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Subject : Software Engineering Lab

Subject Code : 203105304

B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem



Software Engineering

(203105304) 5th


Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem


This is to certify that KASULA PAVANKUMAR (210303124588) in 5thSemester

CSE_AI_5B1 has successfully completed his SoftwareEngineering Project

experiments in the Software Engineering Laboratory (203105304) from the

department of Computer Science & Engineering during the Academic year 2023-


Date of
Staff in charge HOD

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
Project definition and objective
of the specified module and
1 perform requirement 19/06/2023
Engineering Process.
Identify Suitable Design and
Implementation model
2 03/07/2023
from the different software
engineering models.

Software Requirement
Specifications (SRS) for
3 Medical Chat Bot. 10/07/2023

Develop a Software project

4 management planning 17/07/2023
(SPMP) for the specific

Do Cost Estimation use

5 Different Software Cost 03/08/2023
Estimation Models.

Prepare System Analysis and

System Design of Identified
6 Requirement specification
using structure design as DFD 17/08/2023
with Data Dictionary and
Structure chart for the
specific module.
Designing the module
using Object Oriented
approach including Use
7 case Diagram with
scenarios, Class Diagram 24/08/2023
and State Diagram,
Sequence Diagram and
Activity Diagram.

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
Practical - 01
AIM : To Build Software for The Medical ChatBot.
Project definition and objective of the specified module and perform requirement
Engineering Process

Group members : 1). CHANDU KOMMINENI (210303124626)

2).GURU CHARAN KOTHAMASU - 210303124654
3).PAVANKUMAR KASULA - 210303124588
4).SAI HARSHITHA .C - 210303124316
5).VASANTHA NAGA LAKSHMI .D - 210303124377
Project Definition :
The Medical Chatbot is an intelligent software application designed to provide users with
personalized medical information and assistance. The chatbot utilizes natural language
processing (NLP) techniques to understand user queries and generate relevant and accurate

Context :
"The Medical Chatbot" aims to bridge this gap by providing an interactive and user-friendly
platform where individuals can obtain trustworthy medical information and assistance. The
chatbot utilizes artificial intelligence and natural language processing techniques to
understand user queries, extract relevant information, and generate appropriate responses.
Symptom Checker: Users can describe their symptoms to the chatbot, which analyzes the
input and provides potential causes or suggestions for further evaluation. It helps users gain
a preliminary understanding of their symptoms before consulting a healthcare professional.
Medical Condition Information: The chatbot offers information on various medical
conditions, including causes, symptoms, treatments, and preventive measures. Users can
inquire about specific conditions to enhance their knowledge and make informed decisions
about their health.

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
Medication and Treatment Advice: Users can seek guidance on medications, dosage,
potential side effects, and interactions. The chatbot provides general advice but encourages
users to consult healthcare professionals for specific medical recommendations.
Healthy Lifestyle Tips: The chatbot may offer suggestions for maintaining a healthy
lifestyle, including diet, exercise, stress management, and preventive measures for certain

Information :
In recent years, there has been a growing demand for accessible and reliable healthcare
information . However ,healthcare resource are often limited , and individuals face
challenges in accessing accurate information in a timely manner . To address this issue ,the
development of a medical chatbot was undertaken. the chatbot aimed to provide users
with immediate access to relevant medical information , helping them make informed
decisions about their health.
Our medical chatbot provides information about your health by taking symptoms your
facing as a input . it will provide the diet plan according to your health provides
medical prescription along with timings of taking medicines for smaller health issues. It says
seriousness of your health condition and what are the necessary measures you should take
.By using the concept of natural language processing and artificial intelligence it will works
.it provides information with more accuracy.

Key Features:
Interactive Conversations : The chatbot engages in interactive conversations with
users, allowing them to ask questions and seek information regarding their health concerns.
It provides a conversational interface to obtain personalized medical advice and guidance.

Symptom Checker : Users can describe their symptoms to the chatbot, and it will
analyze the input to provide potential causes or suggestions for further evaluation. The
chatbot assists users in understanding their symptoms and helps them decide whether they
should seek medical attention.

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

Medical Information Repository: The chatbot incorporates a comprehensive

knowledge base that contains up-to-date and reliable information about diseases,
symptoms, treatments, medications, and other relevant medical concepts. The knowledge
base is continuously updated to ensure accurate and trustworthy information.

