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22, NOVEMBER 15, 2021 24967

Smart Agriculture Wireless Sensor Routing

Protocol and Node Location Algorithm Based
on Internet of Things Technology
Dingzhu Xue and Wei Huang

Abstract —With the increase of the world’s population, peo-

ple’s demand for food is also increasing. However, due to
various reasons, traditional agriculture cannot make full use
of the land. Therefore, to ensure the food supply of the
global population and promote the development of agricul-
ture, the implementation of smart agriculture has become
essential. The purpose of this research work is to study the
smart agricultural wireless sensor routing protocols and node
positioning algorithms based on the Internet of Things (IoT)
technology. The present study first analyzes the classification
of wireless sensor routing protocols. Based on the analysis
and research of the Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy
protocol, the influence of factors such as node energy and
distance are considered, and the network’s Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy routing protocol is improved and
extended its life. It introduced the classification of positioning algorithm, and then analyzed the DV-HOP positioning
algorithm. Aiming at the problem of low positioning accuracy and large error of DV-HOP algorithm, an improved method
of DV-HOP algorithm based on average HOP distance was proposed to make positioning more precise. Experimental
results prove that the improved algorithm proposed in this paper has better performance. By testing the algorithm
proposed in this paper, the improved DV-HOP algorithm reduces the positioning error by 30% compared with the original
DV-HOP algorithm.
Index Terms — Internet of Things, smart agriculture, wireless sensors, routing protocols, node positioning.

I. I NTRODUCTION especially modern agriculture, will be the main growth point

of modern agriculture.
A GRICULTURE is the foundation of the national econ-
omy and harmonious society. For many years, the central
government’s main focus has been closely related to raising
A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a multi-hop self-
organizing network composed of a large number of miniature
the level of agricultural production. After thousands of years Sensor Nodes (SN) with limited sensing, computing, commu-
of development, China’s agricultural level has gradually tran- nication, and energy. Resource limitation is a crucial constraint
sitioned from manual agriculture to mechanized agriculture, affecting the widespread use of WSNs. As the foundation of
and has steadily realized the industrialization of agriculture. the Internet of Things (IoT), in the history of the development
Sensor, signal processing technology, information technology of WSNs, energy-efficient data collection routing protocols
has emerged in the field of agricultural production. The have been the focus of research. This is due to the efficient col-
close combination of information technology and agriculture, lection of perception data which is prerequisite for intelligent
processing and decision-making. At the same time, when the
WSN senses the environmental change, it is often necessary
to obtain the specific location of the event. Node localization
Manuscript received July 18, 2020; revised September 8, 2020,
September 26, 2020, and October 21, 2020; accepted October 22, 2020. in the WSN is also an important research direction.
Date of publication November 18, 2020; date of current version Novem- Lin et al. believed that real-time data is usually required
ber 12, 2021. This work was supported by the Guangxi Science and in practical applications; thus, data collection for a spe-
Technology Program Project of China under Grant GuiKe-AA17202037,
Grant GuiKe-AD19245169, and Grant GuiKe-AD18281072. The asso- cific trajectory of agricultural product circulation is usually
ciate editor coordinating the review of this article and approving it for extensive.Therefore, the authors proposed a spatiotemporal
publication was Dr. Sumarga K. Sah Tyagi. (Corresponding author: visualization technique based on clustering raw data points.
Wei Huang.)
Dingzhu Xue is with the College of Information and Technol- The space-time proposed visualization method is applied to
ogy, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China (e-mail: the data analysis and visualization project of location-based agricultural information technology based on geographic infor-
Wei Huang is with the College of Agriculture, Yulin Normal University,
Yulin 537000, China (e-mail: mation system. This system effectively realized the intuitive
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2020.3035651 visualization of the entire trajectory during the circulation

