The Heychris Drama

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the heychris drama.

so heychris is an old friend of fall out boy. heychris was also the bassist in pete’s old
band arma angelus (you should give them a listen, they’re pretty rad) and he also
happens to be the heychris from fall out boy’s song grenade jumper. 

so the pictures that i was talking about earlier are pete’s nudes. please don’t look at
them out of respect for him as they were leaked without his consent and embarrassed
him. anyways, the relationship between chris and the pics are actually pretty muddy as
there was a lot of speculation over who leaked the pics but many people were
assuming it was heychris because before the photos were leaked, heychris posted a lj
entry to pete. he was angry that pete was hitting on his girlfriend apparently among
other things in “an open letter to pete wentz from an old friend.”

February 28, 2006.

an open letter to pete wentz from an old friend.

[Current Music |the promise - crush all fakes.]

it takes a lot to make me mad.

it takes even more to infuriate me.

so, after all this time i finally learned the truth. that it was you telling my ex girlfriend
lies and secrets. despite even giving you the pass card after i caught you trying to talk
dirty to her online, this is how you repay me? no wonder why you couldnt look me in
the eye on the bus last summer and no wonder why you avoided me every chance
you got.

you hug me and tell me you love me then you tell lies to my girlfriend behind my back
to lure her away from me? you tell her i cheat on her and then you tell me to come
stay on the bus?

you are a spineless fucking sham.

i regret every second i spent defending you and your selfish ways.

dont forget, i know you. not that shitty glammed up poser image you present to the
masses to consume. the dude i knew never would have worn a fucking dinosaur shirt
or sold out one of his friends. the dude i knew had heart and fucking loyalty. well lil
buddy, you are fucking done.

you want to sell me out to the most important person in my life and then have the
audacity to make ME think I did something wrong to not deserve your friendship? you
fucking arrogant bastard.

since we’re discussing sellouts lets discuss how when kids give you presents you
laugh at them and throw it straight in the trash. oh yeah, ive seen it many times. lets
talk about how you talk shit about the fat girls that are your fans and mock their letters.
you are fucking undeserving of every ounce of attention you’ve ever gotten. from every
one of your calculated business moves to your “spontaneous” jumps in the crowd
parts to your well rehearsed cliche lines you’ve been spouting for 400 shows in a row.
you’re boring, contrived and old. “oooh, no one loves me, its sooo hard being on
magazine covers and tv shows. someone save me from me.” what are you, fucking
12? go light your little candles ask yourself why no one will ever truly love you. its
amazing no one has caught on to your little fucking show. you’re nothing more than a
shitty opportunist business man with even shittier fashion sense.

so pack up and move to whatever million dollar house you’ve picked out in california
paid for by your lies and hypocrisy and deceit and selfishness and over medicate
yourself like youve been doing for years…because guess what? no one wants you
here anymore. you are not welcome.

oh yeah, hows that straight edge tattoo doing? as well as the tattoo for your “crew”
who now refer to you as a fraud and a con? stay gold dude, stay gold.

remember this each night of the tour when you play the lie, “hey chris, you were our
only friend.”
downplay it all you want by saying the song is about “friends”, but guess whos fucking
name you’re saying each and every night? mine. thats right. what a bunch of fucking
phonies. sing the songs you dont even believe in anymore. fucking liar.

you know the friends i have and you know how we feel about loyalty.

you know who im talking about and you know they’re not happy either.

so dont get caught slipping and you better make damn sure you watch whos on your
guest list because a plus one might come backstage to punch your fucking teeth out
and tear the windpipe from your throat.

you fucking sell out.

oh, and next time you decide to write another song about me, do it right you fucking

and in response, pete wrote this.

oh what a monster we’ve created.

when i am called by my manager to read a post that is burning through the internet it
makes me wonder. ive never responded to rumours or shittalking online, no matter
who it came from- at the same time there is nothing that makes my blood boil more
than reading this- being who i am, my first instinct is to blow it off- but then i consider
how anytime anything is written on the internet people believe its true- no matter what,
no matter the biases or subjectivity of the sources. my first instinct is to lash out- to say
everything i think about you and every situation- to defend myself and attack you. as
unbelievable as it is- i am an extremely insecure person- everytime i read something
about myself negative or positive i react in probably the exact same way anyone

but like i said- i am going to continue to do this my own way, what i consider to be the
higher road. i understand when we get angry we often lash out- ive done it myself on
many occassions. if you want to talk to me about any of this call me on my cell phone
and we can do it one on one-

