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Carbon 126 (2018) 472e479

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Laser-induced graphene fibers

Luong Xuan Duy a, b, Zhiwei Peng b, Yilun Li b, Jibo Zhang b, Yongsung Ji b,
James M. Tour b, c, d, *
Applied Physics Program, Rice University, 6100 Main Street, Houston, TX, 77005, USA
Department of Chemistry, Rice University, 6100 Main Street MS 222, Houston, TX, 77005, USA
Department of Material Science and NanoEngineering, Rice University, 6100 Main Street, Houston, TX, 77005, USA
Smalley-Curl Institute and the NanoCarbon Center, Rice University, 6100 Main Street, Houston, TX, 77005, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In our previous research, we found that the laser induction process on commercially available polyimide
Received 19 August 2017 sheets is a cost-effective method for the formation of porous graphene that can be subsequently fabri-
Received in revised form cated into mechanically flexible devices. Here we study the parameters required for the formation of
9 October 2017
varied laser-induced graphene (LIG) morphologies by tuning the laser radiation energy. It was found that
Accepted 11 October 2017
a critical fluence point of ~5 J/cm2 is needed to initiate the carbonization process regardless of the laser
Available online 13 October 2017
power. When increasing the radiation energy, the physical formation of LIG follows a fluid dynamics
process in that the morphology of the LIG progressively changes from sheets to fibers and finally to
Laser induced graphene
droplets. We then demonstrate that a morphology of LIG nanomaterial, LIG fibers (LIGF), can be
Laser induced graphene fibers generated by this one-step laser photothermolysis process at a radiation energy >40 J/cm2. The LIGF are
Laser photothermolysis hollow with a LIG wall and form vertically aligned fibers up to 1 mm in height. Microsupercapacitor
Polymer carbonization (MSC) devices fabricated from LIGF and LIGF-LIG hybrids show 2 the specific areal capacitance over
Microsupercapacitor MSCs made entirely from LIG, thereby underscoring the potential for LIGF in flexible device applications.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction [25]. Additionally, synthesis of these carbon nanomaterials from

inexpensive precursors [26] using cost-effective processes [27] is
The discovery of carbon based nanomaterials such as the ful- highly desired for industrial production. Recently, our group
lerenes [1], carbon nanotubes (CNTs) [2], and graphene [3] has led developed a simple and effective method to make porous graphene
to large investments in carbon-based nanotechnology research. from commercial available polyimide (PI) sheets by laser induction
Carbon nanomaterials have been extensively studied, revealing under ambient conditions [28]. In these studies, the resulting
their outstanding chemical, physical, electrical, mechanical, optical, product, laser-induced graphene (LIG), was found to contain few-
and thermal properties, many of which are not possible to achieve layer graphene with high electrical conductivity, high thermal
using other materials [4e8]. Because of their extraordinary per- stability, high thermal conductivity [29] and outstanding electro-
formances, these carbon nanomaterials have been widely used in chemical performance. Wetting properties of LIG can be alternated
numerous applications such as in transistors [9e12], biological and from superhydrophobic to superhydrophilic by conducting the
chemical sensors [13,14], energy generation/storage devices laser process under different controlled atmospheres [30]. A major
[15e20], and polymer nanocomposites [21,22]. application of LIG is for microsupercapacitors (MSCs) that have an
In order to fully realize their potential in different applications, in-plane interdigitated shape or sandwiched structure [31]. The
various derivatives and morphologies of these carbon nano- capacitance of the first generation of LIG-MSCs was 4 mF/cm2,
materials have been developed such as graphene oxide (GO) [23], comparable to other carbon based MSCs. Follow-up studies
vertically aligned CNTs [24], and graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) increased the capacitance to 16 mF/cm2 by the use of a solid-state
electrolyte and boron doping [32]. Additional research introduced
pseudocapacitive materials into LIG devices by electrochemical
deposition, and the capacitance value further increased to 950 mF/
* Corresponding author. Department of Chemistry, Rice University, 6100 Main cm2 [33]. Another application of metal-salt-containing PI films
Street MS 222, Houston, TX, 77005, USA.
resulted in LIG that contained metal oxide nanoparticles suitable as
E-mail address: (J.M. Tour).
0008-6223/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L.X. Duy et al. / Carbon 126 (2018) 472e479 473

oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalysts [34]. from McMaster-Carr and used as received. Laser induction was then
Before the development of LIG, carbonization of PI was shown to conducted on a PI sheet with a 10.6 mm and 9.3 mm CO2 laser cutting
afford a porous structure by ultraviolet exposure [35,36] but gra- system (Universal XLS10MWH platform). All experiments were
phene was not disclosed and there have been no studies on the performed under ambient conditions. The single laser pulse were
precise parameters required to afford the various possible mor- done in vector mode and the LIGF forest synthesis was done in
phologies. In this work, we detail parameters for the controlled raster mode (see Supporting Information).
formation of varying LIG morphologies. When changing the total
radiation energy per unit area on PI, it was found that a critical
fluence point of ~5 J/cm2 is needed to initiate the carbonization 2.2. Characterization
process. Furthermore, a form of LIG that we call LIG fibers (LIGF) is
disclosed here by lowering the consecutive laser pulse stacking Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were obtained on a
density. By applying a commercial CO2 laser raster mode, the ver- JEOL 6500F SEM. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high
tical growth of a forest of LIGF with a height of 1 mm was afforded resolution TEM (HRTEM) images were obtained using a JEOL 2100F
in one step. Analyses to confirm the graphene-based properties of field emission gun transmission electron microscope. TEM samples
LIGF are presented. The effect of a 9.3 mm wavelength laser was were prepared by scratching LIGF from the PI substrate, followed by
compared to the previously used 10.6 mm wavelength laser and sonication in chloroform, and dropping the slurry onto a lacey
parameters have been developed to reliably control the LIG vs LIGF carbon copper grid. Raman spectra were recorded on a Renishaw
morphologies for device optimization. Finally, interdigitated MSCs Raman microscope using a 514 nm laser with a power of 5 mW. X-
from LIGF and LIGF-LIG hybrids are disclosed here. ray diffraction (XRD) was conducted on a Rigaku D/Max Ultima II
with Cu Ka radiation (l ¼ 1.54 Å). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
(XPS) was performed using a PHI Quantera SXM Scanning X-ray
2. Experimental Microprobe with a base pressure below 5  108 torr. Survey
spectra were recorded in 0.5 eV step size with pass energy of
2.1. Synthesis of LIGF 140 eV. Elemental spectra were recorded in 0.1 eV step sizes with
pass energy of 26 eV. All of the spectra were corrected using the C1s
Kapton PI (Cat. No. 2271K6, thickness: 0.00500 ) was purchased peak (284.5 eV) as reference. The surface area of LIGF was measured

Fig. 1. SEM images of samples with fluence set at (a) 4.4 J/cm2, (b) 4.9 J/cm2 and (c) 5.5 J/cm2; the insets in each SEM image are optical microscope images of the same spot. (d)
Raman spectra of the laser spot as fluence was increased (from top to bottom). Inset optical microscope scale bar: 50 mm. The laser induction was performed with a 10.6 mm 75 W
laser in vector mode. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)
474 L.X. Duy et al. / Carbon 126 (2018) 472e479

