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Redação medicina veterinária

I think this theme is so important, "to be a good vet you must first learn
to be a good human". I agree with this totally. To be a vet you not only take care
with the pets, animals too. And then you start thinking how they live, and think in
the nature too. In my experience, I have always loved animals,then, I grew up, and
I stared to learn more of nature , how works the industry of meat, how animals live
in the past of these years.
          To be a good human, is not only think that. Is being a honest person, who
takes care of a living being of a different species than yours. People like that
feel how a animal is suffering. It's a fact, when you start to care about, you put
a responsibility to be a better human.
          With this purpose, I have the opportunity to write about it, enter in
this summer school. And learn more about it makes me so happy. It shows how this
immerse education is so important and its worth it  try to be part of that.  We all
have the opportunity to participate in this program. I think about this theme and
how good would be learning more about veterinary medicine.
          Imagine how it's like to be a vet, I appreciate so much. They are the
kind of people who really cares about the animals and the nature. I know a lot of
people who changed their mind and their diet. They are vegan and vegetarian. I am
veggie, and I started changed because I learned more about what happens before the
meat gets on my plate. I know, nowadays, animals suffer so much. Consequently, the
environment too. The most thing that pollutes the nature, is livestock production.
Starting with global warming, with the fire on the forest, and the spending of
water to keep livestock up.
          There's a lot of things to talk about how a vet has first learn to be a
good person. It starts when you put yourself like a cow, chicken or a pig for
example. They suffer the most. If you just choose to don't eat meat for one day, it
helps the environment a lot. We all should start thinking more about the animals,
they maintain the wellbeing of the nature. Being a good person it's not just that,
it's thinking about the next one too.

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