Pap 79 Persuade

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How to Improve Your Ability to Persuade

Fred Schenkelberg, FMS Reliability

Key: reliability engineering, persuasion, influence

SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS Yet, the business seems to not be overly concerned.
Manufacturing continues to build and ship units, the field
Reliability engineering supports the development or
service organization continues to grow, profits are steady, and
maintenance of a product or system. Reliability is one of many
the design team is busy working on the next generation of
competing considerations, and we often have to rely on our
product. However, you find a large room full of returned units
ability to persuade others to implement reliability
waiting for repair and requalification for shipping.
improvements. This paper explores how we as reliability
What is your next move? How do you make a difference
professionals can improve our ability to be persuasive. Data,
and improve the product’s reliability performance, when all
facts, and analysis are only the start; at some point we will
around you are moving along as if nothing is wrong in a
have to present a recommendation. Our ability to work with
business-as-usual fashion. The profit margin is large enough to
others to guide a course of action relies on our ability to
afford shipping two units for each sale and still maintain a
persuade. This paper focuses on what you can do to become
reasonable profit. However, customers are complaining but, as
more effective as a reliability professional. The paper
the general manager said, “Customers always complain.”
discusses and provides examples to illustrate the basics
The situation described above is similar to what you may
(context, strategy, and timing), general rules (honesty,
face on a regular basis, although to a lesser degree. Based on
congruency, and marketing), and personal skills (flexibility
your skill and knowledge you may be able to influence the
and patience, preparatory skills, and confidence). Having a
team immediately and build a foundation for your reputation
broad persuasive skill set will enable you to accomplish more
going forward. Handling each situation or meeting well
and create greater value by effectively using your reliability
provides an opportunity to increase your influence.
knowledge and skill.
Mastering reliability engineering involves the technical
1 INTRODUCTION skills ranging from project planning to failure analysis.
Understanding and improving your ability to persuade also
Reliability professionals today face a challenge.
takes work to master.
Engineering and operations staff members are taught to think
for themselves, to make decisions, and to get things done. The 2 BASICS
entire staff is highly educated, motivated, and willing to lead a
There are few basic elements to keep in mind when
team or organization to results. To be effective as reliability
considering the task of persuasion. As you approach a meeting
professionals, we have to engage those independent and fast-
where you are making a recommendation or request for
moving individuals. We have to compel others to listen to and
resources, you ability to persuade will be tested. Persuasion
understand reliability predictions, risk assessments, and
styles range from the hard sell, squeaky wheel, compelling
models. If they listen and act on the information we provide,
argument, position and command to letting them form the
they then may fully consider the impact of decisions on
solution from the evidence and take ownership directly.
reliability performance.
Applying the correct approach relies on your ability to identify
Do you have authority or influence? You probably have
the situation and fit the appropriate effective approach.
influence. If you are a highly sought after expert in reliability
The ability to persuade is a leadership trait. Thinking of
engineering, collaborating on major projects and working with
yourself as a leader independent of your position provides the
groups across the company, do you have any authority? Or is
appropriate frame of mind as you approach persuasion.
all of your advice and coaching solely based on influence? If
Dwight D. Eisenhower said, “Now I think, speaking roughly,
products and systems become more reliable with your input,
by leadership we mean the art of getting someone else to do
does it matter whether you are operating with influence or
something that you want done because he wants to do it, not
because your position of power can compel him to do it, or
Imagine you just start with a new company as its
your position of authority.”[1]
reliability engineer. On the first day, you realize that about
Our ability to persuade or provide direction based on our
40% of products are returned with component failures the first
reliability engineering knowledge is essentially our ability to
year. This looks like a great opportunity to make
lead. Conducting field data analysis or running a life test is for
improvements using your reliability engineering knowledge
naught if we are unable to influence decisions based on the
and it may be why you were hired.
results. issues,
The approach to successful persuasion starts with an  crafting draft proposals and discussing these with
understanding of the situation. The current situation matters: supporters,
You should be aware of the current state of the environment.  refining proposals and discussing these with
If the ship is sinking it is not time to arrange the deck chairs. detractors,
The situation includes the context or the current  refining proposals and adding detailed
atmosphere. It also includes the persuasion strategy employed, arguments,
as well as the timing of your work to influence.  calling or joining a meeting to make your
2.1 Context
 following up on questions and action items, and
Context includes the facts, current understanding of the  quantifying the value of changes as they occur.
