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Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 83, No. 1, 2020, Pages 172–187
Published 2020 by the International Association for Food Protection
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Research Paper

Evaluating Environmental Monitoring Protocols for Listeria spp.

and Listeria monocytogenes in Frozen Food
Manufacturing Facilities

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1Department of Food Science and Technology, 2Center for Food Safety, and 4Department of Poultry Science, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
30602; and 3American Frozen Food Institute, McLean, Virginia 22202, USA
MS 19-190: Received 17 April 2019/Accepted 7 September 2019/Published Online 20 December 2019

Food processors face serious challenges due to Listeria monocytogenes contamination. Environmental monitoring is used
to control L. monocytogenes from the processing environment. Although frozen foods do not support the growth of L.
monocytogenes, the moist and cold conditions in frozen food production environments are favorable for growth of L.
monocytogenes. The purpose of the study was to determine the current state of awareness and practices applied across a variety
of frozen food facilities related to environmental monitoring for Listeria. A survey tool was created to elicit information on
existing environmental monitoring programs within the frozen food industry. The topics included cleaning and sanitizing
applications and frequency, microbiological testing, and environmental areas of concern. The survey was reviewed by academic
and industry experts with knowledge of microbiology and frozen food processing and was field tested by industry personnel
with extensive knowledge of environmental monitoring. The survey was distributed and analyzed electronically via Qualtrics
among 150 frozen food contacts. Data were gathered anonymously with a response rate of 31% (n ¼ 46). The survey indicated
that facilities are more likely to test for Listeria spp. in environmental monitoring zones 2 to 4 (nonfood contact areas) on a
weekly basis. The major areas of concern in facilities for finding Listeria-positive results are floors, walls, and drains. At the
time of the survey, few facilities incorporated active raw material and finished product testing for Listeria; instead, programs
emphasized the need to identify presence of Listeria in the processing environment and mitigate potential for product
contamination. Recognition of environmental monitoring as a key component of a comprehensive food safety plan was evident,
along with an industry focus to further improve and develop verification programs to reduce prevalence of L. monocytogenes in
frozen food processing environments.

 Environmental monitoring practices vary throughout the frozen food industry.
 Areas of concern of processing facilities for Listeria are floors, drains, and walls.
 Listeria spp. sampling is most commonly performed weekly on nonfood contact surfaces.

Key words: Environmental monitoring; Frozen food; Listeria monocytogenes; Listeria spp; Manufacturing facility

The goal for an effective food safety plan is to prevent pathogens of concern and the effectiveness of corrective
harborage of pathogens in the production environment and actions that ensue any positive findings (20).
to reduce the potential for cross-contamination and Cleaning and sanitation practices are followed to
consequently adulteration of the food being processed. remove food residues and to reduce or eliminate microor-
Manufacturing facilities implement environmental monitor- ganisms from food contact surfaces and the food processing
ing programs as a means of verification to support their food environment. Presence and growth of Listeria in a food
safety plans. Effective environmental monitoring programs processing facility can be an indication of unsatisfactory
can provide evidence that an operation’s food safety plan is cleaning and sanitation procedures (5). If a niche area
contributing to the company’s ability to produce a safe harboring pathogens such as Listeria is found, effective
product. Factors that affect environmental monitoring plans corrective actions to remove the contamination should be
include the design of the program to seek and destroy for performed (20). Although effective cleaning and sanitation
programs help to produce a safe product, other factors may
* Author for correspondence. Tel: 706-542-2286; Fax: 706-542-1050; increase the risk of potential product contamination such as
E-mail: development of Listeria monocytogenes growth niches and

harborages. These may include, but are not limited to, The survey was designed with different question formats to
poorly designed equipment and facility infrastructure, lack ensure the questions provided comprehensive information. Figure
of personnel hygiene, and absence of validated processes 1 is an example of the survey that participants completed. Several
(13). Because of the complexity of factors that impact the questions were multiple choice where one or more answers could
prevalence and growth of Listeria in frozen food manufac- be chosen for each response. Other questions were designed as a
turing facilities, the application of well-designed environ- matrix table, from which the participant could choose from
mental monitoring programs is paramount. multiple answer choices. The last type of question was an open-
Traditionally, frozen vegetables are used in food ended question for which participants provided a typed entry to the
preparation where the products are heat treated, fully question. These were used sparsely and mostly as supplement
questions to reduce the time and effort required to participate in
cooked, or both and hence considered to be not ready-to-
the survey.
eat. However, some of these frozen vegetables can be
The survey was reviewed at different stages by academics
consumed subsequent to thawing and without an additional
and industry personnel with knowledge of food microbiology and
lethality step, such as use of peas in a salad. Hence, there is
commercial frozen food processing before implementation. The
a need to ensure the microbiological safety of these products
University of Georgia’s Human Subjects Office reviewed and
and to prevent contamination with L. monocytogenes. In

