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Belino, Jezriel T.



Politics and the Philippine Philippine constabulary The Philippine Constabulary

National Police would eventually be
transformedinto the Philippine
2012 National Police in 1990, with the
enactment ofRepublic Act 6975
by the Philippine Congress.The
Philippine National Police at
present retains many of the
problems and issues of the old
PhilippineConstabulary, namely
that it is a highly politicised,
highlymilitarised and
institutionally corrupt.

Policing Bagong Silang Barangay Justice System Since its inception as a relocation
site in 1986, Bagong Silang has
2006 been perceived as a security
threat a hotbed of criminality
and political mobilisation.The
relocation site, a pet project of
former first lady and former
governor of Metro Manila
Imelda Marcos, was established
both to address the perceived
overflow of people in the centres
of Manila and as a counter-
insurgency strategy to break up
political organisation elsewhere
in the city. In time, Bagong Silang
grew more peaceful while not
necessarily being perceived in
less stigmatising ways as a
violent and drug-infested place.

Technological Innovations in Formal Police Agency New technological innovations

Crime Prevention and Policing have been developed to prevent
2007 crime and to improve the
performance of the police, but
we know remarkably little about
how and why certain innovations
are adopted, and the
consequences –both intended
and unintended—of technology-
driven solutions to the problem
of crime. This article provides an
examination of a wide range of
new technological innovations
that have applications in the
areas of crime prevention
generally, and crime control (by
police) in particular

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