn sends its greatest minion, Giorge Forsworn to attend to them. The
mortal hunter plays a cat-and-mouse game, murdering those closest to the PCs first and then
picking off the heroes one at a time.


Giorge stands just under 6 feet tall. He has a muscular frame and chiseled features, and from
afar, he might even pass for human. Anything more than a glance reveals the truth of his blood,
for his skin is deep blue mottled with purple spots and strange whorls of scarred flesh. In the palm
of each hand snarls a wet and dripping mouth, while a nest of writhing tentacles ending in pink
tongues lashes out from his navel.

He conceals his monstrous appearance beneath a suit of purple full plate emblazoned with the
same symbols decorating his body. His helmet is a terrifying thing, wrought to resemble the
fusion of countless faces twisted with agony, the flesh of one spilling into another. So lifelike are
the visages, they seem to move, crying out for mercy, even as Giorge sets to complete his grisly

"I'm so sorry ... sorry ... it hurts, doesn't it. I'm trying to make this quick. S ... s ... so sorry!"
-- Giorge Forsworn

Formerly a bold adventurer and member of the Green Horn Adventuring Troupe, Giorge
Forsworn fell from grace and is now a corrupted and insane villain, bent on spreading death and
destruction in the blasphemous name of his despicable master. Forged anew by the filthy touch
of the elder evil named Shothragot, violent images contaminate his mind and drive him to commit
unspeakable acts of grisly murder. A disturbing villain, he prowls the lands in search of those he
deems as marked for death and puts them to the sword.
Giorge Forsworn CR 13
hp 120 (13 HD)

Male tiefling ranger 3/paladin of slaughter 4/mortal hunter 6

CE Medium outsider (native)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +10, Spot +10
Aura debilitating (10 ft.)
Languages Common, Draconic, Infernal

AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 23; (+1 Dex, +9 armor, +3 shield, +1 deflection)

- Blurring plate, swift activation, 5r duration Blur (20%), usable 3/day, CL5th
Immune disease, mind-affecting effects
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Fort +21, Ref +12, Will +11; +2 against spells and spell-like effects used by mortals

Speed 20 ft. in full plate (4 squares), base speed 30 ft.

Melee +1 unholy surge longsword [decorated with spikes, skulls, and unholy symbols, weapon is evil-aligned, does
+2d6 vs. good, and 1+cha mod per day (5) can add +3d6 to good target, bestows 1 negative lvl on good] +19/+14/+9
(1d8+5 plus 1 vile/19-20) or
Melee +1 unholy surge longsword +15/+10/+5 (1d8+5 plus 1 vile/19-20) and
Melee +1 bashing heavy steel shield +12 (1d6+2)
Ranged +1 composite longbow (Str +4) +15/+10/+5 (1d8+5/[ts]3)
Base Atk +13; Grp +17
Atk Options deadly touch 16 points, favored enemy (humans) +2, mortal hunting +3, smite good 1/day (+4
attack, +4 damage), smite mortal 1/day (+2 attack, +12 damage)
Special Actions detect mortals, mortal skin (any nondragon), rebuke undead 7/day (+4, 2d6+5, 1st)
Combat Gear least crystal of lifedrinking on longsword (transparent black crystal, heals 1 dmg each hit up to
10 in a day before becoming inert) potion of cure moderate wounds
Mortal Hunter Spells Known (CL 6th):
3rd (2/day) -- flesh ripper[40’, ranged touch claw 1d8/lvl no save, if crit bleeds 1/round], mirror sending
[replace reflection of target with yours, when spotted may say up to 6 words, lasts 1 round], nondetection,
scrying (DC 17), suggestion (DC 17), vile lance [creates +2 shortspear lasting 1 hr that only does vile dmg]
2nd (2/day) -- detect thoughts (DC 16), evil eye (DC 16)[curse 40’, -4 attack, save, checks, lasts till sunrise
or if caster takes 1 dmg from target], hold person (DC 16), magic circle against good, see invisibility, web
(DC 16)
1st (2/day) -- cause fear (DC 15), charm person (DC 15), detect good, heartache (DC 15)[renders helpless 1
round], protection from good, sleep (DC 15), unnerving gaze (DC 15)[face appears like enemy or dead loved
one, 40’, -1 attacks, 6 rounds]
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 25th):
At will -- detect good (CL 4th)
1/day -- darkness

Abilities Str 18, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 18
SQ divine grace, divine health, overwhelming aura of evil, spurn mortal magic, wild empathy +6 (+2 magical
Feats Alertness, Boost Spell-Like Ability, Deformity (Madness), Endurance, Improved Initiative, Insane
Defiance, Mortalbane, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting, Vile Martial Strike (longsword), Weapon Focus
(longsword), Willing Deformity
Skills Bluff +10, Climb +4, Diplomacy +8, Heal +5, Hide +7, Intimidate +12, Jump -2, Knowledge (nature)
+3, Knowledge (religion) +2, Listen +10, Move Silently +7, Search +7, Sense Motive +8, Spot +10, Survival
+8 (+10 when following tracks), Tumble +0
Possessions combat gear plus +1 blurring full plate, +1 bashing heavy steel shield, +1 unholy surge
longsword, +1 composite longbow (Strength +4) with 20 arrows, ring of protection +1, cloak of Charisma +2,
gauntlets of ogre power, vest of resistance +1, finely wrought and polished silver mirror (1,000 gp focus for
mirror sending and scrying), three pinches of diamond dust (50 gp each for nondetection)

Debilitating Aura (Su) All enemies within 10 feet of Giorge take a -1 penalty to Armor Class.
Deadly Touch (Su) Cause wounds touch attack. 1/day 16 negative dmg, DC 16 Will save for half.
Mortalbane adds +2d6 to this.