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approved the standards and safety associated with the survey. In
Portugal, Mena et al. (17) reported L. monocytogenes addition, legal counsel representing the frozen food industry
contamination of frozen vegetables to be 14.8 to 22.6%. As reviewed the survey to ensure anonymity protection to all
determined by the National Food Processors Association participants. Before the survey was distributed, a pilot test was
study, L. monocytogenes prevalence in multiple products performed using a small group of industry experts (n ¼ 5) with
including cheeses, salad, seafood, and lunch meat was extensive knowledge of environmental monitoring in commercial
1.82% of the total samples collected (8). High-risk food processing facilities. Feedback provided from the pilot test
populations for listeriosis include pregnant women, chil- was used to improve the survey.
dren, persons with immunocompromised conditions (e.g., The questions focused on various aspects that are important
cancer, HIV infection, dialysis, organ transplantation), and to designing an effective environmental monitoring program. The
the elderly (3, 7, 9, 18). Although freezing the product can survey was divided into sections to depict the generic layout of the
prevent growth of L. monocytogenes, storage at improper processing facility, sanitation protocols, and details on the
temperature can allow products to thaw and permit the environmental monitoring program being implemented in the
growth of Listeria (12). Controlling for hazards through facility. The section on the layout of the facility includes volume
good manufacturing practices helps to prevent bacterial and size of the facility, design of the floor and drains, and
contamination from harborage sources (6). Increased focus conditions of the processing areas. Sanitation and cleaning
on effective personnel training and proper design of questions are based upon good manufacturing practices and
equipment and facilities are necessary to reduce Listeria current industry practices. The environmental monitoring section
prevalence in food manufacturing facilities (1). The focuses on testing protocols for product and environmental
objective of the study was to determine the level of surfaces.
awareness and practices used in the frozen food industry Distribution of the final Qualtrics survey link was done via e-
related to environmental monitoring for Listeria spp. and L. mail to members of the American Frozen Food Institute with a
monocytogenes. The survey aimed to identify areas of statement indicating the purpose of the research. All responses
were collected and compiled through the Qualtrics Web site,
concern in processing environments through the interpreta-
allowing participation in the survey to be anonymous to the
tion of industry-generated data.
researchers. The analysis of the data was performed with Qualtrics
and Excel (Microsoft, Redmond, WA) to analyze the percentages
of responses versus the total respondents for each question.
An electronic survey was created to provide an overview of
the protocols for environmental monitoring that the frozen food RESULTS
industry implements in their manufacturing facilities. The survey
was distributed through a listserv of food safety professionals Of the 150 frozen food contacts that received the
working in frozen food manufacturing facilities. The participation survey through a listserv, 46 contacts participated by
in the research was voluntary, and no compensation was provided completing a survey (31% response rate). In total there
to encourage responses. Questions were written to establish an were 80 responses for categories of frozen foods, including
understanding of the operation, processes, and a general design of vegetables (n ¼ 39) and fruits (n ¼ 17) as the leading foods
each facility while maintaining anonymity of participants. produced (Fig. 2). Other facilities produced frozen meat,
Qualtrics (Provo, UT) software was used in the development poultry, entrées, dessert, pizza, potato products, and
and formatting of the questions in the electronic survey. The appetizers. About half of the respondents manufacture at
design of the survey was adapted to participants’ responses. The least two of the categories of food surveyed within one
software customized the survey outline based upon the answers
facility. The most common combinations of categories
provided to prior questions. This allowed the survey to provide
within a facility were vegetables with fruit, potatoes and
follow-up questions for more in-depth responses. For example, if a
participant indicated they implemented a protocol included in a appetizers, and entrée combined with meat and poultry. The
specific question, the survey would follow up with a question processing facilities that participated were inspected by the
asking about the frequency of the practice. If a participant U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S.
indicated that they were not executing the protocol, the survey Department of Agriculture, Food Safety Inspection Service,
would continue with the next question. or both.
174 MAGDOVITZ ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 83, No. 1

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FIGURE 1. Survey distributed to frozen food processors focused on environmental monitoring practices.
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FIGURE 1. Continued.
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FIGURE 1. Continued.
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FIGURE 1. Continued.
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FIGURE 1. Continued.
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FIGURE 1. Continued.
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FIGURE 1. Continued.

