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(19) World Intellectual Property

International Bureau
(10) International Publication Number
(43) International Publication Date W O 2015/160268 Al
22 October 2015 (22.10.2015) W I PO I P CT

(51) International Patent Classification: (NZ). BAUMANN, Monika; c/o Fisher & Paykel Health
A61M 16/16 (2006.01) GO1N 7/00 (2006.01) care Limited, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki,
A61M 13/00 (2006.01) Auckland, 2013 (NZ).

(21) International Application Number: (74) Agent: BALDWINS INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY;

PCT/NZ2015/050045 PO Box 852, Wellington, 6011 (NZ).

(22) International Filing Date: (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated,for every
16 April 2015 (16.04.2015) kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
(25) Filing Language: English BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
(26) Publication Language: English DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
(30) Priority Data: KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG,
61/980,442 16 April 2014 (16.04.2014) US MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ, OM,
62/066,254 20 October 2014 (20.10.2014) US PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC,
ITED [NZ/NZ]; 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
Auckland, 2013 (NZ). (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated,for every
(72) Inventors: GHALIB, Ali Ghalib Abdul Rahman; c/o kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Limited, 15 Maurice Paykel GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ,
Place, East Tamaki, Auckland, 2013 (NZ). TESSY, Lina; TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
c/o Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Limited, 15 Maurice TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland, 2013 (NZ). DK, EE, ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
SURENDRA, Wisnu Arya; c/o Fisher & Paykel Health- LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
care Limited, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ,
Auckland, 2013 (NZ). CHAN, Jessica Kristen; c/o Fisher GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
& Paykel Healthcare Limited, 15 Maurice Paykel Place, Published:
East Tamaki, Auckland, 2013 (NZ). STREVENS, Joseph
Patrick Walter; c/o Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Limited, with internationalsearch report (Art. 21(3))
15 Maurice Paykel Place, East Tamaki, Auckland, 2013


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(57) Abstract: A system is provided for delivering gas to a patient during a medical procedure. The system comprises a heater ar
O ranged to heat at least one of the gas and a humidification liquid. The system comprises a controller arranged to control the system
according to a first mode during delivery of a first flow rate of gas and a second mode during delivery of a second flow rate of gas.
The controller monitors an electrical characteristic of the heater to select the mode of operation and/or to determine an operating
state of the system.
WO 2015/160268 PCT/NZ2015/050045



The disclosure relates to methods, systems, and apparatus for delivering humidified
gas to a patient.

Various medical procedures require the provision of gas, typically carbon dioxide,
to a patient during the medical procedure. For example, two general categories of medical
procedures that often require providing gas to a patient include closed type medical
procedures and open type medical procedures.
10 In closed type medical procedures, an insufflator is arranged to deliver gas to a
body cavity of the patient to inflate the body cavity or to resist collapse of the body cavity
during the medical procedure. Examples of such medical procedures include laparoscopy
and endoscopy, although an insufflator may be used with any other type of medical
procedure as required. Endoscopic procedures enable a medical practitioner to visualize a
15 body cavity by inserting an endoscope or the like through a natural opening or small
puncture to generate an image of the body cavity. In laparoscopy procedures, a medical
practitioner typically inserts a surgical instrument through a natural opening or small
puncture to perform a surgical procedure in the body cavity. In some cases an initial
endoscopic procedure may be carried out to assess the body cavity, and then a subsequent
20 laparoscopy carried out to operate on the body cavity. Such procedures are widely used, for
example, on the peritoneal cavity, or during a thoracoscopy, colonoscopy, gastroscopy, or
In open type medical procedures, such as open surgeries, gas is used to fill a
surgical cavity, with excess gas spilling outward from the opening. The gas may also be
25 used to provide a layer of gas over exposed internal body parts where there is no
discernible cavity. For these procedures, rather than serving to inflate a cavity, the gas can
be used to prevent or reduce desiccation and infection by covering exposed internal body
parts with a layer of heated, humidified, sterile gas.
An system for delivering gas during these medical procedures can comprise an
30 adjustable throttling pressure regulator and a gas flow controller. The system typically
comprises, or is connected to, a source of gas that may be a remote source of pressurized
gas, a gas canister, or the like, and is operative to control the pressure and/or flow of the

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gas from the gas source to a level suitable for delivery into the body cavity, usually via a
cannula or needle inserted into the body cavity, or via a diffuser arranged to diffuse gas
over and into the wound or surgical cavity.
The internal body temperature is typically around 37'C, and it can be desirable to
5 closely match the temperature of the gas delivered from the system to normal body
temperature. Likewise, the gas provided by the source of gas may be relatively dry, which
can cause damage to the body cavity, including cell death and/or adhesions, so it can be
desirable to increase the humidity level of the gas. A humidifier may therefore be located
in the gas flow path to heat and humidify the gas before it enters the body cavity.
10 US Patent No. 8,206,337 of Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Limited, incorporated
herein by reference in its entirety, discloses a system including an insufflator arranged to
be connected to a remote source of pressurized gas, as may be provided via a gas supply
system in a hospital, for example. The insufflator delivers gas, via tubing, to a humidifier
that comprises a receptacle of liquid and a heater to heat the liquid to generate vapor. The
15 humidified gas is delivered to a patient via further tubing that may also be heated. In one
example, the insufflator and humidifier are located in separate housings connected together
via suitable tubing and/or electrical connections. In another example, the insufflator and
humidifier are located in a common housing arranged to be connected to a remote gas
supply via suitable tubing.
20 Moreover, the same system can be used to provide respiratory assistance by
delivering heated and/or humidified breathing gas to a patient, usually via a gas delivery
conduit connected to a patient interface. The patient interface can comprise, for example, a
face mask or a nasal cannula or the like. Such a system typically comprises, or is arranged
to be connected to, a humidifier that humidifies the gas prior to delivery to the patient.

Although the same equipment, including for example an insufflator and a
humidifier, can be used for closed type medical procedures, open type medical procedures,
and respiratory assistance, the operation of this equipment for each type of use can vary
greatly, The present disclosure provides systems and methods for controlling a gas supply
30 and humidification system in order to automatically determine which type of use the
system is being used for and to adjust its operation in order to meet the different
requirements of each type of use. This operates to prevent user error or inadvertent harm to
the patient.