Mortal Hunting (Ex) This ability functions like the ranger's favored class ability except that it applies to all
creatures other than constructs, fey, outsiders, and undead. The bonuses from this ability stack with
Giorge's favored enemy bonus.

Smite Mortal (Su) 1/day melee attack vs. mortal, +2 attack, +12 dmg. Mortalbane +2d6.

Detect Mortals (Su) As the detect undead spell, except it detects mortals (see mortal hunting), at will,
caster level 15th.

Mortal Skin (Su) As the polymorph spell except Giorge may affect only himself and cannot assume the form
of a mortal of the dragon type.

Hook Weeps and wails in combat.

"She is my rock, my foundation, and I cling to her as I travel the bleak roads of my destiny."
-- Giorge Forsworn

Mask is a corrupted nymph, a fey warped by the filthy embrace of Shothragot and given to Giorge as a
helper, lover, and slave. She aids the Forsworn by locating his victims, but more importantly, she goads him
to more and more acts of appalling violence. Her intoxicating beauty and her hold over his heart threaten to
kill the last vestiges of his humanity.

The transformation left Mask's physical beauty largely intact, but destroyed her soul. She possesses a sleek
body, alluring and athletic, and black hair tumbles down from her head. Beneath a queer mask, one can see
brilliant blue eyes that flash with incredible power. A long, black cloak hangs from her shoulders providing
some covering for her scantily clad body. The only unsettling thing about her physical form is that she has
bundles of animated twigs, twisting and clawing, where her hands ought to be. Although monstrous in
appearance, these claws retain the flexibility and use of normal hands.

Mask CR 11
hp 52 (9 HD); fast healing 4; DR 10/cold iron and magic

Female corrupted nymph binder 3

CE Medium fey
Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Listen +12, Spot +12
Aura blinding beauty (30 ft., DC 25)
Languages Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Sylvan

AC 29, touch 21, flat-footed 25; Dodge (+4 Dex, +7 deflection, +1 insight, +4 natural)
Fort +18, Ref +21, Will +22

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), swim 20 ft.

Melee 2 claws +9 (1d6+2 plus 4 vile)
Base Atk +5; Grp +7
Atk Options disruptive attack (4 vile), sudden strike +1d6
Special Actions bird's eye viewing, invisibility, soul binding (Malphas), stunning glance
Combat Gear brooch of avoidance [CL3rd, Swift activate, pale green gem in gold, 3/day get +4 dodge
bonus vs. AoO], pearl of brain lock [tiny pearl with draconic symbol for mind, CL3rd, throw range 10’, DC13
will or gem enters flesh and dazes 3r], rod of grievous wounds[CL9th necro, stark white rod with abstract
designs created by one line, 5/day standard activate, 1d8+5 negative dmg to adjacent living with less than
full hit points]
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 7th):
4th -- scrying (DC 17)
3rd -- cure moderate wounds, infestation of maggots (melee touch +7, DC 16)[lasts 3 rounds, does 1d4
CON disease damage per round, save each round to negate]
2nd -- bear's endurance, heat metal (DC 15), owl's wisdom, tree shape
1st -- babau slime[7r, body does 1d8 acid to weapons touching it], entangle (DC 14),
0 -- detect magic, flare (DC 13), guidance, know direction, light, resistance
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th):
1/day -- dimension door

Abilities Str 14, Dex 19, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 24
SQ pact augmentation (+1 insight to AC), poison use, suppress sign, wild empathy +20 (+16 magical
Feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Extend Supernatural Ability, Weapon Finesse
Skills Bluff +18, Concentration +14 (+18 cast on the defensive), Decipher Script +8, Diplomacy +11,
Disguise +7 (+9 acting), Escape Artist +13, Handle Animal +16, Heal +12, Hide +13, Intimidate +12,
Knowledge (arcana) +8, Listen +12, Move Silently +13, Ride +6, Sense Motive +15, Spot +12, Use Rope +4
(+6 bindings)
Possessions combat gear plus cloak of Charisma +2, gloves of Dexterity +2, mask of lies [black mask with
cross slits over eyes and mouth, CL5th abjuration, undetectable alignment and +5 bluff, 3/day as swift
Disguise Self, 4500g]

Blinding Beauty (Su) At the start of each of Mask's turns, all humanoids within 30 feet that are looking
directly at her must succeed on DC 25 Will saves or be blinded permanently as though by the
blindness/deafness spell. Mask can suppress or resume this ability as a free action. The save DC Is
Charisma-based and includes a +4 bonus from the enhanced power ability.

