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AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR GUIDE R-AEDI entive Sty Who is this quide for? can your business handle o Sudden Cardiac Arrest emergency? ac oh < Common Causes of Sudden Cardiac Arrest ‘CPR+AED ore keys to survival Wes 77 a) wa LE Nay) ) Install your AED in the right place Register your AED with R-AEDi The R-AEDI-PAD Incentive Scheme incentivises AED owners to register their Develop an AED Programme AEDs in the National AED Registry. which aims to increase accessibility of Maintain your AED AEDs for out-of-hospital medical emergencies FAQ FOR AED OWNERS ORGANISATIONS REGISTERING AEDS GET THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS: Annex A R-AEDI AED Owner incident Report Form Annex B R-AEDI-PAD Incentive Scheme Annex C Emergency Response Flow Chart Annex D AED Location List Annex E Monthly Maintenance Checklist Need Help? ee Ta For more SG Visit F a werd ie | 2 fe 0 CAN YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE A SUDDEN a CARDIAC ARREST EMERGENCY? Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) happens when a person's heart suddenly WHO IS THIS GUIDE FOR? stops beating. Blood cannot be pumped around the body, so other vifal This is a guide for anyone who is responsible for buying, installing and organs do not receive oxygen. maintaining Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) in a building or facility SCA can happen te anyone at any time, regardless of age or fitness level Even with fast ambulance services, the brain starts fo die shortly after the heart has stopped pumping blood fo it. Without bystander CPR and the use of an AED, survival rates will be low 21.3% (witnessed and shockabie cardiac arest cases anly*) SURVIVAL RATE “The overall survival rate is only 5.3% when non-shockable and OPERATIONS unwitnessed cardiac amest cases MANAGER ‘ore taken into account. HEALTH & SAFETY MANAGER Source: While AE, Wah W. Ong wiEH. 2071-2005 Singopore Oultef-Hospifal Cevelioc Arrest Rogishy Report. September 2017, Republic 6! Singopore. Unit lor Prehospital Emergency Care, 2017, COMMON CAUSES OF SUDDEN CARDIAC ARREST oe «4 oc @ FOREIGN BODY AIRWAY HEART ATTACK OBSTRUCTION TAME SEVERE ALLERGIC SMOKE INHALATION DRUG OVERDOSE REAETIONS 5 why Ff o i DROWNING ELECTROCUTION 6 | esmcaronereasreouMmaTiN 2015 CPR+AED ARE KEYS TO SURVIVAL A casually has the highest chance of surviving sudden cardiac arrest, if a series of actions are caried out quickly. Bystanders must recognise the condition early and call 995. CPR should be started immediately and another person should apply the AED as early os possible, before the ambulance arrives. This is called the Chain of Survival. All these actions need to be caried out in quick succession, so thot the casualty has a high chance of survival. CHAIN OF SURVIVAL APERSON’S CHANGE OF STV DCT 6% TO 74% PU SA 3-5 MINUTES Pa That is why itis important to make AEDs publicly accessible. They must also be quick and easy to find in an emergency. (G SNGAPOREHEARTFOLNOATON 28 | 7 HU ie ba INSTALL YOUR AED IN THE RIGHT PLACE AEDs must always be publicly accessible. They should be quick to find and easy to retrieve during an emergency. WHERE TO INSTALL YOUR AED ! An AED should be installed within 3 minutes reach (pick up and return at a brisk wailk/run), or approxirnately 100 metets, from common areas with hedvy foot traffic. WHERE TO INSTALL YOUR AED Install your AED cabinet at around 1,2 meters (measured from the: floor {o the keyhole) above ground level, so that the AED is within easy teach for most people. Ensure that the front of the AED can be-seen from the cabinet glass panel, so that the battery standby light is visible: Mount your AED ona wall or on floor stand, so that the AED is visible for all fo see. List a contact number for members of the public to call, if they spot a problem with the AED, DEFIBRILLATOR \ HOW 10 INSTALL YOUR AED REGISTER YOUR AED WITH R-AEDI signage should The Registry for AED integration (R-AEDi) is a collaborative initiative between the F pie fae oad Singapore Heart Foundation and the Singapore Civil Defence Force. placed al a height! where it is easily visible from afar. if the signage Is in an area with little or no natural light, installing an electric light behind the AED signage is recommended fo illuminate it clearly. Creating awareness and recruiting volunteers for the SCOF myResponder app Building a