WO 2015/160268 PCT/NZ2015/050045

For example, when a gas supply and humidification system is used for an open type
surgical procedure, a relatively high flow rate of gas is required, with a corresponding
relatively high volume of liquid consumed to maintain the desired moisture content to
sufficiently humidify the gas.
5 When used for a closed type surgical procedure, a lower flow rate of gas and/or a
more intermittent supply of gas, and corresponding lower volume of liquid, are required.
In order for a gas supply and humidification system to be able to control the gas
flow rate and humidity appropriate to each type of procedure or use, external sensing
probes, typically a temperature probe and a flow probe, can be used. The outputs of these
10 probes can be used by the gas supply system to control the gas flow rate and humidity to
match the type of medical procedure or use. However, it can be expensive to provide such
probes as well as difficult for medical staff to correctly connect the probes for proper
operation. External probes also reduce the overall usability of the system and add extra
external components that can be lost or broken and that need to be sterilized between uses.
15 Moreover, other conditions can occur that can significantly affect the operation of a
gas supply and humidification system. For example, if the gas flow is limited or stopped,
this can create a number of problems for the rest of the system. For example, this can
happen in a system that is supplied with a discrete source of gas such as a gas bottle or
canister that runs out. Also, the system can be significantly affected if a humidifier
20 associated with the system runs out of liquid, for example, if the humidifying liquid has all
The present disclosure provides control methods and systems for delivering gas to a
patient that overcome or at'least ameliorate one or more of these disadvantages.
In an embodiment, a system is described for delivering gas to a patient during a
25 medical procedure. The system comprises, or is arranged to be provided with, a heater
configured to heat at least one of the gas and a humidification liquid contained in a
humidification chamber. The system is operative according to a first mode in which the
medical procedure is a first medical procedure wherein the system delivers a first flow rate
of gas and is operative according to a second mode in which the medical procedure is a
30 second medical procedure wherein the system delivers a second, different, flow rate of gas.
The system is configured to monitor an electrical characteristic of the heater and
subsequently select the first mode or the second mode in response to the monitored
electrical characteristic.

WO 2015/160268 PCT/NZ2015/050045

The first medical procedure may be an open medical procedure during which, in the
first mode, the system delivers a relatively high flow rate of gas.
The second medical procedure may be a closed medical procedure during which, in
the second mode, the system delivers a relatively low flow rate of gas and/or an
5 intermittent flow of gas.
The flow rate of gas in one or each mode may be a constant flow of gas, a varying
flow of gas, or an intermittent flow of gas. The desired flow rate of gas may be achieved by
controlling a blower or pump, and/or by controlling a control valve and/or regulator.
The monitored electrical characteristic may be the power drawn by the heater. For
10 example, the monitored electrical characteristic may be the power duty cycle of the heater.
The power duty cycle, for example, can be calculated as the proportion of time during
which the heater is drawing power. In an embodiment, the monitored characteristic may be
the current drawn by the heater.
The electrical characteristic of the heater may be monitored for a predetermined
15 time period, and an average of the electrical characteristic of the heater calculated for that
time period. In an embodiment, the system can determine a mode of operation by
comparing the calculated average of the electrical characteristic of the heater to a
predetermined threshold.
In an embodiment, in an initial step, the heater is switched on and allowed to warm
20 up during a warm-up period. For example, the heater may be switched on and allowed to
warm up before the electrical characteristic of the heater is monitored.
In an embodiment, a method of controlling components of a gas supply and
humidification system is described. The method comprises monitoring the power duty
cycle of the heater and subsequently determining a shortage of humidification liquid in the
25 humidification chamber by analyzing the monitored power duty cycle of the heater.
The power duty cycle and/or current draw of the heater may be monitored for a
predetermined period of time and one or more averages calculated over the predetermined
period of time. The average(s) are used to determine a shortage of humidification liquid in
the humidification chamber.
30 A short term average power duty cycle and/or current draw of the heater may be
calculated over a first predetermined period of time, and a long term average power duty
cycle and/or current draw of the heater may be calculated over a longer predetermined
period of time. For example, in an embodiment, the long term average is calculated over a
time window that is two to ten times longer than the window for the short term average. Of

WO 2015/160268 PCT/NZ2015/050045

course, other relative differences in the window size can be used. The difference between
the long and short term averages can be used to determine a shortage of humidification
liquid in the humidification chamber. In an embodiment, if the long term average is greater
than the short term average by at least a first positive threshold amount, it is determined
5 that the level of humidification liquid in the humidification chamber is low.
The difference between the long and short term averages of the power duty cycle
and/or current draw of the heater may alternatively or additionally be used to determine
that humidification liquid has been added to the humidification chamber. In an
embodiment, if the short term average is greater than the long term average by at least a
10 second positive threshold amount, it is determined that humidification liquid has been
added to the humidification chamber.
If it is determined that humidification liquid has been added to the humidification
chamber, further monitoring of the power duty cycle and/or current of the heater can be
delayed until a stabilization time period has elapsed. This allows the system to stabilize.
15 The system can activate an indicator if it is determined that humidification liquid is
low in the humidification chamber.
In an embodiment, the system can determine if the level of humidification liquid in
the humidification chamber is low or empty at the start of the procedure, prior to
monitoring the heater power duty cycle. This can be done by comparing at least one
20 characteristic of the humidification system with at least one predetermined characteristic of
a humidification system in which a predetermined sufficient amount of humidification
liquid is present in the humidification chamber. The compared characteristic may, for
example, be the output of a temperature sensor associated with the heater, In another
embodiment, the compared characteristic is the heater power duty cycle.
25 In an embodiment, prior to entering normal operational mode, the system detects if
gas is flowing through the system.
In an embodiment, a humidifier is described that provides humidified gas to a
patient. The humidifier can comprise a humidification chamber and a heater to heat the
humidification liquid in the humidification chamber to generate vapor to humidify gas
3o delivered to the patient. The humidifier comprises a controller arranged to monitor the
power duty cycle of the heater, that is, the proportion of time during which the heater is
drawing power, and arranged to subsequently determine absence or shortage of
humidification liquid in the humidification chamber in response to the monitored power
duty cycle of the heater.

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In an embodiment, an electrical characteristic of the heater is monitored. A

determination is made as to whether gas is flowing through the system based on the
monitored electrical characteristic. In an embodiment, the electrical characteristic may be
the current drawn by the heater. In an embodiment, the electrical characteristic is the heater
5 power duty cycle. The electrical characteristic may be monitored for a predetermined
period of time, and an average of the electrical characteristic calculated over the
used to
predetermined period of time. The average of the electrical characteristic can be
determine whether or not gas is flowing through the system.
In an embodiment, a short term average of the electrical characteristic is calculated
10 over a first predetermined period of time, and a long term average of the electrical
characteristic is calculated over a second, longer predetermined period of time. The
difference between the long and short term averages of the electrical characteristic can be
used to determine whether or not gas is flowing.
If the long term average of the electrical characteristic is greater than the short term
15 average by at least a first positive threshold amount, it is determined that the gas flow rate
has dropped below a normal operating range. The system can activate an indicator if it is
determined that the gas flow rate has dropped.
If the short term average is greater than the long term average by at least a second
positive threshold amount, it is determined that the flow rate of gas has increased.
20 In an embodiment, a calibration can be performed where the electrical
characteristic of the heater is monitored and a calibration average of the electrical
characteristic is calculated over a predetermined period of time. The calibration average of
the electrical characteristic can be used as a reference to allow for varying electrical
resistances of the heater.
25 In an embodiment, the heater is switched on and allowed to warm up prior to the
electrical characteristic of the heater being monitored. The warm-up process can occur
over a predetermined period of time at a calculated rate in order to avoid condensation
buildup in the system.
In an embodiment, prior to monitoring the electrical characteristic of the heater, the
30 system determines if a gas supply has been provided. If no gas supply is detected, the
system can activate an indicator.
Further objects of the disclosed methods, systems, and apparatus will become
apparent from the following description.

