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- May iba’ ibang activities po ang

- It encompasses the climate, culture, business na tigcoconvert ninda into a

machines/equipment, work and work usable products na nagki-create ki
processes, members, management and customer value.
management practices.
- And ang purpose kaining value chain
- In other words, the internal analysis is to examine how an
environment refers to the culture, organization creates customer value
members, events and factors within an through its different activities.
organization that has the ability to
influence the decisions of the
organization, especially the behaviour of - A value chain is used to describe all the
its human resource. Here, members business activities it takes to create a
refer to all those people which are product from start to finish
directly or indirectly related to the
organization such as owner, - Value chain analysis is used para
shareholders, managing director, board ievaluate so mga activities na iggigibo
of directors, employees, and so forth. kang business puon sa pagcreate ki
products hanggang sa matapos.

Based on Porter’s value chain, all activities

-It is an important tool to understand the that make up a firm's value chain can be
internal activities of an organization. It split into two categories that contribute to
gives information about how its its margin: primary activities and support
strategies are working, its resource activities.
base, relative strengths & weaknesses,
and helps to formulate effective ● Primary Activities,
It consist of
⮚ Inbound Logistics –
this is where inputs such as raw
materials are taking care of.

( it is where raw materials are

physically received and restored)

It includes activities such as

receiving, warehousing, and
inventory management of source
materials and components.

⮚ Operations –
Digdi na igcoconvert so inputs
provided by inbound logistics into
final product.

Activities that are associated with

operations are machining,
production, packaging, testing and
quality control.
gabos kang activities kang value
After finishing the final product, next chain.
na po ang
⮚ Technological Development –
⮚ Outbound Logistics – It includes These are activities related to
activities relating to the distribution of improving a firm’s products and
products to consumers. manufacturing products.

Activities associated to outbound It includes: research and

logistics are distribution, including development, including product
packaging, sorting, and shipping design, market research, and
process development
⮚ Marketing and Sales – These are
the marketing efforts to persuade ⮚ HRM – or Human Resource
customers to purchase the products. Management. It includes activities
such as recruitment, hiring,
including: promotion, advertising, training, development, retention,
and pricing strategy. and compensation of employees
⮚ Services – these are the activities (It is the HRs responsibility that the
designed to enhance or maintain a right skill are available at the right
product’s value. time for the various value chain
including installation, training,
quality assurance, repair, and ⮚ Infrastructure – These are
customer service activities related to the company’s
overhead and management,
(which reinforce a long-term including financing and planning.
relationship with the customers who
have purchased a product or
It Includes: general management,
planning, finance, accounting, legal
support, and government and quality
These are activities that is directly
involved to physical creation and
selling of final product
(Firm infrastructure is how the firm is
organized and led by executives.It
usually support the entire value
chain and not just individual
● Secondary Activities,

Ini naman support activities kasi it

supports various primary activities
become more efficient and
effectively create a competitive

we have:
⮚ Procurement –
it includes: sourcing of raw
materials, components,
equipment, and services.

It is responsible for negotiating

prices and purchasing items such as
raw materials, machinery, equipment
and other things na kaipuhan sa
In value chain analysis, these activities are
important because it lets the firms understand The competition between Apple Inc. and
the parts of their operations that create value, Samsung Electronics is a good example of
and those that do not. RBV of strategy.

The two companies operate in the same

Understanding these issues is important industry and face the same external market
because the firm can earn a return only if it forces. However, the companies achieve
creates greater value than the costs incurred to different organizational performance due to the
create the value. difference in resources.

Companies gain competitive advantage by performing

these relevant activities more cheaply or better than its

This resource-based view contends that in

order to develop strategies that can result in a
lasting competitive advantage, a firm’s
resources should come first. It entails creating
and utilizing a company’s distinctive resources
and competencies, as well as continuously
preserving and enhancing such resources.

This resource-based view contends that in - Internal benchmarking involves

order to develop strategies that can result in a looking inwards which simply means
lasting competitive advantage, a firm’s that company attempts to learn from
resources should come first. It entails creating their own structure.
and utilizing a company’s distinctive resources
and competencies, as well as continuously
Ini so mga efforts na iggibo kang
preserving and enhancing such resources.
organizations para ma-measure so mga
products, practices, and strategies sa laog
Based sa method na ini and resources ang key
kang organization ninda.
sa superior performance kang sarong firm

They compare similar operations within the

IMPORTANCE: organisation which could be defined and
firm-specific resources, that is, those resources
that maintain value in the context of the given
firm's markets and other resources that are For example, warehousing and shipping of
difficult to replicate by other firms. products from one site of a company, can be
compared to warehousing and shipping of a
product from a different warehouse of the
c ofontends that the possession of strategic company.
resources provides an organization with a
golden opportunity to develop competitive
advantages over its rivals IMPORTANCE:
BENCHMARKING leads to continuous
improvement which in turn leads to increased

The following are the reasons fordoing


● It identifies opportunitiesto
● Learn from others’experiences.
● Set realistic as well asambitious
● Assess strengths inone’s own
● Effective resourceacquisition

Strategic advantage profile of SAP is the last of

our internal analysis methods.

SAP summarizes the internal factors of an

organization using a form. It is prepared after
the analysis of the internal environment and
identification of the factors crucial to a
particular firm.

SAP organizes the internal factors into

strengths and weaknesses. It also analyzes
how well a company is responding to these

Every firm has strategic advantages and

disadvantages. For example, large firms have
financial strength but they tend to move slowly,
compared to smaller firms, and often cannot
react to changes quickly. No firm is equally
strong in all its functions.

The VRIO (Value, Rareness, Imitability, &

Organization) is used to assess the importance
of each factor that might be considered a

It helps businesses identify the advantages

and resources that give them a competitive
1.Value Chain Analysis



4.Resource based view

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