The definition of ready-to-eat (RTE) and not ready-to- Categories for the entire facility size included small
eat (nRTE) was still in flux at the time of the study, but each (,2,400 m2), medium (2,400 to 10,000 m2), and large
participant defined their products based upon the intended (.10,000 m2). No facilities were categorized as small in
use of their product. Survey participants defined their this survey, whereas 53% were medium-sized facilities (n ¼
products based upon the manufacturer’s determination of 25), and 47% (n ¼ 22) were classified as large. Square
the product, by nRTE packages including cooking instruc- footage of only the processing areas were defined as small
tions on the package for consumers to follow, whereas RTE (,1,100 m2), medium (1,100 to 4,600 m2), and large
products are prepared to ensure the quality and taste of the (.4,600 m2). Similar to the previous question, 60% (n ¼ 28)
final product is optimal for the consumer. Sixty-one percent of companies were classified as medium, 38% (n ¼ 18) as
of responders defined their products as nRTE and 28% as large, and 2% (n ¼ 1) as small.
RTE. Eleven percent of responses produce both RTE and Information was collected from the responders on the
nRTE and stated the cleaning and sanitation procedures are facility design and age. Facilities in this survey were older,
the same for all their products. with no facilities surveyed that were less than 10 years old.
Categories for volume of facilities in the survey was Thirty-nine responses included 19 facilities over 30 years
defined as small ($1 to $10 million in production per year), old, 15 facilities 20 to 30 years old, and 5 facilities 10 to 20
medium ($10 to $100 million per year), and large (.$100 years old. Only seven of the facilities performed a
million per year). These categories were established by renovation less than a year ago, whereas 10 facilities
literature and advice from industry professionals. Fifty-four performed a renovation over 15 years ago. Eight percent (n
percent (n ¼ 25) were categorized as medium-sized ¼ 3) of the facilities have never performed a renovation to
facilities, 37% (n ¼ 17) as large, and 9% (n ¼ 4) as small. their facility. Of the renovations performed within the past
Another measure of the facility is the square footage of 10 years, nine were renovated 1 to 5 years ago and eight
the entire facility and the area of the processing room(s). were renovated 5 to 10 years ago.

FIGURE 2. Type of food products pro-

cessed in surveyed frozen food facilities (n
¼ 46; respondents could choose more than
one item).

FIGURE 3. Frequency of cleaning and

sanitation practices in the surveyed frozen
food facilities (n ¼ 36; respondents could
choose more than one item).

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All the facilities in this survey produced frozen food plate count (APC), allergen swabs, or a combination after
products. Facility layouts varied based upon company. cleaning but before production starts. Additional cleaning
Twenty-seven of 39 processing areas did not have a was performed until ATP or APC swabs were within the
refrigerated processing area, whereas the other 12 process- appropriate range designated by the facility in case the
ing areas were refrigerated. A majority of the facilities had standards were not met subsequent to initial cleaning and
either coated concrete floors (n ¼ 24) or epoxy-coated floors sanitation. Other validation measures performed by the
(n ¼ 20). The other flooring types were tile (n ¼ 2) and facility management included academic reviews, profes-
noncoated concrete floors (n ¼ 4). Of the facilities surveyed, sional reviews from a third-party laboratory, and in-plant
30 had trench drains, whereas 13 had cup drains. Sixty-four historical reviews of current and past-process controls.
percent (n ¼ 23) had three or fewer drains per 100 m2 in the These validation measures ensure that the cleaning trends
processing area. In addition, 36% (n ¼ 13) had four or more follow an established pattern to confirm the facility
drains per 100 m2 of the processing area. conforms to their standards.
Implementation of good manufacturing practices is Environmental monitoring plans were based on the
essential in all food manufacturing facilities, and the zone concept and defined by FDA (23). Zone 1 was
employees should be trained periodically (18). Key classified as food contact surfaces, whereas zones 2, 3, and
components to an environmental monitoring plan are the 4 are nonfood contact surfaces. Sanitizer and cleaning
cleaning and sanitization steps. Cleaning and sanitation compounds used differed between facilities. Detergent and
occur most commonly during pre- and postshift. The results water with soap were described as the most common
from the survey revealed that ~50% of the respondents cleaning compounds. Detergents were used in zones 1 (n ¼
performed cleaning and sanitation preshift, whereas the 28) and 2 (n ¼ 28) more than in zone 3 (n ¼ 25) and 4 (n ¼
other half of the respondents cleaned and sanitized postshift 19); however, water with soap was consistent throughout all
(Fig. 3). Some respondents only clean during pre- or zones (Fig. 4). Solvent-based cleaners were consistently
postshift, whereas some facilities indicated they clean used throughout all the zones (n ¼ 14 per zone).
preshift, midshift, and postshift. Some use additional Sanitizers used most by facilities were quaternary
cleaning times including midshift, multiple times during ammonium compounds followed by peroxyacetic acid (Fig.
the shift, and weekly. 5). Other sanitizers less commonly used in the facilities
Eighty-seven percent (n ¼ 33) of responders indicated included hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, and iodophors. The
that they have performed validation of their cleaning responses showed that sanitizers were applied in zones 1 (n
procedures. Validation steps included visual inspection by ¼ 73) and 2 (n ¼ 65) at a higher proportion than in zones 3
quality assurance technicians followed by ATP, aerobic (n ¼ 60) and 4 (n ¼ 41). To determine how sanitizers were