User Intent Understanding : Using NLP techniques, the chatbot analyzes user input
to determine the intent behind the query. It identifies keywords, extracts important
information, and understands the context to provide tailored and contextually relevant

Personalized Recommendations: The chatbot takes into account user input and
collected information to offer personalized recommendations. Factors such as age, gender,
pre-existing conditions, and medical history are considered to provide more accurate and
relevant advice.

Emergency Assistance : In critical situations, the chatbot can help users identify the
severity of their condition and provide appropriate guidance. It may recommend seeking
immediate medical attention or contacting emergency services.

Objectives :
The objectives of the "The Medical Chatbot" project can include the following:
1). Provide Accurate and Reliable Medical Information:
2). Enhance Accessibility to Medical Advice.
3). Offer Personalised Recommendations
4). Improve HealthCare Decision-Making.
5). Support Self-Care And Health Education.
6). Provide Emergency Assistance And
Triage. 7). Continuous Learning And
8) .Ensure Data Privacy And Security.

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

Functions or modules:
1).User Input Processing : The chatbot should be capable of processing user input in
natural language. It should handle text or voice input and apply preprocessing techniques
such as tokenization, stemming, or lemmatization to extract relevant information from the
user's query.
2).Intent Recognition : The chatbot should analyze user input to determine the intent
behind the query. It should employ natural language understanding (NLU) techniques to
classify user intents accurately. For example, the intents could include seeking information
about a symptom, asking for treatment recommendations, or requesting general medical
3).Knowledge Base Lookup : The chatbot should have access to a comprehensive
knowledge base containing medical information.
4).Symptom Assessment And Diagnosis : The chatbot should assist users in assessing their
symptoms and provide potential causes or conditions associated with those symptoms.
5).Treatment Recommandations : Based on the user's symptoms, medical history, and
relevant information from the knowledge base, the chatbot should provide treatment
6).Preventive Measures : The chatbot should provide users with information on preventive
measures and health education.
7).Emergency Assistance : The chatbot should be able to identify emergency situations
based on user input and provide immediate guidance.
8).Personalized Recommandations : The chatbot should take into account user-specific
information such as age, gender, pre-existing conditions, or medical history to offer
personalized recommendations.

Performance :
Accuracy of Responses: The chatbot's responses should be accurate and reliable. It
should provide correct information about medical conditions, symptoms, treatments,
medications, and general healthcare inquiries. The accuracy can be measured by comparing
the chatbot's responses with validated medical sources or by collecting user feedback on
the correctness of the provided information.

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Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

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Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

Intent Recognition: The chatbot should accurately understand user intents and
queries. It should correctly identify the user's intent behind the input to provide
appropriate responses. Evaluation can be done by comparing the recognized intents with
annotated intents or by conducting user testing to assess how well the chatbot understands
various types of queries.

Relevance and Contextual Understanding: The chatbot should generate

responses that are relevant to the user's query and demonstrate a contextual
understanding of the conversation. It should consider the context of previous interactions
and maintain coherence in the conversation. Evaluation can be performed through user
feedback and assessing the coherence and relevance of the chatbot's responses.

Response Time: The chatbot should provide prompt responses to user queries. Long
response times can frustrate users and negatively impact their experience. Performance
testing can measure the response time of the chatbot under different user load scenarios to
ensure it meets acceptable response time thresholds.

Handling of Uncertainty and Ambiguity: The chatbot should handle uncertain

or ambiguous user queries effectively. It should be able to ask clarifying questions or
provide suggestions to gather additional information when necessary. Evaluation can
involve testing the chatbot with a variety of uncertain or ambiguous queries and assessing
its ability to handle them appropriately.

User Satisfaction: The overall user satisfaction with the chatbot's performance is a
crucial measure. Conducting user surveys, interviews, or gathering feedback through user
testing can help assess user satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and make
necessary adjustments to enhance the user experience.

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Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

Error Handling and Robustness: The chatbot should be capable of gracefully

handling errors and providing informative error messages when it encounters queries it
cannot answer. It should gracefully handle unexpected inputs or situations and recover
from errors without disrupting the user experience.

Continuous Improvement: The project's performance should be evaluated

iteratively to incorporate user feedback, address shortcomings, and enhance the chatbot's
capabilities over time. Regular updates to the knowledge base, refining the NLP models,
and incorporating new features can contribute to ongoing performance improvement.

