Success Story Lead

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 During their early years in the program, the household said that they are having

financial difficulties, and because of that, most aspect of their life was very tough.
Budget shortage sometimes causes conflict between the couple, it also deprived
some of the needs of their children such as good food, good clothes, and
comfortable education.


The programs plays big role in the improvement of the family's living condition and
with their relationship towards each other. The values, and other parental techniques
the couple learned from the monthly Family Development Session helps the couple
in properly raising their children who now grew ups as respectful, kind and helpful
children who greatly shows appreciation to every little thing they have. Likewise, the
grantee shares how FDS helps her spouse become more calm and more
responsible head of their family.

Most especially, the grants that the family receives every 2 months, they utilized it
not only to their daily needs, to the education of their family, but they also invested it
into their little vegetable business which now serves as their stable income
generating activity which can support their daily needs and enough for some savings
for emergency purposes/future uses.


The household now has improved their living condition compared to how they were
in their earlier days as 4Ps beneficiary.

The couple is feeling at ease as of now because they are now able to provide all of
their family's basic needs which they get from their small vegetable business. The
couple is happy with the kind of relationship that their family has. Though there were
some unavoidable little arguments between the couple from time to time, but it did
not hinder their family from growing closer together. Their 4 children grew respectful,
responsible and helpful. 3 of their older children actually helps in their vegetable
store whenever they are done with their module and has nothing to do. When it
comes to the education of their 4 children, they are happy that all 4 of them were
enrolled altogether as a modular student.

They are very thankful of all the good things that are happening to their family. They
show their gratefulness by regularly attending Sunday mass altogether.

During their early years in the program, the household said that they are having financial
difficulties, and because of that, most aspect of their life was very tough. Budget shortage
sometimes causes conflict between the couple, it also deprived some of the needs of their
children such as good food, good clothes, and comfortable education.

The programs play big role in the improvement of the family’s living condition and with
their relationship towards each other. The values, and other parental techniques the
couple learned from the monthly Family Development Session helps the couple in
properly raising their children who now grew ups as respectful, kind and helpful children
who greatly shows appreciation to every little thing they have. Likewise, the grantee
shares how FDS helps her spouse become more calm and more responsible head of their

Most especially, the grants that the family receives every 2 months, they utilized it not
only to their daily needs, to the education of their family, but they also invested it into
their little vegetable business which now serves as their stable income generating activity
which can support their daily needs and enough for some savings for emergency
purposes/future uses.

The household now has improved their living condition compared to how they were
in their earlier years as 4Ps beneficiary.

The couple is feeling at ease as of now because they are now able to provide all of
their family's basic needs which they get from their small vegetable business. The
couple is happy with the kind of relationship that their family has. Though there some
unavoidable little arguments between the couple from time to time, but it did not
hinder their family from growing closer together. Their 4 children grew up respectful,
responsible and helpful children. 3 of their older children even helps in their
vegetable store during their free time. when it comes to the education of their 4
children, they are happy that all of them are enrolled altogether as a modular

The are very thankful for all the good things that are happening to their family. They
show their gratitude by regularly attending Sunday worship together as a family.

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