facts (common interpretation), priorities in the organization,
and the team’s capability to understand and take action on the Note the numerous steps including discussing the
request. In our scenario, one fact to confirm is the annual proposal. Within an organization it is rare that a major change
failure rate. Adding the cost per failure may provide a to a product occurs by the action of one person. You will need
meaningful bit of information. to persuade many across the organization of the following:
The lack of concern across the organization may come  The identified issue needs a solution.
from a lack of awareness of the magnitude of the potential  The proposed solution will resolve the issue.
issue or there may be a management directive to ignore the  The team has the capability to implement the
issue and continue shipping. Understanding the way the issue proposal.
is currently understood may help you avoid recommendations  The benefits to the organization and everyone
that have failed in the past. Moreover, you should know the involved make it worth implementing the
position key stakeholders have on the issue. Knowing who the proposal.
likely supporters and detractors are before making a
recommendation allows you to create a persuasive In other situations you may find another strategy more
recommendation that addresses the detractor’s concerns and effective. The idea is to think though how you can be the most
aligns with supporters ideas. successful in your attempt to persuade others to implement
Finally, determine the team’s ability to take action based you suggestion. Simply saying a 40% field failure rate is too
on your recommendation. For example, if the recommendation high might work if the issue is the team being unaware of the
is the use of a 100% screening test in manufacturing, does the magnitude of the returns.
manufacturing floor have the space, equipment, and resources One strategy that rarely works is to assign blame for the
to actually conduct the testing? issue on one person or group. The defensiveness and
The context is the first step when building a persuasive resistance to change are only increased with this approach. In
presentation as it represents the various forces at work both for addition, it will not enhance your ability to influence in the
and against your recommendation. The basic understanding short or long term.
provides firm footing and highlights obstacles. One subtle way to avoid sounding like you are assigning
blame is to simply change the language you use. The word
2.2 Strategy
“but” used as a conjunction between two phrases is a common
Strategy includes the sequence of actions and requests. It sentence structure in the English language. Saying, “Bill you
includes the vision of what could be and the basic path toward did a great job on the circuit layout, but we need to make
achieving that vision. improvements.” Basically, you are implying that the first
With 40% first-year product returns the goal may be to phrase isn’t as important as the second phrase. The second
reduce the failure rate to 20% within a year. The strategy phrase is critical and points out that something isn’t right.
though is more than the specific reliability engineering tools Rather say, “Bill you did a great job on the circuit layout, and
and techniques that actually change the product’s field failure we need to make improvements.” Here both phrases are
rate. The strategy includes how you are going to form, deliver, important and Bill is likely to hear the “we” in the second
and follow through on the recommendation. phrase. He is not being blamed for the need to improve the
In the new-hire scenario, you do not have a well- layout. Try substituting “and” for ‘“but,” and see the response
established track record of accomplishments. The team is you receive.
expecting you to learn about the product and market along
2.3 Timing
with learning about the current product development and
manufacturing processes. A strategy may include Timing includes the combination of having a receptive
 defining the product return issue, audience and being prepared. The audience has to have time,
 quantifying the cost of unreliability to the be attentive, and be interested to be persuaded. Timing
organization, includes when you make your argument and its duration or
 identifying predominate design, supply chain, position or request. It may need many short encounters or a
manufacturing, transportation, and installation major presentation.
Making a proposal for a major capital item purchase a few
weeks after the annual capital budget planning process may The ability to persuade is a reflection of your credibility.
find few receptive parties. You are too late for this year unless It is how others perceive your standing. Do they believe you
the need for the purchase is overwhelming. Rather, based on the present and past events and behaviors? Do they
recommending a capital purchase at the start of the planning trust you?
process will ensure the recommendation will be heard, Initially, credibility is granted based on your position and
considered, and included in the annual plan when it is found to perceived knowledge and expertise. In the scenario as a new
have merit. By understanding the process and making your hire, you have joined the team as a reliability engineer. Your
recommendation on time, you have demonstrated that you resume and interview established enough credibility to garner
understand and respect the business processes of the an offer to join the company. Initially, others will grant you
organization. some level of credibility until you prove you deserve more or
The same sense of timing includes making design change less credibility. Understanding and adhering to the general
requests prior to the design freeze date. Understanding the rules forms the basis for your credibility, thus enhancing your
long-lead-time parts such as custom integrated circuits or ability to persuade.
molded plastic parts may create deadlines well before the
3.1 Honesty
product development calendar indicates.