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Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

Practical – 2
Aim : Identify Suitable Design and Implementation model from the different

engineering models.

Group members : 1). CHANDU KOMMINENI( 210303124626)

2).GURU CHARAN KOTHAMASU - 210303124654
3).PAVANKUMAR KASULA - 210303124588
4).SAI HARSHITHA .C - 210303124316
5).VASANTHA NAGA LAKSHMI .D - 210303124377

Selection of Model Of Project : For your medical chatbot project, considering the
nature of the project and its potential requirements, an Agile model would likely be a
good fit.

The Agile model has revolutionized the software development industry, offering a flexible
and adaptive approach that addresses the shortcomings of traditional methodologies. With
its emphasis on collaboration, iterative development.

*Flexibility and Adaptability: An Agile model allows for flexibility and adaptability to
accommodate changing requirements, which is beneficial for a project like a chatbot where
requirements may evolve as users provide feedback and new medical information becomes
*Iterative Development and Feedback: Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban,
emphasize iterative development and frequent feedback loops. This aligns well with
the need to continuously improve and enhance the chatbot based on user feedback
evolving medical knowledge.
*User Involvement: Agile models place a strong emphasis on user involvement and
collaboration. In the case of a medical chatbot, user input and validation are crucial to
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Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
ensure the chatbot's accuracy, relevance, and usability.

10 | P a g e
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

*Early Delivery of Functionality: Agile models prioritize the early delivery of working
software. This allows you to release a minimum viable product (MVP) version of the chatbot
that provides essential functionality, enabling users to benefit from it sooner and provide
valuable feedback.
*Continuous Improvement: Agile models support continuous improvement throughout the
project's lifecycle. As you gather feedback, you can iteratively enhance the chatbot's
features, incorporate new medical information, and refine its performance based on real-
world usage.

Why This Agile Model ?

 In the context of your medical chatbot project, here's a brief explanation of how
the Agile model can be applied.
 Agile Model in Medical Chatbot : The Agile model emphasizes flexibility,
collaboration, and iterative development. It promotes frequent feedback,
continuous improvement, and the ability to respond to changing requirements.
Here's how it can be applied to your medical chatbot project
 User Story Creation: In Agile, the development process starts with creating user
stories that represent specific functionalities or features from the user's
perspective. For your medical chatbot, user stories could include scenarios like
symptom assessment, treatment recommendations, or providing general medical
 Sprint Planning: The project is divided into short timeframes called sprints (e.g., 1-
4 weeks). In each sprint, a set of user stories is selected for implementation based
on priority and estimated effort. The team collaboratively plans the work to be
completed in the sprint.
 Development and Testing: During the sprint, the development team implements
the selected user stories. They collaborate closely, utilizing programming languages
such as Python or Java to write code for various chatbot functionalities. Automated
tests should be created to ensure the quality and correctness of the implemented

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
 Daily Stand-up Meetings: Daily stand-up meetings are held to promote
communication and collaboration within the team. Team members share their
progress, discuss any challenges or impediments, and coordinate their efforts.
 Continuous Integration and Testing: The developed code is continuously integrated
and tested to ensure that it works smoothly with existing functionalities.
Automated tests are executed to verify the behavior and accuracy of the chatbot's
 User Feedback and Iteration: After each sprint, the chatbot is presented to users or
stakeholders for feedback. Their input is collected and incorporated into the
subsequent sprints. This feedback loop allows for continuous improvement and
ensures that the chatbot meets user needs effectively.
 Release and Deployment: At the end of each sprint or at suitable intervals, a
release of the chatbot is deployed, making the latest features available to users.
This iterative approach allows users to benefit from the chatbot's functionality

Justification for not choosing Waterfall Model

 Once an application is in the testing stage, it is very difficult to go back and change
something thatwas not well-thought out in the concept stage.
 No working software is produced until late during the life cycle.
 High amounts of risk and uncertainty.
 Not a good model for complex and object-oriented projects.
 Poor model for long and ongoing projects.
 Not suitable for the projects where requirements are at a moderate to high risk of

Justification for not choosing Incremental Model

 Needs good planning and design.
 Needs a clear and complete definition of the whole system before it can be broken
down and builtincrementally.
 Total cost is higher than waterfall.