FIGURE 4. Types of cleaning compounds

used in surveyed frozen food facilities
categorized by hygienic zones (n ¼ 36;
respondents could choose more than one
182 MAGDOVITZ ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 83, No. 1

FIGURE 5. Different sanitizers used in

surveyed frozen food facilities classified by
hygienic zones (n ¼ 36; respondents could
choose more than one item).

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applied the survey delved into each sanitizer’s application zone 1 (Fig. 9). Approximately two-thirds of the respon-
method. The application methods for sanitizers include dents that tested for ATP or APC also indicated they test for
spraying the sanitizer onto the equipment, using liquid and coliforms. Listeria spp. were most commonly tested weekly
water as a clean-in-place process or soaking the equipment, in zones 2 to 4 (n ¼ 58). Almost every respondent combined
and foaming the surface. Quaternary ammonium com- indicator testing for APC or ATP in zone 1 with testing for
pounds were most commonly applied by spray method (n ¼ Listeria spp. in zones 2 to 4. Additional frequencies for
21), followed by liquid and water (n ¼ 16) and foam (n ¼ Listeria spp. in zones 2 to 4 were midshift (n ¼ 32), preshift
12) applications. Peroxyacetic acid was applied by the spray (n ¼ 21), and monthly (n ¼ 28) (Fig. 10). L. monocytogenes
(n ¼ 15) and liquid and water (n ¼ 14) methods. Five was also indicated as being tested weekly in zones 2 to 4 (n
responders applied chlorine samples as liquid and water and ¼ 18) (Fig. 11). Within the other organisms category, the
one as gas. Hypochlorite was applied by foam (n ¼ 10), most commonly tested organism was Salmonella, and it was
spray (n ¼ 7), and liquid and water (n ¼ 6).
tested weekly in zones 2 to 4 (Fig. 12). The facilities that
Environmental monitoring practices focus on testing
tested for other microorganisms were commonly facilities
for indicator organisms and pathogens to ensure that
that tested for Listeria spp. as well.
facilities are reducing risk to their consumers. Indicators
Supplemental to environmental sampling, some facil-
used in zone 1 included APC (n ¼ 24) and ATP (n ¼ 29),
followed by coliforms (n ¼ 18) (Fig. 6). In zones 2 (n ¼ 31), ities performed final product testing for Listeria and L.
3 (n ¼ 32), and 4 (n ¼ 30), Listeria spp. were most monocytogenes as part of their program. More than 70% of
commonly monitored. The facilities that test for L. respondents indicated they do not test for Listeria spp. or L.
monocytogenes indicated they also test for Listeria spp. monocytogenes in raw materials (n ¼ 26) or products during
The responses for the “other microorganisms” category processing (n ¼ 25). However, 47% (n ¼ 17) of respondents
stated the processors tested for Salmonella and/or yeast and indicated they do not test finished product for Listeria. For
molds. finished products, 8% (n ¼ 3) tested for Listeria spp., 27%
Frequency of testing indicators and pathogens within (n ¼ 10) tested for L. monocytogenes, and 17% (n ¼ 6) tested
establishments was based on scientific literature and for both. All respondents who stated they test for Listeria
individual company policy. APC and ATP were tested species in final product indicated that when a positive result
preshift in all zones, with a focus on zone 1 (Figs. 7 and 8). was found further testing was performed to determine
Coliforms were tested weekly in all zones and preshift in whether the positive sample was L. monocytogenes.