Generally, there is a time and a place for major Honesty includes not only being honest with others but
recommendations. You will need to know the venue, process, also being honest with yourself. Be transparent with your
and timing to prepare and stage your recommendation. goals, ambitions, and objectives. Be clear about how you see
In everyday conversations timing is also important. One the recommendations will impact yourself and others. If you
suggestion is to first listen to others before simply making a do not know something, say so. Be clear with your
request or suggestion. Understand their issues, interests, and assumptions and seek to minimize misunderstandings about
abilities before bluntly making a suggestion. Instead, listen motivations.
and, when appropriate, which is when they are interested in In our new-hire scenario the field failure rate is about
what you have to say, ask them to consider an idea. When 40%. Honestly provide this information with evidence without
someone is ready to listen they are much more likely to hear exertion or embellishment. Facts should be independently
what you have to say. Listening and gauging when someone is verifiable.
ready to listen helps you build influence. If you regularly The cost of failure may have both direct costs and indirect
practice providing helpful comments or solutions or ideas to costs. By listing only the direct costs and acknowledging the
help solve other people’s issues, they are much more likely to indirect costs you clearly state what you know. The direct
attempt to help you solve the issues important to you. costs may be sufficient to support a major investment alone,
The basics of persuasion include doing your homework given the high failure rate.
and understanding the current situation. Know the context that When doing an analysis or making a proposal, state the
led to the current situation and what has been tried. Identify assumptions. It is good practice to understand the impact of
supporters and detractors and work to understand their point of assumptions. In this way you can provide a clear
view, priorities, and concerns. understanding of what was included and from which sources.
The basics also include forming an approach to making
3.2 Congruency
your argument, recommendation, or proposal. Gaining broad
understanding and acceptance as you build your suggestion Congruency includes your own mental space: your sense
generally takes repeated conversations and revisions of organization and coherency, whether you believe in
incorporating what you have learned. Your strategy is your yourself, whether you can see the outcomes and the path
plan to be successful in having others follow your forward, and whether you recognize the risks, as well as the
recommendation. potential benefits. The essence of this concept lies in being
The basics rely on timing. The best recommendation at consistent: consistent over time and consistent in your
the wrong time is not going to be entertained. Both with presence. Over time means staying the course. For example, if
individuals and with teams, understanding the business rhythm you are working to reduce the field failure rate from 40% to
and pattern of deadlines will help you prepare and time major 20%, then switch to reducing the cost of the product, and then
recommendations. Likewise, learning to listen first and make focus on improving test accuracy, the consistency of your
suggestions only when the recipient is willing to listen purpose and intent is unclear. If you focus on improving the
increases your ability to persuade. customer’s experience of product reliability, for example, then
many of the reliability engineering tasks you recommend will
be consistent with that overarching objective.
When working to influence the situation, keep in mind One way in which the lack of congruency appears is in
these general rules: how you present or discuss a topic. When discussing a serious
 Be honest. topic using a light-hearted and flippant manner, you are not
 Maintain congruency. behaving in line with the topic of discussion. Your body
 Conduct marketing. language should also be in line with your message. If you say
you are open to new ideas, then crossing your arms and approaches, and adjusting to what is important to your
frowning disapprovingly contradicts that message. audience. Being able to respond in the moment to a change of
priorities or to a questions takes flexibility. While we all
3.3 Marketing
should rehearse a presentation, it is not a script to recite
Marketing includes how you sell yourself and your ideas. verbatim. Remaining attuned to the current situation and being
Marketing includes the deliberate breaking down and erosion able to adjust to the immediate needs of the group will
of resistance to change or action. Use email, make phone calls, improve our ability to persuade.
or drop by in person as preferred by your audience. Marshall and Freedman in Smart Work[3] address the art
Marketing may have a poor reputation, yet the art of of listening. They provide tools to equip you to effectively
marketing has a long record of changing the behavior of detect the responses provided by your audience. They help
others. If our goal is to alter an organization’s behavior, by for you to listen and detect whether you are communicating
instance focusing on improving the field reliability of a clearly and being understood. The tools also help you to listen
product, then you may need to do some marketing. attentively and with an open mind. Active listening takes
This does not imply television advertising. It does mean practice, especially when you do not agree with the statements
raising awareness of the current situation and creating a vision being made. Stop, breathe, and summarize. Let them know
of the benefits of an implemented solution. Marketing does you are listening and that you are getting the main points.