Justification for not choosing Prototype Model

 This model is costly.
 It has poor documentation because of continuously changing customer requirements.
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
 There may be too much variation in requirement
 Customers sometimes demand the actual product to be delivered soon after
seeing an earlyprototype

Justification for not choosing spiral Model

 Limited user Requirement

 Time Constraints
 Small Scale Projects
 Complexity and cost

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem


Aim : Software Requirement Specifications (SRS) for Medical Chat Bot.

Group members : 1). CHANDU KOMMINENI -210303124626

2).GURU CHARAN KOTHAMASU - 210303124654
3).PAVANKUMAR KASULA - 210303124588
4).SAI HARSHITHA .C - 210303124316
5).VASANTHA NAGA LAKSHMI.D - 210303124377

Purpose :
The purpose of this document is to define the software requirements for the development
of a Medical Chat Bot. The chat bot will provide medical information and assistance to
users, helping them with basic medical queries, symptoms analysis, and providing

Scope :
The Medical Chat Bot will be designed to provide accurate and reliable medical information
to users. It will assist users in identifying common symptoms, suggesting possible causes,
and offering general medical advice. The chat bot will not replace a professional medical
consultation but will serve as an initial source of information.

General description:
The general description of a medical chat bot includes the following key features:
 User Registration and Authentication: The chat bot allows users to create
accounts and authenticate themselves to access personalized features and
store their health-related information securely.
 Symptom Analysis and Diagnosis: The chat bot assists users in describing their
symptoms and analyzes the provided information to suggest possible causes or
diagnoses. It utilizes a comprehensive database of symptoms, diseases, and
their relationships to provide accurate assessments.
 Medical Advice and Recommendations: Based on the symptoms or queries
presented by the user, the chat bot offers general medical advice and
recommendations. It suggests self-care measures, preventive measures, and
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
when to seek professional medical help.
 Integration with External Medical Databases and Resources: The chat bot
integrates with external medical databases and resources to expand its
knowledge base. It may access verified medical websites, research papers, or
clinical guidelines to provide up-to-date and reliable information.
 Usability and User Interface: The chat bot provides an intuitive and user-
friendly interface, making it easy for users to interact with the system. It
presents responses in a clear, concise manner, ensuring ease of understanding.
 Performance and Scalability: The chat bot responds promptly to user queries,
minimizing response time. It is designed to handle multiple user interactions
simultaneously without significant delays or system performance degradation.
It can scale to accommodate increasing user traffic.
 Security and Privacy: The chat bot prioritizes the security and privacy of
user data. It employs encryption techniques to securely store and transmit
sensitive information. User authentication and access control mechanisms are
implemented to ensure data confidentiality.

Functional Requirements :

User Registration and Authentication :

- The system shall provide user registration and authentication functionality.
- Users shall be able to create an account and log in using their credentials.
- User authentication shall be secure and utilize appropriate encryption techniques.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) :

- The chat bot shall be capable of understanding and interpreting user queries.
- The system shall utilize NLP techniques to extract intent and relevant information from
user input.
- NLP algorithms shall be trained and optimized to improve accuracy and understand
various user

Symptom Analysis and Diagnosis :

- The chat bot shall analyze user-reported symptoms and provide possible causes.
- The system shall maintain a comprehensive database of symptoms, diseases, and
their relationships.
- The chat bot shall employ algorithms to identify potential diagnoses based on user
- The system shall display relevant information about the identified diagnoses.

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

Medical Advice and Recommendations :

- The chat bot shall provide general medical advice based on the user's symptoms and
- The system shall offer recommendations for self-care and when to seek professional
medical help.
- The chat bot shall provide links to relevant resources for further information and

Integration with External Medical Databases and Resources :

- The system shall integrate with external medical databases and resources to enhance
its knowledge base.
- Integration may include accessing medical literature, research papers, or verified medical
- The chat bot shall provide accurate and up-to-date information from external sources.

Non-Functional Requirements :

Usability :
- The user interface shall be intuitive, user-friendly, and visually appealing.
- The chat bot responses shall be clear, concise, and easy to understand.
- The system shall support multiple languages to accommodate diverse users.

Performance :
- The chat bot shall respond to user queries within an acceptable time frame.
- The system shall handle multiple user interactions simultaneously without significant
- The system shall be capable of scaling to accommodate increasing user traffic.

Security :
- User data shall be securely stored and transmitted using appropriate encryption methods.
- The system shall implement authentication and access control mechanisms.
- The chat bot shall not store any personally identifiable information without user consent.