robust National Registry of publicly accessible AEDs Promoting public awareness of the Importance of CPR and AED Every AED muat be accompanied by an 71ED sign mounted above its location. We recommend placing a plastic wall mounted triangulor AED signage above every AED cabinet, to Increase visibility of he AED so that It can be found at all times. Install. light behind the signage to keep it visible during nightfall-or in dim areas, 12 |e shGarcreteaer sou By registering your AEDs with R-AEDi, you will veceive the following benetits: Free reminder senuives. for pad and battery replacement when they ore near expiry, fo ensure that your AEDs are well maintained Potextin£ a through the R-AEDI-PAD Incentive Scheme Refer fo Annex Bfor more Information. 308 DEVELOP AN AED PROGRAMME ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES The Coordinator ull: Pion for the total number of AEDs to be installed in g facility and consult with facility management during planning. Appoint a Programme Deere * Choose locations for placement of AEDs Coordinator who will be throughout the facility, in charge of the Public * Arrange for the purchase of the AEDs and their Access Defibrillator accompanying boxes and signages. (PAD) programme * Develop a site medical support plan for sudden cardiac arrest emergencies. Refer to the Emergency Response Flowchart (Annex C) as a guide when developing the plan. identify the total number of employees who will be designated first responders. Refer to the Ministry of Manpower's Workplace Safety & Health (First-Aid) Regulations* when deciding ‘on the total number of first responders. implement an AED maintenance protocol Establish a recognition programme for ‘CPRHAED trained staff and those who use their skills to save lives, Assign stoff to be Designated Fist Responders within the facility Ensure that all Designated First Responders are certified in CPR+AED and go for regular re-Cerlification once every 2 years. Ensure that all Designated First Responders conduct a briefing for building occupants on the procedures of the site medical support plan for emergencies. ‘sProvison 5. First Alciers: *S.—fl) Where more than 25 peaons ore employed in a workpface, there shal be appointed in the workpioce of frst-cicier: who shall Be recictly avaliable during working heurs such number af pecans as comptes ‘uith he rao of one Wws-alcer for every 100 persons empiayectin the ‘workplace or par thereat.” Consult R-AEDI for AED guidelines Consult the Singapore Resuscitation & First Aid Council (SRFAC) for training guidelines 14 |osn0 OF. HEART FOUNDATION 2218, Recommend standard protocol te follow rece CPR and AED ore used at the warkplace, Recommend improvements to your current emergency response based on past documented cases of cardiac arrest at the workplace Request for the AED Owner Incident Report Form (refer to Annex A) when an AED has been octivated * Recommend how Designated First Responders can create greater awareness of sudden cardiac arrest and the myResponder mobile app in the workplace - for example, add 0 CPR+AED medical response demo during fire drills. SRFUE may: * Inform all accredited Training Centres when there is a change in the SRFAC guidelines * Make recommendations on improvements or changes to your CPR+AED training programme. For free CPR awareness Classes, such as the DARE programme, email Please visit the SRFAC website for a list of all SRFAC accredited Training Centres for certified CPR+AED training programmes. BE A LIFESAVER The Singapore Heart Foundation's mission is to promote heart health, prevent and reduce disability and death due to cardiovascular disease, Hence, the Foundation aims to improve the out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arest survival rate, by equipping the community with essential cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills and creating: an environment for effective usage of the automated external defibrillator (AED). In accordance with the Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council's guidelines, the Foundation provides a one-stop training centre for all to be certified in saving lives. ‘These courses include: * CPR+AED Certification Course * CPR+AED instructor Course * Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) Certification Course * BCLS Instructor Course: * BCLS + AED Certification Course (Healthcare professionals only) * Standard First Aid+AED Certification