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Head balanced Eyes looking Top third of

directly over spine straight ahead monitor aligned
with eye height Non-adjustable desk? These tools
Shoulders Adjust monitor to can help you get to the right height.
completely arm’s length away
not raised

Upper arm in Elbows bent around 90° ,

line with torso tucked in close to body

Wrists straight
Entire back
making contact
with backrest
Lower desk to
Forearm in just below
straight line elbow height
from elbow to
Thighs parallel with
Armrests set at floor; knees bent at
elbow height 90° or wider Keyboard Tray Foot Stool
or dropped low With feet flat on the floor and Raise chair until elbows are
to pull chair in knees at 90°, lower the keyboard slightly above desk height, then
closer to desk tray to just below elbow height, put a foot stool beneath feet to
shoulders relaxed. keep knees at 90°.
Seat height “3 finger gap” Feet flat on
adjusted so that between seat edge floor, supporting
feet don’t dangle and back of knee weight of legs
Head balanced Eyes looking Top third of
directly over spine straight ahead monitor aligned
with eye height The more movement and change in postures
Shoulders Adjust monitor to you do, the better you will feel.
completely arm’s length away
not raised
Elbows bent around 90° ,
Upper arm in tucked in close to body
line with torso
Wrists straight

Neutral spine

Raise desk to just

below elbow height
Foot Stool
While standing, alternate
resting each foot on
a foot stool to relieve
tension in the spine and
increase circulation.

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