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24968 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 21, NO. 22, NOVEMBER 15, 2021

of agricultural products [1]. Ahmed et al. considered that

traditional data collection techniques for WSNs have limited
resources. The authors proposed an adaptive method that can
find the best routing path from source to the receiver when
SN are randomly deployed in a restricted service area with
a single receiver. The authors also found that their proposed
method reduced message communication to find the best
routing path. Therefore, the network consumes less energy
and increases the life of the network [2]. In another study,
Ahmed et al. demonstrated that in most applications of WSNs
(WSN), nodes operate in an unattended environment and are Fig. 1. Smart agriculture relationship.
therefore vulnerable to various attacks. Energy-aware Routing
Protocol (TERP) was proposed that uses a distributed trust
model to detect and isolate nodes that behave abnormally and will sense electrical changes in the object itself and the
and fail. The authors noted that compared with existing work, environment.
TERP reduced energy consumption, improved its overall life, 3) Wireless Network Technology: Wireless networks are
and extended its network life [3]. networks implemented using wireless communication tech-
This paper first analyzes the classification of WSN routing nologies, including global voice and data networks with long-
protocols. Based on the analysis and research of the LEACH range wireless connections, and networks with short-range
protocol, the influence of factors such as node energy and connections [7], [8]. Wireless network technology mainly
distance are considered, and the network’s LEACH routing plays a bridge between objects and objects in the IoT.
protocol is improved. Then, it introduces the classification of A high-speed and stable network system is essential for data
positioning algorithms. The present study also analyzes and transmission [9].
researches the DV-HOP positioning algorithm based on non-
ranging. It analyzes the average hop distance of beacon nodes B. Smart Agriculture
and the whole network. The improved method of average Smart agriculture is based on the concept of industrial
jump distance makes positioning more accurate. Experimental
development and uses information and knowledge as factors
results prove that the improved algorithm proposed in this of production. It combines modern agricultural technologies
paper has better performance. such as the Internet, the IoT, cloud computing, and BD with
Proposed Method
agriculture [10], [11]. New agricultural production method
with intelligent control, precise input and personalized service.
A. Internet of Things With the application of the Internet of Things, traditional
agriculture is gradually changing to smart agriculture. In the
The key technologies of the Internet of Things are as
agricultural management process, real-time monitoring of crop
growth and environmental changes, and the realization of auto-
1) RFID: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is one of
matic remote control of environmental information are of great
the most promising technologies to realize new intelligent
significance for promoting agricultural development [12], [13].
applications in the IoT framework [4]. RFID is a wireless
Smart agriculture is a collective term for precision agriculture,
communication technology that uses wireless radio frequency
digital agriculture, agricultural Internet of Things, and intelli-
signals to perform non-contact automatic identification and
gent agriculture. The relationship is shown in Figure 1.
information read and write operations. Applications of RFID
technology can be seen everywhere in life, such as in bus
management, student management, library management, and C. Routing Protocols
logistics management systems. The identity of the other party 1) Classification of Routing Protocols:
must first be clarified to realize the communication between a) Plane routing protocol: Planar structures are also called
people and things, and the RFID technology plays the role of peer-to-peer structures. The flat routing protocol refers to that
providing identity for people and objects. from the perspective of the network structure, all nodes have
2) Sensor Technology: The concept of the IoT used the the same status in the network routing and have the same
concept of a sensor network as early as it was proposed, role [14]. The advantage of a flat network structure is that all
which mainly refers to the interconnection of multiple sensors. nodes have the same status, and the network structure is more
It can be seen that sensor technology occupies an important stable. If some nodes are failed or captured by attacks, the
position in the IoT [5], [6]. The sensor technology aims to impact on the network is small.
solve the problem of data acquisition, and converts physical, b) Hierarchical routing protocol: Due to the excessive
chemical and biological analogue signals into digital signals. energy consumption of the traditional planar network, the over-
It is an intermediary for the connection between things and head of network control will also become very large, which
the Internet. The sensors mainly include sensors such as will cause the various performances of the network to sig-
temperature, humidity, pressure, light sensitivity, voltage, and nificantly decrease [15]. If the network structure is classified,
current. It is equivalent to the tactile system of the IoT, the resources can be used reasonably and effectively, and the