Course GET CERTIFIED 4, yt rhe fleart NEW PARTICIPANTS: Will be glven @ GPA 3A Kit REBATE for former/ra-certification participants GORPORATE RATE for more than 30 participants SPECIAL RATE for social service organisations ~ Contact us for more information ~~ ~ @ woew, | ®, 6354 9344/71 | Singapore Heart Foundation is a Singopore Resuscitation and Fist Aid Council (SRFAC) accredited Training Centre. EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONSE PLAN Tne goal of an emergency response plan is to maximise a casuaity's chance of survival, offer a sudden cardiac arest has occurred We recommend performing emergency medical drills with fire drills, to create a working culture that is aware of sudden cardiac arrest and is able to respond quickly with the Chain of Survival in an emergency. cae rata A staff calls First Responders immediately after noticing a possible sudden cardiac orrest. After arriving on scene, First Responders should check If CPR Is needed. If needed, call 995 for the ambulance then perform CPR immediately while waiting for someone to bring an AED to the scene. When connected to the 995 operater, provide the foltawing info: - Type of emergency - Building address - Location of emergency - Further information requested by 995 operator First Responders to continue CPR+AED with other staff, until the ambulance crew omnives. See Annex C for more information. 995 14 | 2 svcaroReHeasreouNmatiN 2015 SE UE Ta ‘How to ensure your AED is always rescue-ready = GLOVES For self protection SCISSORS To cut clothes in preparation for AED RAZOR/SHAVER To shave the chest hair (if needed) for AED Teer omy iia) these items pads placement pads placement ws roce shield ‘SMALL TOWEL CPR MASK To dry off the skin for For mouth4o-mouth AED pads placement (ifneeded} (@ SHCAPORE HEART FOLNOUARON 2018 | 17 SCHEDULE REGULAR AED MAINTENANCE CHECKS Conduct maintenance checks according to the AED manufacturer recommendations or their maintenance checklist guidelines See Annex E for more information. INDICATE ALL AED LOGATIONS IN YOUR BUILDING LAYOUT PLAN Provide a summary table of all ED information together with the tayout plan. ‘The table should include the following information fields: * Date of installation * Building name * AED location description * Pad expiry date Follow the = Battery expiry date * AED vendor details ‘ring the used AED 10 your AEO vendor to Complete incident Repart retrieve tate, Send th tata to INSTRUCTIONS © tarmtsorertc Annex a + Level * Brand/Model * Serial number a = ” Check battery life with AED vendor Replace defibrillation pads See Annex D for move information. ‘TUN a bottery insertion tes, with fresh ones, Aanlaco wood supplies. \ ) Hose lid of AED and ensure tat Gheck the AED for damaged battery power is still adequate. ‘or missing parts. Emoil r-aedi: today! sg to register (e SHCAPOREHEAETFOLNOATON 218 | 19 OUT OF SERVICE AEDS For any AED that is faulty cr out of service due to used or expired parts, the OUT OF SERVICE Programme Coordinator should follow these steps: ‘The Registry for Automated External Defbotorhalegration 1. 2. J While waiting for your Remove the AED to be returned to out-of-service AED from service, place an ‘out of its display cabinet. service’ signage on the AED cabinet. See example below: a ne , eaters clataek ere acids ify R-AEDI, so that the AED lox an be reinstated In the myResponder app. All notifications can be done vi Viste Tt Rice _-AERIBRILLATOR DEFIBRILLATOR —— AgD OUT OF SERVICE aviFOC CONTACT ise Cacao AURA PAtirebyetias son ice. Email -aedi@heart. eee ni ae sents! 5; renaihent agg interim AED Lon 20 | sivcaPoReeEaerrounnaion ania f REGISTER YOUR BUSINESS FOR THE DISPATCHER-ASSISTED FIRST RESPONDER PROGRAMME TODAY! e STAY ON PUSH HARD USE AN THE LINE AND FAST AED WHATIS DARE Dispatcher-Assisted first REsponder (DARE] programme is a 45-minute simplified ‘CPR+AED hands-on training session. It is designed to be fun, interactive and educational for the public os young es 11-year old. HOW DO | REGISTER FOR ATRAINING SESSION Simply write in to or, with the following details: * number of parlicipants * preferred training date and time [subject fo availability) IS THERE ANY TRAINING FEE The DARE programme is funded by the Ministry of Health, Singapore. No training fee will be incurred. Please ensure that there is a spacious room with projector and audio system for the training. Ff cswonscmeoreresnec-one (G) eounnsinss