Ef Grupo07 Kiarabarona

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● Topic : Creating a small business (video)
● Kind of work : Group work
● Deadline : Week 15
● Way of presentation : Aula virtual / Final Exam
● Score : 0 a 20 – 40% final average



In this VIDEO you will be able to use the information and the terms developed in this

1. For this activity your video must include:
 Name of the company
 Mission
 Vision
 Goals (short-term goals and long-term goals)
 Market research (competitors- SWOT analysis- PEST analysis)
 Marketing goals
 Marketing strategy

2. How to send your work:

○ Your work must be sent through a LINK:
Link: (https://youtu.be/WLEBlepRWIc)

N° Full name Student’s code

1 Barona Guamuro kiara (participate)
2 CarrascoVinces Cinthia
3 Castañeda Cardenas Omar(participate)
4 Garcia Rodriguez Joseph Carlos(participate)

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3. Each group will consist of 4 students (all members of the group must explain about a
specific topic).
4. The average video length is:  10 TO 20 MINUTES LONG.
5. It must be considered:
 VOCABULARY (Spelling)
 GRAMMAR (Grammatical structures)
 VIDEO CONTENT (Compliance with the points requested).
 ORGANIZATION AND COHERENCE (with the points requested).

Remember: If a student COPIES INFORMATION FROM ANOTHER WORK, his/her final

score will be ZERO (0).



VOCABULARY Use relevant vocabulary

and terms during the 0–2 3–4 5
development of the activity.
Use grammar structures
appropriately during the
development of the activity. 0–2 3–4 5
Use the connectors with
Video includes a clear
VIDEO CONTENT statement of purpose.
AND Events and messages are 0–2 3–4 5
ORGANIZATION presented in a logical order,
with relevant information
that supports the video’s.

Use ideas that give relevant

COHERENCE information, the message of 0–2 3–4 5
the text is concrete and

Pág. 2


Overtec is an online store that imports and markets smartwatches aimed at people with a taste
for technology without having to spend a lot on it. This watch has the functionality of
measuring the pressure and number of heartbeats. We can also find out about notifications
from social networks and/or messages without having to take out the cell phone.

MISSION: We offer technological watches that give our clients security on a day-to-day
basis and provide high-quality, punctual, and comfortable personalized attention; Fully
satisfying the expectations of our target audience.

VISION: Position ourselves as an efficient and reliable company for our clients,
demonstrating every day the continuous improvement of our products and services at a
national level through our quality and design of our watches.


1. Short-term goals:
 Increase visibility in our different online channels by 20% in the next 5 months.
 Increase the added value by 15% in next 6 months.
 Increase 23% of followers on Facebook in the next 4 months.

2. Long-term goals:
 Enter 5 accessories complementary of our products to our line of products in 1 year
and a half.
 Have an acceptance of 60% of the market national, increasing the product sales in a
period of five years.
 Outperform the competition in visibility and sales within the online market in the next
3 years.

Pág. 3

1. Competitors


Pág. 4

 We offer a safe purchase in the shipments of the  Absence of premises and equipped office.
products because they are safeguarded by shipping,  Low financial backing.
guarantee and privacy policies.  Overtec does not have much experience in this
 Trained personnel in the sales area. e-commerce sector.
 Personalized attention in the pre-sale. sale and post-  Our products do not have the same quality as
sale. recognized brands.
 Smartwatch watches are unisex for both men and  Lack of capital to be more competitive in the
women and can be personalized. market.
 Positive and firm relationship with the Chinese  Lack of a good strategic plan.
supplier.  Lack of a good contingency plan to respond
 Our eye-catching web page where the client can effectively in an emergency.
observe the product and resolve their queries and  Lack of loyalty strategy to keep customers.
doubts.  We do not maintain the innovative stock of the
 Good customs agent that helps to carry out the web page before the competitors.
importation and thus avoid inconveniences.  Lack of training with administrative staff.
 Our product that we offer has good functionality and  Little budget for the implementation of new
a fair and accessible price. equipment such as computer, telephone, among
 We have delivery that allows us to deliver the others.
product as soon as possible.  Little coordination between the areas of the
 Marketing staff trained for social media advertising. company.
 Easy access means of payment such as yape, credit
card among others.
 Our company imports and sells different brands, not
just our own brand, which allows us to offer variety
of products.
 TLC with China which allows us to have certain benefits  In Peru to establish a company, long procedures
when importing. must be carried out.
 The growing demand for technological products.  The means where our merchandise is transported
 Globalization that allows us to buy products in other is by sea, which requires more extensive
countries because we import. procedures and more time to reach the port of
 Online sales are increasing every year due to customer destination.
preference.  Long document processes to import merchandise
 The technologies to minimize processes. in Peru.
 Wide variety of smartwatch watches in China.  Many competitors with different prices.
 Growth of the Peruvian population which is where our  Development and innovation by the competition.
target audience is.  Fashion changes and trends.
 Internet which allows us to search for information and  Increase in prices of import containers.
connect with customers and suppliers.  Inflation in the Peruvian market.
 Information available in digital media.  War between other countries affects the Peruvian
 The Camara de Comercio peruano China offers virtual economy.
Canton fairs.  Political instability of the Peruvian government.
 Access to new technologies such as Big Data that allows  Increase of the dollar.
us to improve the planning and strategy of the company.  Increase in the interest rate of credits by banks.
 SUNAT offers talks that allow us to learn about the
import process.