include determining the motivation factors others have in your Patience involves the timing of your request or
organization and aligning your recommendation with those suggestion. When in a conversation with a person or small
motivations. group and you have a suggestion to implement a new process
Even a well-thought-out and honest recommendation has to address the 40% field failure rate, you can start with the
a low chance of being persuasive if it is not aligned with the proposal directly as soon as everyone has arrived. You may or
decision makers’ motivation For example, if the senior may not have everyone’s attention and certainly will receive
management bonus is related to the number of units shipped resistance. However, if you build rapport first, then present the
each month, and not the field failure rate, the focus needs to be suggestion, you improve the chance that the suggestion will
on shipments. receive their full consideration. As Marshall and Freedman
Marketing also builds credibility over time. As the explain, “Rapport means being ‘in tune’ with someone else, on
suggestions result in tangible benefits that are as promised in his or her wavelength. Rapport creates the conditions under
the marketing, you build a history of accurately estimating the which efficient and effective communication can occur.”[4]
value of your recommendations. The goal of your marketing is According to Marshall and Freedman you can establish
to build trust based on your credibility, character, knowledge, and build rapport by matching the posture, gestures, and
and skills. Being honest and congruent reinforce your message physical behavior of those with whom you are
and build credibility. communicating. If in a one–on-one discussion with the
financial officer of the company concerning the cost of
failures, notice the officer’s body posture. For instance, if he
We communicate in a complex fashion and what and how or she is sitting with legs crossed and leaning back then you
we convey a message can help or hinder the other person’s should do so also. The idea is not to be a mimic but rather to
ability to understand the message. If it is our intent to persuade naturally make the other person feel comfortable and collegial.
someone, then being clearly understood is part of a successful Additionally, try to match the other’s word choice. If the
process. In his book Word That Work: It’s Not What You Say, discussion entails “seeing” the issue, you should continue the
It’s What People Hear[2] Frank Luntz wrote 352 pages about discussion using visual words and descriptions, for example.
techniques to communicate well such that your message is The tone of voice and tempo also convey meaning and allow
actually heard. Luntz writes about more than word choice, he for matching.
describes how to “be the message” and be congruent with the You match to build rapport, than attempt to lead to
message. determine whether the other person is open to your suggestion.
Beyond word choice, communication encompasses one- Leading means that you cross your legs before the other does:
on-one conversations, small and large groups, presentations, if he or she follows suit, you are leading. Although this notion
and writing. Your ability to communicate also includes is not as simplistic as the concept of matching or following,
knowing when to make a request, learning from others and essentially you are listening. When you lead and the other
yourself about which approach works, and being well prepared person follows, it means that the other is listening.
and confident. Rapport building takes time. You do not want to barge
Being persuasive is actually about communicating into someone’s office and make rapid-fire requests and expect
effectively. There is no exact formula to follow to always be any influence. Instead, you knock and check whether it is a
successful. Learning to master how you communicate will good time to talk or else schedule a time. Describe the issue
improve your ability to influence. and ask for clarification or input, matching as you listen.
When you have that person’s full attention (i.e., you are
4.1 Flexibility and Patience
leading), then make your request.
Flexibility involves listening actively, trying different
4.2 Preparatory Skills magnitude and trends in the field failure rate, along with the
cost of failures and the primary causes of the failures. This
Do your homework and know your stuff.
information should not be embellished or exaggerated.
As reliability engineers we offer the unique knowledge of
With each encounter with your peers in the organization
the study of time to failure. Besides the statistics, which can be
you practice your personal communication skills. You are
useful for test planning and field data analysis, we also
flexible with your approach and arguments. The homework
understand risk assessment, reliability prediction and
preparation allows you to address concerns and issues, as well
modeling, and failure analysis. We have a wealth of
enables you to identify important new information readily.
knowledge to offer a team.
The confidence you exude helps other listen with open minds.
