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Exercise 2. Complete the gaps. Use each word in the box once.

Annoyed, across, unlocked, agreed, beating, put, smuggling, knock, blocks, got,
urgently, problem, carry, prisoners, pocket, tools, rushed, wide, frozen, wallet, hurried,
barked, both, dry, noise, plastic, crash

There was a _______________ at the door.

Dunya _______________ up and went into the office. He was ___________________.

The man at the door wanted to sell him some onyx ornaments, because he had a
__________________ and needed the money _________________. Dunya ________________ to buy
the ornaments. He took a key from his ________________ and _________________ the door to
a room. He helped the man ______________ the ornaments into the workshop. It was a
long, ______________ room, with windows. There were a lot of ________________ on the
workbenches. They _____________ the box down and Dunya took out his _______________
and paid the man.

Next night Kemal and Tom drove ______________ the city to Dunya’s shop. The parked
two _________________ away. They were __________________ wearing dark clothes. Tom’s
heart was ___________________ fast, his mouth ______________ with fear. In the distance a
dog _________________. They got into the courtyard. Suddenly, there was a
___________________ inside the workshop. They ______________________ silently to the wall
and stood ___________________. They moved very _________________ to the window. A man
put a small ________________ bag into the lamp and put it back together. “They’re
_______________________ drugs to London!” Tom provoked a loud ______________ and men
__________________ out to get them. Tom and Kemal were ___________________.

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