Pág. 5

Government The political stability of a country is an It generates less confidence in the business sector,
stability/ opportunity because it attracts investors, which paralyzes their investment and hiring plans by
instability generating an increase in capital, not having information on how favorable or not the
employment and productivity. policies that will be implemented in the country will be.
 Fiscal Policies  It is an opportunity when the government  It is a threat when used irresponsibly, causing the
uses it properly, generating that families prices of goods and services to rise.
have good budgets and companies have
good capital to grow.
 Regulation of  It is an opportunity when the State  It is a threat when the State makes an excessive control
competition promotes fairness, profitability and causing the violation of the rights of economic agents.
sustainability for companies.

 Tariffs  It is an opportunity when the tax  It is a threat when imports decrease causing
encourages export and import generating monopolies in the market.
national consumption and production.
 Trade Deals They allow to reduce and eliminate the  When they affect national products, harming some
tariff barriers contributing to improve the sectors of the economy.
competitiveness of the companies.
 Level of  when it covers some production costs of  When the subsidy is overextended, it has negative
government companies to make them more consequences for private investment.
subsidies competitive.
   In a certain society it is feasible to have  It tends to develop a lot of evidenced and manageable
Freedom of the contact with the various and different information to the liking of business skills where they
press media where a news story is characterized take advantage of and act for profit among them.
by freely showing the events developed
within a business system, it acts in favor
when there are acts of firmness and good
Help in a certain decision-making in the In the face of a conflicting situation, there is a risk of
Lobbying face of a public event that is influenced by losing public opinion and reaching a null conclusion
activities various business entities by enforcing where both parties of individuals and entities cannot
policies and rights in a state influencing in benefit.
a direct and natural way.

It is an opportunity when they facilitate It is a threat when there is risk in the transport and
Commercial trade by simplifying formalities and transit chains at the borders for the management of the
Policy harmonizing processes. flow of merchandise.

Lobbies and It is an opportunity when they promote It is a threat when they do not respect the democracy of
pressure groups citizen participation and contribute to the the country and the rights of citizens.
formation and manifestation of the
popular will.

Taxes It is an opportunity when it captures the It is a threat when it alters the prices of goods and
resources of the economic system to services as well as the factors of production.
finance public spending.

Pág. 6

Intellectual It is an opportunity when the law expands It is a threat when the law of the country does not grant
property law business opportunities, increases the creator or inventor rights of exclusivity and
profitability and protects the investment recognition of exploitation in the market.
made in innovation.


 Gross Domestic  When the GDP grows, it encourages  When the GDP decreases, the profitability of
Product financial investment, which leads to the companies and foreign investments decrease.
hiring of people, causing higher income
for families and, therefore, greater demand
for goods and services.
 Inflation When inflation falls, it promotes the Domestic demand decreases due to the increase in
efficient use of productive resources, prices, affecting the consumer basket due to its low
lowers the costs of raw materials, purchasing power, causing many households to be
increases the purchasing power of families unable to satisfy their basic needs.
and generates more income for
 Exchange rate When the exchange rate is stable, it Increasing the exchange rate, it generates a depreciation
provides greater stability in the prices of of the national currency. This will have a negative
imports and exports. effect on both personal and business finances as it will
automatically increase the price of imported products.
Unemployment When the unemployment rate falls, the When the unemployment rate increases, real
Rate population receives enough income, production, internal demand and quality of life
generating an increase in the demand for decrease.
goods and services.

