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QUESTION: Reflect on what you think that best illustrate your leadership

personality. Then write down and discuss your leadership and command

Philosophy. (As a PA/PMC Battalion Commander, PN Commanding Officer, PAF

TOG Commander and equivalent positions in TAS, Reservist and other

Government agencies) basing on your leadership personality as if same “will be

read in front of your Personnel.” L &CP must be clear, understandable, direct to

the point.

ANSWER NO. 1According to Simon Sinek “Leadership is about caring for those under your

care, not about taking command “This quotation highlights the significance of a leader's

duty to care for and serve their subordinates. It underlines the notion that exercising

influence and authority for the benefit of others is what true leadership is all about.

This quotation also emphasizes the value of effective communication, developing

a culture of cooperation and teamwork, and establishing trust and connections with my

subordinates. A happy and productive work environment is produced when I put my

subordinates' needs first and work to help them reach their greatest potential. This is

advantageous to all parties concerned. This quotation serves as a reminder that being a

leader is more than just holding a title or a position; it also involves having a duty to

assist and serve others around you and developing a team that is driven to succeed.

The mission is always the main priority of my leadership and command

philosophy. Since achieving the purpose is the reason we are here, everything we do

must be in service of it. I really believe in encouraging my employees to own their tasks
and responsibilities. This involves giving them the tools, instruction, and assistance they

need to properly carry out their tasks. I think that everyone deserves respect, regardless

of position or rank. I appreciate the contributions made by every team member and

promote variety of thought and viewpoint. No matter what rank or level, as a leader in

the Philippine Army   I have a responsibility to treat everyone with respect. I must

encourage variety of thought and perspective and recognize each team member's


As leader, I may create a good and encouraging environment where everyone

can develop and realize their full potential by prioritizing the needs of their team. As a

competent leader in the Philippine Army, I should be deeply committed to my nation, my

team, and my members. I ought to be prepared to make sacrifices of my own for the

benefit of others and serve as an example. In a military setting, I must make important

decisions that can have broad consequences. As a result, as a leader in the Philippine

Army I need to be capable of strategic thinking and making decisions swiftly and

effectively, especially  in high  pressure  events.

In any company, communication is essential. In a military setting, As a leader I

must be able to communicate with their subordinates, superiors, and other

stakeholders. To coordinate operations and aid affected areas, leaders in a disaster

response scenario, for instance, must efficiently communicate with their troops, other

military units, and civilian authorities. As a leader in the Philippine Army, I need to

sustain high ethical standards and possess a solid moral compass. I ought to be

truthful, open, and responsible for my deeds, providing a good example for others. I

should be capable of demonstrating empathy and sympathy toward my subordinates in

addition to being stern and disciplined. I must to be able to comprehend the difficulties

that their soldiers deal with and offer help and direction when required. I encourage my

staff to look for chances for growth and development since I think that there should be

constant progress. This entails continuing education and training, asking for criticism,

and actively looking for novel solutions to problems.

2. Yes, A person's personal growth and development, such as education, self-

reflection, and seeking input from others, can also have an impact on changes in their

leadership personality. We may become more aware of our strengths and shortcomings

as we learn more about ourselves and the world around us, and we may consciously

work to develop our leadership abilities and style.

Since our experiences, circumstances, and connections may all have an impact on

our behavior and mentality, it is definitely possible for a person's leadership style or

components of it to change over time. For instance, a person who was once very

authoritarian and severe might change after working with a team that valued these

traits, becoming more collaborative and open-minded.

I believe that it is normal for human leaders to grow and adapt through time,

especially as they gain more experience, encounter new obstacles, and take lessons

from their achievements and disappointments. As they deal with various conditions,

leaders may adjust their approach and implement fresh tactics.

Effective leaders have the capacity to shift and adapt, which enables them to

stay current and productive in their positions. It's possible for a leader's leadership style

to alter as they gain new knowledge and viewpoints. A leader's essential beliefs and
values, however, are likely to remain constant in certain important ways, such as their

dedication to their objective and their ethical standards.

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