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Name : Rifyal Kalam Mahardhika

Class : TBI D

English Speech Text

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Your excellency, Dr.H.Mohammad Kosim M.Ag as a rector of IAIN Madura,

Respectable, all of lecturers of IAIN Madura,

Honorable, all committees of speech contest and committee of HMPS TBI,

Honorable, the chief of HMPS TBI, Mr. Daifi ,

And unforgettable all of audiences whom I love.

Firstly, let’s thank to Allah almighty, the lord of the world and the master of the judgement
who has been giving us mercies and blessings, so we can attend and face to face in this place
without any trobles and obstacles.

Secondly, may shalawat and salam always be upon to our prophet Muhammad SAW who
has guided us from the darkness to the lightness in the world till here after.

Thirdly, I’d like to say thank you very much to the master/mistress of ceremony who has
given me a time to deliver my speech in front of audiences.

Nelson Mandela ever said,”Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to
change the world”. From that quotes we can take the lesson that school is really important for
human life. And here, I am not gonna talk about education completely but here I’m gonna talk
about the role of English as a part of education to face 4.0 Era.

4.0 Era is a term often used to refer to the developmental process in the management of
manufacturing and chain production by using exchanging information, triggering actions and
controlling each other independently. In this 4.0 Era, English has been designed as an international
language, business language and technology language. Good English skills can make easier for
workforce to pursue a career more brilliantly in the 4.0 Era.

Nowadays, more multinational companies use English as the main communication tool in
conducting business in order to build strong communication between teams in various countries.
And for English language university student, aside from students being prepared to become teachers
in schools, they are also prepared to have good English skills, so it is easy to interact with the world
of work throughout the world.

As Indonesian, we might as well accept to every change in this life, including 4.0 Era. So
start from now, we are forced to learn and understand English which is very crucial in this era. In
addition, most of equipment uses English as media to give instruction, such as computer, If we
don’t know about English, we will not be able to understand the instruction of equipment. We will
look like a stupid person and we are not ready to face 4.0 Era. As a learners, we have to use our
mobile phone well, stop doing something useless that will not give you benefit and start looking for
information about 4.0 Era so that we won’t lack in knowledge and up to date issues.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Allah says in Qur’an Surah Ar-Rad [13:11] which has meaning that Allah SWT will not
change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves, and from that Surah, we
can take the point that as a human being, we must step forward and move to get a better life
whatever it takes and whatever it needs. If you don’t wanna stuggle to face 4.0 Era, of course you
will be eliminated from society and developed environment, so then you will be known as a lacking
knowledge person. For that reason, we need to learn English in order not to be left by era and to
reach better future. And we need to study hard to get success in learning English. And of course, it
won’t be easy, but not difficult as well if we want to strive.

Well ladies and gentlemen, I have to end my speech because of limited time that I get and
thank you very much for your attention. Hopefully, you can get a lesson and knowledge from my
speech, so you can get better and better life in the future. And the last, I do apologize if you found
many mistakes from my speech because no one is perfect.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

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