 Interest Ratest When interest rates are stable, they  When interest rates rise, it causes the cost of financing
generate more access to bank loans and to increase and bank credits to fall.
encourage investment.
Demand Taking into account the raw material in Due to high demand, a price reduction is also forecast
the diversity of items in a state, the high in which they shorten the profit margin to producers
demand benefits companies due to the and therefore have less profits.
greater sales margin that they can realize
in a long time.

Income In a country where products for final As a company produces, the higher the income and
consumers are produced and marketed and taxes, due to some political changes, they can affect the
also exported abroad, there is a higher system that organizations manage in terms of product
monetary income due to the opportunities prices, also affecting consumers due to a possible price
used by the various entities to facilitate increase.
their sale.

Pág. 7

Each company manages a different cycle If there is a change or modification of a regulatory
of outflows and monetary income entity, it harms the monetary cycle of the business since
according to the established and a variation is generated and alters the transition of its
Business Cycles regulatory laws that allows them to keep a merchandise by affecting and destabilizing its economy
sequence in which they generate profits
and profitability by recovering their
investment and attributing it to the state.

Globalization It is an opportunity when it opens the The global market depends on peaceful international
doors to trade between countries, which relations. This could mean a risk because they have to
allows greater access to markets. decide to do business with consumers or companies
from other countries.

Industry growth It is an opportunity because it increases It is a threat because a greater amount of money is
profits, extends your target market and needed in production and maintenance to function.
increases competitiveness.

Import Level It is an opportunity when the country's It is a threat when expenses in logistics, customs and
regimes facilitate and optimize the tariffs increase.
processes for importing goods.

Export Level It is an opportunity because the company It is a threat when the market where it is going to be
grows and higher income projection. exported must be invested, needing time and money so
that the product can be adapted to the destination
 Population The Peruvian population increased its  It is a threat when there is overpopulation generating
growth rates inhabitants. This is an opportunity because scarcity of resources.
it offers more human capital.
 Age  In Peru, the population with the highest  In 2022, the population of 60 years in Peru has
Distribution percentage is between 15 and 59 years increased. This is a threat because that age is not in the
old. This is an opportunity for the Overtec segmentation of its clients of the Overtec company.
company because its target audience is in
that age range.
 Job Market  The Peruvian market has experienced  It is a threat because a large investment is needed in
Trends several changes looking for products the study of the market from time to time because the
and/or services with high quality market is increasingly VICA (volatile, uncertain,
standards. complex and ambiguous).
 Migration fees  It is an opportunity for the companies  It is a threat to the workers there because there is a lot
since they have new skills and thus of competition for jobs.
strengthen their competitiveness
 Lifestyle  In Peru, its population increased by using  It is a threat because the population that increased in
technological resources that are promoting the use of technological accessories is from
fashionable. economic level B.

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In Peru, its population concentrates the It is a threat when the rate of population by sex does not
highest percentage in women, the rate of grow because clients decrease.
Sex Distribution men also increased. This is an opportunity
because the Overtec company's products
are aimed at both sexes.
 Peruvian secondary and higher education The quality of education in Peru is ranked 131, being
has grown, ranking 67th worldwide. This one of the last in the Asia-Pacific region. This is a
Education Level is an opportunity because it allows for threat since it will have to be invested to train the staff.
more prepared workers.
Distribution of In Peru, the largest percentage of its The largest Peruvian population per district of Lima is
the population population is in Lima, where its target in SJL where most of its clients of the Overtec
by department audience for the Overtec company is company are not.
and district located.

It is an opportunity when the population It is a threat when their income only meets their basic
Income Level can satisfy their primary, secondary and needs because they cannot purchase goods and services
tertiary needs with their income and thus that are outside their basic basket, causing low levels of
be able to acquire products that go beyond sales to companies like Overtec.
basic needs.

In the Covid-19 pandemic, customer The online shopping habit is a threat when customers
Shopping habits changed as online shopping are wary of paying online and the privacy of our online
Habits increased. This is an opportunity because store could be violated by fraud and cyberattacks.
the Overtec company will sell its
technological accessories online.

It is an opportunity when customer It is a threat when the image of the company is exposed
Customer feedback serves as a resource to help to destructive, false opinions, causing a bad reputation
Reviews make business decisions, improve for the company.
products, and measure customer

Fashion The Peruvian population increased their It is a threat because the fashion is not stable, which the
tastes in technological products that are at company must invest in market studies.
the forefront of fashion, which is an
opportunity because our company will
offer these products.