Performance Requirements for a Medical Chat Bot:

1. Response Time:
- The chat bot should provide prompt responses to user queries.
- The average response time should be within a few seconds to maintain a smooth
and interactive conversation.
- Delays should be minimized to ensure a seamless user experience.

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

2. Concurrent User Handling :

- The chat bot should be capable of handling multiple user interactions simultaneously.
- It should support a sufficient number of concurrent users without significant performance
- The system should be scalable to accommodate increasing user traffic without impacting
response times.

3. Database Access and Retrieval:

- The chat bot should efficiently retrieve information from the underlying database(s) for
symptom analysis, diagnoses, and medical advice.
- Database queries and data retrieval should be optimized to ensure quick and
accurate results.

4. Natural Language Processing (NLP) Speed:

- The NLP algorithms used by the chat bot should process and analyze user queries
- NLP processing should be optimized to minimize latency and deliver timely responses.

5. System Availability:
- The chat bot should aim for high availability to ensure uninterrupted access for users.
- Scheduled maintenance or downtime should be minimal and planned during periods
of low user activity.

6. Error Handling and Fault Tolerance:

- The chat bot should gracefully handle errors and unexpected user inputs.
- It should provide informative error messages or suggestions for users to correct their
- The system should have built-in fault tolerance mechanisms to handle unexpected
failures and recover quickly without data loss.

7. Integration with External Resources:

- The chat bot's integration with external medical databases and resources should
be efficient.
- It should retrieve and display information from external sources in a timely manner.
- Response times for accessing external resources should be optimized to avoid delays in
user interactions.

8. System Performance Monitoring:

- The chat bot should include performance monitoring and logging mechanisms.

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
- Key performance indicators, such as response time, user concurrency, and
database performance,should be tracked.
- Monitoring data should be analyzed to identify bottlenecks and areas for performance

- The Medical Chat Bot shall comply with relevant privacy laws and regulations.
- The system shall be compatible with modern web browsers and devices.
- The development shall adhere to the allocated budget and timeline.

Preliminary Schedule and Budget for Medical Chat Bot :

Schedule :
1. Requirements Gathering and Analysis: 2 weeks
2. Design and Architecture: 2 weeks
3. Development and Testing: 8 weeks
4. Deployment and User Acceptance Testing (UAT): 2 weeks
Resource Allocation :
- Project Manager: Full-time throughout the project
- Business Analyst: Part-time during requirements gathering and analysis phase
- Developers: Full-time during development and testing phases
- Testers: Part-time during testing and UAT phases

- Development Costs : Estimated [insert cost] for personnel, tools, licenses, and external
- Maintenance and Support Costs: Estimated [insert cost] for personnel, software
updates/patches, and user support.
- Infrastructure and Hosting: Estimated [insert cost] for servers/cloud resources,
networking, backup, monitoring, and security.
- Contingency: [insert percentage] of the total budget.

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

AIM : Develop a Software project management planning (SPMP) for the specific
Group members : 1). CHANDU KOMMINENI -210303124626
2).GURU CHARAN KOTHAMASU - 210303124654
3).PAVANKUMAR KASULA - 210303124588
4).SAI HARSHITHA .C - 210303124316
5).VASANTHA NAGA LAKSHMI .D – 210303124377

 Briefly describe the purpose and objectives of the SPMP.
 Provide an overview of the specific module and its functionalities.
 Identify key stakeholders involved in the module development.

Agile Approach:

 Describe the Agile methodology being used (e.g., Scrum, Kanban) for the module
 Explain the iterative and incremental nature of Agile and how it aligns with the
module's goals.

Project Organization:
 Define the Agile roles and responsibilities within the module team (e.g., Product Owner,
Scrum Master, Development Team).
 Outline the team structure, including team members and their expertise.
 Explain the communication and collaboration channels established for effective

Module Scope:

 Clearly define the scope of the module, including its features and functionalities.
 Specify any dependencies or interfaces with other modules or systems.
 Identify the deliverables and milestones associated with the module.

Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

Sprint Planning:
 Describe the sprint planning process, including sprint duration and
 Explain how user stories are selected and prioritized for each sprint.
 Detail the creation and management of the sprint backlog.

Project Schedule:
 Provide a high-level project schedule, indicating the start and end dates of
 Identify key milestones or deliverables associated with the module.
 Allocate resources and estimate effort for each sprint.

