Business Case Part 1 - Phase 2 - Group 212053 - 17

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Annex 3_Business Case Part I

Group number: 212053_17

Students name: Karen Stefania Hortua Cruz
Jorge Ivan Roa Rodriguez

July , 2023

[Supermarket the diamond - 212053_17]
BUSINESS CASE TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................2
1. CASE...............................................................................................................................................................3
Business needs.........................................................................................................................................................3
Case Background.....................................................................................................................................................3
Key stakeholders......................................................................................................................................................3
2. CASE REQUIREMENTS...............................................................................................................................4
Statement of requirements....................................................................................................................................4
Strategic alignment...............................................................................................................................................4
3. CONCLUSIONS.............................................................................................................................................4
4. REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................5

[Supermarket the diamond - 212053_17]
Business needs
Describe the current situation of the market where the Supermarket is part applying at least two tools of those provided in the references of Unit 1
Strengths: Weaknesses:

- Recognition in the region - Profession advice to owners and

- Own brand of sausages, with prestige. managers.
- Good ubication - Lack of personnel administration and
- Extensive and modern infrastructure personnel organization
- Technological innovation
- Lack of logistics chain.
- Products without registration Invima
- No communication with customers
Opportunities: Strategies Strengths and Opportunities: Opportunity and threat strategies:

- It has a new place, where you can - Implementation of digital systems, - Due to the profits and prestige enjoyed
implement services, such as cafeterias, electronic sales, addresses, attention by by the line of sausages, a new line of
restaurants and commercial premises. WhatsApp and other applications. business and new sponsorships can be
- Own brand products with prestige in the - Continue with agricultural support in the implemented in other markets,
region. region, demanding quality standards. increasing billing and benefits.
- Recognition in the region. - Implement more services to attract more - Implement administrative areas and hire
- Support to merchants in the region. customers and services. trained and experienced personnel to
minimize losses.
- Creation of the human management
area, creating a manual of functions,
affiliating employees to the social
security system.
Threats: Strategies Strengths Threats: Weaknesses and Threats Strategies
[Supermarket the diamond - 212053_17]
- Arrival of two supermarket chains, which - You take advantage of the recognition of - Rent surplus spaces from the warehouse
have more prestige, technology, tradition and trust, add new services and and help with debts.
organization and more service that launch a line of sausages. - Incorporate technological innovation
decreased sales. - The location and modern space of the strategies, thus improving digital sales,
- Lack of training by owners and new warehouses allows the addresses and communication with
administrators affects areas such as implementation of restaurant services customers.
human resources, operations and supply and children's games.
chain - With the arrival of competition,
- Increase in debts and decrease in billing. improvements and services must be
- Encourage training of owners and

[Supermarket the diamond - 212053_17]
Case Background
Describe the current situation of the Supermarket, such as main problems, numbers, technological changes, or
infrastructure changes, etc.

-no organization chart of positions

-oversized and obsolete infrastructure
-does not comply with sanitation policies
-Wasting the talent of the collaborators.
-Suppliers lose confidence in the business.
-Large and organized competition has arrived
-lack of strategic direction
-Difficult to pay debts

Key stakeholders
List any key stakeholders who are relevant for the situation of the Supermarket, whether internal or external,
such as those affected but not directly involved, for example a suppliers, an employees, etc. Also, imagine
which should be their requirements to keep making businesses with the Supermarket.


Employees hire trained personnel for the function to be performed.

State laws comply with the requirements of law to guarantee employees all their rights.

Employees constantly demand the fulfillment of the tasks for which they were hired and request
management reports.

Suppliers comply with a selection of strategic suppliers committed to the business.

Suppliers request credit from suppliers to improve cash flow.

Money separate the profits of the supermarket against the expenses and fix salaries to the
shareholders to have a clear management of the money, do not mix the supermarket's
cash, with Joaquin's wallet.

Statement of requirements
Specify the goals that the Supermarket must achieve to fulfill the business needs and being successful.
[Supermarket the diamond - 212053_17]
Human resources area, with its subareas:

- Payroll, social security payment and legal benefits

- Training, training and innovating knowledge of the company
- Recruitment, personnel management, functions manual

Implementation of technologies:

- WhatsApp line with customers

- Addresses
- Accounting and billing programs

Strategic alignment
Describe or propose strategic direction for the Supermarket according to the business needs: Mission, Vision,

In the context of the case study, according to the information of Business Case Part I, students include their
links of videos with the case identification from Activity 3 in the guide, also write on their own words a
conclusion of one paragraph of 100 words explaining the results for the Diamond Supermarket including the
following words in bold type: (1) Strategic diagnostic, (2) Market position, (3) Business case, (4) Strategic

1. Student name 2.Video link 3.Conclusion

After having analyzed the SWOT matrix, from the diamond

1. Karen supermarket, I can say that this was of great importance because it
allowed us to know the weaknesses, strengths,
Stefania opportunities and threats that it presents to the competition, which
will allow students to develop a strategic diagnosis, make the best
Hortua Cruz decisions that allow
consolidate a strategic management that allows the supermarket el
diamante to remain in the first place, positioning it in the market as
the only option to satisfy the needs and demands of consumers with
quality producers and add value to its industrial position in the
markets being more competitive.

[Supermarket the diamond - 212053_17]
2. Jorge Roa With this work we could understand what strategic management is
about and the advantages it brings to face the opportunities for
improvement in a more strategic and thoughtful way, in the case of
the diamond supermarket we can see many shortcomings as we
depend on a single person who is responsible for decision making and
that for the current case already has health problems, We are leaving
aside the great benefits that have the children of the owner of the
supermarket where they made a university study and are
professionals in the areas that urgently needs the supermarket, if we
can organize everything in a consistent way and divide it by
departments we have the great option to be competition for the new
supermarkets that came to the area.




Use APA guidelines, make sure references are organized by the author's last name in alphabetic (A-Z) order

 Harvard Business Review Press. (2011). Developing a Business Case. Step 1: Define the Opportunity. Harvard
Business Review Press.

 Magretta, J. (2012). Understanding Michael Porter: The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy. Harvard
Business Review Press.
[Supermarket the diamond - 212053_17]
 Morris, J (2019). Strategic Management. Part 1. What is Strategic Management? Oregon State University.

[Supermarket the diamond - 212053_17]

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