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A number of embodiments of the disclosed methods, systems, and apparatus will
now be described by way of example with reference to the following drawings.
FIGS. 1-2 are schematic views of example embodiments of a medical gas delivery
5 system.
FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of an example embodiment of a medical gas delivery
FIG. 4 is a flow diagram of an example embodiment of a method of controlling a
medical gas delivery system.
10 FIGS. 5-10 illustrate further details of the flow diagram of FIG. 4.
FIG. 11 is a flow diagram of an example embodiment of a method of determining
whether the medical gas delivery system is being used for an open or closed type medical
FIGS. 12-1 and 12-2 are flow diagrams of an example embodiment of a method of
15 controlling a medical gas delivery system in open mode.
FIG. 13 is a flow diagram of an example embodiment of a method of controlling a
medical gas delivery system in open mode.
FIG. 14 is a chart illustrating example values of a heater plate set point temperature,
a measured heater plate temperature, and a heater plate duty cycle during an embodiment
20 of a warm-up period.
FIGS. 15-16 are charts illustrating a comparison of potential condensation during
different embodiments of a warm-up period.

FIGS. 1 and 2 are schematic views of example embodiments of a humidification
25 and gas delivery apparatus 1. The apparatus 1 comprises a base unit 3 and a humidification
chamber 5 removably mounted on the base unit 3. The humidification chamber 5
comprises a gas inlet 7 arranged to be connected to a gas source 9 via an inlet conduit 10 to
deliver the gas, for example carbon dioxide, into the chamber 5. The chamber 5 further
comprises a gas outlet 11 arranged to be connected to a gas delivery conduit 13 to deliver
30 humidified gas to a patient. A filter 12 (shown in FIG. 2) may be provided between the gas
source 9 and the chamber 5 to filter the incoming gas.
In the embodiment of FIG. 1, an end of the gas delivery conduit 13 comprises a
trocar 15 arranged to be connected to a patient for use in closed medical procedures such as

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endoscopy and laparoscopy. In the embodiment of FIG. 2, an end of the gas delivery
conduit 13 comprises a diffuser 17 arranged to diffuse the humidified gas into a wound of a
patient during open medical procedures, such as open surgery.
The apparatus 1 comprises, for example, a heater. The heater can comprise a heater
5 plate on the base unit 3, for example. The heater is configured to heat humidification liquid
in the chamber 5 to generate vapor. The humidification liquid is typically, but not
necessarily, water. Gas from the gas source 9 flows into the chamber 5 and passes over the
heated humidification liquid, thus taking up vapor and increasing in humidity level prior to
delivery to the patient via the gas delivery conduit 13. The chamber 5 may alternatively or
10 additionally comprise an integral heater or a heater located inside the chamber 5.
The gas delivery conduit 13 can also comprise or be provided with a heater. A
heater for the gas delivery conduit 13 can ensure that the gas temperature is maintained at a
desired level along the conduit 13 as well as minimize or eliminate the formation of
condensation. A heater for the gas delivery conduit 13 can have a resistance wire provided
15 in or attached to the conduit 13, or a wire or other heater element provided inside the
conduit 13. A heater for the gas delivery conduit 13 may be electronically connected to the
base unit 3 or to the chamber 5, for example by an electrical cable 19 to power the heater.
Additionally or alternatively, the conduit 13 may be thermally insulated.
The apparatus 1 comprises a controller 21 arranged to control the apparatus 1, and
20 in particular to control the flow rate, temperature, and humidity of gas delivered to the
patient to be appropriate for the type of medical procedure for which the apparatus is being
used. The controller 21 therefore controls, among other things, a heater for the
humidification chamber 5 and/or a heater for the gas delivery conduit 13, if provided. The
controller 21 can also control a regulator that regulates the flow rate of gas through the
25 apparatus 1. The regulator may comprise a flow inducer and/or inhibiter such as a
motorized fan. Valves and/or vents may additionally or alternatively be used to control
flow rate. The controller 21 may comprise an electronic controller, that may be
microprocessor-based, for example. The system can comprise memory and any electronic
components capable of performing calculations as would be understood by those of skill in
30 the art.
FIG. 3 a schematic diagram of an embodiment of the apparatus 1. The apparatus 1
can comprise, for example, a user interface 301, the controller 21, a conduit heater 313, a
chamber heater 315, and a gas flow regulator 317. The user interface 301 can be used to
operate the controller 21. The controller 21 provides electrical control signals to the

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conduit heater 313, the chamber heater 315, and, in some embodiments, the gas flow
regulator 317, to control operations of those devices as described elsewhere herein. The
controller 21 may also control a gas source 309 and/or an insufflator 319. In some
embodiments, an insufflator controls the flow and the apparatus 1 reacts to that flow. In
5 some embodiments, a gas bottle may provide a flow that can be controlled by a gas flow
regulator or valving system.
The apparatus 1 is controlled to be operative in at least two modes.
In a first mode, for example, for use in open medical procedures such as open
surgery, the controller 21 is configured to control the gas flow rate through the apparatus 1
10 to be relatively high. Consequently, the controller 21 controls the apparatus 1 to generate a
relatively large volume of vapor to ensure the relatively high volume flow rate of gas is
sufficiently humidified.
In a second mode, for example, for use in closed medical procedures such as
endoscopic or laparoscopic procedures, the controller 21 is arranged to control the gas flow
15 rate through the apparatus 1 to be relatively low. Consequently, the controller 21 controls
the apparatus 1 to generate a relatively small volume of vapor to ensure the relatively low
volume flow rate of gas is not excessively humidified.
The controller 21 is configured to at least (1) monitor one or more electrical
characteristics of the one or more heaters in use, (2) generate outputs that are used to
20 control the mode of operation of the apparatus 1, (3) detect gas flow through the apparatus
1, and/or (4) detect a water-out condition in the humidification chamber 5. A water-out
condition occurs when there is an absence or shortage of humidification liquid in the
humidification chamber 5.
In an embodiment, the controller 21 is arranged to monitor an electrical
25 characteristic of the one or more heaters, such as the drawn power, the drawn current, or
the power duty cycle, to determine the type of medical procedure for which the apparatus 1
is being used, and to subsequently control the apparatus 1 according to the first or second
In an embodiment, the controller 21 is configured to monitor an electrical
30 characteristic of the one or more heaters, such as the drawn power, the drawn current, the
resistance, or the power duty cycle. One or more of these electrical characteristics are used
to determine the flow or absence of flow of gas through the apparatus 1 and to
subsequently activate an indicator of the gas flow rate being low or zero.