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flexibility and extensibility of the network can be improved. network is E, and the average remaining energy of the network
By letting a few nodes assume more functions, such as data is E a , as shown in Equation (3):
collection and forwarding, data fusion, the remaining nodes
E ∗ (1 − r/rmax )
are assigned data collection tasks in turn. It can go to sleep Ea = (3)
during idle periods, which can make propoer use of energy and n
network bandwidth, effectively allocate resources [16], [17]. The probability that each sensor node becomes the CHN
Hierarchical routing generally uses clustering to divide the is also different. Let the residual energy of the i-th node be
network. Each cluster selects one or more cluster heads to E cur and become the CHN probability is P  , as shown in
assume the main communication role. The functions of the Equation (4).
CHN are mainly to collect data of members in the cluster, allo-
P ∗ n ∗ E cur
cate members and resources in the cluster, route calculation, P = (4)
and data fusion. The more classic clustered routing protocols E ∗ Ea
include the LEACH protocol, and the PEGASIS protocol. The Conducive to extending the life of the network. Set the
TEEN protocol, and the APTEEN is developed based on them. distance Ri between the sensor node i and the base station,
c) Geo-location routing protocol: In the practical application as in Equation (5):
of WSNs, it is often necessary to know the location informa- 
tion of the nodes, because the data with location information Ri = (x i − X)2 + (yi − Y )2 (5)
is more of the reference value, and many applications need to
know where and what data is generated [18], [19]. In addi- where (x i , yi ) is the node coordinates and (X, Y) is the base
tion, when managing the network, if you know the location station coordinates.
information, you can plan the network structure well. Let the initial value of the node be E o , and the average
2) Design of Routing Algorithm: The LEACH algorithm can distance between the node and the base station be D ava . The
balance the energy consumption of the WSN to each node, new Ti (n) is as follows (6):
which is beneficial to reducing the energy consumption gen- ⎧
⎪ P E cur 2 Davar 0.2
erated during the entire network operation and improving its ⎪
⎨ 1 − P  × (r mod (1/P  )) ∗ ( E ) ∗ ( R )
survival time [20], [21]. Ti (n) =

⎪ i∈N
It is assumed that the number of nodes in the monitoring ⎩
area is n, the number of clusters in the network is m, i.e., m 0 other wi se
CHNs, and the number of nodes contained in each cluster is (6)
n / m. In the r-th round, let node i be the cluster head. The
value of node is Ti (n). When selecting the CHN, each node New thresholds show that the greater the remaining energy
in the network randomly generates a random number ranging of a sensor node, the greater the probability of being selected
from 0 to 1. If the random number is less than Ti (n), then this as the CHN; the smaller the remaining energy of the sensor
sensor node is elected as the CHN. node, the less the probability of being selected as the CHN.
In each round, each node is elected as the CHN the same The greater the distance between a node and the base station,
number of times. The formula for the threshold Ti (n) of node the new threshold will become smaller, making it less likely
i being elected: to become a CHN, otherwise, the probability will become
⎧ larger.
⎨ m
Ti (n) = n − m × (r mod (n/m)) (1)
⎩0 other wi se D. Node Localization Algorithm
1) Classification of Positioning Technology: Range-based
Let P = m / n. Equation (1) becomes Equation (2):
positioning technology is divided into three stages: ranging,

⎨ P positioning and correction. Ranging is the most important
Ti (n) = 1 − P × (r mod (1/P)) (2) stage, which has a great impact on the accuracy of positioning.