Risk Management:
 Identify potential risks and uncertainties that may impact the module's
 Outline risk assessment and mitigation strategies to address identified risks.
 Establish a process for monitoring and managing risks throughout the
module's lifecycle.

Quality Assurance:
 Define the quality standards and metrics for the module.
 Describe the testing approach, including unit testing, integration testing, and
acceptance testing.
 Explain the use of continuous integration and automated testing practices.

Change Management:
 Establish a change management process to handle modifications to
requirements or scope.
 Define how change requests are submitted, evaluated, and approved.
 Communicate changes effectively to the module team and stakeholders.
Communication and Reporting:
 Describe the communication plan for regular interactions within the module
10 | P a g e
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
 Identify the reporting mechanisms for progress updates, impediments, and
 Define the frequency and format of meetings, such as daily stand-ups or
sprint reviews.

Documentation and Deliverables:

 Specify the documentation requirements for the module, such as design
documents, user manuals, or API documentation.
 Establish version control and document management practices. Identify the
final deliverables and release plans for the module.

Project Monitoring and Control:

 Describe how the project progress and module development will be
monitored against the sprint plan and project schedule.
 Explain the tracking and reporting of project metrics, such as burndown
charts or velocity.
 Outline the mechanisms for managing scope changes and ensuring
adherence to Agile principles.

Project Closure:
 Define the criteria for completing the module and transitioning it to the next
 Conduct a retrospective analysis to identify lessons learned and areas for
 Address any necessary handover and maintenance activities.


1. Requirements Gathering

 This function will involve gathering the requirements for the module from
the stakeholders.
 The requirements will be documented in a requirements specification
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Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
 The requirements will be prioritized and validated with the stakeholders.

2. Design

 This function will involve designing the module.

 The design will be documented in a design document.
 The design will be reviewed and approved by the stakeholders.

3. Development

 This function will involve developing the module.

 The module will be developed using the following technologies:
o Java ,Java Script

 The module will be tested using the following tools:
o JUnit
o Mockito

4. Testing

 This function will involve testing the module.

 The module will be tested using unit tests, integration tests, and system
 The test results will be documented in a test report.

5. Deployment

 This function will involve deploying the module to production.

12 | P a g e
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
 The module will be deployed to a staging environment for testing.
 The module will be deployed to production once the tests are successful.

6. Maintenance

 This function will involve maintaining the module.

 The module will be monitored for any issues.
 The module will be updated as needed.

7. Documentation :

 This function will involve documenting the module.

 The following documentation will be created:
o User manual
o API documentation
o Technical documentation.

13 | P a g e
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

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Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

AIM : Do Cost Estimation use - Different Software Cost Estimation


Group members : 1). CHANDU KOMMINENI -210303124626

2).GURU CHARAN KOTHAMASU - 210303124654
3).PAVANKUMAR KASULA - 210303124588
4).SAI HARSHITHA .C - 210303124316
5).VASANTHA NAGA LAKSHMI .D – 210303124377

 Cost Estimation (COCOMO II MODEL) :

The original COCOMO model became one of the most widely used and discussed
software cost estimation models in the industry. It has evolved into a more
comprehensive estimation model, called COCOMO II.

 COCOMO II models require sizing information. Three different sizing options are
available as part of the model hierarchy:-
 Object Points
 Function Points
 Lines Of Source Code

 The COCOMO II application composition model uses object points.

Like function point, the object point is an indirect software measure that is computed
using counts of the number of
(1) screens (at the user interface),
(2) reports,
(3) components likely to be required to build the application.

Each object instance (e.g., a screen or report) is classified into one of three complexity
levels (i.e. ,simple ,medium, or difficult). Once complexity is determined, the number of
screens, reports, and components are weighted.

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Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

 The object point count is then determined by multiplying the original number of
object instances by the weighting factor in the figure and summing to obtain a
total object point count.
 When component-based development or general software reuse is to be applied,
the percent of reuse (%reuse) is estimated and the object point count is adjusted:

where NOP = defined as new object points.

 To derive an estimate of effort based on the computed NOP value, a “productivity rate”
must be derived.