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In an embodiment, the controller 21 is configured to monitor an electrical

characteristic of the one or more heaters, such as the drawn power, the drawn current, or
the power duty cycle, to determine an absence or shortage of humidification liquid in the
chamber 5. If it is detected that the humidification liquid is low or absent, the controller 21
5 activates an indicator of a low or absent humidification liquid level. In an embodiment,
under such a condition, the controller 21 can deactivate at least a portion of the apparatus
1. For example, the controller 21 can deactivate the chamber heater 315, the conduit heater
313, and/or the flow inducer or regulator 317.
The apparatus 1, as described above, may be used in a first mode suitable for open
10 medical procedures such as open surgery. In the first mode, the flow rate of gas supplied to
the patient is relatively high, and in one example, may be a substantially constant flow rate
of around 10 L/min. The flow rate may be adjustable, either automatically or manually. A
constant flow rate may be automatically or manually determined. The constant flow rate
may be set according to the requirements of the particular patient. The flow rate may be
15 controlled to ramp up from a lower initial level before reaching the desired constant level.
The apparatus 1 may also be used in a second mode, suitable for closed medical
procedures, such as endoscopy or laparoscopy. In the second mode, a lower flow rate of
gas is usually supplied to the patient, and in one example, may be supplied as a relatively
low, pulsing flow rate rather than a constant low flow rate. Further, there may be periods
20 when very low or no flow is supplied.
In each mode, the humidity of the gas supplied is controlled, and may be controlled
to reach a minimum threshold. In one example, this minimum threshold is around 30 mg of
humidifying liquid per liter of gas.
Prior to entering either mode, the controller may control the apparatus 1 according
25 to a warm-up procedure that is arranged to pre-heat one or more heaters of the apparatus 1
for a given time period.
For the purposes of the following description, references to the heater are meant to
refer to the chamber heater 315 (as shown in FIG. 3). However, it is to be noted that the
heater can alternatively or additionally refer to the conduit heater 313, if provided.
30 FIG. 4 is a flow diagram of an embodiment of a method used by the controller 21 to
determine a mode of operation. The system is powered up and allowed to warm up in a
warm-up process 401. The warm-up process 401 comprises, for example, providing power
to the heater until it reachs a predetermined threshold temperature. After the warm-up
process 401, the system moves to a mode detection process 403. The mode detection

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process 403 determines the type of medical procedure for which the apparatus 1 is being
used. The mode detection process 403 may be used as part of, or to initiate, subsequent
control processes, including, for example, a closed mode process 405 and an open mode
process 407.
5 The warm-up process 401 is illustrated in greater detail in FIG. 5. The system
powers on at 501. The heater is provided with power during the warm-up process at 503.
The system then determines if a sufficient warm-up period has elapsed at 505. If it has not,
then the system continues the warm-up process at 503. If a predetermined warm-up time
period nj has elapsed, then the process moves on to the mode detection process 403.
10 The mode detection process 403 determines the type of medical procedure for
which the apparatus 1 is being used. The gas flow requirements for an open medical
procedure such as open surgery are relatively high, and the temperature of the
humidification chamber heater and/or the gas delivery conduit heater temperature therefore
also needs to be higher to maintain the desired humidity level of the relatively high gas
15 flow. One or more heaters can be controlled to be at a set point temperature, sufficient to
supply gas at the required humidity level. A temperature sensor or sensors can be provided
to measure the temperature of one or more of the heaters. This measurement is used by the
controller 21 to maintain the desired set point temperature.
The mode detection process 403, as illustrated in more detail in FIG. 6, determines
20 whether an open medical procedure such as open surgery is being performed by
monitoring an electrical characteristic of the heater, such as the power drawn by the heater.
A relatively high gas flow rate, such as that used during an open medical procedure,
requires more power for the heater than a lower gas flow rate, such as that used during a
closed medical procedure.
25 In an embodiment, the mode detection process 403 monitors one or more electrical
characteristics of the heater at 601, such as, for example, the power duty cycle of the
heater, i.e., the proportion of time during which the heater is drawing power. The one or
more electrical characteristics is monitored for a predetermined time period n2, as
determined at 603. In an embodiment, the one or more electrical characteristics is averaged
30 for that time period. The one or more electrical characteristics, or averaged one or more
electrical characteristics, for the time period n2 is then compared to a specific threshold at
605. If the one or more electrical characteristics, or averaged one or more electrical
characteristics, exceeds the threshold, the controller 21 determines that the apparatus 1 is

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the apparatus 1
being used in an open medical procedure such as open surgery and controls
according to the open mode process 407.
If the one or more electrical characteristics, or averaged one or more electrical
characteristics, is below the threshold, the mode detection process 403 continues
5 monitoring the one or more electrical characteristics for an extended time period n3, as
determined at 607. After the extended time period n3, the one or more electrical
characteristics, or averaged one or more electrical characteristics, is again compared to the
threshold and if it is still below the threshold, the controller 21 controls the apparatus 1
according to the closed mode process 405. In the closed mode process 405, the flow of gas
10 may be controlled at a relatively low constant flow rate or an intermittent or pulsing flow
FIG. 7 illustrates an embodiment of the open mode process 407. The open mode
process 407 can comprise an additional warm-up process 701. The additional warm-up
to the heater at
process 701, as illustrated in FIG. 8, comprises applying additional power
15 801 for a predetermined period of time n4 until the additional warm-up period has expired.
Once the additional warm-up process 701 is finished, the system continues to
monitor the one or more electrical characteristics at 703 for a predetermined period of
time. In an embodiment, the predetermined period of time is 40 minutes. The one or more
electrical characteristics at 703 can comprise, for example, the duty cycle and/or the
20 current drawn by the heater. The system then performs a flow detection process 705 and/or
a liquid level detection process 707 as described in further detail herein.
The voltage supplied to the heater is fixed by the power source of the apparatus 1,
and therefore the current drawn by the heater will vary depending on how much heat the
heater needs to generate to maintain the heater temperature at the set point temperature
25 determined by the controller 21. The heater temperature is measured by the heater
temperature sensor.
In an embodiment, the flow detection process 705 and the liquid level detection
However, the flow
process 707 are only performed as part of the open mode process 407.
detection process 705 and/or the liquid level detection process 707 may also
30 alternatively be performed as part of the closed mode process 405.
In an embodiment, flow sensors and/or temperature sensors can be incorporated
into any component of the apparatus 1 to provide additional data. For example, a
liquid in
temperature sensor can be used to determine the temperature of the humidification
the humidification chamber 5.

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In an embodiment, the power or current drawn by the heater can be used to

determine and/or monitor ambient conditions and to calibrate the apparatus 1.
FIG. 9 illustrates additional details of the flow detection process 705. In an
embodiment, electrical characteristics of the heater, such as the power duty cycle and the
5 drawn current, are continuously averaged over two different time periods. The time periods
include a short time period and a long time period. A long term average LAVE is determined
at 901, and a short term average SAVE for the same electrical characteristic is determined at
903. Long and short term averages can be determined for all of the one or more electrical
characteristics, including, for example, the heater power duty cycle and drawn current.
10 Thus, for each electrical characteristic of the heater, the controller 21 calculates a short
term average and a long term average. In an embodiment, these characteristics can be
monitored during the warm-up procedure 701 and/or after the warm-up procedure 701 is
In an embodiment, the flow detection process 705 is activated after the warm-up
15 procedure 701 is complete (as shown in Fig. 7), that is, after the heater power duty cycle
and drawn current have been averaged for the predetermined time period. Alternatively, as
described above, the heater power duty cycle and drawn current can be averaged for a
predetermined time period after the warm-up process is completed, as part of the flow
detection process 705.
20 The flow detection process 705 determines if gas is flowing by comparing the
difference between the long and short term averages of the drawn heater current to a
threshold value. Although the described embodiment comprises one particular type of
difference comparison, i.e., subtracting the short term average from the long term average
and comparing the result to a threshold value, other types of difference comparisons can
25 also be used; for example, the long term average could be subtracted from the short term
average and compared to the negative of the threshold value. When using a different type
of measurement to compare similar data, a person of skill in the art will understand that the
decision steps in the described embodiment will be altered accordingly. Thus, the present
embodiment, and all embodiments described herein, are provided by way of example and
30 are not intended to be limiting.
If the difference at 905 is not greater than or equal to a threshold rl, then the flow
detection process 705 moves on to the liquid level detection process 707. If the difference
is greater than or equal to the threshold T, at 905, then the flow detection process 705
determines that there is low or no gas flow at 907 and may activate a low gas flow