0 other wi se With the distance, the position of the node can be deter-
mined according to the three-sided or multilateral positioning
In formulas (1) and (2), N represents a set of nodes that method [23]. Here are some important ranging methods based
have not been elected as the CHN in the recent 1 / P round. on ranging:
After n / m rounds, the set N is cleared, and the network starts a) Signal strength (RSSI): RSSI method determines the
to establish a new cluster. All nodes compete to become the distance by using the relationship between signal attenuation
CHN, and complete the establishment of the cluster. and distance during signal propagation. The receiver estimates
When applying the LEACH algorithm, each sensor node the distance from the receiver to the transmitter based on the
in a WSN has the same configuration and has the same received signal strength [24], [25]. The mathematical model
initial energy [22]. The improved algorithm is described in of the relationship between signal attenuation and distance is
detail as follows: When the sink node receives information, as follows:
it estimates the information of the sensor nodes. Assume that
the maximum number of rounds performed by the network is d
P L(d) = P L(d0 ) − 10n lg( ) − Xσ (7)
rmax . In the r-th round, the total energy of the nodes in the d0

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24970 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 21, NO. 22, NOVEMBER 15, 2021

b) Signal propagation time / time difference round trip time of anchor nodes i and j; h i j is the number of hops between
(TOA/TDOA/RFOF): This method requires strict time synchro- two anchor nodes.
nization between the transmitter and receiver, otherwise, it will The centroid positioning algorithm means that the anchor
bring great errors. Calculated as follows: node periodically broadcasts its own position information, and
the position information includes the anchor node’s own ID
d = (T1 − T0 ) × V (8) number and coordinate information. The centroid formula is
where T1 is the time when the transmitter sends the signal; T0 as follows:
is the time when the receiver receives the signal. x 1 +x 2 + ... + x k y1 + y2 + ... + yk
RTOF. The distance calculation formula is: (X est , Yest ) = ( , ) (14)
k k
[(T3 − T2 ) + (T1 − T0 )] × V
d = where (x 1 , y1 ), (x 2 , y2 ), . . . , (x k , yk ) is the coordinates of the
2 k polygon vertices; (X est , Yest ) is the coordinates of the
[(T3 − T0 ) + (T2 − T1 )] × V
= (9) polygon centroid.
2 2) Improvement of DV-HOP Positioning Algorithm:
TDOA method uses two signals with different propagation a) Pros and cons of DV-HOP positioning algorithm: Advan-
speeds, such as ultrasound and radio frequency signals. The tages of the DV-HOP algorithm: First, the DV-HOP algorithm
transmitter sends radio frequency signals at T0 , the receiver uses connectivity to run positioning calculations, and does not
receives at T1 , the transmitter sends ultrasonic signals at T2 , have high requirements for the network hardware equipment.
and the receiver receives at T3 . The calculation formula of Second, the DV-HOP algorithm is a relatively simple position-
TDOA is: ing algorithm. If there is no great need for positioning accuracy
Vr f − Vus in the application, and the error caused by the measurement
d = [(T3 − T1 ) + (T2 − T0 )] × (10)
Vr f Vus distance can meet the positioning requirements, this algorithm
can be applied. Third, the DV-HOP algorithm can improve
c) Received Signal Phase Difference (PDOA): The received
the positioning accuracy of the algorithm under the premise
signal phase difference PDOA (phase difference of arrival)
that the anchor nodes are relatively evenly distributed in some
method is to obtain the round-trip propagation time of a signal
special scenarios.
by measuring the phase difference of the signal.
Disadvantage of DV-HOP algorithm: if the minimum hop
ψ c ψ ψ value cannot be obtained, it will affect the size of the posi-
d =c = =λ (11)
2π f c f c 2π 2π tioning error. The path between each node in the network is
where f c is the frequency of the signal; λ is the wavelength of mostly a broken line segment, but the hop distance obtained
the signal; ψ is the phase difference between the transmitted by this algorithm replaces the actual distance, it adds one to
signal and the received signal; and the range of d is [0, λ]. the hop value, and the hop between nodes The more you will
If the distance between the transmitter and the receiver is n count. When the minimum jump value is not obtained, an error
times the λ, the following formula is used: will occur in the calculated correction value, and the error will
continue to accumulate.
d=λ + nλ (12) b) Modify DV-HOP algorithm: The calculation of the anchor
2π node’s correction value uses other anchor nodes except itself,
Using this method requires knowing the range of d to which can not truly reflect the density distribution around
determine the value of n, and finally to determine the value itself. When the sensor nodes in the network communicate,
of d. there may be some unknown nodes in the shortest path
d) Positioning technology without ranging: The typical between the anchor nodes, which makes the unknown nodes
ranging-free positioning algorithms are DV-hop positioning become intermediate nodes between the beacon nodes.. How-
algorithm, centroid positioning algorithm, etc. The following ever,most sensor nodes are on a polyline. The existence of
describes their working principles. this method results in the phenomenon that some paths overlap
The DV-hop positioning algorithm is divided into three between nodes. The anchor nodes first calculate the correction
steps: value, and then calculate the hop distance of each anchor node,
When an anchor node receives the hop count and position Equation (15):
information of all other anchor nodes, it can estimate the 
average distance of each hop. The average distance per hop (x i − x j )2 + (yi − y j )2
formula is as follows: D= (15)