Below table presents the productivity rate for different levels of developer experience and
development environment maturity. Once the productivity rate has been determined, an
estimate of project effort is computed using

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Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
Step 0 : Identify Modules and Components :

1. Home Page. 2. Select Login. 3. Login Page For Patient .
4. Registration For Patient. 5. Patient Profile. 6. Patient Update Details.
7. Book Appointment . 8. View Appointment Status . 9. Cancel Appointment.
10. Payment By Patient. 11. Receipt Of Payment . 12. Login Page For Doctor.
13. Doctor Profile. 14. Appointment Details. 15. View Patient by Doctor.
16. Add Prescription. 17. Login Page For Admin. 18. Generate Bill.
19. Update Doctor Details. 20. Add Doctor. 21. View doctor By Admin.
22. View Records

1. Total Visitors on Website.
2. Total Patients Treated.
3. Total Appointments Taken.
4. Total Appointments Cancelled.
5. Total Doctors on Leave.
6. Total Doctors Added.
7. Total Doctors Removed.
8. Total Consultant Fee Collected .

 let's calculate the cost estimation for your medical chatbot project using the Use Case
Points (UCP) method. The UCP method takes into account the complexity of different
screens and reports, as well as other factors such as reuse and developer experience.

 Here's how the calculation is done:

 Given Information:

 Total Screens: 22
 Total Reports: 8
 Complexity: Medium
 Components Reused: 0%
 Developer Experience: Low
 Environment Maturity: Low
 Productivity Rate: 7

17 | P a g e
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
Step 1: Calculate Object Points :
Object Points (OP) are calculated based on the complexity of the screens and reports.

For screens:
 Simple: 3 points
 Average: 4 points
 Complex: 6 points
For reports:
 Simple: 3 points
 Average: 4 points
 Complex: 6 points

 Object Points (OP) = (Total Screens * Complexity Points) + (Total Reports *

 Object Points (OP) = (22 * 4) + (8 * 4) = 176

 Step 2: Calculate Unadjusted Use Case Points (UUCP)

 UUCP is calculated by adding the Object Points (OP) to the number of 3GL
 UUCP = Object Points (OP) + Total 3GL Modules
 UUCP = 176 + 0 = 176

 Step 3: Calculate Technical Complexity Factor (TCF)

 TCF is calculated based on the factors like Reusability, Developer Experience, and
Environment Maturity.
 TCF = 0.6 + (0.01 * Reuse) + (0.2 * Developer Experience) + (0.07 * Environment
 TCF = 0.6 + (0.01 * 0) + (0.2 * 1) + (0.07 * 1)
 TCF = 0.6 + 0.2 + 0.07 = 0.87
 Step 4: Calculate Environmental Complexity Factor (ECF)
 ECF is calculated based on factors such as Productivity Rate. ECF = 1.4 *
(Productivity Rate)^0.2
 ECF = 1.4 * (7)^0.2
 ECF = 1.4 * 0.5743 = 0.805
 Step 5: Calculate Use Case Points (UCP)
 UCP = UUCP * TCF * ECF UCP = 176 * 0.87 * 0.805 = 125.8

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Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
 Step 6: Calculate Estimated Effort
 Estimated Effort (in Person-Months) = UCP / Productivity Rate Estimated Effort =
125.8 / 7 = 17.97 Person-Months (approx. 18 Person-Months)

 Step 7 : cost estimation :

 per person it is $26 and salary is upto $2666.

19 | P a g e
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
Practical – 06

AIM : Prepare System Analysis and System Design of Identified Requirement

specification using structure design as DFD with Data Dictionary and Structure
chart for the specific module.

Group members : 1). CHANDU KOMMINENI -210303124626

2).GURU CHARAN KOTHAMASU - 210303124654
3).PAVANKUMAR KASULA - 210303124588
4).SAI HARSHITHA .C - 210303124316
5).VASANTHA NAGA LAKSHMI .D – 210303124377

 System Analysis:

Problem Statement:

The medical chatbot aims to assist users in querying diseases and providing appropriate
remedies. This module is essential to offer accurate medical information to users,
enhancing their healthcare experience.

 Functional Requirements:

 User queries a disease.

 System fetches disease information and remedies.
 System displays disease details and remedies to the user.

 Non-Functional Requirements:

 Performance: Responses should be generated within 2 seconds.

 Security: User data should be encrypted during transmission.
 Usability: User interface should be intuitive and easy to navigate.

 Use Case Diagram:

A use case diagram visually represents the interactions between users and the

It includes actors, use cases, and their relationships.