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indicator. This is because it is undesirable for the gas flow to be too low or to stop as this
may adversely affect the medical procedure being carried out and may cause excess
humidity to be produced. Excess humidity may compromise visual clarity in a body cavity
for a medical practitioner.
5 If the difference between the long and short term averages calculated at 905 is close
to zero, this is indicative of the gas flow being constant. However, if the difference is not
close to zero, this can be indicative of the gas flow either having decreased and/or stopped,
or having increased, depending on whether the difference is positive or negative. The flow
detection process 705 is further operative to determine if gas flow is increasing, for
10 example, when the apparatus 1 is initially connected to a source of gas or is connected to a
new or replacement source of gas. The determination again determines the difference
between the calculated long and short term averages of the drawn heater current at 909. If
the difference (calculated by subtracting the short term average from the long term
average) is negative, that is, less than zero, the flow detection process 705 determines that
15 gas flow has been added and adjusts the apparatus 1 settings accordingly. The system then
waits a predetermined period of time for the apparatus 1 settings to take effect and then
returns to monitoring the long and short term averages at 905. If the difference is not
negative, then the process returns to monitoring the flow out at 907.
In an embodiment, the power drawn by the heater can be used to detect gas flow
20 using the heater power duty cycle instead of the drawn heater current.
In an embodiment, an alternative process of detecting gas flow can be used that
requires only a single average of the drawn heater current. This alternative method uses the
steps of first calibrating the apparatus I to determine a threshold above which no gas flow
is provided, measuring the resistance of the heater, and subsequently using a look-up table
25 to determine the voltage corresponding to the measured resistance of the heater wire.
In an embodiment, the apparatus 1 can be used to detect if there is no or low gas
flow to start with, for example, by calibrating for the heater. Thus, once the apparatus 1 is
warmed up, it can detect if there is no flow using a threshold or cut-off value.
The liquid level detection process 707 helps to ensure that dry gas is not delivered
30 to the patient. An embodiment of the process 707 operation is illustrated in FIG. 10.
The liquid level detection process 707 can be activated once the common initial
warm-up procedure 701 is complete, or after the flow detection process 705 has
determined that there is gas flow, or independently of either condition.

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The liquid level detection process 707 determines if humidification liquid is present
in the humidifier chamber by comparing the difference between the long term average LArE
and the short term average SAVE of an electrical characteristic of the heater, such as the
heater power duty cycle. If, at step 1010, the difference between the long term average and
5 the short term average is greater than or equal to a threshold value r2, the liquid level
detection process 707 determines that there is no humidification liquid, or only a low level
of humidification liquid, in the chamber 5, and may activate a water-out indicator at step
1012. The statements above regarding the use of multiple types of difference comparisons
apply here as well.
10 The liquid level detection process 707 can also be configured to determine, at step
1014, if the difference, again calculated as the long term average minus the short term
average of the heater current, is less than a predetermined threshold r3. If the difference is
below the threshold, it is indicative that humidification liquid is present in the chamber 5.
If it is determined that humidification liquid is present in the humidification chamber,
15 further monitoring of the power duty cycle and/or drawn current of the heater can be
delayed at step 1016 until a stabilization time period has elapsed. This allows the system to
stabilize. The liquid level detection process 707 can therefore also detect if humidification
liquid has been added using this method. As discussed above, other types of calculations
can be performed using similar data and the presently described embodiment is not
20 intended to be limiting.
Using long and short term averages of the heater power duty cycle and/or drawn
heater current helps to minimize any variations that might occur under different
environmental conditions. This can include, for example, the use of different types of
humidification chambers or heater plates, power fluctuations, and/or changes in ambient
25 temperatures. Using long and short term averages also allows for calibration of the system.
The controller 21 can be configured to detect if the chamber 5 is empty at the start
of a medical procedure by having a predetermined profile of an electrical characteristic of
the system relative to the level of humidification liquid in the chamber 5. The profile can
be determined, for example, by experimentation or using pre-stored data. Thus the
30 controller 21 can perform an initial monitoring step of monitoring an electrical
characteristic of the system in use. The controller 21 can compare that monitoring of, for
example, the drawn heater current in use with the predetermined profile of drawn heater
current relative to the level of humidification liquid in the chamber 5 to determine whether

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or not the chamber 5 is empty. If the chamber 5 is empty, the heater temperature may
overshoot or be unstable.
The controller 21 can further be configured to detect gas flow entering the
apparatus, as excess humidity in the system may compromise optical clarity to a medical
5 practitioner, as stated above. Thus, the controller may be arranged to control the generation
of humidifying vapor initially, in dependence upon the flow of gas detected.
Liquid level detection can alternatively, or in addition, be perfonned using optical
sensing, capacitance, or other methods.
Alternative embodiments may comprise any additional components as required.
10 The above processes have been described in relation to a medical gas delivery
apparatus for use in a medical or surgical procedure, such as during open or closed surgery,
or during a closed medical procedure such as endoscopy or laparoscopy. However, it will
be appreciated that the described flow detection process 705 and liquid level detection
process 707 can equally be used in any other type of gas delivery apparatus designed to
15 deliver heated and/or humidified gas to a patient. For example, the system can alternatively
comprise a respiratory assistance apparatus arranged to deliver breathing gas to a patient to
assist with breathing.
FIG. 11 illustrates another embodiment of a process for determining whether an
open (high flow) or closed (low flow) procedure is being performed with the gas supply
20 device. The process 1100 starts at 1101 where the heater plate (HP) power is turned on at
time zero (0). The heater plate is warmed up to a variable temperature set point n at 1103
based on the amount of time that has passed since the wann-up process began. This gives
the effect of warming the heater plate at a predetermined rate so that the system does not
heat up too fast. As explained below, with respect to FIGS. 14-16, heating the system up
25 too quickly results in increased condensation in the system. Thus, it is advantageous to
provide a warm-up process that reduces condensation while achieving a desired
temperature set point without undue delay. In an embodiment, the warm-up process
continues for a predetermined period of time T, as checked at 1105. In an embodiment, the
period of time T, is 15 minutes. The warm-up period can also be passed on the initial and
3o ambient temperatures and/or humidity levels determined in the system.
Once the initial warm-up period is complete, the process then moves to 1107 and
1109 where the process checks to see if the heater plate temperature is equal to a
predetermined laparoscopic set point temperature for a predetermined period of time T2. In
an embodiment, the predetermined period of time T2 is 21 minutes. The process then