hi j
(X i − X j )2 + (Yi − Y j )2
j  =i where i and j are different beacon nodes, the coordinates of
di =  (13) (x i , yi ), (x j , y j ) are the coordinates of nodes i and j, and h i j
hi j
j  =i is the hop value between beacon nodes i and j. The anchor
node correction value is modified to an average of the original
In the formula, di is the estimated average distance per correction value calculated by the formula (13) and the jump
hop of anchor node i; (X i , Yi ), (X j , Y j ) is the coordinates distance calculated by the formula (15). The average value Z

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is the new correction value. Equation (16):

Z= (16)
After the new correction value of the anchor node is
obtained, the average hop distance of the entire network is
calculated, that is, the value of formula (16) is averaged. Then
analyze the error of the anchor node’s correction value. Let
the relative error of the average hop distance of the anchor
node i be e, as shown in Equation (17):
 |di j −destimate |
|di j |×hopij Fig. 2. Comparative analysis of life cycle test results.
i = j
ei = (17)
Among them, di j is the distance between anchor nodes, n is Node density. It is generally expressed by the average
the number of anchor nodes in the network, a is the average connectivity of the network. When the node density is high,
hop distance of the entire network, hopi j is the hop number unknown nodes can collect more information, which can make
between anchor nodes, and destimate is the estimated distance the calculation results more accurate.
between anchor nodes. Equation (17) is calculated according Beacon node density. The higher the density of the beacon
to the idea of finding the distance of unknown nodes. After nodes, the higher the accuracy of the calculation results.
the error e of the beacon node correction value is obtained, However, because the beacon nodes use some methods to
e is averaged to obtain the average hop distance error of the obtain the geographic location, the hardware requirements are
entire network. The average hop distance error of the entire higher and the cost is higher than that of ordinary nodes.
network is shown in Equation (18): Therefore, there must be a certain limit on the number of
 anchor nodes.
e Cost. The time cost refers to the time required for net-
eavg = (18)
n work implementation; the space cost refers to the algorithm’s
After obtaining the average hop distance error of the entire requirements for the number of nodes and hardware condi-
network, it is improved again to obtain the new average hop tions; the capital cost refers to the implementation cost of the
distance aa of the network, as shown in Equation (19): algorithm.
Power consumption. Node energy and hardware conditions
aa = a + x × eavg (19)
are limited, so the calculation, communication and storage of
where x is a parameter, its size depends on the actual sit- the positioning algorithm should not be too much under the
uation. This article sets the parameter size to 0.3. At this condition of ensuring the accuracy of the calculation results.
time, the unknown nodes in the network multiply according
to the average hop distance and hop number obtained by III. D ISCUSSION
equation (19) to find their own coordinate position. A. Analysis of Routing Protocols in WSNs
1) Comparative Analysis of Life Cycle Test Results: The
II. E XPERIMENTS so-called dead node is the node that is exhausted. The com-
A. Data Collection parative analysis of the life cycle test results of the algorithm
One hundred sensor nodes are randomly arranged in a proposed in this paper and the LEACH algorithm is shown in
100m × 100m sensing area. When the energy of a node is Figure 2.
less than zero, it is in a dead state. When the death of the The number of rounds of death was 2,500. The algorithm
nodes begins in the network, the network begins to die. in this article starts to show that the number of dead nodes
is 2500, the number of rounds when the dead node reaches
10% is 3000, the number of rounds when the death of the
B. Experimental Environment
node reaches 90% is 4,500, and the number of rounds where
The experiments in this article were carried out on a note- the nodes are dead It was 5000 rounds. So, the algorithm in
book with Windows 10 and 16G, 256G SSD memory. Present this paper has improved the network survival time a lot, and it
study uses MATLAB software for algorithm simulation. can increase the network service life better than the LEACH
C. Evaluation Index 2) Comparative Analysis of the Remaining Energy Test
Evaluation index of node localization algorithm: Results: Node energy and hardware conditions are limited,
Positioning accuracy. Only positioning that meets the so the calculation, communication and storage of the posi-
requirements of the event can be accepted by personnel. tioning algorithm should not be too much under the condition
The accuracy is generally related to the error value of the of ensuring the accuracy of the calculation results. The com-
positioning result. The smaller the error value, the greater parison and analysis of the remaining energy test results of the
the positioning accuracy. On the contrary, the larger the error algorithm proposed in this paper and the LEACH algorithm
value, the smaller the positioning accuracy. are shown in Table I and Figure 3.