with a Quantachrome autosorb-3b Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) noted in the optical image (Fig. 1a). When the laser fluence was
surface analyzer. increased to ~4.9 J/cm2, D and G peaks at ~1350 cm1 and
~1590 cm1 were visible in the Raman spectrum, suggesting that
2.3. Fabrication of the flexible all-solid-state MSCs carbonization had begun (Fig. 1b). The optical image confirmed
carbonization with the appearance of a black spot. Note that the
Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)/H2SO4 was used as the solid electro- surface of the PI sheet is kept scratch-free during experiments
lyte for all of the devices. It was made by stirring deionized (DI) because surface roughness can cause a fluence reduction at the
water (10 mL), sulfuric acid (1.0 mL, 98%, Sigma-Aldrich), and PVA carbonization point. When the laser fluence was further increased
(1.0 g) at 80  C overnight. ~0.25 mL of the electrolyte was applied to to ~5.5 J/cm2, the appearance of the 2D peak at ~2700 cm1,
the active area of the devices, and was dried under ambient con- resulting from second order zone boundary phonons [37], suggests
ditions for 4 h. The all-solid-state MSCs were obtained after drying more complete graphitization of PI and formation of graphene
in a vacuum desiccator (~120 mm Hg) overnight for further solid- (Fig. 1c). Laser irradiation (W/m2) and pulse duration are not used
ification of the electrolyte. as carbonization units because the laser pulse profile is not
continuous but an exponential rise followed by exponential decay.
Therefore, fluence is the better choice for determining the
3. Results and discussion
carbonization unit. To confirm this conclusion, the 75 W laser was
defocused and the 10 W laser was used to vary the irradiation. With
3.1. Fluence as unit of carbonization
irradiation ranging from 22 to 265 GW/m2, the same fluence of ~5 J/
cm2 is necessary for carbonization (Fig. S4). This fluence range is
A commercial Universal Laser System XLS10MWH laser cutter
well within the range for commercial CO2 laser systems where the
platform is used as the laser source operated in pulse width mod-
laser power is 10e100 W and the laser spot size is 50e100 mm. At
ulation (PWM) and equipped with two 10.6 mm wavelength lasers
this range, the heat loss by thermal conduction is negligible.
at 75 W and 10 W and one 50 W 9.3 mm wavelength laser. This type
SEM examination of the fine structure generated at different
of laser system is routinely employed in machine shops; hence it is
fluence points interestingly reveals what might have been the dy-
readily accessible. In our previous study [28], a porous LIG structure
namics of the carbonization process. PI is known for its oxygen and
with a few-layer graphene structure was generated during laser
nitrogen outgassing at 550  C, followed by carbonization at 700  C
induction under ambient conditions at room temperature when a
and finally graphitization at 3000  C [38,39]. As a result of rapid
CO2 laser (10.6 mm) was focused on the surface of PI sheets with a
outgassing from the PI melt, it undergoes fluid fragmentation. Ev-
laser power of 60 W in 4%e10% duty cycles at a frequency of 6 kHz
idence of PI liquefying during the laser-induced process is shown in
and 1000 pulses per inch (PPI) (note that inches are used since that
the stress test in Figs. S5 and S6. Previous studies showed the fluid
is the commercial instrument setting basis). Under such conditions,
dynamics of such breakup results in a cascade of sheets, fibers and
the thickness of the LIG on the surface of PI sheets was <50 mm
droplets [40]. We observed similar dynamics in the laser induction
regardless of the duty cycle. Here, we first study the interaction of
process that can be divided into the following four stages (Fig. 2,
individual laser pulses upon PI from the 10.6 mm 75 W laser. To
more detail in Fig. S7): (1) At low fluence (3.5 J/cm2) as in Fig. 2a and
single out each pulse, the laser pattern is set in vector mode (in
b, the carbonization is limited due to low energy input and a ma-
which the laser moves in a line pattern) with pulse separation from
jority of the formed nanostructures are thin sheets of PI. (2) At
30 to 400 PPI. The laser radiation energy density, or fluence, was
higher fluence (4.0 J/cm2), the sheet nanostructure starts to break
measured by averaging many pulses (see laser parameters in the
into fibers (Fig. 2c and d). One transition from sheets to fibers is
Supporting Information and Figs. S1eS3).
indicated with a blue arrow in Fig. 2d. (3) At a fluence point high
Raman spectroscopy was used as a tool to determine when
enough for carbonization (5.8 J/cm2), as shown in Fig. 2eeg, sheet
carbonization began, with confirmation from optical microscopy. In
and fiber features remain but in graphitic form as indicated by
Fig. 1, Raman spectra at a low fluence of ~4.4 J/cm2 had an
strong D and 2D peaks in the Raman spectra (Fig. 1d). (4) At this
appearance similar to that of bulk PI, indicating that little or no
high fluence point, the transition from fiber to carbonized droplets
carbonization occurred, which agrees with the lack of black carbon

