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The concept of higher education has ancient roots, with several institutions around the world

vying for the title of the "oldest university." Here's a look at some of the world's oldest
universities, based on their founding dates and continuous operation:

1. University of al-Qarawiyyin (Al Quaraouiyine) - Morocco (859 AD)

○ Founded by Fatima al-Fihri in the city of Fez, the University of al-Qarawiyyin
is recognized by both UNESCO and the Guinness World Records as the
oldest existing and continually operating educational institution in the world.
Initially established as a mosque, it soon developed into a place of higher
2. Al-Azhar University - Egypt (970 AD)
○ Located in Cairo, Al-Azhar began as a mosque and evolved into one of the
world's premier institutions for Islamic learning. Today, it offers a wide range of
subjects, including theology, medicine, and engineering.
3. University of Bologna - Italy (1088 AD)
○ Often referred to as the oldest university in the Western world, the University
of Bologna was a pioneer in the academic charter, which laid the groundwork
for university autonomy.
4. University of Oxford - England (12th Century)
○ While teaching in some form has been traced back to 1096, the University of
Oxford received its official charter in the 12th century. It's the oldest university
in the English-speaking world.
5. University of Salamanca - Spain (1134 AD)
○ Established in the Kingdom of León, the University of Salamanca is the oldest
university in Spain and one of the oldest in Europe.
6. University of Paris (Sorbonne) - France (12th Century)
○ Founded between 1150 and 1250 AD, the University of Paris, often referred to
as "La Sorbonne," was one of Europe's major centers of learning for several
7. University of Cambridge - England (1209 AD)
○ Founded by scholars fleeing from hostility in Oxford, the University of
Cambridge is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world.
8. University of Padua - Italy (1222 AD)
○ Established in Padua, Italy, this university is known for its focus on law,
theology, and a variety of arts.
9. University of Naples Federico II - Italy (1224 AD)
○ Founded by the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, it's the world's oldest
state-supported university.
10. University of Siena - Italy (1240 AD)
● Located in Tuscany, the University of Siena has a rich history and remains an
important institution for Italian higher education.

These universities have withstood the test of time and have played pivotal roles in the
evolution of global education, research, and cultural development.

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