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Telephone Script

This is a sample conversation with a potential client when they call to inquire about their
wedding. In this particular example, we’ve given you some suggestions on how to respond when
a caller rings and simply asks about your prices immediately. This is a common occurrence and
it is often because the caller simply doesn’t know what else to ask. But there are ways to
develop a connection with your caller, even when they begin so abruptly. You can adjust this
script based on your own studio’s policies or procedures and leave it near your phone so that
you can easily refer to it during your conversation. Keep in mind that this is just a sample
conversation. And while nearly every conversation progresses similarly to this one, there are
always exceptions. It is helpful to try and be prepared for nearly every comment or thought that
may come up, so that you can answer it appropriately. Also remember to review the General
Telephone Tips, which will provide a bit of background on why these responses work so well.

“Ring” - Remember to answer the phone on the third ring.

STUDIO: (Smile) Good morning (your studio name). This is (your first name).

CALLER: Hi (your name), this is Mary. I just wanted to know the price of your photography

STUDIO: Hi Mary, thank you so much for calling. Are you inquiring about wedding

CALLER: Yes, I am.

STUDIO: You’re getting married? Congratulations!!

CALLER: Thank you.

STUDIO: May I ask what your wedding date is, Mary? I just want to check our availability.

We are temporarily sidestepping the price question. There is also no point in

wasting time if we happen to already be booked on that date.

Copyright ©Jerry Ghionis 1
CALLER: Sure. My wedding date is Saturday, April 5th, ______.

STUDIO: What a beautiful time to get married. The weather and outdoor lighting is so
beautiful in April and the spring flowers and leaves are just gorgeous. Let me just
check our availability for next year.

Always find something positive to say about the date or location of where they
will get married. Be specific so that it shows you are not being insincere. Also,
make sure that you always let them know that you are checking your availability
for their date. Even if you do not have a single wedding on the books for the next
two years, you want to go through the effort of having to check. While you are
checking your calendar you still want to engage the caller so you may ask:

How are your wedding plans going?

CALLER: Oh, we have just started. We’ve booked our reception and the church, but that’s it.

STUDIO: That sounds like a great start. Where will you be getting married?

CALLER: In a little church at the top of Pleasant Hill called The Chapel.

STUDIO: Oh, I know that church – it’s made out of bluestone. It’s right on the hillside with a
gorgeous view from the back. One thing I especially love about that church is the
little balcony just at the back. What I can do is make sure I get up there during the
ceremony and take a bird’s eye photograph of you and all of your guests during
the ceremony. It’s such a beautiful vantage. And your reception?

Again, personally relate to what they have said about the venue if we know where
it is. This shows our experience and reassures the client that we are familiar with
the location. Notice that we are also speaking to her as if she was an existing
client. We are already assuming that she will book us.

CALLER: The reception is just down the road from The Chapel. It’s called Premier
Receptions. Do you know it?

STUDIO: The food and the service there are second to none. You won’t be disappointed.

Always reassure.

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CALLER: That’s great to hear.

STUDIO: Ok… Yes, We ARE available for your wedding date!!

Register a slight touch of surprise and excitement in your voice as you say this –
as you get booked very easily.

CALLER: That’s fantastic!

She has temporarily forgotten about the pricing question as we discussed other
details from her day instead. Furthermore, she will always follow your lead and
also show excitement that you are still available.

STUDIO: May I ask, have you seen our work before? Or did someone refer you to us?

It is very important that we keep a log of how every couple finds out about us, so
that we can keep track of what advertising is working.

CALLER: I was actually referred by Ken and Barbie. And I have also seen you in various

STUDIO: That’s great. It’s always reassuring to know that a couple you know has
experienced our service firsthand and that they went out of their way to refer us.

Remind the caller that the couple that referred them has done the homework for

CALLER: Yes, they were so happy with their photos. They said that you made their skin
flawless too.

We prompted them to tell us that we are good. But when the caller hears
themselves saying this, it becomes much more powerful.

STUDIO: Were you a guest at Ken and Barbie’s wedding?

CALLER: Yes, I was.

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STUDIO: Tell me, do you remember that beautiful slideshow we played at the reception
showcasing some of the photos that were taken earlier that day.

CALLER: Oh yes! It was so beautiful, my girlfriends and I were even getting emotional as it
was playing. It was just beautiful.

STUDIO: And can I just remind you... that wasn’t even you. Imagine how you will feel when
you are sitting there, experiencing those emotions with your own photos and with
your husband on the most beautiful day of your life.

Once again, we are talking to the caller as if she is already an existing client.

We would love to meet with you and your fiancé so that we can discuss the details
of your wedding plans and get to know each other in person. After all, the
relationship you have with your photographer is the most important of all your
wedding vendors. We not only want to meet your expectations, but exceed them,
and to do this effectively, it’s important that we meet in person. This will also be a
great opportunity to show you our stunning custom-made albums and understand
your concerns and preferences when it comes to hiring your wedding

We are expressing enthusiasm to meet with them personally and at the same time
educating the caller as to why it is so important to come in and meet with us in

Would you like to come in and meet with us during the day or after hours?

We are not asking the caller IF they want to see us, we are asking the caller WHEN
they would like to see us.

CLIENT: After hours is better for us because of our work schedules.

STUDIO: Perfect. We are available for evening appointments on Tuesdays and Thursdays at
6:00pm or 7:30pm. What works best for you?

CLIENT: Next Tuesday would be best… say 7:30pm.

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STUDIO: No problem at all. Just to let you know, you will be meeting with me, as I am
personally available to photograph your wedding. I can’t wait to meet you next

We are reassuring the caller that they will spend one-on-one quality time with the
person who will be photographing their wedding – not an office manager. This is
especially important if you have a larger studio with several photographers.

CALLER: Sounds great.

STUDIO: Mary, what is your fiancé’s name?

CALLER: His name is John.

STUDIO: And may I have your contact phone numbers as well?

CALLER: Yes. My mobile number is: 555 555 5555, etc.

Ask for mobile phone numbers as well as an email address.

STUDIO: Okay, Mary. We will see you and John this Tuesday, June 21st at 7:30pm at our
office in Smithville. Do you have our full address?

Always repeat the details of their appointment so there is no misunderstanding.

And never assume that they know where you are located.

CLIENT: Yes, I do.

STUDIO: Wonderful! I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

CALLER: Me too. Goodbye.

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Additional notes:

 You may occasionally have a situation where the caller does not want to commit to an appointment
and they still insist on asking for the price over the phone. We would encourage you to provide the
caller with a ballpark price (“our wedding collections begin at $xxxx”) and then stress the
importance of coming to meet with you in person.

 Always try to direct the caller to your website so that they can see your work and understand your
style of photography and your professionalism, which may help them justify your prices.

Copyright ©Jerry Ghionis 6

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