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moves to 1111 and 1113 where the process monitors the heater plate duty cycle averages.
The heater plate average is determined over a third time period T3. In an embodiment, T3 is
25 minutes. The process then checks to see if the previously determined average heater
plate duty cycle is greater than a predetermined duty cycle n2 at 115. In an embodiment, n2
5 is equal to 5. If the average duty cycle is not greater than n2, then the system checks to see
if it has already monitored the duty cycle for a period of time T4 at 1119. If not, the process
continues to monitor the average duty cycle. In an embodiment, T4 is 37 minutes. If at
1119 the time is greater than T4, then the process moves to 1121, where the process
determines that the respiratory assistance system is in laparoscopic mode. If at 1115 the
10 average duty cycle is greater than n2, then the process moves to 1117 where the process
determines the respiratory assistance system is in open (or high flow) mode. At this point
the system moves on to the open mode process described in FIG. 12.
FIG. 12 illustrates an embodiment of an open (or high flow) process. This process
recognizes that a history of certain electrical properties of the system are an important
15 factor in determining the current state of the process and the respiratory assistance device.
Thus, the open mode process of FIG. 12 includes the use of "Integrals" that are running
summations of certain electrical properties over time that are kept under certain conditions.
For example, in FIG. 9 (and its associated description) in step 905, the difference
between the long term average and the short term average of an electrical characteristic of
20 the system, for example the drawn heater current, is used to determine a flow and/or water
out condition or a flow and/or water in condition.
The open mode process of FIG. 12 comprises an alternative more robust
comparison of differences over time between the long and short term averages using an
Integral or running summation of the difference.
25 Integral = Integral + (LAVE - SAVF) Eq. I

This more robust comparison can help to decrease random fluctuations that may
occur in the system. This can be used for both water out detection and flow out detection.
Equation 1, for example, is used in step 1231 shown in FIG. 12C. If (LAVE - SAVE) falls
within the specified range then the Integral is set to zero. Once the Integral falls outside of
30 a specific range, information can be given regarding a flow and/or water out condition or a
flow and/or water in condition. The system may also be able to turn off the heater wire if
no water is detected in the chamber to prevent hot dry gas from being delivered.
Another alternative formulation of a difference comparison utilizes both upper and
lower bounds.

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IF: ((LAVE - SAVE) <a) & ((LAVE-S4VE) > b)

THEN: Integral = 0
ELSE: Integral=Integral+ (LAyE - SAVE) Eq. 2

The values of variables a and b are determined by experimentation. Once the

5 Integral value reaches its set upper or lower bound, flow or water out/in detection has been
With reference to the process described in FIG. 12 (separated into FIGS. 12-1 and
to be
12-2), the process starts at 1201 once the respiratory assistance system is determined
in open mode. At 1203, the process begins a separate open mode warm-up process.
10 warm-up process is continued until at 1205 it is determined that a predetermined warm-up
period T, has passed. In an embodiment, Tj is 5 minutes. The process then moves to
where various electrical characteristics are monitored. These characteristics can include the
characteristics described above with respect to FIGS. 7-9 and can also include the heater
wire resistance. In the embodiment of FIG. 12, short and long term averages of the heater
15 wire resistance are calculated in addition to short and long term averages of the heater plate
In some
duty cycle. These characteristics are monitored for a period of time T2 at 1209.
embodiments, T2 is 10 minutes. The process then moves to 1211 where the difference in
the long and short term heater wire resistances is analyzed to determine if it falls within a
specified range, such as, for example, between -.085 and 0.35. In an alternate embodiment,
20 the specified range may be between -.05 and 2.0. If the difference in the long and short
term heater wire resistance averages falls within this range, then the process moves to 1227
where the heater wire Integral is sent to zero. If the difference in the long and short term
heater wire resistance averages falls outside of the above described range, then the process
moves to 1213 where the heater wire Integral is updated to be the previous (or initial)
25 heater wire Integral plus the difference between the long and short term heater wire
resistance averages. This process allows monitoring of the system over a period of time so
that small blips or inconsistencies in the monitored data do not trigger an alarm event
unnecessarily. After 1213, the process moves to 1215 where the updated heater wire
Integral is analyzed to determine if it falls in a certain predefined range, such as, for
30 example, between -500 and 200. If the updated heater wire Integral falls in this range, then
the process moves to 1229 described below. If the heater wire Integral does not fall
this range, then if the heater wire Integral is less than a threshold, for example, -500 at
1217, then a flow out alert is activated at 1219 and the process returns to 1211. If the
wire Integral is greater than a threshold, for example, 200 at 1221, then the process turns

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off the flow back in alert at 1223 and waits a predetermined time T3, for example, 30
minutes, before returning to 1211.
Returning to the discussion of step 1227, once the heater wire Integral has been
zeroed, the process moves onto step 1229 where the difference between the heater plate
5 duty cycle long and short term averages is analyzed to determine if the averages fall into a
predetermined range. This range, for example, is between -3.5 and 2.5. If the difference
the short and long term averages of the heater plate duty cycle do fall in this range, then the
heater plate Integral set equal to zero at 1230 and the process returns to step 1211. If the
difference in the short and long term averages of the heater plate duty cycle do not fall in
10 the above range, then the process moves to 1231 where the heater plate Integral is updated
to equal the current heater plate Integral value plus the difference in the short and long
term heater plate duty cycle averages. The process then moves to 1233 where the updated
heater plate Integral is analyzed to determine if it falls in a second range, for example, -200
and 1000. If the heater plate Integral does fall within this range, then the process returns to
15 step 1211. If the heater plate Integral does not fall in this range at 1233, the process moves
to step 1235 where if the heater plate Integral is greater than a predetermined threshold, for
example, 1000, then the process determines the water is out and indicates an alert at 1237.
The process then returns to step 1211. If the heater plate Integral is less than a threshold,
for example, -200 at 1237, then the process determines at 1241 that water is back in and
20 the water out alert is turned off. The system then waits a predetermined period of time T4,
for example, 30 minutes before returning to step 1211.
FIG. 13 illustrates another embodiment of an open mode process that comprises a
faster return of water determination. The process starts at 1301 once the respiratory
assistance system is determined to be in an open mode. At 1303, the process begins a
25 separate open mode warm-up process. The warm-up process is continued until at 1305 it is
determined that a predetermined warm-up period T, has passed. In an embodiment, T, is 5
minutes. The process then moves to 1307 where various electrical characteristics are
monitored. These characteristics can include, for example, a short term and a long term
average of the heater plate duty cycle. Alternatively or in addition, any of the
30 characteristics described above with respect to FIGS. 7-9. These characteristics are
monitored for a period of time T2 at 1309. In some embodiments, T2 is 10 minutes. The
process then moves to 1311 where the difference in the long and short term heater plate
duty cycle is analyzed to determine if it falls within a specified range or is greater than a
threshold. As shown in FIG. 13, if the long term average minus the short term average of