Fig. 2. SEM images of PI samples as the laser fluence was increased. a,b) 3.5 J/cm2; c,d) 4.0 J/cm2; e-h) 5.8 J/cm2. The laser induction is performed with a 10.6 mm 75 W laser in vector
mode. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)
L.X. Duy et al. / Carbon 126 (2018) 472e479 475

Fig. 3. (a) Schematic of laser raster mode. (b) LIG and LIGF height dependence on laser fluence. (c) SEM images of LIG induced by 117 J/cm2 laser fluence made at 1000 PPI image
density setting (d) 500 PPI, 46 J/cm2 LIGF surface; (e) LIGF at higher magnification. (f) 166 J/cm2 LIGF with thickness of ~1 mm made at 500 PPI image density setting. (g) LIG at the
interface of LIGF and PI. (h) “R” shape patterned LIGF. Insets of c and f are schematics for 1000 PPI and 500 PPI, respectively. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)
476 L.X. Duy et al. / Carbon 126 (2018) 472e479

can be observed as shown in Fig. 2g and h. These carbonized lateral resolution of 2 mm that provides high resolution spacing
droplets form carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) that are mostly blown between each column and row. In Fig. 3eeg, using a laser pulse
away by the laser air assist. In comparison, for samples at the same with fluence of 166 J/cm2, a LIGF forest with ~1 mm height was
fluences but with the 10 W 10.6 mm laser, similar fluence for synthesized before the 120 mm-thick PI substrate was entirely
carbonization is observed, but the morphology slightly favors the converted to LIGF. It must be noted that the laser treatment process
sheet-like structures (Fig. S8). is relatively fast: 1 min for a 1 cm2 pattern even at low raster speed.
A thin LIG layer of ~30 mm was also found at the interfaces between
the LIGF and PI (Fig. 3g). A conductivity test showed seamless
3.2. Vertically aligned LIGF forest electrical conductance between the interfacial LIG and LIGF forest
(Fig. S9 and Table S1). The LIGF forest can be patterned with a
All commercial laser cutting systems have two modes, vector resolution of the laser spot size (~60 mm). The optical system can be
and raster. In vector mode, the laser follows a pattern in both the x improved for higher resolution but the limitation of the pattern
and y direction. In the raster mode, the laser scans the 2D pattern in resolution is the diffraction limit (~5 mm, half of the 10.6 mm
the x-direction only (Fig. 3a). We changed the laser induction wavelength). An “R” shape patterned LIGF was made to demon-
process from vector mode to raster mode in order to prepare a large strate the laser system resolution capability (Fig. 3h).
area of LIG material. Fluence is measured as accumulated energy In our previous report [28], we suggested that the carbonization
over a unit area. Similar to other commercial laser systems, the process is induced by a photothermal process. Therefore, higher
image density is controlled by the following two factors: the pulse laser absorption would result in better carbonization. By Fourier
width modulation or PPI, and the lines per inch (LPI), both an transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), the absorption of PI at
indication of the density of the laser lines. Our previous reports 9.3 mm is ~2.3  larger than at 10.6 mm (Fig. S10a). In Fig. 4a, the
were done at 1000 PPI  1000 LPI (pulse separation 25.4 mm) with a 9.3 mm laser was used for the laser induction on PI sheets, and the
laser spot size of ~100 mm, resulting in a LIG thickness of ~30 mm Raman and optical microscopy results reveal that the critical
[28]. In that case, the laser spots induced on the PI surface over- carbonization point is ~2.1 J/cm2, ~2.3  less than the value 4.9 J/
lapped, leading to overheating and destruction of the top LIG layers, cm2 when using the 10.6 mm laser. Even though the absorption and
thus resulting in the remaining LIG layers having thickness <50 mm critical point of carbonization agree well with each other, we
regardless of the fluence (Fig. 3b and c). In order to preserve the LIG cannot completely attribute the fluence at carbonization only to the
layers, which turn out to be LIGF, an image density of absorption; other factors such as heat conductivity or changes of IR
500 PPI  500 LPI (pulse separation 50.8 mm) with a laser spot size absorption at higher temperatures might play a role. Nonetheless,
of ~60 mm was used to ensure that each pulse was well-separated the agreement is interesting. The morphology differences can be
from its neighboring pulse (Fig. 3d). It was found that this image seen in Fig. S10b and c such that at high fluence, LIGF and CNPs are
density is the most crucial parameter that determines the final LIG favored nanostructures because with higher absorption at 9.3 mm,
morphology; higher image density favors the sheet-like structure only thin layers of PI receive the laser energy, possible resulting in
LIG and lower image density favors the fiber-like structure LIGF. The more abrupt liquid dynamics than obtained with the 10.6 mm laser.
resulting height-controllable and tubular nanostructure LIGF has a Furthermore, as the fluence increases, the thickness of the LIGF
vertically aligned forest morphology. The laser system provides a