Disruptive Attack (Su) Mask deals 4 points of vile damage whenever she touches an uncorrupted, living,
corporeal outsider.

Sudden Strike (Su) Mask deals an extra 1d6 points of damage on a successful melee attack made against
a creature denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class. This extra damage also applies on ranged attacks
against targets within 30 feet.

Bird's Eye Viewing (Su) At will, Mask can cause a raven to appear on her shoulder. She has complete
control over the raven and can see what it sees and hear what it hears. She uses the bird's skill checks to
determine the results of its actions and observations, but her own skill bonuses to derive information from its
observation. The bird remains until she summons another, mentally dismisses it (a standard action), or stops
binding with Malphas.

Invisibility (Su) As a full-round action, Mask can make herself invisible (as with the invisibility spell). The
effect lasts until she attack or 3 rounds. Once she becomes visible, she must wait 5 rounds before she can
use this ability again.

Stunning Glance (Su) As a standard action, Mask can stun a creature within 30 feet for 2d4 rounds. A DC
25 Will save negates this effect.

Suppress Sign (Ex) If Mask makes a good pact, she can suppress or reveal the vestige's sign at will as a
swift action.

Hook She looses a horrific keening noise in combat.

EL 12 (Moderate Sign): As the sign in the sky intensifies, the greatest minds in
the lands set to unravel the mystery of its appearance. A wide range of theories
abound, but Eli Tomorost, a powerful wizard and member of the Circle of Eight, is
close and he believes the glyph signifies a dire threat to the world, suspecting it
may have something to do with Tharizdun. Well-acquainted with the history of the
Dark God, he sets out to search the depths of Maure Castle for clues.

When he doesn't return, the remaining members of the Circle of Eight, who work
to undo the expanding sign, hire the adventurers to track the missing wizard. Eli,
through dabbling with dangerous magic, has become a twisted creature of the
Dark God. However, he has recovered the Tome of the Black Heart.

EL 15 (Strong Sign): Armed with the Tome and burdened with the horrible fate
of an esteemed member of the Circle, the adventurers return to the Circle of
Eight, only to find that the sign has grown even stronger. To complicate matters,
the Bastion of Unborn Souls comes into play as both Tharizdun’s agents and
Acecerak’s agents vie for the blood of Dydd to oust Ashardalon. Acecerak
becomes a liability the party cannot justify once they discover him luring strong
heroes to his Castle Perilous…

EL 18 (Overwhelming Sign): Iggwilv’s lair has gone unstable, and the party is
sent to investigate by Mordenkainen. Just as the heroes are exploring, the
caldera formed by the Crater Ridge explodes, and amidst the debris and
destruction rises a massive globe of dripping black corruption. As it rises, the
sign in the heavens expands until it stretches from one horizon to the next.
Horrific insane creatures come and go from the bulk, emerging from orifices that
pierce its glistening hide. The sign's power prevents the Circle of Eight from
arriving here quickly, so it falls to the PCs to journey inside this floating
abomination and destroy the essence that lurks within. Should they fail,
Shothragot will surely unlock the wards that seal Tharizdun and draw forth the
gods in a climactic battle that will leave the world forever after changed.

The Academy lies nestled in the hills northeast of Amah, near the port of Uskarn
(detailed in Tammeraut’s Fate).


 Headmaster Kyman Andoverge: a dark-skinned Turmish with a neatly

trimmed square beard streaked with grey, in his late 50s. Kyman
manages politics as well as magic, ensuring the academy’s continued
tolerance in its isolation.
 Senior faculty Tomas Calfrei: a handsome man in his late 30s who keeps
his silver hair unruly but tied in a tail in the back. He is absent minded but
skilled and teaches Potions and Enchantments.

 Senior faculty Moira Ardain: a grugach elf by birth but raised in Amah as a
slave. She was purchased and freed by Kyman, who recognized her
ability. She is very orderly, has tattooed skin from birth, and teaches
Scribing and Offensive spellcasting.

Reactions: Only the senior staff know of the Tapestry’s existence, and Kyman is
immediately suspicious of anyone who discusses its existence. He is unlikely to
discuss matters further and instead escort others away while he performs
divinations and scrying to ascertain their intent. If the party can win him over, he
is confident in his school’s defenses. However, he will not discuss them.

Hook: Nearby naval town of Uskarn provides supplies. Since Greymalkin will
not house guests, it will have the only lodging (20 miles separate the two). It is
there that the party will run up against the town’s problem after facing harpies.
One of the hermits from Firewatch Isle is dead on the shore. Firewatch was once
a Turmish garrison to watch for Chondathan invasions, but it was eventually
abandoned when its garrison mysteriously vanished (though no invasion came).
The disappearance remains a mystery to this day. Since then, a non-
denominational congregation of hermits focused on nature set in and have went
about their business for years.

Syrgaul Tammeraut was a deeply planted Vecnan agent. His ship and push
were a major move by the secretive agency that ensured no such overt actions
would be taken. However, Dyson has recently stirred him up, but his ghostly
urges to destroy the servant of Procan has overwhelmed him. He will not help
with Greymalkin…yet.

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