i will not be responding to anything else-

however, the attacks about our fans and the people that listen to this music and read
these words is completely offbase- the fans of this band are my entire life- ive lost my
girlfriend, my friends, much of my “normal” life- just to keep this relationship going- this
isn’t to say that i dont make mistakes, take misteps. just because youve seen me on tv
or at a show doesn’t make me anything less or more than human. you dont ever see
the other side of the way we agonize over every decision we make or try our best to
please everyone- because we’ve given up in bands before and we know how it feels
and we dont want that to happen. everyone in the band is upset about this- remember
everyone that makes up fall out boy- they all wanted me to voice that we appreciate
our fans and friends that weve met more than anything- and that we realize because
of where we are all the arrows are pointed at us- but we will try our best. and we do try
our best. we also, have far more faith in the intelligence and dedication of the people
that believe in us to think that they will be swayed easily. if you want to hear other
stories of how we actually talk about our fans or think of them please ask other bands,
they will testify to how we really act. we just want you to know that in four years when
noone cares, we still hope you are there. im not going to freak out or whatever, but
please an attack on our fans or our relationship with them as a p.r. move is uncalled

this doesn’t need to be reposted anywhere- i am sure that fob fans know where to find

chris if you want to talk the phone line is there.

i wrote this pretty fast so i apologize for the typos and run-ons.

until then, thank you to everyone who reserves judgment and has my back until the
end of time.

- petey

not long after pete’s response, heychris posted:


i wont lie. i hate being this dude.

i wish it wouldnt have come to this but goddamn, hes right.

no one knows how to break a heart like he does.

after that whole mess seemed to be cleared up, heychris posted that he went to
california and fell for a boy with a girlfriend and another post where he found a new
love which is when these photos of him and mikey had surfaced.
pete posted an angry away message shortly after this happened.

(also apparently this lyric in thnks fr th mmrs is about heychris “who does he think he
is” / if that’s the worst you got, better put your fingers back to the keys”)
heychris later posted that this was all a joke and that he meant no harm by it.

the way that I see it is that heychris wanted to get back at pete for pete trying to
flirt/steal his girlfriend so he used mikey as a way to get back at pete. which means
that chris saw mikey as someone pete cared about a whole lot and someone that he
possibly had/have feelings for that were strong enough or equivalent to that of a
significant other.

nobody really knew how mikey felt about this whole situation, whether he was angry,
or upset wasn’t found anywhere. apparently, chris used these photos as a big fuck you
to those who used the word gay as an insult. as far as anyone knew, mikey and alicia
are really good friends with heychris so it’s impossible to say if this was to be taken as
a joke or not. i couldn’t find the original post but many of the comments talked about
how mikey was “outed” and variations of those types of comments. mikey and chris
seem to still be good friends as chris posted these infamous photos on his Instagram,
mikey commenting on it as well.
(pete and chris aren’t mutuals on ig, but mikey and chris and mikey and pete are so
take that with what you will?)

when pete’s nudes were leaked, mikey defended him on his myspace.

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

fucking savages…

Don’t sweat it kiddo…just look on the bright side,…you helped usher alot of young
ladies into woman-hood tonight.
secondly, would everyone leave the poor guy alone already? Everyone wonders what
drives people in bands “over the edge” or into a “meltdown”…its shit like this. How
would you like it if someone posted “risque” pics of you online. Have some tact people.
fuckin weak.
PS: Los Angeles will bury you alive

pete later thanked him, “i just wanted to take the time to thank the people who
continually stand by my side-a special thanks to and mikey way
for being amazing.”

Post-Warped Pt 2.

pete posted a string of sad livejournal entries after this.

May of 2006, Pete wrote an entry (titled friends that lay together, stay together or how
the thoughts in my head go, unfiltered) that began with this:

forgive me for not showing more remorse

apologies were never really my thing- outside of feeling sorry for myself. the last nail in
your coffin got stuck in the mail. youre gonna have to wait. until then focus on love
below the waist. they say your head can be a prison- consider this a conjugal visit.

, man-
this has taken absolutely everything out of me.