That knowledge without the ability to persuade is often of
At a meeting to discuss your recommendations you lay
little value. Yet, you have to be able to explain and justify the
out a five-point plan to reduce the field failure rate from 40%
results you find from analysis. You may have to explain the
to 20% within a year. There is some discussion about the
assumptions and techniques leading to a prediction of future
details and how to adjust resources to fully fund your
failure rates. You should be prepared to teach clearly and
recommendations. You were persuasive.
One of the notable aspects of reliability is that it touches
4.3 Confidence many groups within an organization. Often getting electrical
and mechanical engineering groups to talk to each other to
Confidence comes from knowing you have a strong case
solve a problem is difficult, as just one example. The bridge of
behind your recommendation. It also comes from believing
a reliability leader wanting to solve the problem for the
and trusting yourself. You should stand up straight, smile to be
improvement of plant availability or improve product
happy, and stand with your arms at their sides or forearms
reliability allows a diverse team to work together. We all
parallel with the ground and not in the fig-leaf pose.
generally want to improve reliability. Many just do not know
Confidence relates to congruency. Even if you are very
how to talk about the problem as it relates to reliability.
confident in your homework, presentation material, and
Being the bridge, or, better, the leader who enables the
ability, if your body does not convey confidence, you will
group to see, understand, and solve problems is reliability
diminish your ability to influence by being perceived as not
leadership. We often do not have controlling authority. We do
being confident. If you believe and trust yourself, this will
have significant influence though.
help your audience see your confidence.
Reliability is important to get right for the company’s
Erin Schwartz writes, “Research suggests that as much as
profits and brand reputation. Working to improve reliability
93% of our opinion about other people is established within
and leading those efforts is rewarding. It can also be fun.
the first five minutes of meeting them.”[5] This opinion is
formed in large part by our posture. If you are unsure about
your ability to persuade, your body will most likely be out of
alignment, slumped, or sloughed. If you are sure, you will
1. D. D. Eisenhower, Remarks at the Annual Conference of
most likely be standing straight with shoulders back. As with
the Society for Personnel Administration, 5/12/54,
smiling to cause yourself to be happy[6], striking a self-
Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum, and
assured pose and demeanor invoke feelings of confidence.
Boyhood Home,
.html, accessed 7/12/2014.
In the hypothetical situation outlined in the introduction
2. F. I. Luntz, Words That Work: It's Not What You Say, It's
the question of next steps implied that you were in a position
What People Hear. New York: Hyperion, 2007.
to take some action or make a recommendation. Beyond the
3. L. J. Marshall and L. D Freedman. Smart Work: The
tactical reliability engineering tasks of data and failure
Syntax Guide for Mutual Understanding in the
analysis, you need to also work to be persuasive.
Workplace. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, 1995, p. 43.
The basic approach for any situation is to understand the
4. Marshall and Freedman, p.. 46.
context for a particular issue as it rarely operates
5. E. Schwartz, “How body language can define a leader,”
independently of the rest of the organization. Form a basic
Skip Prichert Thoughts and Leadership,
strategy and consider the appropriate timing for your
define-a-leader/, accessed 07/14/2014.
In the scenario you gather facts, understand the thoughts
6. P. Ekman and R. J. Davidson, R. J. (1993). Voluntary
of the organization and key stakeholders, and start developing
smiling changes regional brain activity, Psychological
the basis for a recommendation to apply specific reliability
Science, 4, 342–345.
engineering techniques to reduce the field failure rate. General
rules apply. Be honest, be congruent, and employ the BIOGRAPHIES
appropriate marketing. In other words, understand and be
Fred Schenkelberg
yourself and consider the motivations of those you are trying
15466 Los Gatos Blvd #109-371
to influence. In the scenario, you prepare and present the
Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA
e-mail: reliability, customer satisfaction, and efficiencies in product
development and to reduce product risk and warranty costs.
Fred Schenkelberg is an international authority on reliability
Fred’s areas of expertise include reliability program
engineering. He is the reliability expert at FMS Reliability, a
development, accelerated life test design and analysis,
reliability engineering and management consulting firm he
reliability statistics, risk assessment, test planning, and
founded in 2004. Fred formerly worked on Hewlett Packard
training. He has a Bachelor of Science in Physics from the
(HP)’s Reliability Team where he helped create a culture of
United States Military Academy and a Master of Science in
reliability across the corporation to assist other organizations.
Statistics from Stanford University.
His passion is working with teams to improve product

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