Fig. 4. (a) Raman spectra of the carbon layer resulting from variable fluence lases of 9.3 mm laser with optical image insets. (b) SEM image of a LIGF forest made with a 9.3 mm laser
and 25.2 J/cm2 fluence. (c) LIGF height of both 10.6 mm and 9.3 mm lases with variable fluences. (A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)
L.X. Duy et al. / Carbon 126 (2018) 472e479 477

decreases, possibly because of the higher production of CNPs or and c, LIGF showed a few-layer graphene structure with disordered
vaporization of the PI. If only hundreds of microns of LIGF are fringes found on the focal plane and ordered fringes near the edge
needed, use of a strong absorption laser would be possible. of LIGF. The highly disordered structure observed in the HRTEM
Otherwise, if the application needs LIGF at thicknesses of ~1 mm, agrees well with the high ID/IG ratio seen in the Raman spectra. The
weak absorption lasers such as the 10.6 mm CO2 laser afford these concentration of ordered fringes at the edges suggest graphitic
thick LIGF forests. curves at the edges of the LIGF, resulting from the curving of LIG to
form LIGF. The synthesis of CNTs requires a growth seed [43,44].
The LIGF, instead of growing from a seed, are produced from LIG.
3.3. Characterization The evidence can be seen in Fig. 2b, d and e as the sheet structure
breaks down to smaller strips and eventually to a fiber. The point
To confirm the graphitic nature and elemental composition of that LIG tears and turns into LIGF is indicated by the blue arrow in
the obtained LIGF, Raman spectra, XRD and XPS spectra of LIGF Fig. 6a. This can also be seen in the SEM images (Fig. 2d) where LIG
were obtained for a sample made with a fluence of 122 J/cm2. In turns into LIGF. The hollow structure of LIGF can be seen in Fig. 5d
Fig. 5a, Raman spectra show a strong D peak at ~1350 cm1 induced that shows the opening tip of an individual LIGF. Based on the BET
by defects or symmetry broken sites [41]. A sharp 2D peak at data, the fiber structure of LIGF has a lower surface area than does
~2700 cm1 with ~1.25 IG/I2D ratio indicates a few-layer graphene LIG.
structure [42] In the XRD, a prominent peak is observed at ~ 26 ,
representing the (002) graphitic crystal planes. This gives an
interlayer spacing of ~3.4 Å, well matched with the graphitic phase. 3.4. Results in MSC application
A (100) graphitic crystal phase is also shown at an angle of ~43 . By
XPS the content of oxygen in LIGF is 3% without XPS-detectible To highlight an application of LIGF, we fabricated an in-plane
nitrogen content. This is lower than the LIG made with a fluence interdigitated solid state MSC from LIGF and compared it to the
of 29 J/cm2, which has 1.1% nitrogen and 4.2% oxygen. The BET MSCs fabricated from LIG alone. The interdigitated device size with
surface area for the LIGF sample at ~160 J/cm2 fluence is 70 m2/g neighboring electrode distances of 300 mm was kept the same as in
(Fig. S11), less than that of LIG at 342 m2/g [28]. the previous report [28]. In Fig. 7, the fabricated LIGF-MSC has a
To investigate further the structure of LIGF, a LIGF/CHCl3 sus- specific area capacitance higher than LIG-MSC by 50%. One of the
pension was dropped onto a lacey carbon grid for TEM character- key elements of the MSC is the low sheet resistance. In Fig. S12, the
ization. Fig. 6 represents typical TEM images of the LIGF. In Fig. 6a, LIGF sheet resistance is 100e200 U/sq, 5 that reported for LIG at
LIGF are entangled together, but the alignment is roughly preserved 20 U/sq. LIG that is fabricated with 1000 PPI (Fig. 3c inset) has more
even after solution bath sonication. From HRTEM images in Fig. 6b overlapping of laser pulses than the LIGF that is fabricated with

