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Surname : Katuwa

Name : Sinethemba

Student no : 201715940

Course Code : EDU 411 E

Lecturer : Dr. M. S. Mkhomi

Due Date : 04 May 2021

Task 1

In this essay I am going to dwell more on the definition of philosophy and education
and the relevance of philosophy in education.

 Firstly, I am going to define the term philosophy, philosophy is procured from

two Greek words; Philia which means love and Sophia which means wisdom.
Thus, etymological speaking, philosophy means the ‘love of wisdom’ (Pieper,
2006) In addition, philosophy as the love of wisdom in this context could refer
to the solid desire of the human person to acquire knowledge and apply it

According to (Priest, 2006) philosophy is defined as a science that studies beings in

their ultimate causes, motives and ethics through the aid of human motive alone.
However, when we speak of being or beings in philosophy in this context, we mean
all thing that happen material or immaterial. In other words, philosophy is concerned
with a reason and principles that account for everything that exists.

 Historically, the word education is procured from educare from Latin which
means ‘bring up’. Education however in the major sense is any act or
experience that has a determinative effect on the mind, character or physical
ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the procedure by
which society purposely transmits its gathered knowledge, skills and values
or character of students. (Lazarev, 2002)

Source of Knowledge
Procedures for conclusion
2. Philosophy is the truth of knowledge in education, it seeks to find the relevance of
education relative to the times we live in. For an example, the Covid 19 pandemic
has been included in most school’s syllabuses so that learners learn and
comprehend the current affairs. This in this context also mean that philosophy and
education accumulate the same ethics and ideologies because they develop
knowledge and skills and further develop those knowledge and skills through what is
being taught.
Task 2

1. Key characteristics of philosophy of pragmatism

 Instrumentalism-

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