mamswnuc D@®RE SAVE A HEART SAVE ALIFE a Registry for AED Integration 1, What Is the R-AEDI Programme? The R-AEDI Programme: is a collaboration between Singapore Heart Foundation and the Singapore Civil Defence Force. The aim of R-AEDI (Registry of AED Integration, pronounced Rend") [s te increase survival rates of sudden carciac arrest in Singapore by improving bystander CPR+AED response in an emergency. The 3 key components of R-AEDI are: 1) Creating awareness and recruiting volunteers for the SCDF myResponder app 2) Building o robust Notional Registry of publicly accessible AEDs 3) Promoting public awareness of the importance of CPR and AED 2. What are the benefits of registering my AED(s) with R-AEDI? Owners who register their AED{s} with R-AEDI, enjoy the following benefits: 1) Altee AED maintenance check-up and reminder service fo ensure that your AED remains optimum condition throughout its lfespon, 2) Partial subsidy of the cost of replacing AED parls. This is on condifion that the AED has been used outticle of your 'Duty-of-Core' area, Please see @.? for more information, 3) Recognition of your building as a ‘heartsofe' venue, where members of thé public con quickly locate the nearest AED using the myResponder mobile app. 3. | have more than one AED within my premises. Do | hove to register oll my AEDs with R-AEDI? We recommend thet all AEDs within your premises are registered with us. By doing so, you wal ing to create a comprehensive registry of AEDs for use during on emergency, In the event of a cardiac arrest emergency, SCOF telephone operators wil use this registry to direct members of the pubjic to the nearest AED. Registered volunteers using the myResponder app will ciso be referring to the registry 1o locate the nearest AED. 4, Will | be held liable if my AED maifunctions during o cardiac arrest incident? No, you wil not be liable for AED maifunctions. Most AED malfunctions are due to lack of maintenance and battery failure. To minimise malfunction, implement a preventative maintenance programme that actively monitors he health of your AED and tracks the expiration dates of AED accessories and their replacement, Owners who register their AEDs with R-AEDi can enjoy our free annual verification service, which is a safely net check for the health of your AED, in case anything has been overlooked during routine checks. We will also send owner a ree service reminder for sacs and battery replacement, 6 months befare theh n date esecarore FEGISTRY FOR AED INTEBRATION 5. Am | obliged fo respond fo all cardiac arrest emergencies that happen on my premises, offer registering my AEDs with R-AEDI? No, it s not compulsory to respond to all alerts of possible cardiac arrests. Your response is entirely voluntary. and we only encourage yau to respond when you are available and ta. do s0 within safe ond reasonable means. You may have ather urgent priorities and are unable to respond. This is understandabie, However, we encourage you to treat every alert seriously and do everything yau can to help someone else in need. Who knows, you may just save a lifel 6. How do I verify that a person's request to use my AED is mee eam eres genuine? In the event of an emergency, a registered user of the myResponder opp will be able to show proof of a ‘live! case from a pop up within the app (as pictured). It wil indicate important defails, such as: + Name of registered first responder + Address of the reported emergency + Date and time stamps of the reported incident Of course, there will be situations where a person is not a user of myResponder. In these cases, we recommend that you take the request for an AED serously and allow access ta it speedily, because every minute counts in a criss. Aso precaution, you might want a member of staff to follow the person to the emergency site, to ensure that the AED is returned after use. If you sill find it Gifficult to give a member of he public the benefit of doubt, dial 995 10 verify the authenticity of the cardiac arrest incident, before granting access to your AED. 7. What Is the best way to ensure that my AED is retumed after use? We recommend that a member of staff from your building management team goes to the: emergency site with the person who requested for the AED. Atier SCDF paramedics onive ‘and toke aver care of the cesualty, the staff willbe able to return the AED te your premises, 8. What should | do after my AED is used? The first