20 | P a g e
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

 User Stories:

 As a user, I want to be able to ask the chatbot about a specific disease.

 As a user, I want the chatbot to provide detailed information about the
disease and suggest remedies.

 Data Flow Diagram (DFD):

 Level 0 DFD:

 Processes:

User Query: Receives user's disease query.

Fetch Disease Data: Retrieves disease information from the database.

Display Info and Remedies: Presents disease details and remedies to the user.

 Data Stores:

Disease Data: Contains disease information and associated remedies.

User Query Data: Stores user's query input.

 External Entities:

User: Initiates the query and receives information.

 Level 1 DFD: Expand the "Fetch Disease Data" process into sub-processes for
better understanding. Similarly, expand the "Display Info and Remedies" process.

Data Dictionary:

User Query Data (Data Flow): Textual input provided by the user.
21 | P a g e
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
Disease Data (Data Store): A database containing disease details and remedies.

Disease Info (Data Flow): Disease-related information retrieved from the database.

Remedies (Data Flow): Remedies associated with the queried disease.

 Structure Chart: The structure chart shows the hierarchical structure of the
processes and sub-processes involved in the module.

Main Module

↓→,User Query

↓ →,Process Query

↓ →,Retrieve Disease Info

↓ →,Retrieve Remedies

↓ →, Retrieve Precautions
↓ →, Combine Info, Remedies, and Precautions
↓ →,Display Details

↓→, Display Details

→, Display Disease Info

→, Display Remedies
→, Display Precautions
 For our medical chatbot system :

 Chatbot System

 User Interface
22 | P a g e
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

 Home Page
 Login Module
 Registration Module

 Booking System

 Book Appointment

 View Appointment Status

 Cancel Appointment

↓ Medical Data

Disease Information

Medication Recommendation

Medical Records


AIM : Designing the module using Object Oriented approach including Use case
23 | P a g e
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
with scenarios, Class Diagram and State Diagram, Sequence Diagram and

Group members : 1). CHANDU KOMMINENI -210303124626

2).GURU CHARAN KOTHAMASU - 210303124654
3).PAVANKUMAR KASULA - 210303124588
4).SAI HARSHITHA .C - 210303124316
5).VASANTHA NAGA LAKSHMI .D – 210303124377

 let's design a module for the medical chatbot using an Object-Oriented approach.
We'll cover the following diagrams:

Use Case Diagram: It depicts the interactions between the chatbot and its users.

Class Diagram: It represents the classes and their relationships within the chatbot system.

State Diagram: It shows the different states a chatbot can be in and the transitions
between them.

Sequence Diagram: It illustrates the sequence of interactions between different

components or objects.

Activity Diagram: It displays the flow of activities or actions within the chatbot module.


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Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

 Scenarios for Use Cases:

1)User Queries Symptoms:

User: "I have a headache and fever."

 Chatbot responds with potential diagnoses and suggests consulting a doctor

if symptoms persist.

 User Asks for Medication:

User: "What medication can I take for a cold?"

 Chatbot provides information about over-the-counter medications for cold

and suggests proper dosages.

 User Books an Appointment:

User: "I want to book an appointment with a doctor."

 Chatbot asks for user details, preferred date and time, and confirms the

User Checks Appointment Status:

25 | P a g e
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
User: "What's the status of my appointment?"

 Chatbot fetches appointment details based on user's provided information.


User: Represents the users interacting with the chatbot.

Chatbot: The main chatbot class that handles user interactions and provides responses.

Appointment: Manages appointment details, including scheduling, status, and doctor


Medication: Contains information about medications, their names, uses, and dosages.

Doctor: Stores doctor details like name, specialization, and availability.

SymptomChecker: Helps in checking symptoms and suggesting potential diagnoses.


26 | P a g e
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem

States: Idle, Listening, Responding

Transitions: User input triggers transitions between states.


User interacts with the Chatbot by sending messages.

Chatbot processes the message, generates a response, and sends it back to the User.


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Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem


28 | P a g e
Subject : Software Engineering Lab
Subject Code : 203105304
B.Tech CSE 3rd Year: 5thSem
User initiates the activity by sending a message.

Chatbot processes the message, performs actions, and generates a response.

The process continues until the user ends the interaction.

These diagrams provide a comprehensive overview of the module's design and

interactions within the medical chatbot.

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