GRADE 10 - Getting The Main Idea - W4D1

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Predicting Outcomes Grade 10 Week 5 Day 3
Predict the outcomes the text

Grade Level: __________ Section: _________________________ Date: ___________________________

Going the extra mile, going out your way, sacrificing a portion of what you have for others- Those things
don’t hurt at all, right? One thing more, it gives us a different high when we get to help others in our own little way.
But are these gestures an expression of attitude or an expression of one’s value? Okay, let me cite a few concrete
examples. When you found a lost phone and you exerted effort to identify the owner and finally hand the phone over
to the owner, friend, I tell you, that is going out of your way. You are in a jeepney together with other passengers.
Two of the passengers are a mother and her child. As the mother paid for the fare, it turned out that her money is not
enough. So, you got money from your purse which is all that you have but still shared a certain amount to her. This
time my friend I tell you, that you sacrificed a portion of what you have. Are these kind actions called attitude or
value? The answer is there on top, at the middle.
1. What can be developed to a child if he is shown the virtue of “malasakit”? He will grow up ______.
A. self- centered
B. “others” oriented
C. trend setter
D. goal- driven
2. How can the virtue of “malasakit” be best kept burning to the Filipino youths of today?
A. Show by example
B. Talk about it in class.
C. Reward them for the action.
D. Expose them to the films that talk about the topic.
3. What best defines “ malasakit” as a Filipino virtue?
A. Bayanihan
B. Volunteerism
C. Helping others
D. Concern for others
4. Why should “malasakit” be preserved as a Filipino value?
A. It promotes oneness.
B. It serves as our national identity.
C. It deepens concern for others through time.
D. It makes a person feel good about himself.
Predicting Outcomes Grade 10 Week 5 Day 3
Predict the outcomes the text

How do you let your feelings and ideas communicated? Through complete sentences, through words or through
non- verbal communication? According to Albert Mehrabian, a researcher of body language, we get to express
ourselves at 55% non-verbal, 38% vocal and 7% words. Having our thoughts expressed be it verbal or non-verbal is
very important because it allows us to send signals to other people on how and what we feel. Through our words and
body language, people can also mirror our personality which plays an important role in dealing with different people
in different places at different instances. Nobody would not want to be misunderstood. So, we must say what we mean
and mean what we say.
5. A person who expresses his ideas or feelings clearly in his workplace is more likely to _____.
A. Gain the respect of his co-workers.
B. Win the admiration of his superiors.
C. Gain the support of his co-workers.
D. Have good interpersonal relationship with his co-workers.
6. If a person is misunderstood and it is not acted upon appropriately and immediately, the issue would
be/become _______.
A. addressed
B. complicated
C. duplicated
D. resolved
7. Miscommunication is more likely to take place when _______.
A. Both parties have opposing views.
B. Both parties are willing to make a compromise.
C. When both parties openly articulate their ideas.
D. When both parties do not observe the 2-way communication process.
8. Open communication with our loved-ones, peers and fellow-workers helps promote _______.
A. Good public image
B. Impressive personality
C. Mental health
D. Strong immune system

Prepared by:

Lilibeth Dela Rosa

Teacher II

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