Then on pete’s birthday…

Monday, June 05, 2006

Stick around long enough and everyone becomes parody of themselves (see also: if it
could happen to the egyptians if could happen to you).

you dont hate me, you hate the part of you that is like me. i cant sit here and ride my
flaws until the end because the truth is i live the charmed life because of you and
them. we are a gang. maybe its time to disband. im not sure i am thinking clearly but i
just want you to know that i waited on you guys calls all night- they never came. i just
wanted to say i miss you or im sorry or you know something that would have meant
something to you. i would have made it poetic and memorable or at least something
you could laugh at while drifting off to sleep. always trying to relive the glory days.

i dont care how poorly these sentences were constructed or how in the light of day i
will wish i had not written them- right now i can only curse the fucking light off of this
stupid western city because it wont ever get dark enough for sleep but otherwise how
could you guide your way back here?

my head always feels warm right before i pass out, i always worry that there is
something wrong and i wont wake up or you know i will. promise me that you wont
take anything i ever say too seriously.


Friday, July 07, 2006

im so sorry, but not really. ('straighten up and die right’)

i said i want to be rebuilt like a frank lloyd wright only without all of the water damage.
or painted over like a monet only less blurry. she said “no, youre something different”.
like what? “something better”. it gave me the rush of warm blood like you see in
cartoon dogs right before their eyes pop out and all of the bells go off. my head is
spinning like a car off of an icy guardrail. show me what you are made of. your eyes
were always rolling but youd tilt your head so they were somehow always still stuck on
me (have your cake and eat it too). i feel safe but not like a bet more like the way
mothers feel when the lock the car doors in bad neighborhoods. i am blue waves
across the red rootlike veins in the bodies drawn flat in medical books. i wonder at the
way that someone can write thousands and thousands of pages about my insides.
when i met you i gave you a name- not your own- but in my head so i wouldnt ever mix
you up with anyone so ordinary- i cant tell you- but to me it meant salvation. you only
wanted reaction. but i cant be bothered. not anymore. ill see you in the spring. first pew
on the left. wear your white veil and dont forget the words. warped tour. sun drenched
days. bestfriends. new roads. so long salvation. dont worry your pretty little heads. i
am sleeping safe tonight.
These references to warped, calling warped his salvation (please shut up, shut up, I
am not strong enough) ALSO “ill see you in the spring. first pew on the left.” mikey and
alicia got married in spring of 2007. (pain, just pain)

the fraternal order of the handsome boy.

saturday, july 08, 2006

ive been watching you from breath on the inside window as you walk in from
the carcandy caned lies in red and white against clashing patterns bending in and out
of understanding.”youre the stranger ive been dreaming of”, stranger than any ive ever through a telescopic lens. when the air is clear i can see how perfect you
are for me.late at night when the city sleeps i cast a spell on youto make you think of
me the very same way i think of you.i only love how the words feel in my head when i
write them.fireworks over the can i tell you i gut people for a living.that
everything you say is likely to end up as evidence when i rewrite history.over and over everything you do reminds me of something else, someone i get
paid to be humble and arrogant at the same time,to be chased and never caught.that i
just want to stay up late and wake up early to talk to you.that i want to show you all of
my jealousy and insecurity and have you not care.youre like a light switch and i just
want to turn you on and watch them all shrink away.the words come out of my
fingertips on impulse. it is head cant keep up.i envy the comatose. i admire
the bedridden.i am addicted to the way i feel when i think of you.”im blowing smoke
rings around the moon….”i wish i was the exact opposite of how the world knows me.

posted by xo @ 3:25 PM

this post is literally titled the fraternal order of the handsome boy and that being the
name of one of the gangs that him and mikey are in, there is no doubt in my mind that
this is about mikey. ALSO THE LINE “i cast a spell on youto make you think of me the
very same way i think of you.” is similar to a line in another song deemed the petekey
anthem (band the doldrums) where the lyrics are “and I cast a spell over the west to
make you think of me the same way I think of you”

do you hear me fucking crying!!!!

Then there’s this

friday, august 11, 2006

since j.t. is bringing sexy back, i guess i am out of a job. is borders hiring?

what is the opposite of amnesia? because that is what i have.

sometimes i cant find my way around my memories.

i have to take detours.

i think you were the best one.

its like it was never really going anywhere and alot of breakdowns but really it made for
the best trip.

its strange to land here and be completely out of place.

but at the same time not really.

never really felt like i understood anything anyone was saying anywhere so how
different can this be?

its like it always was.

i have affection imprinted deep inside my head.

its why i am always on the verge of love or giving up.

or thats what i am convinced of today- tomorrow it will be something new.

dear drugstore cowboy, the chemical balance is a bit off.

its 7 am in california, 11pm in japan.

but my head is always on central standard.

how are you gonna get your way out of this one pete?

baby you are a canary and i am a coalmine.

the moon is out and its convincing me, it has me all kinds of crazy.

maybe we’ll just go to sleep and wake up on the summer sheets i grew up on.

because how could any of this be real.