FIGURE 6. Environmental monitoring for

indicator microorganisms and pathogen
surveyed frozen food facilities grouped by
hygienic zones (n ¼ 36; respondents could
choose more than one item).

FIGURE 7. Frequency of aerobic plate

counts (APC) samples tested by hygienic
zones in surveyed frozen food facilities (n
¼ 23; respondents could choose more than
one item).

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FIGURE 8. Frequency of ATP samples
tested by hygienic zones in surveyed frozen
food facilities (n ¼ 28; respondents could
choose more than one item).

FIGURE 9. Coliform sample collection

frequency based upon hygienic zones in
surveyed frozen food facilities (n¼ 17;
respondents could choose more than one

FIGURE 10. Frequency of Listeria spp.

sampling by hygienic zones in surveyed
frozen food facilities (n ¼ 33; respondents
could choose more than one item).
184 MAGDOVITZ ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 83, No. 1

FIGURE 11. Frequency of Listeria mono-

cytogenes sample collection in surveyed
frozen food facilities categorized by hy-
gienic zones (n ¼ 9; respondents could
choose more than one item).

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For both Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes, the areas study in Europe found it difficult to establish a distinct
of concern in the manufacturing environment for a positive difference between RTE foods that do support the growth of
test result were drains, floors, and walls. For Listeria spp., Listeria versus products do not support the growth of
survey respondents indicated the most common areas to Listeria (2). RTE foods such as deli meats have higher
focus on for environmental monitoring were drains (n ¼ 27), prevalence of L. monocytogenes (5%) in finished products
floors (n ¼ 25), and walls (n ¼ 4) (Fig. 13). The most (14). Consumers’ use of the product may vary from the
common areas for L. monocytogenes during environmental manufacturers’ intended use for the product, as some
monitoring were also drains (n ¼ 13), floors (n ¼ 9), and consumers may eat an nRTE product without further
walls (n ¼ 5) (Fig. 14). cooking assuming the product is to be consumed as an
RTE product. Manufacturers should continue to add
DISCUSSION detailed information and try to educate the consumers
The survey provides an overview of current frozen food through improved communication methods to ensure that
industry practices related to environmental monitoring. The the food products are consumed in the way intended by the
data revealed there is an industry focus on current manufacturer.
environmental monitoring programs to improve and devel-
op extensive practices to reduce prevalence of L. monocy- Size, age, and design of facility. The facilities in the
togenes in frozen food processing environments. There survey defined their production capacity predominately as
were variations in responses related to specific practices. medium and large by volume in dollars of production per
This could be due to differences in facilities, types of year and size based upon area of production facility in
products processed, company policies, or a combination. It square meters. Larger facilities may have more experience
could also indicate some uncertainty within the food in designing a food safety program; this experience can
industry as to the best environmental monitoring practices. provide guidance for smaller facilities that are beginning to
design their protocols. Most of the facilities surveyed were
Product type. A factor that can affect the design of an more than 30 years old. These facilities are most likely
environmental monitoring plan can be the type of food operating under conditions that were designed without new
being processed. RTE foods require a more extensive plan technological improvements that could provide better
than nRTE foods because there are no additional post- means for reducing hazards in the food being processed in
process preventive control steps required with RTE foods them. The design of the facility may be based upon the
for consumers to reduce contamination levels. A challenge technology and industry practices when the facility was

FIGURE 12. Sample collection frequency

of other microorganisms in surveyed frozen
food facilities by hygienic zones (n ¼ 11;
respondents could choose more than one

FIGURE 13. Areas of concern within the surveyed frozen food

facilities for Listeria spp. presence (n ¼ 34; respondents could
FIGURE 14. Areas of concern within the surveyed frozen food
choose more than one item; only sites with at least one response
facilities for Listeria monocytogenes presence (n ¼ 24; respon-
are shown).