thing ta do is 10 retrieve incident information from the defibrillator. Contact your AED vendor to download the data for you and decrypt it [IF needed). This information is not Personal details of the cardiac arest victim, but data on the casuaity’s heart rhythm or EKG. ‘ond the fime of critical events, such as when shocks are delivered. Alter obtaining the incident information, email |t to This isa necessary requirement, in arder to be eligible for any AED maintenance subsidies. The information will be used by SCDF to complete the patient's medical records and help with research on improvements to patient care. 24 | SeCAPORE HEART =OUMATION 2015 REGISTAY FOR AED INTEGRATION Next, get your AED back to a “ready state” os soon os possible, To return an AED to service, follow these steps: i) Replace the electrode pads. Contact your AED manufacturer to do so. Any pads that were attached to the casualty, connot be re-used and must be thrown away, il] Replenish medicol supplies inside the AED kit. such as disposable gloves, razors and any items that were used in the emergency. ili) Replace the AED batteries. Some batteries connot be recharged or recycled, Also, some batteries require discharging before disposal. Contact your AED manufacturer for proper instructions. You may apply for an incentive to offset the costs of returning your AED to service, Fillin the AED Owner Incident Report Form [Annex A) ahd email it to -asdi@hear.orgsg. While waiting fer your AED parts to be replaced, you may apply for a loan unit from R-AEDI, which is subject to availabilty. For more information on interim AED loans, contact us at 6354 9340 of emoil raeci@heart.crasg. 9. Does R-AEDI provide funding or subsidies for AED installation and/or maintenance? R-AEDi does not sponsor AED installations, but we provide a partial subsidy of up to $200 per payout for replacement of AED parts (that is, electrade pads and battery packs} on concition that: + AEDs owned by organisations and corporate entities were used autside the designated “Duty-of- Care" area, as defined by ine Workplace Safely and Health Act (Chapter 354A) Part WV Section 19: Duties of occupiers of common areas (1) For the purposes of subsection (2), where @ building comprises one or more workplaces, any camman properly or limited common property of the building (refered to in this section as the common Grea) which is used by persons af workin any such workplace or i used by such persons fe move through shall be tected cos port of their workplace. (2) it shait be the duty af the occupier of the common area te comply with any provision of this Act with respect fo- {0} electric generators and motors lscafed in the common area: 0) hoisls and its, iting gees, iting appliances and ifting machines located in the commen area: {el means of access info or egress from the common area: and {dj any machinery or plant located in the common area which befongs io or is supped by the owner or occupier of the common area. (3) Ip this section - “semmon property” and “limited comman property" have the same meanings as in the Building Maintenance and Strata Management Act (Cap, 30C]: “aecupler’, in relation ta. @ common area, includes the management corporation er subsidiary management corporation, es the case may be, having canirol el that common area. * Your AED was registered in the myResponder mobile application, before the event of AED use. + AED data is downloaded, decrypted (if needed) and submitted to * The AED owners not registered as on ambulance services provider or in any situation where a fee-for-service is invalved. 10. What should I do if my AED is stolen? In the rare Instance that your AED is stolen, we urge you to report the matter fa the police. If the AED & registered with R-AEDI, the AED serial number will be recorded. Should the device appear elsewhere, the ragisiry may be able to flag it up. (© SMCAPOREHEAET FOLSEATON 2018 | 25 R-AEDI AED Owner Incident Repart Form AMEE ¥ Download a copy of this form at Reference No.: il j ¥ Email this completed form to For more information, cantact 6354 9340 1. Porticulars of AED Ownert Namo: Organisation: Designation: Contact No. Emol: 2. Incident Details Incident Date": (eatimmvyyyy). Incident Timer hha ANYPM. Incident Location" CPR startet": Yes No AED oppiec™; Yes NO. Shock delivered Yes No WHY e8' please indicate the total number of shocks deliveréd Please indicate the time of fest (1s!) shock {hire AMPA Reiumn of pulse prior fo ambulance arrival Yes No W'¥e8", please indicate the time of oulse rotuin thhumm) AMVPM. 