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Marigold Perez BSED-Math 3


Teaching is a noble profession that comes with so much responsibility and duty
towards students. Teachers do not only teach and impart knowledge but inspire and
motivate students for life and take important steps in life. They keep working to boost
the confidence of students and direct them in the right path. Being a role model to the
young ones, we as teachers should portray an image of dignity and integrity wherever
we go and whatever we do, that we should always be careful about everything we do
and act because our students see us as an epitome of good conduct.
The day before the teaching demonstration I felt so much pressure because as I
practiced the flow of my lesson plan with my sister I commit so many mistakes like I
haven’t mastered my topic to discuss, I stuttered as I utters some terms which is
needed in my discussion , my difficulties in my communication skills, my difficulties in
following the order of my plan which put me in so much pressure but I just keep on
telling myself that, “ I can do this.” And “ If others can do why can’t I?” Just to lighten the
pressure I am feeling.
On the day of my teaching demonstration I feel so tensed because I came to school
late and they were already starting. During my time of demonstration, there is a mixed
feeling that rose inside me. The feeling of excitement with a little bit of nervousness “
Chars, mas labaw gali ang nerbyos keysa sa excitement hahaha” Kidding aside, and
this feeling continues as I start my demonstration which really affects my whole
performance. I forgot to introduce my classroom rules , I forgot some questions that I
should ask my students, I did some mannerisms that I shouldn’t do in front of my
students and I really tried my best not to stutter but my mouth doesn’t go along with
me. But all in all I really enjoyed my whole performance despite the mistakes I’ve
After my teaching demonstration I’ve realized that the teaching profession is not an
easy job it takes patience, dedication, passion, and the ability to do more with less. It is
a treacherous journey often filled with just as many valleys as there are mountains. But
now I am willing to be shaped into someone worthy of respect and emulation from
people around me especially the young ones. I know this may be a tough journey
considering the different responsibilities I have as a teacher but I am willing to accept
these challenges and it is because of my desire to become a teacher. I am determined
to do more and become more. I will put into action the things that I learned and the
insights that I realized from this course in order to broaden my knowledge and hone my
talents. I am also determined to change some of my unpleasant habits and ways and
turn into desirable for the sake of setting as a good example to my students. I’ll educate
myself on what is morally correct , the character to project, and how to behave in line
with social norms. Most importantly, I am determined to do my best in order to serve
God’s people and carry out God’s purpose.

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