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dents could choose more than one item; only sites with at least one
response are shown).
built (19). Older facilities may increase their production
capacity more than what they were originally designed for individual facility’s procedures (11). The descriptions of the
owing to higher demand for products. The higher demand cleaning validation protocols provided a wide range of
for the products leads to increased production and an answers including indicator and pathogen testing, third-
increased need for better and faster sanitation and cleaning party consulting, and academic or in-plant reviews. The
procedures (16). differences in the validation methods indicate discrepancy
in industry practices and encourage more data to determine
Drains and floors. Floors in the survey mostly
the preferred method of validating protocols.
contained coated concrete or epoxy-coated floors. The
epoxy coating is a good balance of cost and durability
Indicator organism. ATP swab results are used as a
because it helps to adjust to thermal expansion exposure of
good indicator for facility standards and provide motivation
extreme temperature (6). A majority of the surveyed
for the cleaning crew as an incentive to achieve higher
facilities (n ¼ 30) were designed with trench drains
benchmarks (10). Data indicated that indicator organisms
compared to cup drains. Trench drains have a high capacity
including ATP, APC, and coliforms are monitored in zone 1,
for flow, but the extensive open grating requires a higher
the food contact surface. Indicator organisms are used by
need for cleaning because microorganisms can spread
the industry to monitor the cleaning and sanitation
across the drain (6). Facility design should include adequate
procedures performed in the facility. Testing for APC and
number of drains to provide proper removal of water. The
ATP is commonly used indicator of cleanliness of the
participants indicated more facilities (64%) have fewer than
three drains per 100 m2. Cleaning of the drains should not surface, but does not detect presence of pathogens.
be performed when food is exposed to the environment. A Although indicator testing does not detect pathogens, the
clean-in-place system can be used to clean drains similar to testing can help to determine areas of concern for the
other equipment (6). presence of pathogens if APC or ATP identifies sections of
improper cleaning and sanitation practices. These testing
Cleaning and sanitation. Cleaning and sanitation methods are used preshift to help verify the effectiveness of
should be implemented in a facility to provide clean the cleanup before a new production shift is about to start.
manufacturing operations to produce safe and wholesome The ATP test results (relative light units) can correlate with
products (21). Basic procedures for cleaning and sanitation sanitation effectiveness and provide real-time measurement
include application of a cleaning compound to remove of microorganisms on a surface (16).
residue, followed by a sanitizer to reduce the microbial load
(16). The cleaning compound is applied first because its Frequency of testing for pathogens. Data also
efficiency in removing the soil and food residue on food identified several facilities were testing for the presence of
contact surfaces can affect the effectiveness of sanitizer Listeria spp. or L. monocytogenes postsanitation or before
applied subsequently. Factors that affect the cleaning and production (preshift). With a preshift testing model, a
sanitation performance are time, temperature, concentration, positive result would indicate there is contamination of the
surface type, material, and workers performing cleanup surface before production. Most facilities use indicator
(16). Deep cleaning that includes additional time and labor organisms or ATP testing preshift as a verification of the
compared with a traditional facility cleaning can help effectiveness of the cleaning and sanitation program. There
reduce L. monocytogenes prevalence in facilities with a high are two issues with conducting preshift Listeria spp. or L.
prevalence of L. monocytogenes, by up to 26% (10). Most monocytogenes testing. (i) It may indicate there is
of the facilities indicated they performed a validation of uncertainty concerning the effectiveness of the cleaning
their cleaning procedures. Monitoring and verification of and sanitation program. This should prompt the food safety
cleaning and sanitation protocols varied based on each team to review these programs and identify potential
186 MAGDOVITZ ET AL. J. Food Prot., Vol. 83, No. 1

limiting factors, such as revalidation of sanitation effec- tal monitoring plans provides information to new facilities
tiveness, retraining of sanitation personnel, or identification designing their individualized protocols.
of appropriate chemicals and processes. (ii) It is recom- Listeria-related recalls within the frozen food industry
mended these facilities review their sampling strategy on have created greater concern for mitigating Listeria
the timing of sample collection. The midshift testing contamination problems within the food processing envi-
protocol helps to determine pathogen contamination during ronment. The survey collected information about facilities
the production shift and not before production. A robust including age of the facility, time of most recent
environmental monitoring plan focused on eliminating the renovations, products produced, production size, and
pathogen of concern should test for the pathogen at the production volume. Because most of the facilities classified
highest frequency of finding a positive. The guidance as medium and large in volume and size, the information
documents from the FDA suggest testing for pathogens from their responses can help smaller processors that are
during shift approximately 3 to 4 h into production (23). trying to develop their environmental monitoring plan.
Collecting environmental monitoring samples 3 to 4 h into Although these data are only from frozen food facilities,
production allows L. monocytogenes (if present) to emerge they can provide insight for Listeria prevention practices in

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from harborage sites to contaminate food contact surfaces, other segments of the food industry.
products, and the environment (23).
Listeria and L. monocytogenes testing. Listeria spp. This material is based upon work supported by the Frozen Food
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4, the nonfood contact surfaces, on a weekly basis. Facilities
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