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24972 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 21, NO. 22, NOVEMBER 15, 2021



Fig. 3. Comparative analysis of residual energy test results.


Fig. 5. Comparative analysis of positioning errors between two


The distance between the node and the abscissa is in linear

proportion with PE of the node. It can be seen from the
simulation diagram that the DV-HOP algorithm with improved
average hop distance has smaller positioning error than the
DV-HOP algorithm with the same background.
2) Analysis of Comparison Results of Positioning Errors: To
study how the total number of sensor nodes stays the same
and the anchor nodes occupy different proportions of the total
SN in the network, what is the result of the positioning error
between the improved DV-HOP and DV-HOP? This article sets
the total number of sensor nodes to 100. The communication
Fig. 4. Comparative analysis of positioning errors of unknown nodes.
radius is R = 30m. The comparative analysis of the positioning
As can be seen from Table I and Figure 3, when the initial error between the improved DV-HOP and the DV-HOP is
energy value of the set nodes is the same, the trend of the shown in Table III and Figure 5.
energy reduction of the LEACH algorithm is greater than the From Table III and Figure 5, when the total number of sen-
trend of the algorithm in this paper, and the energy is quickly sor nodes and communication radius is constant, the number
consumed. of beacon nodes continues to increase, the error generated by
the improved algorithm in this paper is also slightly reduced.
B. Test Results Analysis of WSN Positioning Algorithm In addition, the improved DV -HOP produces a positioning
error smaller than the original DV-HOP algorithm when the
1) Unknown Node Error Analysis: When the communication
communication radius is constant. Compared with the original
radius of the nodes in the network is 30m and the number of
DV-HOP, the improved DV-HOP reduces the positioning error
beacon nodes is 10, the comparative analysis of the positioning
by about 30%.
errors of unknown nodes is shown in Table II and Figure 4.
It can be known from Table II and FIG. 4 that FIG. 4 shows
a positioning error (PE) graph of each unknown node obtained IV. C ONCLUSION
in a simulation experiment of the DV-HOP algorithm and the (1) This article gives a detailed description of the DV-
DV-HOP algorithm with improved average hop distance under HOP algorithm, describes its implementation steps in detail
certain conditions. In the figure, the ordinate represents the and studies the shortcomings of the DV-HOP algorithm, and
distance deviation from the actual coordinates, and the abscissa studies the improvement of the DV-HOP algorithm from two
represents the node number. aspects. The present study also analyzes the positioning results

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