 Technology in  They enhance the promotion in which it  They can reach a point where sales fall, also leaving
promotion generates a larger purchase, makes a the product obsolete due to market problems after a bad
difference and offers the consumer what strategy failure.
they are looking for, a quality product.

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   One of the most recent loans from Peru to To apply technology in production, a large investment
the World Bank (WB) is to strengthen the must be made both for the personnel and the
National System of Science, Technology technology to be developed
Innovation Peru and Innovation in Peru. This is an
opportunity because it encourages
companies to develop new technology.
 Electronic  During the pandemic, the number of  There are still customers who do not dare to make
Commerce online purchases increased. It is an purchases online due to lack of trust.
opportunity because it allows your
company products to reach more people.

 New  The use of social networks among people  Spending on social media advertising should be done
communication has increased significantly. It is an to attract customers.
channels opportunity because it increases the
income of the company.
 Operation  The techniques and progress evolve as the  More up-to-date in technology, with more advanced
Technologic company's income is obtained over time. techniques and advances, will increase production costs
It incorporates an important help to have a and expenses.
key role in the competitive market.
 Automation in Automation in Peru has grown. This is an It is a threat because a strong investment is needed and
Peru opportunity because it provides better highly trained personnel must be available. 
product quality and reduces
manufacturing time.
 Virtual Store /  It allows us to differentiate ourselves  You may suffer unforeseen damage in the virtual store.
Application. from other competitions, provides You may have problems with shipments or orders, thus
adequate attention to the consumer. Easy causing a decrease in sales and loss of demand.
to order from the comfort of home.

 Company  Increase the most up-to-date implements  It causes industrial pollution, toxic waste, factory
Team to the company, to increase the quality of explosion, which would cause an increase in expenses
Technologic the products in the manufacturing industry for the company.

Electronic It favors the conservation of information, It is a threat when there is loss of information due to
Information avoiding its wear and tear and avoiding mishandling of the data.
the loss of time in the manual search for

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Internet It is an opportunity because it makes it According to the INEI in the year 2022 in Peru, 45% of
Infrastructure easier to share files and processes, it also households do not have internet access. This is a threat
makes it much easier to contact customers because our business is an e-commerce, which means
and suppliers. that many customers do not have the possibility of
seeing our products.

Digitization It is an opportunity because our company It is a threat because it requires a strong investment and
will sell online, which will allow you to training for the work team to handle the tools.
make better decisions, improve
productivity and facilitate communication.

Digital Tools It is an opportunity because it allows you It is a threat when you use the tools without knowing
to create digital content to capture the them, being out of date with the new trends and
attention of the target audience through limiting yourself in using the tools without looking for
images, logos or videos. other alternatives.


• Increase the sale of smartwatches by 410 units more than in 2022, to increase our income in
• Raise the level of customer satisfaction by 13% in 2023 compared to 2022, to capture the value
of the consumer.
• Improve product advertising by 15% in 2023 to increase visits to our web pages from 1,000 to


 The Smartwatch that we are offering comes with some benefits such as health monitoring,
pressure and heart rate as well as entertainment. As far as the price is concerned, it must be
adjusted to the needs of the client, thus providing a fair and accessible price. We will also use
social networks as the main means of dissemination and marketing where we will place
information and images of the products to build a presence in these media and thus position our

Pág. 11

 Smartwatches are technological watches that will be marketed at a price that is estimated at the
costs of importing and delivering the product to the customer, establishing a profit margin
according to the product and quantity. In order to reach the target audience, a web page will be
created where the client can observe the product and, if they see it brought, they will contact us so
that we can resolve their queries or doubts to increase the perception of our brand.

 The various products offered by Overtec are focused and based on the demand as well as the need
of the buyer to complement an outfit in his clothing in a sporty and informal way for certain
occasions, which facilitates its acquisition and is positioned as an additional option or integrated
alternative to the potential customer, giving it an added value in the attention and estimation of the
product so that it is significant and has importance. Through the monetary unit in soles that is
currently managed in our country, the customer can take the acquisition of the product already on
sale at a more economical varied price, differentiating himself from the competition, obtaining an
advantage for the final consumer that will achieve his perceptions and a positioning in the life of
the customer for optimal utility and recommendation of the items. In the arrival of new trending
products or a renewed stock, loyal customers who usually buy next are taken into account and the
necessary information is provided, as well as published through social networks with explicit and
striking content related to promotions and offers with the function of capturing new customers in
digital channels for free, in order to promote new products.

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