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the heater plate duty cycle is not greater than or equal to the specified threshold, X2, then
the process moves to step 1313 where the heater plate Integral is set equal to zero at 1313
and the process returns to step 1311. The threshold X2 can be a nominal positive value
selected to avoid hysteresis. Steps 1311 and 1313 can be considered normal operation
5 where the power usage is relatively stable. If at 1311, the difference is greater than or equal
to the specified threshold X 2, then the process moves to step 1315 where the heater plate
Integral is updated to equal the current heater plate Integral value plus the difference
between the long and short term heater plate duty cycle averages as shown in FIG. 13. The
Integral represents an aggregate amount of the power usage and is analyzed at step 1317 to
10 determine if the power usage has fallen by a certain aggregate amount. At 1317 the
updated heater plate Integral is analyzed to determine if it falls in a second range. For
example, if the Integral at 1317 is not greater than a threshold X3 , then the process returns
to normal operation at 1311. If, at 1317, the Integral is greater than or equal to X3, the
process returns to step 1311. At step 1319, the process determines if an immediately
15 previously calculated short term average heater plate duty cycle is about equal with a most
recent heater plate duty cycle short term average. If it is then the system activates a water
and/or flow out status indicator. This can be an LED that is toggled or lit up. The process
then waits a period of time T3 at 1321 while activating the indicator at 1323. Once the time
T3 has passed, the process moves to 1325 where the process continues to activate the water
20 and/or flow out indicator until the process determines that water and/or flow have returned
to the system. At 1325, the process determines a most recent short term average heater
plate duty cycle and subtracts an immediately previous short term average duty cycle. If
the result is greater than or equal to a threshold X 4, then the process determines that water
and/or flow have not returned and continues to activate the indicator at 1327. If at 1325,
25 the result is greater than or equal to the threshold X 4, then the process moves to 1329 where
the system turns off the indicator because it has determined that water and/or flow have
been added back in. The system then waits a period of time T4 at 1331 in order to allow the
system to stabilize before returning to normal operation mode at 1311.
As would be understood by a person of skill in the art, the time periods and
30 thresholds in the above described embodiments can be chosen according to various criteria
to provide a system that exhibits various advantages and disadvantages. For example,
shorter wait periods and tighter thresholds can speed the various processes and systems up,
but may sacrifice reliability. Accordingly, the above examples are provided by way of
explanation and not limitation.

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FIG. 14 is a graph demonstrating an embodiment of heater plate temperature

control during the first period of operation as a means of providing controlled humidity
delivery. This process can be implemented with respect to any and/or all of the warm-up
processes described in the present disclosure. FIG. 14 illustrates the heater plate set point
5 1403, heater plate temperature 1405, and heater plate duty cycle 1407. This controlled
humidity delivery process can be used to improve optical clarity for the surgeon. By
controlling the level of humidity delivered, the colder surgical equipment has an
opportunity to warm to the same temperature as the gas, lessening condensate formation on
the equipment. In some embodiments, a linear equation can be used to adjust the set point
10 temperature of the heater plate based on an initial set point temperature. The equation is:
Set point temperature= gradient * time + initialset point temperature Eq. 3
In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 14, the initial set point temperature is 21 *C
and the gradient is 1/60, such that for a time value measured in seconds, the set point
temperature increases at a rate of 1 *C each minute.
15 If the starting heater plate temperature, that is, the heater plate temperature when
the system is first switched on, is below the initial set point temperature, the system will
supply power continuously to the heater plate to reach the initial set point temperature as
quickly as possible, and then continue as defined by Equation 3, If the starting heater plate
temperature is above the initial set point temperature, the system will not supply power to
20 the heater plate until the set point temperature is equal to the heater plate temperature. This
process is continued for a fixed amount of time, for example 15 minutes. For example, if
the starting heater plate temperature is 30 *C, the heater plate would not begin heating the
liquid until time = 9 minutes, but will then continue according to Equation 3. Depending
on the starting heater plate temperature, the system will only start supplying power to the
25 heater plate at the time and gradient dictated by Equation 3 in order for the heater plate
temperature to reach the desired temperature by the end of the warm-up period.
After the specified warm-up period, the heater plate temperature will have reached
a temperature that ensures the optimal humidity output for the type of procedure being
performed. In an embodiment, the desired temperature is 43 *C for laparoscopic or 53 *C
30 for open surgery.
FIGS. 15 and 16 illustrate comparison examples of the reduction of condensation
using the processes described in the present disclosure. FIG. 15 illustrates the condensation
effect in a system where the warm-up process is not controlled, but rather the heater plate
is warmed up as quickly as possible, as is typical for humidification systems in the prior
WO 2015/160268 PCT/NZ2015/050045

art. As illustrated in FIG. 15, the heater plate temperate 1505 is quickly brought to its
operating temperature of around 43 *C. The water chamber temperature 1507 rises quickly
with the heaterplate temperature, but the internal cannula temperature 1511 lags
significantly behind the heaterplate and the chamber. Thus, the potential for condensation,
5 illustrated as the differential area 1503 between the chamber temperature and cannula
temperature is significant. FIG. 16 on the other hand illustrates the reduction in potential
condensation using the warm-up procedure described in the present disclosure. FIG. 16
again illustrates the heater plate temperature 1605, but in this example, the heater plate
temperature rise during the warm-up process is specifically controlled to rise at a slower
10 rate before it reaches its operating temperature of around 43 *C. This results in the chamber
temperature also rising but in a controlled manner. As a result of this controlled warm-up
process, the differential between the internal cannula temperature 1611 and the chamber
temperature 1607 is much less during the warm-up period. This results in a lower potential
for condensation 1603.
15 From the foregoing it will be seen that a medical gas delivery apparatus and method
is provided that can, at least to some extent, control the mode of operation of the apparatus,
activate an indicator of zero or reduced gas flow and/or an indicator of zero or low level of
humidification liquid. This is done by analyzing the electrical characteristics of the
humidifier heater and/or the delivery gas conduit heater, without requiring the use of
20 external temperature or flow sensor probes. That is, the response, or change in response,
exhibited by one or more of the heaters is used to determine the occurrence of particular
events and/or to control the apparatus accordingly.
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, throughout the description, the words
"comprise", "comprising", and the like, are to be construed in an inclusive sense as
25 opposed to an exclusive or exhaustive sense, that is to say, in the sense of "including, but
not limited to".
Although the disclosed apparatus and methods have been described by way of
example and with reference to possible embodiments thereof, it is to be understood that
modifications or improvements may be made thereto without departing from the scope of
30 the disclosure. The disclosed apparatus and methods may also be said broadly to consist in
the parts, elements and features referred to or indicated in the specification of the
application, individually or collectively, in any or all combinations of two or more of said
parts, elements or features. Furthermore, where reference has been made to specific

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components or integers of the disclosed apparatus and methods having known equivalents,
then such equivalents are herein incorporated as if individually set forth.
Any discussion of the prior art throughout the specification should in no way be
considered as an admission that such prior art is widely known or forms part of common
5 general knowledge in the field.