Fig. 5. (a) Raman spectrum of LIGF showing the D, G and 2D peaks. (b) XRD prominent peak is shown at ~26 , representing (002) graphitic crystal planes. (c) XPS survey spectra of
PI, LIG and LIGF. (d) XPS of C 1s content of PI, LIG and LIGF; (e) XPS of N 1s content of PI, LIG and LIGF; (f) XPS of O 1s content of PI, LIG and LIGF. (A colour version of this figure can be
viewed online.)
478 L.X. Duy et al. / Carbon 126 (2018) 472e479

Fig. 6. HRTEM images of LIGF. (a) 50e100 nm diameter LIGF emanating from LIG. The blue arrow shows the point at which LIG coils into LIGF. (b) Typical LIGF ordered fringes. (c)
LIGF with size of 40e50 nm are also observed with ordered fringes in the edge with a distance of 3.4 Å. (d) The tip of single LIGF with an open end. (A colour version of this figure
can be viewed online.)

Fig. 7. (a) Specific area capacitance comparison of MSC made with LIG, LIGF and LIG-LIGF. (b) SEM image of the edge of the LIG-LIGF-MSC showed the incorporated ~50 mm of LIGF.
(A colour version of this figure can be viewed online.)

500 PPI (Fig. 3f inset). Thus, LIG is made with more electrically storage capacity into the MSC.
conductive pathways, resulting in lower sheet resistance when
compared to LIGF. Therefore, to incorporate LIGF into LIG-MSC we
supplemented the LIG-MSC with a line of 50 mm LIGF. The specific 4. Conclusion
area capacitance increased ~2 when compared to that from LIG.
Most of the charge storage capacity is close to the edge of the By tuning the laser parameters (operational modes, PPI, duty
interdigitated LIG. Therefore, this LIG-LIGF hybrid increases the cycle) we have produced LIGF, a different morphology than the LIG
amount of active materials where most of the charge is stored. foams made previously. The fluid dynamics process of the carbon-
Hence, a small amount of LIGF introduced a large amount of charge forming event could be captured in the solidified material. A better
understanding of laser parameters gives us some control over the
L.X. Duy et al. / Carbon 126 (2018) 472e479 479

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