3, Casualty Detoils Nore: Gender Mole Female Age: 4, AED Responder Details Nome: Contoct Number: 5. AED Device Detalls" Brand ond Model: Serial Number AED Location Ib: 4. Cheekdist of Documents* AED Owner incident Form AED Registration with myRespander AED Summary Printout 7. Cheque payable to: (il applicable) Company stamp Nome & Signature Bote *Compultary felis tc be completed For Official Use AEDType: PAD = NonPAD «PAD Subsidy = ligihio. «= inaligbie: Processed by: Name & Signature Date 2 SmmCAPORE HEART -OUMATION 2015 ANNEX B R-AEDI-PAD Incentive Scheme A. Purpose of Incentive Scheme: ‘The R-AEDL-PAD Incentive Scheme incentivises AED owners to register their AEDs in the. National AED Registry, which aims to increase accessibility of AEDs for out-of-hospital medical emergencies. B. What Is covered in the Incentive Scheme? + AED electrode pads + AED battery packs (C. Who Is eligible for the incentive? AED owners who fulfil the following criteria may apply: 1) AED to be registered in ihe myResponder mobile application before the event of AED use. 2) AEDs owned by organisations and corporate entities are to be used outside of “Duty-of-Core" areas and nature of business, 3) AEDs owned by private individuals must be used on strangers outside af own residence. 4) AED owner is to complete the incident report form and provide the AED summary printout. 5) Success of incentive application will not be dependent on outcome of rescue attempt. D. How much Incentive will AED owners receive? The total incentive amount is capped ot $200 per payout, E. How do | apply for the R-AEDI-PAD Incentive? 1) Filin the incident report form - Annex A, 2) Obtain the AED summary printout fram your AED vendor, 3) Submit the incident report form together with the AED summery printout to F, Haw will | receive my incentive? Upon receipt of the Incident Report Form (Annex A) and AED summary printout, a cheque will be issued to the Payee os stated in the AED Owner Incident Report Form. For more information, email or contact 6354 7340, Note: As this is an ex gratia payment; Singapore Heart Foundation reserves the right ta amend or suspend of er any part of the subsdy scheme at any time, without prior natice. (e SNCAFORE HEART FOLNDATON 2018 | 27 ANNEX C Emergency Response Flowchart Check for. casuaity's responsiveness - Unconscious? Any breathing? v Coll #95 for ambulance and stay on the line - Alone? 8 v Shout fer somebody to get an AED AED orives v Second rescuer can prepare the AED and opply AED pads on ‘casually, while CPR is performed. DO NOT INTERRUPT CPR! ¥ Follow AED prompts > srosraavncr «QE v nd ae = Follow AED prompts < PR OSNOAPORTHEARTeOUNMATION 2018 ANNEX D Battery Expiry Date Pad Expiry Date install Date: Serial Number Contact Number: Model AED Location List Brand Level AED Location List Building Name y AED Vendor: 1G SNCAPORE HEART FOLNDATON 2018 ANNEX E Monthly Maintenance Checklist NEED HELP? Contact the Registry of AED Integration (R-71EDi) when you need: AED Location: Year: AED Brand / Model; — we a a eater AED Serial Number: — AED Location ID: : &) Mr vegister i A Frew veminders - Ae ie || ey 5 your AEDs with the i toreplace your battery and & oy Bae (D s 2 National AED Registry. i pads os they near their expiry. 5 . a 8 ale cosueusatnnsumenae 2 5 ® 3 5 = ees) | ele ees |e 3 S “ r Sle ele ele 22 Recommendations x 5 ¢ 8 |e | Seas 3 a 2 a 3 g ue 3 fs 5 g 2 = 5 2 on the standard protocol to follow whenever CPR and of ae < £6 6626 ¢ 6 £ @ &2 3 < AED ore used at your workplace a JAN | 1 TTT Mr daim subsidies 7 Help +o improve Ke on expendable AED parts your current emergency i (refer to Annex B for the response based on past | R-AEDi-PAD Incentive documented cases Scheme} of cardiac arrest at APR the workplace. MAY dH JUL on how your Designated First Responders can create greater awareness of sudden cardiac arest and the Aue myResponder mobile app in your workplace. skp Here's one for you right now - consider adding a CPR+AED medical response demonstration during routine fire drills. oot NOV Brought to you by | | ) Singapore On N Peer Foundation Yewseont WeCare 30 | SsmCAPORE HEART -OUMATION 2015 SUNARON 018 | 31 rd ae SAVE-A-LIFE TOGETHER A NATION OF LIFESAVERS te meceles ace ool i El sovesiitesg (OMe) Suopoting partners:

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