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1. A system that controls gas delivery to a patient during a medical procedure,
the system comprising
a heater arranged to heat at least one of the gas and a humidification liquid;
5 and
a hardware controller, the hardware controller configured to automatically
select a mode of operation including at least a first mode in which a first flow rate
of gas is delivered and a second mode in which a second different flow rate of gas
is delivered;
10 wherein the hardware controller is configured to automatically select a
mode of operation by monitoring an electrical characteristic of the heater and select
the mode of operation in response to the monitored electrical characteristic.
2. The system of Claim 1 wherein the first mode is associated with a first open
medical procedure and the first flow rate of gas is a relatively high flow rate of gas.
15 3. The system of Claim 1 wherein the second mode is associated with a second
closed medical procedure and the second flow rate of gas is a relatively low or intermittent
flow rate of gas.
4. The system of Claim 1 wherein the monitored electrical characteristic is
power drawn by the heater.
20 5. The system of Claim 4 wherein the monitored electrical characteristic is a
power duty cycle of the heater.
6. The system of Claim 5, wherein the power duty cycle is the proportion of
time during which the heater is drawing power.
7. The system of Claim 1 wherein the hardware controller monitors the
25 electrical characteristic of the heater for a predetermined time period and calculates
average of the monitored electrical characteristic of the heater for that time period.
8. The system of Claim 7, wherein the hardware controller selects the mode of
of the electrical
operation in response to a comparison of the calculated average
characteristic of the heater with a predetermined threshold.
30 9. The system of Claim 1 wherein the hardware controller executes an initial
heater warm-up process where the heater is allowed to warm up.
10. The system of Claim 9, wherein the heater is switched on and allowed to
warm up prior to the monitoring of the electrical characteristic of the heater.

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11. A method of controlling an apparatus arranged to deliver humidified gas to

a patient, the method comprising:
providing electricity to a heater operatively coupled to a humidification
liquid chamber, the heater included in a humidification system, the electricity
5 configured to cause the heater to heat humidification liquid in the humidification
liquid chamber in order to generate vapor to humidify gas delivered to the patient;
monitoring, using a hardware controller, electrical characteristics of the
heater in order to determine an operational state of the humidification system.
12. The method of Claim 11, wherein the electrical characteristic is a power
10 duty cycle of the heater.
13. The method of Claim 12, wherein the power duty cycle is the proportion of
time during which the heater is drawing power.
14. The method of Claim 12, further comprising determining the presence or
absence of the humidification liquid in the humidification chamber in response to the
15 monitored power duty cycle of the heater.
15. The method of Claim 14, wherein the power duty cycle of the heater is
monitored for a predetermined period of time and an average power duty cycle calculated
over the predetermined period of time, the average power duty cycle being used to
determine the presence or absence of the humidification liquid in the humidification
20 chamber.
16. The method of Claim 14 wherein a short term average power duty cycle of
the heater is calculated over a first predetermined period of time, and a long term average
power duty cycle of the heater is calculated over a longer predetermined period of time,
wherein the difference between the long and short term averages is used to determine the
25 presence or absence of the humidification liquid in the humidification chamber.
17. The method of claim 12 wherein the difference between the long and short
term averages of the power duty cycle of the heater is compared to a warning threshold
value, that the comparison indicating whether humidification liquid is absent from the
humidification chamber.
30 18. The method of Claim 17 wherein the warning threshold value is a positive
19. The method of Claim 17 wherein the difference between the long and short
term averages of the power duty cycle of the heater is compared to a normal threshold

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value, the comparison indicating whether humidification liquid is present in the

humidification chamber.
20. The method of Claim 19 wherein if it is determined that humidification
liquid is present in the humidification chamber, the method comprises delaying further
5 monitoring of the power duty cycle of the heater until a stabilization time period has
21. The method of Claim 19 wherein the normal threshold value is a negative
22. The method of Claim 14 further comprising activating an indicator if it is
10 determined that humidification liquid is absent from the humidification chamber,
23. The method of Claim 11 wherein the heater is switched on and allowed to
warm up prior to the electrical power duty cycle of the heater of the apparatus being
24. The method of Claim 14 further comprising determining if the
15 humidification chamber is empty at a start of a medical procedure, prior to monitoring the
heater power duty cycle, by comparing at least one characteristic of the humidification
chamber with at least one predetermined characteristic of a humidification chamber in
which humidification liquid is present.
25. The method of Claim 24, wherein the compared characteristic is an output
20 of a temperature sensor of the heater.
26. The method of Claim 24 wherein the compared characteristic is the heater
power duty cycle.
27. The method of Claim 11, further comprising detecting if gas is flowing
through the humidifier prior to providing electricity to the heater of the humidifier.
25 28. A system arranged to deliver humidified gas to a patient, the apparatus
a humidifier including:
a humidification liquid chamber;
a heater to heat humidification liquid in the humidification chamber
30 in order to generate vapor to humidify the gas delivered to the patient;
a hardware controller configured to monitor a power duty cycle of
the heater and determine the presence or absence of humidification liquid in
the humidification chamber in response to the monitored power duty cycle
of the heater.

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29. The system of Claim 28, wherein the power duty cycle is a proportion of
time during which the heater is drawing power.
30. A method of controlling a system arranged to deliver gas to a patient, the
method comprising:
5 monitoring an electrical characteristic of a heater configured to heat at least
one of the gas and a humidification liquid; and
determining whether or not gas is flowing through the apparatus in response
to the monitored electrical characteristic.
31. The method of Claim 30 wherein the electrical characteristic is the current
10 drawn by the heater.
32. The method of Claim 30 wherein the electrical characteristic is the heater
power duty cycle.
33. The method of Claim 30 wherein the electrical characteristic is monitored
for a predetermined period of time and an average of the electrical characteristic is
15 calculated over the predetermined period of time, the average of the electrical characteristic
being used to determine whether or not gas is flowing through the apparatus.
34. The method of Claim 33 wherein a short term average of the electrical
characteristic is calculated over a first predetermined period of time, and a long term
average of the electrical characteristic is calculated over a longer predetermined period of
20 time, the difference between the long and short term averages of the electrical
characteristic being used to determine whether or not gas is flowing.
35. The method of Claim 34 wherein the difference between the long and short
term averages of the electrical characteristic is compared to a warning threshold value,
wherein if the difference is equal to or above the warning threshold value, it is determined
25 that gas is not flowing.
36. The method of Claim 35 wherein the warning threshold value is a positive
37. The method of Claim 30 further comprising activating an indicator if it is
determined that gas is not flowing.
30 38. The method of Claim 34 wherein the difference between the long and short
term averages of the electrical characteristic is compared to a normal threshold value,
wherein if the difference is equal to or below the normal threshold value, it is determined
that gas is flowing.
39. The method of Claim 38 wherein the normal threshold value is zero.

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40. The method of Claim 30 further comprising calculating a calibration

average of the electrical characteristic over a predetermined period of time, the calibration
average of the electrical characteristic being used as a reference to allow for varying
electrical resistances of the heater.
5 41. The method of Claim 30, further comprising providing power to the heater
during a warm-up period prior to monitoring the electrical characteristic of the heater.
42. The method of Claim 30, further comprising detecting if the system
includes a gas supply and activating an indicator if no gas supply is detected.
43. An apparatus for delivery gas to a patient, comprising
10 a heater configured to heat at least one of the gas and a humidification
liquid; and
a controller configured to monitor an electrical characteristic of the heater,
and to subsequently determine whether gas is flowing through the apparatus in
response to the monitored electrical characteristic.

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