“answer the phone, i know that youre home. i want to get you alone….”

The line “baby you are a canary and i am a coalmine.” Ends up being on ive got all this
ringing in my ears and none on my fingers. this implies that pete is a coalmine and the
other person (the canary) is being suffocated by him/poisoned by him. also the “11pm
in japan” line? mcr and fob were playing in japan at the time in Osaka and Tokyo.

sigh , this boy is not subtle at all and it contributes to the neverending pain of being a
hopeless romantic.

And finally

plain jane and the boy next door.

sunday, august 27, 2006

there is one single pair of eyes that could ever decode any of this.
put another “x” on the calendar. summer is on its deathbed. there is simply nothing
worse than knowing the ending- that no matter what curve balls or uphill come your
way- it still turns out the same. this year its stripes and pumps, last year it was
dancefloors and you. she keeps talking, i keep staying the same. did you ever change
your mind about someone and then just realize it was a fucking haircut. put me in a
frame on your wall, just to keep me out of trouble. i gotta say i admire bob dylan for
being honest about his new record. noone ever is. its like when the ad campaign rolls
out everyone is smiling and at their best even if they are not sure. an affectionate
friend told me everything i ever needed to know about anything.

“freeze! put down that fucking laptop!”. everything is always either digging a hole or
digging yourself out of one. and just when you have it all figured out you should just sift
through your pile of “never again”s. quite a collection. blow off the dust. im sure they
will be worth something to someone sometime. its buzzing in the back of your head
and out of your fingertips. pull back the shade- the road outside of my house is paved
with good intentions. but it is hell on the undercarriage of the car so we’re gonna have
to hire a construction crew. i wonder if anyone else thinks of you as much as i do, even

“If I should call you up, invest a dime

And you say you belong to me and ease my mind

Imagine how the world could be, so very fine

So happy together…”

a mutual misunderstanding. kaleidoscope eyes sparkle on pillows in the dark. and i

dont care what anyone thinks of that except me. put the love on hold, anticipation is on
the other line and excitement called while you were out.

imagine me and you…..

- pete wentz

Okay so some lines in this post also end up on panic at the disco’s song “the calendar”
which pete co-wrote.

Then pete posted this away message around this time as well.
I don’t really know when this was dated but pete posted this:

Fan: pete, being in love with your best friend: in or out in 2005/

Pete: same sex, definitely in. opposite sex was like so 90’s.

,,, eye emoji,


A girl got a hold of mikey’s screen name and saw that his away message was “sorry,
this is pete wentz” and then it changes to “Haha no one bleieves me” (his typo not
mine) so she decides to talk to him

valhalla boheme: why would anyone want to claim that they’re pete wentz? he has a
small penis. I know i wouldn’t want to be a guy with a small dick.

Mikey: fuck you

nobody is certain whether this was actually pete or if this response came from mikey or
pete so make it with what you will.

This is also around the time where a book called “my so-called punk” came out, where
pete tells us:

“there are hundreds of warped tour stories but theyre all either too long or too

Eye emoji , okay, sir

Also, if you’re wondering whats the deal with any of the lines that talk about “above the
waist” or “waists of pants”. Well. Pete has stated before that he is gay above the waist,
to quote him in an AP interview: “A lot of people say that I’m gay in general. I’m an
above-the-waist gay kind of guy”, and “Anything above the waist is fair game.” – just a
little something to consider.

Also during this entire period, we have nothing from mikey’s side. Well, except of
course this myspace entry that he wrote for an faq. Keep in mind that this was written,
WRITTEN. He typed it out, looked at it, posted it and looked at it again and thought
“hm, okay to keep up :)”

5) Me and pete wentz aren’t dating. We are both heterosexual males….sort of…

Okay, time for a little break.

So a lot less things were happening regarding their friendship/relationship during this
time. My chem and FOB were busy recording their albums. During the recording for
tbp, mikey temporarily left the band due to a mental breakdown. He recovered, dyed
and cut his hair and gotten lasik, losing the signature glasses.

Now, this is where we fast forward a bit to 2007.

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